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It is clear that the main images in the poster are the image of Leonardo DiCaprio and the shutter

island. The island appears small in comparison to his character, implying the outcome of the film that it is unknown whether or not Shutter Island is real or all a figment of Teddys imagination due to a disorder.

Shutter Island

The lighting and colour choice for the poster is dark, with only aspects of Teddys face highlighted. The dark colours and also the weather being rain are signifiers for the dark themes in the film and the uncertainty of the outcome.

An extreme close up of Teddy is used on the poster, so the audience are unable to see his entire face. This creates a sense of intrigue for the audience, and adheres to the mystery of the films storyline.

The sea surrounding the island is evident in the poster. This implies the ever flowing mentality that is on the island, and the fact it is in the middle of the ocean suggests that this mentality is permanent, whether it be Teddys mind or the patients on Shutter Island.

The font of the title is in a bold red form. This connotes the anger and violence in the film, and the fact it is in bold implies the strong insanity of some of the patients on the island. The films main characters name Leonardo DiCaprio is placed just above the title. This enhances the promotion of the film, as he is a worldwide, popular and successful actor.

By the facial expression of Teddys face it is clear that Shutter Island is not a happy film. The tense theme created from Leonardo DiCaprios threatened face suggests to the audience that the film is not lighthearted and mystery and intrigue is involved.

It is interesting that the anchorage text has been placed over Teddys face. This creates a sense of disorder in the film and uncertainty. The chosen line someone is missing implies various meanings to the audience. One being that someone on the island is missing or that someones sanity is missing once visiting the island.

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