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Andrea Swa


hlac--1145--Bowling (lw)
Course Prefix Number--Section


Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this General Education class? What I learned about this course and lifelong wellness is that excersise is important. Taking bowling taught me that excersise can be fun. I also learned all about all the rules about bowling and the history behind it.

2. How would you apply this information to your life? Everyone has to excersise to stay healthy. I can apply this to my life by using bowling to excersise. Not only my body but my brain as well. Bowling also helps me to better my balance and focus.

3. What is your intention to continue to practice what you have learned in your life and why? I intend to continue bowling with my friends and family. Also I can utilize the techniques that i learned in class to make bowling more fun and competitive. I enjoyed learning about this class and bowling in general. I can say that I am a bowler now because I know what I am doing.

4. General ideas for improving this course? I would not change anything about this course. I loved the teacher and the enviroment, as well as my classmates. It really changed my view on bowling. I would recommend this course to anyone.

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