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This is Daniel Dodd. Daniel is 2 years old. When he was just 4 months old Daniel was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. This is a type of childhood cancer which requires chemotherapy and radiotherapy. During the past 22 months Daniel has endured months of treatments and hospital stays. Daniel has been a little fighter and his family were hopeful that he had responded to his chemotherapy and his treatment was coming to an end. Sadly, just a few weeks ago the family received the devastating news that Daniels cancer has returned with little hope of a full recovery.

Daisy Mayne and Lillie Sardar will be taking part in a 5 mile swim on Friday 4 October 2013 at DW Sports gym in order

to help the Pure Warrior Team in raising money to make Daniels dream of meeting his hero Buzz Lightyear come true by sending him and his family to Disneyland Paris. We want to create as many fond memories as possible for Daniel and his big brother Michael, aged 4. Please sponsor our swim and help us make a difference. Help us make dreams come true.


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