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Joyous Expansion presents:

Increase Your Joy!

How to increase your JOY and energize your
MANIFESAIONS !y writing Joyous
Intentions in " Easy Steps
#y #rett $upree
% &'(' !y #rett $upree) *ttp:++www),oyousexpansion)co-+
A.. rig*ts reser/ed
a!.e o0 1ontents
Power of Words.......................................................................4
Intentions as Prayers...............................................................5
Intentions as Mind..................................................................7
Two Types of Intentions..........................................................9
Steps to Write ny !a"ing #uter Intention.........................9
W$at If Intention %eels Too &ig...........................................'7
Inner Core Intentions............................................................'(
Inner Ways of &eing Intention..............................................)*
Tips for writing intentions....................................................)*
W$at to +o fter Writing Intentions....................................)'
,o %ort$ and Intend!.............................................................))
%irst -y reading t$is -oo. and t$en -y following t$roug$ wit$ t$e /oyful
intentions you write0 you will -ring positi1e 2$anges to your life. 3ou will
-e a!a"ed t$at so!et$ing as s!all as writing intentions t$at -ring a s!ile
to your fa2e 2an $a1e a $uge i!pa2t on your life. &y writing /oyous
intentions0 a2tions will get easier0 ideas will flow0 syn2$roni2ities will
appear and !ira2les will o22ur.
t one ti!e0 I was trapped in !y own prison of fear. I was una-le to $a1e
2on1ersations wit$ wo!en0 spea. for !yself0 -e $onest wit$ ot$ers and
!yself0 $a1e !eaningful relations$ips0 and feel li.e I 2ould -e !y true self.
I /ust did not feel 2o!forta-le in !y own T$ere wasn4t a lig$t at t$e
end of t$e tunnel. I felt $opeless and t$at I would die alone wit$ no
!eaningful 2onta2t in !y life. My $uge fear of a-andon!ent was stopping
!e fro! -eing t$e person t$at I .new I wanted to -e. I was not a $appy
2a!per. T$en0 at t$e age of )50 I de2ided to free !yself fro! !y prison of
fear. #f e1eryt$ing I tried0 not$ing ga1e !e !ore $elp wit$ as little wor. as
writing /oyful intentions. fter I started writing intentions t$at -roug$t a
s!ile to !y fa2e0 !y life started to align. I was a-le to s$ow !y true self
and people started to see t$e real !e. 6ow I li1e a !u2$ $appier life. &y
using /oyous intentions0 I $a1e !any friends0 !eaningful 2onne2tions and
2an tal. wit$ strangers and use !y fears for growt$. I went fro! -eing
afraid of 2$ange to -eing e72ited a-out t$e future.
I a! e72ited a-out your future! 8sing /oyful intentions0 you will noti2e
a!a"ing 2$anges in your life. life of /oy -eats a /oyless one0 in any
lifeti!e on any planet. T$an. you for in2reasing t$e /oy in your life and
! t$is world a -etter pla2e for all.
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2ower o0 3ords
Words $a1e power. T$ey are $ow we 2o!!uni2ate wit$ people and
oursel1es. Words are one of t$e !ost i!portant 2on2epts in our li1es0 yet
!any people say t$ings wit$out t$ of t$eir !eanings.
We !a.e intentions all of t$e ti!e. Most intentions t$at we set up are
un2ons2ious. W$en we say t$ings su2$ as0 :Traffi2 is going to su2. today0;
:T$is !eeting is going to -e -oring0; :I will ne1er $a1e enoug$ !oney0;
;My life su2.s0;0 :ll of t$e good !en are ta.en; or :t$is party is not going
to -e fun0; we are t$ose words to -e2o!e reality. T$ey are t$e
t$oug$ts t$at we t$in. w$en we are not paying attention. T$is is t$e reason
t$at !any of us li1e life stu2. in traffi20 at -oring !eetings0 in a life t$at
su2.s0 -ro.e0 !eeting great !en w$o are ta.en or in t$e 2orner at a party.
<1eryt$ing t$at we see around us was on2e a t$oug$t.
Intentions as 2rayers
<1eryt$ing in t$is uni1erse is energy and e1eryt$ing $as a 1i-ration. Two
t$ings in t$e sa!e 1i-ration tend to attra2t ea2$ ot$er. T$is is t$e -asis for
t$e =aw of ttra2tion. T$e =aw of ttra2tion is .nown as t$e law of t$e
uni1erse w$ere t$oug$ts -e2o!e t$ings. 6ot$ing in t$is world e7ists t$at
was not first a t$oug$t. T$ere are !any -oo.s on t$e =aw of ttra2tion wit$
!any different t$eories on w$at it is e7a2tly. %or t$e -asis of t$is -oo.0 t$e
=aw of ttra2tion is a way to as. t$e 8ni1erse for w$at we want to !anifest
into our reality. T$e 8ni1erse is t$e sour2e of all life. T$e 8ni1erse is !ade
up of 1i-rational energy. 3ou !ay su-stitute your word used for di1ine
-eing for t$e 8ni1erse in t$is te7t.
Intentional prayers are e!otion -ased. >ow you feel a-out your intentions
affe2ts $ow t$ey are attra2ted into your life. T$ere are two types of
e!otions? t$ose t$at feel good and t$ose t$at feel -ad. T$e -ad e!otions we
feel a-out our goals are resistan2e. W$en you are in a resistant state it is
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$arder for t$e goals to :get out of your drea!s and into your 2ar.; T$e
-etter you feel0 t$e !ore you will -e in 1i-rational $ar!ony wit$ w$at you
want to attra2t.
