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Unit 6

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Unit 8 Test 2 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Test 3 Mock Exam SZVEGKNYV--LISTENING ENTRY QUICKTEST


Ebben az rtelemben a Blackbird ktsgkvl egy kicsit szemben mozog a trenddel: a knyv a felsoroltak tekintetben szigoran kttt. Ezt mr maga a szerkezeti felpts is tkrzi: a tizenkt tbb-kevsb azonos szerkezet Unit mindegyike ngy Lesson-tl ll, amelyek mindegyike tanrai, valamint otthon elvgzend feladatokbl pl fel, valamifle tmenetet kpezve a tanknyv s a munkafzet kztt. Az egsz kurzus hrom darab ngy Unit-os rszre tagoldik, amelyek vAz eredmny gy nagyon gyakran az volt, hogy a gn ismtl rk kvetkeznek. De igaz a ktttsg tarmagyar szempontbl alapvet szkincskszlet egy rsze talmi-mdszertani rtelemben is: a knyv csak cliregyszeren kimaradt, a kommunikativits elsbbsgre nyos" feladatokat, a felkszts trzsanyagt" tartalhivatkozva sokszor megbzhatatlann vlt a nyelvtani mazza, azt viszont minden lnyeges szempontra kiteralap, s sokan gy mentek el vizsgzni, hogy pldul a jedalapossggal; minden anyag kivlasztsnl-megfordtsrl nem is hallottak. A knyvek anyagnak szrsnl a f szempont a nyelvvizsga kvetelmnyrendnes, csapong forgatagban pedig elveszett a tanul, gyakran elfordult pldul, hogy csoportmunkban kel- szere volt, s az alkalmazott feladattpusok is a vizsga egyes elemeire val felksztsnek lettek alrendelve. lett volna (egybknt elvileg rdekes) vitt folytatni Mindezt a ktttsget a hangvtel knnyedsgvel, ittolyasmirl, aminek a sz- s kifejezs-httert a tanott humorral, a szvegek rdekessgvel, a feladatok anyag lszent mdon nem ksztette el (mert az mr intellektulis ignyessgvel, valamint az illusztrci nem olyan vidm dolog), s egyltaln nem volt vilsznessgvel igyekeztem ellenslyozni. Mivel az egy gos, hogy tulajdonkppen mit kell megtanulni s mi az, rhoz rendelt idt bsges rhagyssal szmoltam, bizami csak mka s kacags. tosan jut nha id a knyv ltal diktlt kemny temp A nyelvvizsga-elkszt kurzusok egyik nagy nehzsge az, hogy a sokfle feladattpusra s azok vltozatos kiegszt anyagokkal val laztsra is. nyelvi tartalmra val felkszts nagyon megkti a tanr A knyvben tallhat anyag hatkonysgt a sajt kezt, hiszen a rendelkezsre ll id mindig kevs. gyakorlatom igazolja. Szvbl kvnom, hogy ms is ta(Lsd a knyv 12-13. oldaln lv tblzatot a nyelv- llja hasznosnak, s annyi rme legyen a tantsban, vizsga s a knyv sszefggsrl.) Ezeken a tanfolya- mint nekem. mokon vagy iskolai rkon j csnjn bnni az egybknt Budapest, 1998. mrcius oly hls dalszvegekkel s jtkokkal, mert akik vizsgKIRLY ZSOLT

