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BUFFER1 Ar H=1 C=12 N=14 O=16 Na=23 Mg=24 Ca=40 S=32 1.

Campuran that form a buffer solution is a mixture of numbers ... 1. 1. HCl + NaCl 3. HCl + NaCl 3. HCN + Ca(CN)2 5. HCN + Ca (CN) 2 5. NH4OH + NH4Cl NH4OH + NH4Cl 2. 2. NH4OH + NaCl 4. NH4OH + NaCl 4. HCN + NaOH HCN + NaOH 2.Larutan penyangga (buffer) dapat dibuat dengan mencampurkan larutan-larutan.... 2.Larutan buffer (buffer) can be made by mixing the solution, the solution .... 1. 1. asam formiat dan natrium formiat 4. formic acid and sodium formic 4. asam asetat dan natrium nitrat acetic acid and sodium nitrate 2. 2. asam nitrat dan natrium nitrat 5. nitric acid and sodium nitrate 5. natrium hidroksida dan natrium klorida sodium hydroxide and sodium chloride 3. 3. amonium hidroksida dan amonium klorida ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride 3.Jika 0,2 mol CH3COOH (Ka CH3COOH = 2.10-5 dicampur dengan V ml larutan CH3COONa 0,1 M diperoleh 3.Jika 0.2 moles of CH3COOH (Ka CH3COOH = 2.105 V ml solution mixed with 0.1 M obtained CH3COONa larutan dengan pH = 9 +log 3. solution with pH = 9 + log 3. Maka harga V sama dengan .... V equal to the price .... 4.Jika 4,48 liter gas NH3 ( Kb NH3 = 2.10-5 ) dilarutkan dalam 500 ml larutan (NH4)2SO4 0,2 4.Jika 4.48 liters of NH3 (NH3 Kb = 2.10-5) was dissolved in 500 ml solution of (NH4) 2SO4 0.2 M maka pH larutan yang terjadi sama dengan.... M then the same pH that occur with .... 5. 5. Berapa gram CH3COONa yang harus dilarutkan dalam 200 ml larutan CH3COOH 0,5 M ( Ka = 2.10-5 ) How many grams of CH3COONa that must be dissolved in 200 ml of 0.5 M CH3COOH (Ka = 2.10-5) supaya diperoleh larutan dengan pH = 9,3 ?.... in order to obtain a solution with pH = 9.3 ?.... 6.Jika Ka HA = 2.10-6 maka berapa pH larutan campuran 200 ml larutan HA 0,1 M dengan 50 ml Ka 6.Jika HA = 2.10-6 then how the pH of solution mixture of 200 ml of HA solution with 50 ml of 0.1 M larutan NaOH 0,1 M ?.... 0.1 M NaOH solution ?.... 7.Untuk menghasilkan larutan buffer dengan pH = 9 maka perbandingan volume larutan HCN 0,1 M ( Ka 7.Untuk generate buffer solution with pH = 9 then the volume ratio of 0.1 M solution of HCN (Ka HCN =4.10-6 ) dan larutan Ca(CN)2 0,1 M sama dengan.... HCN = 4.10-6) and the solution of Ca (CN) 2 0.1 M together with ....

Menghitung pH Buffer (Larutan Penyangga) Sebelum dan Sesudah Ditambahkan Asam atau Basa Calculating pH of buffer (Buffer Solution) Before and After Acid or Base Added
Buffer atau disebut juga sebagai larutan penyangga adalah larutan yang dapat mempertahankan pH sutau larutan. Buffer dibuat dari asam lemah dengan garam dari basa konjugasinya atau basa lemah dengan garam dari asam konjugasinya. Buffer or also known as a buffer solution is a solution that can maintain the solution pH sutau. Buffers are made from a weak acid with a salt of conjugate base or weak base with a salt of conjugate acid. Untuk menghitung pH larutan buffer maka kita bisa menggunakan persamaan handerson-haselbach. Apabila larutan buffer tersebut ditambahkan asam atau basa, maka secara stoikiometri kita harus menghitung berapa konsentrasi masing-masing spesies setelah bereaksi. To calculate the pH of the buffer then we could use the equation of Henderson-haselbach. If the buffer solution were added acid or base, then we have to stoichiometrically calculate the concentration of each species after reacting. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. Consider the following example. Contoh Soal-Belajar Kimia Example Problem-Learning Chemistry Larutan buffer dengan volume 2.10 L mengandung 0.11 mol asam propionat ( CH3CH2COOH ) dan 0.10 mol natrium propionat ( CH3CH2COONa ), jika Ka asam propionat adlah 1.310 -5 maka: 2:10 volume of buffer solution containing 12:11 mol L propionic acids (CH3CH2COOH) and 12:10 mol sodium propionate (CH3CH2COONa), if he go round propionic acid 1.3 10 -5 then: 1. Hitung pH larutan buffer tersebut Calculate the pH of the buffer solution 2. Tentukan pH larutan buffer tersebut setelah ditambahkan 0.04 mol NaOH Determine the pH of the buffer solution after addition of NaOH moles 0:04 3. Tentukan pH larutan buffer tersebut setelah ditambahkan 0.02 mol HI Determine the pH of the buffer solution after addition of moles HI 00:02 Penyelesaian-Belajar Kimia Settlement-Learning Chemistry Gunakan persamaan handerson-haselbach untuk menghitung pH buffer/larutan penyangga Use the equation of Henderson-haselbach to calculate the pH of the buffer / buffer solution