&asi2 steps of t$e =aw of ttra2tion@
'. Set your intention
). ,et in 1i-rational $ar!ony wit$ your intention
3. 2t fro! inspiration
#ne of t$e 2riti2is!s of t$e =aw of ttra2tion is t$at it is /ust so!eone
wis$ing for t$eir intentions to 2o!e true. T$is 2o!es fro! people w$o
didn4t pay attention to t$e $it !o1ie The Secret. 2tion was not t$e fo2us of
t$e !o1ie0 -e2ause t$e fil!!a.ers4 2entered on t$e 1isuali"ation aspe2t of
t$e =aw of ttra2tion. It is not /ust wis$ing for so!et$ing and waiting for
your s$ip to sail into port. It is setting your intention0 feeling t$e -est you
2an a-out it0 and t$en a2ting fro! t$e inspirations.
T$e purpose of t$is -oo. is to tea2$ you to set your intentions in a way t$at
in2reases your 1i-rational $ar!ony wit$ your intentions. W$en you are
done wit$ t$is -oo. you will understand and $a1e learned $ow to write your
intentions in a /oyful way. W$en you read your intentions and t$ey !a.e
you feel -etter your 1i-ration raises. W$en you are in 1i-rational resonan2e
wit$ w$at you desire0 you are !ore li.ely to attra2t w$at you desire into
your life. <1er noti2e t$at w$en you feel -ad people w$o feel -ad tend to
s$ow up in your lifeA W$en you go to a party noti2e $ow si!ilar people
tend to find ea2$ ot$er in t$e 2rowd. T$ese situations are e7a2tly t$e sa!e.
T$e $appier you are0 t$e $ig$er you 1i-rate. Situations t$at 1i-rate at a
$ig$er freBuen2y t$en 2o!e into your life. Ci-rations range fro! t$e
e!otion of depression to0 one of t$e $ig$est feelings0 /oy. 8sing intentions
in a /oyful !anner will in2rease your le1el of /oy. T$en t$e ite!s and e1ents
t$at are in 1i-rational $ar!ony wit$ /oy will -e attra2ted to you. Daising
your 1i-ration to /oy wit$ w$at you want will $elp attra2t t$e intentions t$at
you desire and easier. &y raising your 1i-ration0 you ta.e inspired
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T$in. a-out going to t$e gy!. T$in. a-out $ow long it is going to ta.e0
$ow !u2$ you do not li.e e7er2ising0 $ow tired you will -e0 $ow !u2$
ti!e it will ta.e0 and any ot$er negati1e t$oug$t a-out going t$e gy!.
W$en you are t$ t$is way noti2e $ow !u2$ $arder it is to go into
a2tion. 3ou will $a1e to use your will power to get your la"y sad -utt to t$e
6ow t$in. a-out going to t$e gy! in a positi1e way. T$in. a-out $ow fit
you will -e0 $ow people 2o!ple!ent your -ody0 $ow !u2$ you lo1e at yourself in t$e !irror0 $ow good it feels to !o1e your -ody0 $ow
!us2le ! you younger0 and $ow your life will -e !u2$ -etter if you
go. 6oti2e $ow t$ t$is way $elps get your young 1i-rant -uff self to
t$e gy!.
T$e -etter you feel a-out any a2tion t$e easier it is to a2t.
Intentions as Mind
T$e definition of intention is :a 2ourse of a2tion t$at one intends to follow;
or :an ai! t$at guides a2tion? an o-/e2ti1e.; Setting intentions will allow
you to -ring a-out0 deter!ine and a2t in a positi1e and 2ons2ious way.
1ast !a/ority of our daily fun2tions are un2ons2ious. #ne reason I 2an
type t$is -oo. so fast is I do not $a1e to plan out ea2$ a2tion needed for !e
to type t$e letters needed to !a.e a word. I /ust t$in. of a word and !y
fingers type it for !e. T$ere are !any si!ple a2tions you do un2ons2iously
su2$ as wal.ing0 eating0 and T$ere are also !any $arder a2tions
you 2an train yourself to do un2ons2iously li.e riding a -i.e0 dri1ing a
1e$i2le and dri--ling a #ur un2ons2ious !ind is 1ery good at
w$at it does and is 1ery powerful.
T$e -eautiful part of your un2ons2ious !ind is t$at you 2an train t$e
un2ons2ious a2tions and feelings t$at do not $elp you into ones t$at do.
T$ere are ti!es w$en we pi2. up $a-its t$at fulfill our !o!entary needs.
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>a-its su2$ as -iting your finger nails0 s$utting down w$en a stranger tal.s
to you0 eating a tu- of i2e 2rea! to fill yourself0 and to forget.
T$ese $a-its usually e7ist to prote2t oursel1es fro! $ar!. 6ow t$at you
reali"e t$ese $a-its no longer ser1e you0 it is ti!e to let t$e! go. 9ettison
t$ose un2ons2ious -eliefs and forge new ones t$at ta.e you in t$e dire2tion
you want to go. Writing /oyous intentions will reprogra! your !ind to
2reate useful $a-its t$at ser1e you.
T$e un2ons2ious !ind is !u2$ li.e a 2o!puter t$at runs progra!s. W$en
you are in a 2ertain situation a progra! will run. T$e a2tions of t$e progra!