A blackbird a rig sznak csak az egyik lehetsges for' (Utasa: igazbl ez csak a feketerigt jelenti. Van mg ezenkvl az oriole, amely srgarigt jelent, aztn ott van a thrush sz is, amely gy ltalban rigt jelent, csak sajnos egyben egy nagyon csnya betegsget is. Hasonlan, ez a knyv is csak egy lehetsges megkzeltse a vizsgra val felksztsnek. Egy bizonyos filozfit, mdszertani elkpzelst testest meg, amelyet elkeserten sok vnyi - vizsga-elksztsben s egyb frontokon szerzett - tantsi tapasztalat rlelt olyann amilyen. Milyenn is? Els ltsra taln kiss ktttebb, kevsb jpofv", kevsb magazin-szerv, mint azt az utbbi vekben megszokhattuk a - fleg Anglibl rkez - nyelvtantsi bestsellerekben. Ezek a knyvek valban lenygzek; tnyleg nagyon rdekes anyagoVat tartalmaznak, fantasztikus a killtsuk s az infrastruktrjuk" (kazettk, munkafzetek stb.), ezzel egytt azonban global village ide vagy oda nyilvnvalan nem a magyar ignyek figyelembevtelvel rdtak sem nyelvi, sem kulturlis rtelemben, sem pedig a mi vizsgink kvetelmnyei tekintetben. Legkevsb pedig az itteni tanulsi szoksok vonatkozsban.

ra kszlnek, azok ritkn jnnek egy kurzusra azrt, hogy ott knnyed szrakozssal tltsk az idt. Tapasztalatom szerint az elvrs inkbb az, hogy kemnyen megdolgoztassk ket, mert gy ltjk rtelmt az rkon val rszvtelnek. Azt rtkelik, ha gy tantunk, hogy minden egyes feladat esetn kzvetlenl rezni lehet azt, hogy ezzel is kzelebb kerlnek a sikeres vizsghoz- A gyakorlat azt mutatja, hogy azt tartjk j kurzusnak, amelyen minden ellgott ra ptolhatatlan vesztesg, s minden kimaradt feladat rzkelheten rontja eslyeiket a vizsgn. Azt a kurzust szeretik, amelynek ttekinthet a szerkezete, amelyen vilgosak az elvrsok, s egyrtelm, hogy mit kell megtanulni, valamint mindezt szmon is krik. Rviden: amelyen rzik a tanulk, hogy a nyelvtudsban is haladnak a knyvvel egytt.


as u-a U? Alfa W
DARZSFSZEK Aligha szksges tudomnyos igny felmrst vgezni ahhoz, hogy kijelenthessk: a Rig utcai llami nyelvvizsga a tanrok krben is legalbb olyan szlssges vlemnyeket vlt ki, mint a bizonytvnyra plyzk krben. Ha nem akarunk darzsfszekbe nylni, jobb is ha trsasgban kerljk a tmt; az rintettsg folytn mindkt kr hajlamos a krds er-elmi alapon val megkzeltsre, s gyakran ainyira elfogult, hogy kevs rtelme van vitba bocstkozni, ha nincs lehetsg az rvek alaposabb kifejtsre. Persze mindez tulajdonkppen teljesen rthet egy nyelvvizsga olyan megmrettets, amely nemcsak