Konsentrasi asam propionat dan natrium propionat dihitung sebagai berikut Concentration of propionic acid and sodium propionate is calculated as follows [CH3CH2COOH] = 0.11 mol / 2.10 L = 0.052 M [CH3CH2COOH] = 0.11 mol / L = 0052 M 2:10 [CH3CH2COONa] = 0.10 mol / 2.10 L = 0.047 M [CH3CH2COONa] = 12:10 mol / L = 0047 M 2:10 pKa = log Ka = -log 1.310 -5 = 4.89 pKa = - log Ka =-log 1.3 10 -5 = 4.89 dengan mengganti nilai yang diperoleh pada persamaan handerson-haselbach diatas diperoleh by replacing the value obtained in the above equation Henderson-haselbach obtained pH = 4.89 + log ( 0.047/ 0.052 ) pH = 4.89 + log (0047 / 0052) pH = 4.85 pH = 4.85 Sebanyak 0.04 mol NaOH ditambahkan ke dalam larutan buffer tersebut, maka NaOH ini akan bereaksi dengan spesies asam yang terdapat di dalam buffer tersebut yaitu asam propionat ( NaOH adalah basa dan asam propionat adalah asam sehingga kedua spesies ini akan bereaksi ), reaksi penetralannya di tulis sebagai: A total of 0:04 mol NaOH was added to the buffer solution, the NaOH will react with acidic species contained in the buffer, which are propionic acid (NaOH is a base and propionic acid is an acid so that the two species would react), the reaction penetralannya in writing as : CH3CH2COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) - CH3CH2COONa(aq) + H2O(l) CH3CH2COOH + NaOH > CH3CH2COONa + H2O (aq) (aq) - (aq) (l) > 0.11 0:11 0.04 0:04 --0.04 0:04 -0.04 0:04 0.04 0:04 0.04 0:04 0.04 0:04

awal initial reaksi 0.04 0:04 reaction setimbang 0.07 0:07 equilibrate

[CH3CH2COOH] setelah reaksi = 0.07 mol / 2.10 L = 0.033 M [CH3CH2COOH] after reaction = 0.07 mol / L = 0033 M 2:10 [CH3CH2COONa] = 0.14 mol / 2.10 L = 0.066 M [CH3CH2COONa] = 0.14 mol / L = 0066 M 2:10 dan pH buffer setelah penambahan 0.04 NaOH and pH of buffer after the addition of NaOH 0:04 pH = 4.89 + log ( 0.066 / 0.033 ) pH = 4.89 + log (0066 / 0033) pH = 5.19 pH = 5:19 Apa yang terjadi bila larutan tersebut ditambahkan 0.02 mol HI ? What happens if the solution were added 0:02 HI mole? Di dalam buffer terdapat spesies CH3CH2COOH

dan CH3CH2COONa, lalu dengan siapakah asam iodida (HI) ini akan bereaksi? Inside there are buffers and CH3CH2COONa CH3CH2COOH species, and with whom acid iodide (HI), they will react? Ingat HI adalah asam kuat sehingga akan terionisasi menjadi ion H + dan I - , ion H + akan bereaksi dengan anion CH3CH2COO (dari CH3CH2COONa) membentuk CH3CH2COOH. Remember HI is a strong acid so it will be ionized into H + ions and I -, H + ions will react with the anion CH3CH2COO - (from CH3CH2COONa) formed CH3CH2COOH. Asam propionat adalah asam lemah sehingga dia lebih suka dalam bentuk tak terionisasi ( CH3CH2COOH ) dibandingkan bentuk terionisasinya ( CH3CH2COO - dan H + ). Propionic acid is a weak acid so that he would prefer not ionized form (CH3CH2COOH) compared terionisasinya form (CH3CH2COO - and H +). H + + CH3CH2COO (aq) + (aq) H+ CH3CH2COO (aq) (aq) awal initial 0.02 0.10 0:10 0:02 reaksi 0.02 0.02 0:02 reaction 0:02 setimbang - 0.08 0:08 equilibrate - CH3CH2COOH(aq) > CH3CH2COOH (aq) > -0.02 0:02 0.02 0:02

Konsentrasi masing-masing spesies setelah bereaksi dihitung sebagai: The concentration of each species after the reaction is calculated as: [CH3CH2COONa] = 0.08 mol / 2.10 L = 0.038 M [CH3CH2COONa] = 12:08 mol / L = 0038 M 2:10 [CH3CH2COOH] = ( mol mula-mula + mol hasil reaksi ) / volume [CH3CH2COOH] = (moles of initial reaction products + mol) / volume [CH3CH2COOH] = (0.11+0.02) / 2.10 = 0.062 M [CH3CH2COOH] = (0.11 +0.02) / 2.10 = 0,062 M pH = 4.89 + log ( 0.038 / 0.062 ) pH = 4.89 + log (0038 / 0062) pH = 4.68 = 4.68 pH

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