2o!e fro! instan2es in your own life. T$e un2ons2ious !ind !
de2isions %or e7a!ple0 you are in a situation w$ere you see a
wo!an w$o is 1ery $ot and you want to go up to tal. to $er. fter a few
!o!ents you finally !uster up t$e 2ourage and go to $er and say :>i0 $ow
are youA; S$e /ust got du!ped -y $er -oyfriend0 /ust wants to -e alone at
t$is !o!ent and will get a little t$rill at ! a !an feel as -ad as s$e
does rig$t now and tells you in t$e !eanest way to ta.e a $i.e.
away you feel -ad after -eing s$ut down in su2$ a !ean way. 3ou !a.e t$e
de2ision to ne1er feel t$at way again. 3our un2ons2ious !ind listens to your
desire to ne1er feel t$at way and 2reates a progra! t$at will prote2t you.
6ow you do not $a1e to wait to get ner1ous w$en to an attra2ti1e
!e!-er of t$e opposite se7. To prote2t you0 your un2ons2ious !ind 2reated
an auto!ati2 progra! t$at in2reases your ner1ousness w$en you see an
attra2ti1e wo!an. 6ow at t$e !e!-er of t$e opposite se7 you
want to tal. to will spawn instant ner1ousness.
Setting an intention is li.e uploading a new progra! into t$at 2o!puter.
Telling t$e -rain e7a2tly $ow you want to a2t or w$at you want in your life
will 2reate a se2ond progra! for your un2ons2ious -rain to run.
%or e7a!ple0 you want a -rand new 2ar at an a!a"ingly low pri2e. Setting
t$e intention for t$is will allow your un2ons2ious !ind to wor. wit$ you
rat$er t$an against you. Instead of noti2ing t$e 2ars t$at are too e7pensi1e
and reinfor2ing t$e idea t$at you 2an4t afford a new 2ar 0 your un2ons2ious
!ind will s$ow you !ore a1enues w$ere your desired out2o!e 2an $appen.
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Setting intentions is training t$e !ind for su22ess. T$e un2ons2ious !ind
will now -e on t$e loo.out for t$is new 2ar. T$en you will noti2e t$at t$e
2ar you /ust -oug$t is e1eryw$ere. T$e 2ars $a1e always -een t$ere. 3our
fo2us is now on t$e type of 2ar you $a1e. T$e input of your 2ar is suddenly
i!portant to your -rain and it points t$e 2ars li.e yours out to you. :=oo.
t$at 2ar is /ust li.e !ine.; ,i1ing your -rain progra!s for su22ess will $elp
it point out situations w$ere you will -e su22essful. :Wait0 t$ere is an
opportunity t$ere0; is w$at your -rain is going to start telling you w$en you
gi1e it t$e proper intentions.
wo ypes o0 Intentions
T$ere are two types of intentions0 outer intentions and inner intentions.
#uter intentions are t$ose t$at you want to -ring into your life fro! outside
of yourself. #uter intentions are t$e t$ings and e7perien2es t$at you want to
$a1e. T$ey 2an -e t$ings li.e 2ars0 signifi2ant ot$ers0 -usinesses0 2areers0
and !oney. T$ey 2an also -e t$ings t$at are not p$ysi2al su2$ as
.nowledge0 2larity0 edu2ation0 ideas and e1en ti!e. #uter intentions are
anyt$ing t$at you 2an gain.
Inner intentions are t$ose t$at you want fro! inside yourself. T$ere are two
types of inner intentions. Inner 2ore intentions are t$ose at t$e 2enter of
your outer intentions. %or e7a!ple0 wanting a new 2ar 2an -e -ro.en down
to a sense of fun and freedo!. <7a!ples of inner 2ore intentions fro! your
new 2ar intention are $appiness0 2ourage0 fun0 freedo! and se2urity. W$en
you -rea. down w$at you want in your outer intentions you will noti2e t$at
t$ere are feelings t$at you desire fro! t$e outer intention.
Inner way of -eing intentions are t$e ways you want to s$ow up in t$is
world. T$ey are $ow you want to rea2t to 2ertain situations or feel w$en
2ertain e1ents $appen. <7a!ples of way of -eing intentions are
un2onditional lo1e0 responsi-ility0 patien2e and /oy.
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Co!-ining -ot$ outer and inner intentions will -ring great a-undan2e into
your life. 3ou will $a1e t$e t$ings and e7perien2es t$at are fun to $a1e wit$
t$e inner awareness and well -eing to en/oy t$e! to t$eir fullest.
Steps to 3rite An A-azing Outer Intention
Step (: 4now w*at you want)
It is o-1ious to .now w$at you want. ,oing to a restaurant and /ust saying0
:&ring !e anyt$ing.; will get you anyt$ing. &e spe2ifi2 as possi-le in w$at
you want.
It 2ould -e a new 2ar0 $ouse0 $ealt$0 2areer0 et2. It 2an -e anyt$ing t$at is
tangi-le in t$is world t$at you desire to -e a part of your reality.
<7a!ple@ I want a new car.
Step &: #e speci0ic wit* t*e i-portant detai.s)
T$e -alan2ing a2t in writing intentions is writing t$e! to -e /ust spe2ifi2
enoug$. Writing intentions t$at are too spe2ifi2 2an ta.e so!e of t$e /oy out
of reading t$e! and redu2e t$e ways for t$is intention to 2o!e into your
reality. It is i!portant to write down t$e details t$at are 1ery i!portant to
you. !issing detail will !a.e it feel t$at you did not get w$at you
intended. lso .eep in !ind t$e end date for t$e intention. <nd dates are
optional? I only re2o!!end t$e! if t$ey are i!portant for t$e intention.
T$e !a.e0 !odel or gas !ileage of t$e 2ar 2an -e i!portant to you. W$at
e72ites you a-out t$is outer intentionA
<7a!ple@ By June 2010, I want a new car that gets excellent gas mileage.