a vizsgzrl, hanem egyben az t a vizsgra felksztrl is bizonytvnyt llt ki, s mint ilyen, tudat alatt is nigazolsra ksztet minden rintettet. A nyelvvizsgt illet kritikai szrevtelek egy rc e klnsen a legmakacsabb rkzldek" egyszeren csak legenda, rosszindulat pletyka vagy csacskasg, amelyrl mindenki, aki egy kicsit is tjkozott, tudhatja, hogy nem lehet igaz. (Azrt bukttanak annyit, hogy tbb pnzt szedhessenek be." Aki amerikai angolt beszl, annak semmi eslye." Nem angolul kell ide tudni, hanem 'rigul'.") Ezek a kittelek egsz egyszeren nem igazak, komolyabban nem E rdemes velk foglalkozni. A megjegyzsek egy msik rsznek forrsa valamilyen tves informci vagy pedig az informci hinya. A teszt nyelvtanbl a kivtelekre, szkincsbl a klnlegessgekre megy." [Ellenkezleg: az alapvet nyelvtan s szkincs passzv hasznlatt vizsglja.] Az egsz vizsga a nyelvtanra megy." [Ellenkezleg: mindssze kt feladat foglalkozik kzvetlenl a nyelvtannal.] A szerepjtk feladatban egy erltetett szituci hosszas magyar nyelv lersa tallhat." [Tbb ve nem ilyen a feladat.] Tny, hogy sokig nem volt " megbzhat informcihoz jutni a vizsgv/ kapcsolatban, mrpedig ha a tanr nem elgg tjkozott - akr nhibjn kvl is -, annak nagyon komoly kvetkezmnyei lehetnek a felkszt munka hatkonysgra is. Az szrevtelek harmadik kre a vizsga megbzhatsgt (reliabilitst) krdjelezi meg. (Minden attl fgg, hogy milyen vizsgztatkat fog ki az ember a szbelin." A fordts idnknt bitang nehz." Azegyik tantvnyom ugyanabban a vizsgaidszakban Pesten megbukott a kzpfokn, de tment a felsfokn Veszprmben.") Brmennyi javuls is trtnt ezen a tren az utbbi idben, ezeknek a megllaptsoknak bizony lehet nmi alapjuk, viszont a felkszts szempontjbl a megbzhatsgnak nincs klnsebb jelentsge. A megjegyzsek negyedik csomagja" a vizsga validitst vonja ktsgbe. (A magyarrl angolra fordts nem igazn kommunikatv feladat." Mi szksg van az angolrl magyarra fordtsra?" A fiam kt vet tlttt Amerikban, iskolba is jrt ott s folykonyan beszl angolul; mirt nem elg ez?") A validits alapveten szubjektv megtls krdse, s ezek a felvetsek bizonyos nzpontbl nagyon is jogosak lehetnek; a krds csak az, hogy a bennk megfogalmazd rdekek mennyire esnek egybe a nyelvtants ltalnos rdekeivel. Valjban ez az a krdskr, amely tanri szemszgbl dnt jelentsg az egsz nyelvvizsga megtlse szempontjbl: az ezekben a krdsekben kialaktott llspont fogja eldnteni, hogy szmunkra a nyelvvizsga lds-e vagy inkbb tok.


