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s w e N K d n TK a

September 6, 2013
In our class this week We had a wonderful first week of school. It is so nice to be back and we have a wonderful class this year! This first week of school we spent a lot of time learning our classroom and school rules and procedures. Our class also discussed our classroom clip chart behavior system and practiced fire and tornado drills. The TK and K kids began lessons in readers and writers workshop and learned about the letters Aa, Bb, and Cc this week along with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 and the shape circle. We made a fun circle craft and monster glyph too! These are on display in the classroom. Stop by and see them!

A Peek at the Week

Next week we will continue with a quick overview of the letters Dd-Hh and continue to learn about the numbers 1-5. In religion we will talk about creation and in science begin discussing how we use our five senses to help us as scientists.

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Dates to remember Open house at 6:30 on Tuesday, September 10 Regional Mass at St. Therese in Wayland. The whole school will attend. Picture Day is on Friday, September 20.

Extra Information We do not have a drinking fountain in our classroom this year, but do have a sink, so you may send along a water bottle with your child and they can have them in the classroom. They can fill them up when needed and have access to drinks when they need them. I will send them home at the end of each week to be washed.

Thank you for all your support!

Mrs. Angie Mulder 269-793-7204 2 of 2

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