Step 5: 6et to t*e !otto- .ine
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>ere is a se2ret a-out life. 3ou do not a2tually want anyt$ing. T$is is t$e
trut$. 3ou do not want t$e t$ing t$at you are for. 3ou want t$e
feeling t$at is -e$ind t$e t$ing. s. yourself0 :W$at feeling would I get
w$en I $a1e t$is t$ingA; is a good way of adding !ore /ui2e to your
T$is is also adding t$e w$ys to your intention. It is i!portant to .now w$y
you want su2$ an ite!. W$en you .now t$e w$ys0 you 2an figure out any
s per t$e e7a!ple0 as. yourself :W$y do I want a new 2arA W$y do I want
e72ellent gas !ileageA If I a! dri1ing down a street wit$ a 2ar t$at gi1es !e
e72ellent gas !ileage0 w$at does t$at !a.e !e feelA;
<7a!ple@ By June 2010, I want a new car that is fiscally responsible an
reuces my carbon footprint.
Step 7: 3rite as i0 you a.ready *a/e it)
Writing as if you already $a1e t$e intention is gi1ing power to your
intention. It t$e intention fro! writing fro! a pla2e of t$e
ite! to one of feeling t$e a-undan2e of $a1ing t$e ite!.
Ta.e away words li.e want0 intend0 $ope0 to -e0 and new. Say0 :I want a
new 2ar.; 6ow say0 :I a! dri1ing a new 2ar t$at gets e72ellent gas
!ileage.; T$e se2ond one /ust feels -etter. It is a2ting as if your intention is
already true. &y doing t$is you set up your 1i-ration to -e in $ar!ony wit$
t$e 2ar and your un2ons2ious !ind to noti2e t$e i!portant details t$at -ring
t$is 2ar into your reality.
It is also i!portant to write it in t$e present tense. Writing in t$e present
tense tells yourself t$at you already $a1e w$at you are !anifesting. If your
!ind -elie1es t$at you already $a1e it0 getting it will -e so !u2$ easier. at a 2ar and t$ t$at you will -e dri1ing it soon0 your !ind
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will -e t$ of reasons you 2annot dri1e it yet. at t$e 2ar you
want and telling yourself t$at you are dri1ing t$at 2ar will 2ause your -rain
to t$in. of ways to !a.e t$at into a reality.
<7a!ple@ I am ri!ing my new car that is fiscally responsible, while
reucing my carbon footprint.
Step 8: 9e-o/e negati/es and *idden negati/es 0ro- t*e intention)
De!o1ing negati1es .eep t$e intention forward !o1ing. Writing intentions
li.e :I do not want -a2. pain0; is sending an intention into t$e 8ni1erse t$at
you do want -a2. pain. <1ery word in your intention $as power. >a1ing t$e
word pain in t$e intention -rings power to your pain.
It is also !ore fun to say0 :I want a $ealt$y -a2..; >ealt$y -a2.s do not
$a1e -a2. pain.
It !ay not -e a good idea to in2lude :I want a $ealt$y -a2. t$at is free fro!
pain.; or :I want a $ealt$y -a2. t$at feels li.e it did -efore t$e a22ident.; It
is !y preferen2e and I re2o!!end a1oiding referen2ing pain or a22idents.
>owe1er0 t$ese types of intentions $a1e wor.ed for so!e people.
$idden negati1e is a word t$at sounds li.e a good word to add and
a2tually 2reates a sense of la2. in your intention. >idden negati1es are
words su2$ as new0 !ore0 and !any. Words t$at a2tually point out t$at you
do not $a1e t$e! now. %or instan2e saying0 :I $a1e !ore 2lients; is saying
t$at rig$t now you do not $a1e enoug$ 2lients so you want !ore. T$is
2reates an energy of not $a1ing enoug$ 2lients. It will set your 1i-ration in
not $a1ing enoug$ 2lients and progra! your un2ons2ious !ind to loo. for
not $a1ing enoug$ 2lients.
<7a!ple@ I am ri!ing my car that is fiscally responsible an reuces my
carbon footprint.
Step :: Add excite-ent)
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T$is step is w$ere you truly add feeling into an intention. 3ou want your
-ody to s$a.e wit$ e72ite!ent w$en you read or t$in. a-out t$is intention.
3ou want to -e a-le to s2rea! t$is intention off of !ountain tops. t t$e
1ery least you want to giggle a little w$en you read your intention.
W$at e72iting feelings do you want fro! t$is 2arA >ow do you want to feel
w$ile dri1ing itA W$at feelings do you want in your new -usinessA Words
li.e a!a"ing0 /oyfully0 -eautifully0 passionately0 and energi"ing wor. well.
not$er way to add e72ite!ent is to add words t$at allow t$e intention to
2o!e easily into your life. T$e p$rase :easily and effortlessly; is good to
add to any intention t$at $as a feeling of $ards$ip. Many people feel t$ey
are 2$allenged -e2ause t$ey -elie1e t$at $ard wor. is reBuired to re2ei1e.
T$is is true in !any areas of our 2ulture as s$own -y t$e saying0 :6o pain?
no gain.; T$e :easily and effortlessly; 2lause e7ists to wor. t$roug$ t$is
story0 t$us 2reating gain t$roug$ no pain.
#ne way to find a $idden negati1e is to -e aware of w$at -ad feelings t$is
intention awa.ens. Ta.e t$at feeling0 gi1e it a word and e72$ange it wit$ t$e
opposite word. %or instan2e0 if finding 2lients feels $ard0 add :easily; to
your intention. If !ar.eting is s2ary0 add :/oyful.; If out is toug$0
add :energi"ing.;
<7a!ple@ I am "oyously ri!ing my wonerfully beautiful car that is fiscally
responsible an reuces my carbon footprint.