Brmi is legyen azonban a vlemnynk ebben a pillanatban, az mindenkppen tny, hogy az llami Nyelvvizsga Bizottsg vizsgja jelenleg egyszeren kikerlhetetlen; gyakorlatilag minden kzpiskolban tant tanr szembesl azzal a tanuli-szli elvrssal, hogy a nyelvvizsgnak meg kell lennie az rettsgi eltt, hiszen ez rtkes plusz-pontokat jelent a felvteli vizsgn. Ugyangy nlklzhetetlen a nyelvvizsga az egyetemi-fiskolai diplomhoz, arrl nem is beszlve, hogy az angol nyelvvizsga mr szinte hozztartozik a jneveftsghez, s gyszlvn minden komoly munkltatnl alapkvetelmny annak meglte. Ez ma mintegy 45 ezer kzpfok angol nyelvvizsga-ksrletet, illetve ennl jval tbb vizsgra kszl nyelvtanult jelent vente.


HINYCIKKEK Az aligha vitathat, hogy - minsthetetlenl gyenge PR tevkenysgvel - az ANYB (illetve az ITK) elssorban sajt maga idzte el a vizsgarendszerrel kapcsolatos bizalmi vlsgot. Pldul komoly felelssge van abban, hogy a tanrok tbbsge csak sajt dikjai gyakran megbzhatatlan s elfogult elbeszlse alapjn ismeri a vizsgt: egszen a legutbbi idkig egsz egyszeren nem ltezett sznvonalas tjkoztat anyag a nyelvvizsga kvetelmny-rendszerrl. (Mindenkinek ajnlom az Akadmiai Kiad j Rig Nyelwizsgaknyvek cm sorozatt, amely eredeti vizsgaanyagokat knl a felkszlshez.) gy 1990-tol adtak ugyan ki feladat-gyjtemnyeket a vizsga egyes elemeirl, de ezeket az tlag-vsrl tbbnyire nem tudta/tudja megklnbztetni a nem az ANYB bennfenteseitl szrmaz kiadvnyoktl, gy ezek informci-tartalma keveredik a kevsb megbzhat forrsokbl szrmaz egyre nvekv szm s gyakran ktsges sznvonal, esetleg kifejezetten flretjkoztat egyb kiadvnyokval. De ami a legnagyobb baj, az az, hogy (egy rgebben kiadott s mra kiss elavult mtl eltekintve) nem volt kaphat olyan knyv, amely megfelelen strukturlt lett volna, s kszsgfejlesztsre is alkalmas tananyagot knlt volna a komplex vizsgra val felksztshez. Mindennek az lett a kvetkezmnye, hogy gyakran mind a vizsgz, mind a felkszt tanr sttben tapogatdzott, s ennek megfelelen flelmi reakcii alapjn tlte meg a vizsgt. MILYEN IS EZ A VIZSGA? Ha objektvek akarunk lenni - s neknk tanroknak illik is - , legalbb a kvetkez szempontok szerint rdemes a vizsgt egy kicsit alaposabban megvizsglni: Mennyi elemet vizsgl a vizsga a nyelvl' ds ltalnosan elfogadott sszetevi kzl? (Nyelvismeret: szkincs, szitucis kifejezsek, nyelvi ktelemek, nyelvtan, kiejts, helyesrs, kulturlis vonatkozsok s a nyelvhasznlathoz szksges kszsgek: aktv kommunikcis [beszd' s rs-] kszsg, olvassi kszsg, hallott szvegmegrtsnek kszsge, a nyelvek kztti kzvetts kszsge [itt a fordtsi kszsg], a nyelvhasznlattal sszefgg trsadalmifku\turX\s tudatossg.) El kell ismerni, hogy a felsorolt elemek mindegyikt vizsglja a nyelvvizsga (lsd a 11-12. oldalon lv tblzatot), szerencsre - s nagyon helyesen -

legkevsb a konkrt kulturlis vonatkozsokat, mert erre lenne a legnehezebb felkszlni. A szbeli tudst hrom (+ hallott szveg rtse) klnbz feladat mri, az rsbelit t. Az elbbi elgsges, az utbbi taln kiss tlzs is. Mennyire alkalmasak a vizsgafeladatok a nyelvtuds mrsre? Vitatni szoktk a szbeli vizsgn a szerepjtk feladatot. Ktsgtelen, hogy a feladat olyan kszsgeket is ignyel, amelyek nem kifejezetten a nyelvtudssal fggnek ssze, de az is igaz, hogy a feladat teljestshez sok nyelvi ismeret s valdi kommunikatv nyelvi kszsg szksges. A feladat helyettestsre a nemzetkzi gyakorlatban a tbb vizsgz kztti kommunikcit szoktk alkalmazni, de ez gyanthatan mg vitathatbb lenne magyar terepen. A tbbi szbeli feladat a nemzetkzi gyakorlatban is ltalnosan elfogadott, nem ktsges, hogy alkalmas lehet a tuds mrsre. Az rsbeli legvitatottabb feladatai a fordtsi feladatok: a krds itt az, hogy a kt nyelv kztti kzvettst a nyelvtuds rsznek tekintjk-e. (Ez a krds felmerl a szerepjtk magyar nyelv instrukciival kapcsolatban is.) Valsznleg a munkltatk nagy tbbsge - de taln maguk a felhasznlk is igennel vlaszolnnak, de valjban ez a krds inkbb a mr felszmolt nyelvvizsga-monopliummal fgg ssze, amelyet a monoplium megsznse megoldhat: majd a munkltat (vagy az oktatsi intzmny) eldnti, ignyt tart-e erre a kszsgre. Megjegyzend, hogy az angolrl magyarra trtn fordts s a cikk szvege idnknt feltnen nehz a tbbi vizsgafeladathoz viszonytva. A tbbi feladattpus megfelel a nemzetkzi gyakorlatnak. Mennyire objektv a nyelvtuds mrse? Az rsbeli feladatok elbrlst minden vizsgnl javtsi tmutat s javti rtekezlet segtsgvel teszik objektvabb, ez a vilgon mindenhol gy trtnik. Vitathat viszont az angolrl magyarra trtn fordts nagyon szigor pontozsa s slya az egsz rsbeli teljestmny elbrlsnl - legtbben ennl a feladatnl vreznek el. Mennyire (ki)kpzettek a vizsgztatk? A flls alkalmazottak kivtel nlkl mag kpzett testing szakemberek, risi gyakorla

