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Diego Arenas English Teacher

Tomorrow, I will drive my new motorcycle, then I will phone my best friend and finally I will read my favourite novel.

Subject + will + verb + complement Examples: He will play tomorrow They will study French in two years. I will travel to Spain next Sunday.

Subject + WILL + verb

Look at those black clouds! It will rain.

I will be rich one day.

To make the negative we just add not to the previous formula or replace will by wont Subject + will + not + verb + complement

I will not do your homework.

They wont fight tomorrow

Will + Subject + verb (base form) + complement+ ?

Will you study with me?

Will you study with me? No, I wont or Will she dance with me? Yes, she will. No, she wont. Yes, I will.

She is pregnant. She will have a baby.

I am little hungry. I will have a sandwich.

I wont go out tonight. I am too tired.

Dont worry. I will help you with your homework.

You will be rich

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