Step ": End t*e intention wit* a das* o0 aweso-e) ;Optiona.<
T$is is w$at I 2all :<!eriling up; an intention. I!agine we are ! an
intention pot roast. So!eti!es it is good to loo. for a spe2ial ingredient and
:Ei2. it up a not2$. &M!; T$is is your little das$ of aweso!e.
dding a das$ of aweso!e is optional -e2ause so!eti!es it /ust does not fit
all intentions. Trust yourself to .now w$et$er or not you want to add t$is to
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your intention. I would not add one to t$e e7a!ple t$at I a! using. If I were
to .i2. t$e 2ar intention up a not2$0 I would write t$e following@
I am "oyously ri!ing my wonerfully beautiful car that is fiscally
responsible an reuces my carbon footprint, while I am li!ing my ieal
<7a!ples of a das$ of aweso!e are -ro.en up in two 2ategories
A< =et go to a *ig*er inte..igence)
=etting go to a $ig$er intelligen2e is t$e -elief t$at you .now w$at
you want and t$e 8ni1erse .nows w$at you need. T$is also $elps to let go
of t$e intention. ,etting an intention to wor. is a 2o!-ination of strong
desire and a-ility to let go of t$e intention. It !ig$t sound 2ounterFintuiti1e
to -ot$ want so!et$ing and -e willing to let it go. T$is is a way of saying to
t$e 8ni1erse t$at you lo1e it un2onditionally. >olding onto t$e intention too
strongly is li.e going to a restaurant0 pla2ing an order and 2onstantly
t$e waitress w$en your order will -e ready. T$at is /ust going to get you spit
in your food. It is li.e saying0 :I want a new 2ar. I do not $a1e a new 2ar. I
want a new 2ar. I do not $a1e a new 2ar. I want a new 2ar. W$ere is !y new
2arA; T$is .eeps singing t$e song of w$at we do not want instead of at w$at we do want. I suggest two different ways to !a.e su2$ a
state!ent. dding a p$rase to your intention t$at lets go to a $ig$er
intelligen2e allows your desires to 2o!e into your e7isten2e. Wit$out
letting go0 so!et$ing t$at you did not t$in. a-out w$en writing t$e
intention !ig$t re!ain $idden fro! you. =etting go allows you to -e open
to new awareness and you !ay find an a1enue to gain w$at you desire in
ways t$at you would not $a1e t$oug$t of -efore. 3ou are allowing t$e spa2e
for w$at you want to 2o!e into your reality in !any ways0 instead of /ust
>or so-et*ing !etter?
dding t$e p$rase :or so!et$ing -etter; releases t$e a2tual intention and
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turns it o1er to t$e 8ni1erse to gi1e you w$at you a2tually want. Many
people $a1e pro-le!s for w$at t$ey want. Instead t$ey as. for w$at
t$ey feel t$ey deser1e. If you are t$at type of person0 :or so!et$ing -etter;
allows you to let go of t$e responsi-ility of worrying a-out for too
T$is p$rase also adds an ele!ent of $u!ility to t$e pro2ess. It is li.e saying0
:I pro-a-ly do not .now w$at I want and I defer to t$e 8ni1erse to .now
w$at is -est for !e.;
>and it doesn@t -atter)?
T$is p$rase is one I $eard fro! Mar. &lair0 a friend w$o is a s$a!an and
runs an intention 2ir2le. T$e -eauty of :and it doesnGt !atter; is t$at it lets
go of t$e intention 2o!pletely s$owing ulti!ate un2onditional lo1e towards
t$e 8ni1erse and gi1ing up t$e idea t$at $a1ing t$is t$ing will !a.e you
not$er e7a!ple is gi1ing a -irt$day list of gift ideas to your parents.
8n2onditional lo1e for your parents is to -e $appy wit$ w$ate1er t$ey gi1e
you -e2ause t$e a2t of gi1ing is w$at is i!portant. If your parents saw
so!et$ing t$ey t$oug$t you would li.e and got you so!et$ing t$at is not on
t$e list0 un2onditional lo1e !eans it doesnGt !atter. It is t$e sa!e wit$ t$e
8ni1erse. T$e intention is w$at you are sending to t$e 8ni1erse and t$e
lo1e it gi1es you -a2. is w$at !atters.
T$is also answers t$e Buestion0 :W$at if I donGt get w$at I as. forA;
So!eone in $ea1y de-t t$at as.s for finan2ial independen2e will $a1e t$e
underlying 1oi2e saying0 :nd if I donGt get t$is0 IG! s2rewed!; Setting t$e
tone of :IG! s2rewed; w$en t$ey are reading t$e intention. T$is state!ent
re!o1es t$e underlying -egging and desperation t$at !ay -e in t$e
intention and gets in t$e way of its !anifestation. 3ou are fine -e2ause0
$onestly it doesnGt !atter.
#< Joy0u. Additions
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9oyful additions are a way to add e1en !ore /oy to your intention. W$en
you are reading your intention and feel t$at it is !issing so!e /oy0 you
!ig$t want to in2lude one of t$ese /oyful additions.
>w*i.e .i/ing -y idea. .i0e?
T$is tells t$e 8ni1erse t$at you aren4t atta2$ed to t$e outer intention.
W$ate1er $appens you are fulfilled wit$ t$is intention or wit$out it. s it
says in t$e &i-le0 :%or w$oe1er $as0 to $i! !ore s$all -e gi1en and $e will
$a1e an a-undan2e? -ut w$oe1er does not $a1e0 e1en w$at $e $as s$all -e
ta.en away fro! $i!.; Mar. 4@)5.