Amennyire ez kvlrl megtlhet, gy tnik, hogy taln a legtbb gond a - gyakran klssk bevonsval lebonyoltott - szbeliztetssel van; itt ritkn ugyan, de rzkelni lehet nmi klnbsget az egyes vizsgztatk felkszltsgt, hozzllst illeten. Maga a vizsga szigor forgatknyv alapjn trtnik, de a tbbnyire nagyon kedves s btort vizsgztatk mellett ki lehet fogni kevsb egyttrzket is, mrpedig egy kedvetlen, rzketlen vagy eltleteitl szabadulni nem tud vizsgztat alaposan megingathatja a vizsga hitelt. sszessgben azt lehet mondani, hogy ahhoz kpest, hogy a vizsga sokkal olcsbb a nemzetkzi vizsgknl, elmleti rtelemben nem vagy alig marad el azok sznvonaltl. Ami a vizsgztats gyakorlatt illeti, ott a szbeli tnik viszonylag a leggyengbb lncszemnek. Sajt felkszti tapasztalatom azt mutatja, hogy a legritkbb esetben fordul el, hogy egy kellen felksztett s felkszlt tanul ne menjen t a vizsgn. Ha mgis, nagy ritkn megesik ilyesmi, az a szbeli morcos vagy unott vizsgztatjval vagy pedig a feltnen nehz fordtsi szveggel fgg ssze, s msodikra biztosan sikerl a vizsga. (Hozz kell tenni, hogy mostanban mr az is nagyon ritkn fordul el, hogy olyan tanul menjen t a vizsgn, aki nem


elg j. Rgebben tmegvel lehetett beidomtani" tanulkat a vizsgra.) Meggyzdsem, hogy a sikertelen vizsga oka az egybknt megfelel tudsszint tanulk dnt tbbsge esetben a nem megfelel felkszlsben, illetve felksztsben keresend. Ezzel azt is lltom, hogy aki ezt a knyvet tisztessgesen megtanulja, annak t kell mennie a vizsgn. FELKSZTS Az NYB vizsgra val felksztssel kapcsolatos legfontosabb feladatok egyszeren levezethetk a vizsgafeladatokbl: Brmilyen komoly felkszt kurzusnak valamilyen formban tartalmaznia kell a tblzat harmadik oszlopban szerepl elemeket. Mivel ez tbb mint hsz klnbz feladattpust jelent, radsul a tmakrk, a fbb nyelvtani krdsek, a szitucis kifejezsek stb., illetve a kszsgfejleszts mentn az anyag mg linerisan is legalbb 10-15 egysgre tagoldik, nyilvnval, hogy a tanr keze igencsak meg van ktve, mg viszonylag nagy raszm esetn is. Az is egyrtelm, hogy a kurzus intenzitsnak is als-fels korltai vannak: ha nem elg intenzv akkor nagyon hosszra nylik, ha viszont nagyon nagy a napi raszm, akkor nincs elg id az anyag bevssre s nincs elg alkalom rsbeli hzi feladatok fela-

