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Name: alamgir younis ansari REG:2071047

Human Resource management Submitted to : Sir. sikandar aziz

Topic : how has the global village contributed to the need for diversity awareness in our organizations? NATIONAL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & ECONOMICS

Organizations were working with the UNICULTURE environment, uniculture refers to the society or environment were persons living or working in the organizations having same language ,dressing and eating. In short having same norms and social values .

The organizations were in to it, they have to apply one policy and it was applicable to all the persons working in the organizations ,its all due to uniculture environment .e.g Pakistani uniculture if some policy is made that can be applicable to Pakistanies they can easily accept that .But later on , due to the emergence of technology and the modern working environment the development of Telecommunication and internet which fastens the way to communicate more then before.

This gives a thinkable point to the organizations that first they werelimited to some area ,because if they extent themselves they may lack control due to absence of Communication but when this technology came this was a new turn o the Business world as many organizations can now expand themselves and can establish some communication . The two factors cost of labour and cost of raw material if a company control these factors it can be in the strong competition otherwise its out of the competition as the cost will increase so Organizations shifted their production houses and there warehouses to those areas or countries where the Rawmaterial and Labour were cheap because it was easy to control now thats why many organizations

have shifted their production and factories to CHINA and its knows as the factory of the world .

The organizations shifted themselves as per e.g Nike shifted themselves to U.A.E and china their productions houses and expand almost in all the world or organization like PEPSI AND COCACOLA did exactly that the telecommunication network organizations expanded themselves .When this happens one organization is operating 70 percent in USA , 20 percent in china and 10 percent in U.A.E the people of china worked in that organization ,the people of U.A.E worked in the organization and in U.A.E there are Pakistanies , Arabs, Indians etc

then the working environment of the organization will not be uniculture it will have work diversity environment or Multicultural environment ,the awareness was deeply created when the one policy was not applicable to the whole organization the policy may not suit Chinese and other culture people so in this way the

GLOBAL VILLAGE concept the era of fast communication in which you can gather at one place with the world at one time ,faster communication created the diversity awareness in the organization that there are now more and more people into the organization belonging to different races , classes and with different culture and traditions so there has to be a way to manage it .Global village created the need for the diversity awareness and it can be very useful with brilliant ideas as we see the technology is advancing day by day


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