>and co-p.ete.y !eyond -y i-agination? and >!eyond -y
#ne t$ing I $a1e noti2ed w$en people write t$eir intentions is t$at t$ey
$a1e a tenden2y to not as. for too !u2$. T$ey $a1e resistan2e to $a1ing
!ore in t$eir li1es. >owe1er0 t$e wonderful 8ni1erse t$at we li1e in does
not $a1e any su2$ li!its. It is our stories t$at 2reate li!its. T$ese two
state!ents allow you to -e open to t$ings -igger and -etter t$an w$at you
are willing to as. for at t$at !o!ent. T$ese state!ents offer ways to not
feel guilty for It is #E? It is our little se2ret.
T$ese two state!ents also e7ist for intentions w$en you want so!et$ing
grand and you do not .now e7a2tly w$at it is. 3ou !ay $a1e an idea of
w$at you want0 $owe1er you /ust 2annot put your finger on it.
T$ey 2an also -e used w$en you $onestly do not .now t$e -est 2ourse of
a2tion and are open to !ore t$an you -argained for. If you e1er write an
intention on a-undan2e0 I suggest using one of t$ese two p$rases.
>and so it is?
:nd so it is; is telling yourself t$at t$e intention is true and it is 2o!ing. It
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is reinfor2ing t$e fa2t t$at you $a1e raised your 1i-ration and progra!!ed
your 2o!puter to -ring t$is intention into your life.
>w*ere no -an *as gone !e0ore?
I put :w$ere no !an $as gone -efore; into one of !y intentions -e2ause it
!ade !e laug$. It $as a 2ertain sense of ad1enture and also allows your
intention to ta.e you to pla2es you $a1e ne1er drea!ed. It is a good p$rase
to use if you want to -e open to your life to a pla2e w$ere you are
-eyond t$e 2urrent wisdo! or reality. #ne of !y fa1orite sayings is t$at0
:If one !an 2an do it0 t$en so!eone else 2an.; 8sing t$is intention will
in2rease t$e -oundaries of all !an.ind and allow us to go to pla2es we $a1e
only i!agined -efore and pla2es t$at are too -ig to e1en i!agine. 8se t$is
p$rase sparingly.
>0or t*e !ene0it o0 a.. !eings?
:%or t$e -enefit of all -eings; is one t$at is !ost often used for inner
intentions. T$e !ore you s$ow up in t$is world and gi1e your gift0 t$e !ore
you are -enefiting e1eryone. T$is world needs you to -e t$e -est you t$at
you 2an -e.
3*at I0 Intention Fee.s oo #ig
T$ere !ay -e a 2ase w$ere you will find yourself -eing in a spa2e w$ere
you 2annot0 no !atter w$at0 get to t$e point of feeling -etter wit$ your
intention. If you .eep reading your intention and no !atter $ow !u2$
positi1e spin you put on it0 you still feel a -ig :6#; inside of you0 do not
despair. 3ou do not $a1e to drop your intention. T$ere are a few words you
2an add to your intention t$at will allow you to .eep it.
:I a! open to;0 :I a! $opeful for; and :WouldnGt it -e ni2e if; are
state!ents you 2an $ad to your intention to ta.e away t$e pressure of
getting t$e! done. It is i!possi-le for your dou-ts to argue t$e fa2t t$at you
In2rease 3our 9oy! www./oyouse7pansion.2o! Page '7
want to -e2o!e so!eone w$o is open to your intention. %or instan2e0 if you
are a person w$o 2annot e1en tal. to t$e !e!-er of t$e opposite se70
$a1ing an intention a-out -eing a !agnet of lo1e !ig$t -ring out a -ig
:6#; w$en you read your intention. T$is ! t$e intention a2tually
detri!ental to you as you feel worse e1ery ti!e you read it sin2e you are
/ust re!inding yourself $ow !u2$ you are not w$ere you want to -e.
Writing0 :I a! open to -eing a se7ual !agnet of lo1e; is not as -ig of a
state!ent and is a step in t$e rig$t dire2tion. If0 at t$is point0 you are getting
a -ig :6#; t$en you are not open to t$e intention. 3ou 2an write t$e
intention to /ust -e open and t$at -ig :6#; will -e re!o1ed. If0 for so!e
reason0 you still get a -ig :6#; w$en reading t$e intention using one of t$e
t$ree open state!ents0 t$en /ust sta2. t$e! :#pen to -eing open to0;
:$opeful for -eing open to0; or :wouldnGt it -e ni2e if I was open to.;
<1entually you will -e to t$e point w$ere you 2an ta.e off t$e de-igafiers
and you will /ust -e0 for e7a!ple0 t$e se7y !agnet of lo1e t$at you always
wanted to -e.
Finis*ing ouc*es
Dead t$roug$ your intention a few ti!es. Depeat ea2$ step wit$ your
intention and !a.e sure t$at step is fulfilled. 6oti2e $ow you feel w$en you
are reading your intention. Ma.e sure you feel -etter a-out your intention
after you read it. 3ou .now you $a1e it down w$en you s!ile w$ile reading
it. 3ou .now you $a1e $it a $o!e run w$en t$e intention ! you laug$.
T$e !ost i!portant part of writing intentions is t$at you feel -etter reading
t$e!. So !a.e sure you feel -etter w$en you read your intention.
Inner 1ore Intentions
Inner 2ore intentions are intentions t$at are w$at we really want. It is w$at
is left after 2utting away t$e 2$aff. Cars0 !oney0 tele1isions0 relations$ips
and $ouses are t$ings t$at we desire to feel so!et$ing. It is t$e so!et$ing
t$at we want to feel fro! t$e outer intention t$at is t$e inner 2ore intention.
