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Cat in the Hat Activity

Author(s): Ali Kirtley, Karli Priestley, Katie Recer Revision Date of Lesson Plan (if applicable): Not Applicable Overall Goal for the Lesson: The students will watch the iMovie video of the teachers reading the story. Following the reading, the class will accurately follow step by step directions in making the Oreo hats. Description of classroom, grade level, and students: We will teach this lesson in a special education mild/moderate classroom K-2nd. It will be a classroom with approximately 15-20 students. Student Objectives for the lesson. (Given a condition, the students will, to what level). Given a set of directions, the students will accurately follow instructions in order to create the completed project. Length of Lesson: (minutes, number of class periods, or days or weeks needed). The lesson will take 45 minutes to an hour of one school day. Schedule of Activities: (Break down your activity into a timeline of events. Focus on what students will be doing and what teachers will be doing during each part of the activity.) 8:50a: Teacher introduces Cat in the Hat unit and book. 9:00a: Students begin Imovie presentation. 9:20a: Teacher introduces the Oreo cookie hat activity. 9:25: Students follow directions and make their own Dr. Seuss Oreo cookie hat. 9:45: Students will be allowed to eat Oreo hat snack. CC Standards Addressed
Oral Language/Listening and Speaking: The student will demonstrate thinking skills in listening and speaking. Standard 1: Listening - The student will listen for information and for pleasure. 3. Follow one- and two-step directions.

ISTE Standard 1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. d. identify trends and forecast possibilities. Assessments: How will these activities be assessed? (Go back to your objectives, what will the students do? Make sure that each objective is paired to an assessment measure that allows students to show it). The teachers will assess the students by looking at the final project. Looking at the project allows the teacher to see if the student accurately followed the step by step instructions. Accommodations: How might the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs? Allow student to follow along with iMovie in an actual copy of a book. Student will receive a step by step instruction sheet with pictures included to aid them in making the activities. Teacher can help student at any time. App to be used for lesson (if applicable): If the child needs to physically see the instructions being given, we will use abcNOTES app to design a fun checklist for them to follow. Materials Needed: Go through each activity and identify what items (both technology and not) are needed to complete this lesson. Include a breakdown according to individual student or student groups. Include materials that need to be created as well. We will need a lot of materials including iPad, iMovie, abcNote app, educreation, Cat in the Hat, projector or smart board, pictures, checklist, Oreos, frosting, gummy lifesavers, and napkins.

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