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Colton Soffe


Course Prefix Number--Section


Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this General Education class? It is important to keep yourself physically active for your whole life. If you make sure to practice lifelong wellness then chances are you will be well for your whole life. Though out a life lived, living based off of lifelong wellness will be a well lived life.

2. How would you apply this information to your life? I will do my best to apply this information by practicing lifelong wellness. After all, as stated above it is clearly and most definatly the most important thing, the reason for taking a rock climbing class.

3. What is your intention to continue to practice what you have learned in your life and why? The skills that I have learned in this rock climbing class are skills that I do plan on using. I will continue to us them, as I go rock climbing three to four times a week anyway.

4. General ideas for improving this course? The class was perfect. But I will be honest in saying that I do not see the value in an EPortfolio. It does not apply to the class in anyway.

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