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Unit 2 Lesson 2 Student Notes for Reading Activity Organization and Functions of the Nervous System A.

. Organization of the Nervous System 1. The central nervous system Structural component of the nervous system. 2. Peripheral Nervous System Structural component of the nervous system. 3. Autonomic Nervous System Functional component of the nervous system. B. The functions of the nervous system 1. Orients the body to internal and external environments. 2. Coordinates and controls body activities. 3. Permits the assimilation of experiences requisite to memory, learning and intelligence. 4. Programs instinctual behavior. C. Neurons and Neuroglia 1. Neurons structural and functional cell of the nervous system; also called a nerve cell a. Cell body the enlarged portion of the neuron that more closely resembles other cells; contains a nucleus with prominent nucleolus and the bulk of the cytoplasm b. Dendrites branched processes that extend from the cytoplasm of the cell body; respond to specific stimuli and conduct impulses to the cell body c. Axons the second type of cytoplasmic extensions from the cell body; also known as a nerve fiber 2. Neuroglia glial cells; the six categories are neurolemmocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal, ganglionic, and neurolemmocytes. 3. Myelination the process in which a neurolemmocyte or oligodendrocyte surrounds a portion of the axon or dendrite to provide support and aid in the conduction of impulses. D. Classification of Nerves and Neurons

1. Sensory or afferent neurons sensory receptors; sensory impulses originate here 2. Motor or efferent neurons motor impulses originate here 3. Association or interneurons located between sensory and motor neurons; are founds within the spinal cord and braing

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