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Systematization Experiences Project identification Experiences name Tradition and celebration of holiday, specifically Thanksgiving Day.

. It is a celebration that began at USA in 1621 Informacin Institucional It is a pro ect that took place at I.!.T. Ale andro "astillo, is located in #a !al$a Darien. Lder(es ) de la experiencia In this pro ect participated science st%dents of fo%rth level& 'as divided three gro%p of five st%dents, each gro%p has a coordinator( gro%p one coordinator )rlinda *allesteros, gro%p t'o coordinator Alain Alegria, and gro%p three coordinator "arlos Tapia rea de Trabajo:
Telfonos orreo electr!nico


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Inside of the classroo$, and )nglish lab. "ES #$P $%& This pro ect 'as covered in t'o 'eek, d%ring t'o 'eek the st%dents 'orked very hard. 3irstly, they received the indications of the entire pro ect, then began to 'ork in the different activities step by step4 of co%rse g%ide by $e as teacher. And the last perfor$ed a role play abo%t thanksgiving holiday. Tiempo de desarrollo y estado de la experiencia This e5perience taken ten ho%rs in t'o 'eek, and 'as re'arding, beca%se the st%dents learned and shared a ne' tradition or holiday that they did not kno' before. *esides they p%t in practice the technology tools, and also ho' $ade a pro ect. En desarrollo o finalizada: This pro ect 'as co$pleted Poblaci!n con la -.e se lle,a a cabo la experiencia This pro ect 'as foc%sed %st at science st%dents of fo%rth level, and also three teachers. Escriba los or/enes y sit.aci!n instit.cional -.e lo moti,o a crear e implementar
'ear: ()* mont+: no,ember )(t+ to no,ember ((t+

dic+a experiencia This pro ect 'as driven by 6)DU"A, 'ho gave %s a t'o7'eek co%rse, and at the end 'e had to r%n a classroo$ pro ect. "escriba c!mo se realiz! la implementaci!n de la experiencia y las acti,idades desarrolladas0 firstly, 'e choose a topic according to 6)DU"A progra$, and after that I started to create the pro ect, 'hen I finished to 'rote all the pro ect, i presented to $y st%dents, and I talked 'ith the$ abo%t 'hat they 'ill be perfor$ in the pro ect. The different activities 'ere developed according to the pro ect sched%le, in t'o 'eek, t'o day for activity. 1 !mo mejoro s. ambiente de aprendizaje con la implementaci!n de la experiencia2 It 'as a 'onderf%l e5perience4 beca%se I never had been involved in a great pro ect into the class 'ith $y st%dents. I never forgotten this pro ect, I learned to $%ch, so the $ost i$portant 'ere the st%dents learned ne' technology tools and 'ork in gro%ps, contrib%te ne' ideas, also to share and en oy ne' kno'ledge and 'isdo$. Escriba las estrate/ias peda/!/icas y did3cticas -.e implement! In this pro ect the st%dents, started 'ith brainstor$ing, r%bric, technology research, tea$ 'ork, individ%al 'ork and so on. "escriba c!mo f.e el proceso de planificaci!n del trabajo It 'as very f%n, beca%se they perfor$ a traditional celebration 8thanksgiving9 'ith different activities, also at the end perfor$ed a role play of Thanksgiving Day.!n de trabajo en el orientaci!n al aprendizaje y el trabajo colaborati,o0 They arranged the classroo$ according the the$e, all the st%dents 'orked hard to get a good o%tco$e. And also 'ith $y help. $ncl.ya los rec.rsos tecnol!/icos -.e se .tilizaron en la implementaci!n0 "a$era, overhead pro ector, co$p%ter, internet and so on. Presente .na sntesis de los aportes y la participaci!n de los diferentes estamentos y dem3s actores -.e inter,ienen en el proceso de implementaci!n de la experiencia In this pro ect %st participated st%dents, they developed all the activities step by step, d%ring t'o 'eek. They follo'ed all the instr%ction $ade by $e.

"escriba las principales transformaciones de la implementaci!n d.rante s. tiempo de realizaci!n. Students performed and learned so much about thanksgiving holiday, besides they got acquire new knowledge of a new tradition to other country.
Expli-.e el apoyo instit.cional recibido para el desarrollo de la misma0

:e did not receive help to any instit%tion, neither of the school, %st st%dents and teacher. "escriba el estado de la implementaci!n de la experiencia :as a great e5perience, 'e f%lfil 'ith all the p%rpose re;%ired in this pro ect. Special thanks to <od, 'ho g%ides o%r steps

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