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Child: Faiza Date: 13th August 2013 Written by: Teacher Natasha Kia ora/As-salam alaykum Faiza and

whnau, Wow Faiza, you were very busy outside this morning! As soon as you came outside you noticed a range of the coloured hula hoops hanging up high around the playground. Loudly you pondered why they were hanging up high, asking Teacher Bushra, followed by speculating with your friends. It was then decided it looked kind of like a basketball hoop, so off you went looking for a ball to test this theory. OH-NO! The hoops were too high for the ball to reach, but you knew they could fit. One of your friends suggested using the red crates to give you extra height when throwing the ball. You agreed, and quickly climbed on top. You were uncertain of how you were going to throw the ball without losing your balance on the red crate. After a few moments you decided to give it a try, jumping then throwing the ball!

Recognizing the learning Well done Faiza, through being playful and curious you communicated your thoughts and feeling with clarity and precision while actively exploring the uncertain. Your courage, trust and perseverance allowed you to achieve, challenging your eye-hand co-ordination and gross motor skills while creating working theories around gravity, cause and effect, trajectory, force, energy, motion, air pressure and percentage. By being involved in this experience you also had to use a range of social skills as well as innovating, creating and imagining, ka pai!

Where to next? Faiza I can see you have a wide range of social strategies and always listen carefully to your friends. Therefore I would like to now focus on other ways for you to innovate, create and imagine within a group as we further explore these science concepts you have begun to discover.

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