>a1ing a ni2e 2ar 2ould -ring a sense of freedo!0 feeling of self wort$ or
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Writing inner 2ore intentions 2losely follows t$e pro2ess used for outer
intentions. T$e !ain differen2e is t$at w$en starting t$e first step0 you do
not stop until you get to a 2ore feeling. 3ou 2ontinually as. yourself0 :W$at
would $a1ing t$is do for !eA; or :W$at -enefit a! I getting fro! t$isA;
=et4s use t$e 2ar as an e7a!ple. W$y do I want a new 2arA I want a new 2ar
-e2ause !y old 2ar is old and slow. W$at -enefit a! I getting fro! dri1ing
a new and faster 2arA I a! getting t$e -enefit of $a1ing ni2e t$ings and not
$a1ing to worry a-out it down. W$y do I want to $a1e ni2e
t$ingsA I want ni2e t$ings -e2ause it feels good to $a1e ni2e t$ings. W$at
-enefit do I $a1e for $a1ing ni2e t$ingsA I get t$e -enefit of feeling
W$y do I want to not worry a-out it downA I want to not worry
a-out it down0 -e2ause I li.e to dri1e worry free. W$at -enefit do I
get fro! going to pla2es worry freeA I get freedo!.
T$e nugget of a-undan2e and freedo! are perfe2t for ! Inner Core
I will go t$roug$ t$e steps wit$ freedo!.
Step '@ I want freeom.
I state w$at I really want@ freedo!.
Step )@ I want to feel free in my life while I am oing actions.
I add spe2ifi2 details of w$at and w$en I want fro! t$e feeling of freedo!.
Step 3@ I want to li!e full of freeom so I can act from a place of inspiration
an achie!e my goals.
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>ere I get to t$e -otto! line. I want !y life to -e full of freedo! as I want
to feel freedo! all of t$e ti!e. I also get to w$at I !ean -y a2tion and w$at
e7a2tly I want fro! !y a2tion.
Step 4@ I am li!ing full of freeom, where my actions come from inspiration
as I am achie!ing my goals.
T$is step is w$ere I -ring !y intention to life. I write as if I a! already
li1ing in freedo! today.
Step 5@ I am li!ing full of freeom, where my actions are from inspiration as
I am achie!ing an learning from all my goals.
So!eti!es I will not a2$ie1e !y goals. >owe1er0 I still want to feel
freedo! w$en !y goals are not !et to !y e7pe2tations. To re!o1e t$e
$idden negati1e I add :learning fro!; sin2e I will still feel good if I learn
so!et$ing fro! a goal I did not a2$ie1e.
Step 5@ I am "oyously li!ing full of freeom, where my actions are from
inspiration as I easily an effortlessly achie!e an learn from goal to goal.
I added so!e words t$at e72ite !e. I lo1e /oy0 so I added t$e word H/oy.;
Step 7@ #or the benefit of all beings, I am "oyously li!ing full of freeom$
%y actions spring naturally from inspiration as I easily an effortlessly
achie!e an learn from goal to goal.
I added t$e intention to do t$is for t$e -enefit of all -eings0 as t$e !ore free
I a! t$e !ore free people will -e a-le to -e around !e. If I s$ow !y
friends and fa!ily $ow free t$ey 2an -e fro! !y e7a!ple0 t$en I a!
-enefiting t$e! too. If t$ey also li1e wit$ !ore freedo!0 !y friends and
fa!ily will s$ow !ore people and !y intention will $a1e a ripple effe2t.
Inner 3ays o0 #eing Intention
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9oyous <7pansion inner ways of -eing intentions are intentions t$at you
find -y a way you want to li1e and $ow you want to s$ow up in t$is world.
T$ese intentions are not so!et$ing you 2an $a1e? t$ey are only ways you
2an -e.
Most of t$e inner ways of -eing intentions are found in spiritual or
!oti1ational -oo.s. T$ey also 2an -e found in t$e ways you want to treat
people. not$er way to dis2o1er your desire for an inner intention is to loo.
at a way you do not want to li1e and flip it. n e7a!ple of t$is is worrying
too !u2$. way to flip worrying too !u2$ into a way of -eing intention is
to trust t$at e1eryt$ing will wor. out or trust t$at you 2an $andle anyt$ing
t$at 2o!es your way.
<7a!ples of inner ways of -eing intentions are intuition0 un2onditional
lo1e0 forgi1eness0 $onesty0 integrity0 /oy0 trust0 responsi-ility0 and
ips 0or writing intentions
'. ,et yourself in a pea. state -efore writing your intentions. W$en you
are $appy it is easier to t$in. $appier t$oug$ts. T$erefore0 getting
yourself in a $appy state will $elp you write $appy intentions.
T$ of $appy !e!ories or parts of your life t$at you are grateful
for are good ways to !a.e yourself $appier.
). >a1e an intention -uddy. Creating intentions wit$ a friend will $elp
you .eep on tra2. of writing intentions. +oing t$ings wit$ a friend is a
lot !ore fun. >a1ing !ore fun writing your intentions will energi"e
your intention writing pro2ess.
3. Start or /oin an intention 2ir2le. W$en you are surrounded -y ot$ers
w$o are fo2used on i!pro1ing your life it is easier to t$in. of ways to
i!pro1e your life. Desonan2e is w$en t$e 1i-ration of an o-/e2t
2auses anot$er o-/e2t to start 1i-rating. 3ou 2an see t$is in front of
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you if you $a1e two -ells or turning for.s. If you ring one -ell and
$old t$e ot$er -ell 2lose to t$e ringing -ell it will start to !at2$ t$e
ot$er -ellGs 1i-ration. T$is sa!e t$ing $appens wit$ people. Surround
yourself wit$ people w$o are $appy and writing good intentions0 and
you too will -e $appier and -etter at writing intentions. lso $earing
ot$er peopleGs intentions is a great way to dis2o1er w$at you want in
your intentions.
4. Create a writing routine. >a1ing a routine to write intentions will .eep
you on t$e pat$ of -eing a 2ons2ious 2reator.
5. Create a intention spa2e. Writing intentions in t$e sa!e spa2e will
!a.e it easier to write as your -rain will asso2iate writing intentions
to sitting in t$is spa2e. T$e energy of t$is spa2e will also in2rease as
you write your intentions out to t$e 8ni1erse.
5. Meditate -efore writing your intentions. Training t$e !ind to write
intentions will allow you to get into a tranBuil state w$ere you 2an
find it easier to write your intentions.
3*at to $o A0ter 3riting Intentions
T$ere is no rig$t or wrong a2tion to ta.e after you write your intentions.
3ou 2an do anyt$ing fro! putting t$e! away in a -o7 to reading t$e!
e1ery day. Dead your intentions at least on2e as reading t$e! aloud will add
!ore power to your intentions. 3ou will -e de2laring to yourself and to t$e
8ni1erse t$at t$is intention is now true.
If you are a person w$o wants to -e one and done0 I suggest 2reating a ritual
w$ere you do a2tions t$at !ean so!et$ing to you. 3ou 2an -urn your
intentions on a full !oon0 -ury t$e! in t$e eart$0 put t$e! in an intention
s2rap-oo. or a -o7 !ar.ed :Magi2 Intention Manifestation -o7.;
If you want to read t$e! e1ery day or put t$e! on a wall to re!ind yourself
w$at you intend0 t$en I suggest you 1isuali"e yourself as if t$e intention is
already true. To start0 wor. on /ust one intention per wee.. Dead your
intention and 1isuali"e stepping into t$e trut$ of your intention. 6oti2e $ow
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li1ing as if your intention is true feels0 s!ells0 loo.s0 sounds and e1en
tastes. +o t$is for t$ree !inutes w$en you wa.e up in t$e !orning and
t$ree !inutes w$en you go to sleep at nig$t. +oing it in t$e !orning will
set your !ind on t$e rig$t pat$ in t$e !orning0 t$us ! sure your day
will !a.e your intentions 2o!e true. t nig$t w$en you sleep your -rain is $ard to -etter understand w$at $appens during t$e day and it is
also finding 2reati1e solutions for your pro-le!s. +oing it at nig$t will $elp
use your -odies natural -rain regeneration state to $elp -ring your
intentions into a reality.
6o Fort* and Intend!
T$an. you for reading t$is -oo.. I loo. forward to you li1ing a !ore /oyful
life as you are 2reating and t$en li1ing your /oyous intentions. 3ou will -e
li1ing a $appier0 !ore 1i-rant and fulfilling life using your /oyous
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If you $a1e an intention to s$are send it to intentionI/oyouse7pansion.2o!.
&y doing so you are agreeing to wa1e your rig$t to t$e 2opyrig$t of your
intention and I will s$are !y fa1orites on !y -log.
Spiritual =ife Coa2$ &rett +upree
Deal 2$ange 2o!es fro! fro! t$e inside out. T$e ideas t$at 2o!e
fro! fro! t$e inside are t$e inspirations. wit$ your
inspirations is in spirit. Coa2$ing wit$ !e will allow you to li1e
your 1alues and spiritual lessons in e1eryday life. If you -een to a se!inar0
saw a spee2$ or read a -oo.0 in2luding t$is one0 t$at 2$anged your
perspe2ti1e0 you .now $ow $ard it is to li1e t$at perspe2ti1e in t$eir
e1eryday life. wit$ !e we will eli!inate t$e ru--er -and effe2t t$at
2an $appen after your s$ift in 2ons2iousness.
Conta2t !e today for a free Intention Ignition 3* !inute one on one
2oa2$ing session. Toget$er we will e7pose your -lo2.s and energi"e your
intention !anifestations.
9ust send your na!e0 p$one nu!-er and intentions to
intentionI/oyouse7pansion.2o! to get started today!
Cisit !y we-site@ $ttp@JJwww./oyouse7pansion.2o!
%ollow !y Twitter@ $ttp@JJwww.twitter.2o!J/oyouse7pansion
9oin !e on %a2e-oo.@ $ttp@JJwww.fa2e-oo..2o!J/oyouse7pansion
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If you want !ore 2larity on t$e su-/e2t of writing /oyous intentions0 loo. out
for !y -oo. wa.en@ 8sing 9oyous Intentions to =i1e 3our Trut$. In t$is
-oo.0 I will go e1en deeper into t$e e7planation of t$e intention writing
pro2ess. I will also s$are a syste! t$at you 2an use to -ring e1en !ore /oy
into your life.
Inspirations for t$is -oo.@
s. and It is ,i1en -y <st$er and 9erry >i2.s
T$e Intention <7peri!ent -y =ynn M2Taggart
=i1ing <2stasy -y Satyen Da/a
T$e Power of Intention -y Wayne +yer
T$in. and ,row Di2$ -y 6apoleon >ill
&udd$aGs &rain@ T$e Pra2ti2al 6euros2ien2e of >appiness0 =o1e and
Wisdo! -y Di2$ >anson P$.+. nd wit$ Di2$ard Mendius
>appy %or 6o Deason -y Mar2i S!inoff
Mar. &lair t$e Corporate S$a!an
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