V U,yjATE,L.AU\ X NIULVI XARIAI^UIVL szkincs, nyelvtan, kiejts, beszdrts, kommunikcis kszsg, ktelemek, szitucis kifejezsek szkincs, nyelvtan, kiejts, ktelemek a legfontosabb tmakrk ttekintse, ezek szkincsnek feldolgozsa, gyakorlsa, a szavak elsajttsnak eBenrzse; kommunikatv feladatok; ktelemek ttekintse, begyakorlsa; feladatok a kiejts gyakorlsra a feladat fzisainak fokozatos bevezetse, gyakorlsa (kplers,tippels,tmakrrel iial azonosts, sajt vlemiy, lmny stb.); akomplex feladat gyakorlsa a szitucis kifejezsek [functions] ttekintse, gyakorlsa; szitucik gyakorlsa (szerepjtk) irnytott interj (beszlgets) megadott tmakrk alapjn nll tmakifejts kp(ek) alapjn, a tmakrkkel alapjn szitucis prbeszd a vizsgztatval magyar nyelv szitucis krtya alapjn halls utni megrtsi feladat: magyar nyelv krdsekre magyar nyelv vlasz; a feladatlapot az els lejtszs utn osztjk ki, majd a prbeszdet mg ktszer lejtsszk.

szitucis kifejezsek, ktelemek, kiejts, kommunikcis kszsg beszdrts, szkincs

hanganyag me^oBgatsa; gbbtis rtst vizsgi, valamint arszletekre vonatkoz krdsek

A szbeli vizsga kb. 15 percig tart, felkszlsi id nincs. A magns feladat megoldsa kln, Budapesten fejhallgatval trtnik


50 feladatbl ll, feleletvlaszts teszt magyarrl angolra fordts fogalmazs/levl magyar nyelv irnyt krdsek alapjn a tmakrkkel sszefggsben angolrl magyarra fordts

nyelvtan (45 feladat) szkincs (5 feladat) nyelvtan rskszsg, nyelvtan, szkincs, ktelemek, helyesrs szkincs, nyelvtan, olvasskszsg, fordtskszsg

a problematikus nyelvtani krdsek ttekintse; a feleletvlaszts tesztek megoldsnak gyakorlsa; a magyarrl angolra trtn fordts gyakorlsa a fogalmazs lpseinek ttekintse; a levlrs formai kvetelmnyeinek ttekintse; levlben hasznlatos nyelvi fordulatok gyakorlsa; egyre komplexebb rsbeli feladatok

a fordts alapvet technikinak ttekintse; egyre ignyesebb fordtsi feladatok

olvasott szveg rtst ellenrz feladat: jsgcikk(ek)re magyar nyelv krdsek, magyar nyelv vlaszokkal

olvasskszsg, szkincs, nyelvtan

egyre hosszabb s nehezebb jsgcikkek feldolgozsa globlis rtst eUenrz, illetve az alaposabb megrtst vizsgl krdsekkel; a szkincs elsajttsnak ellenrzse

gyakorlati tancsok a vizsga egyes feladataihoz a vizsga egsznek gyakorlsa A tesztre 3C perc ll rendelkezsre, a tbbi feladatra sszesen 3 ra. A teszt kivtelvel sztr hasznlhat.

dsra. Idelis esetben egy ilyen kurzus minimum 400-500 ra utn indthat, s mintegy 50-60, egyenknt 90 perces rbl ll, ami nagyjbl megfelel kt nyelviskolai flvnek vagy egy iskolai tanvnek. Ennl rvidebb id alatt a felkszts csak gy vgezhet el, ha a 400-500 rs elzetes tanulmnyok a kezdetektl tudatosan felptett tanmenetre pltek (lehetleg egy [j s lelkiismeretes] tanr keze alatt) s kellen intenzvek voltak, mert ez esetben taln kisprolhat" nhny elem a nyelvi felksztsbl. Azonban azok a nyelvtanulk, akiknek nem volt olyan szerencsjk, hogy ilyen elzmnyek utn jussanak a nyelvvizsga kzelbe (s ez - hossz nyelviskolai tapasztalatom szerint , sajnos a tanulk dnt tbbsgt jelenti), nem kszthetk fel tisztessgesen egy v alatt heti kt (45 perces) rs tanuls vagy hromhetes intenzv kurzusok keretben.

A krds azonban tovbbra is az, hogy egy ilyen (rejtett) NYB-curriculumra" pl kurzus lds vagy tok a nyelvtants, illetve annak rsztvevi szmra. Persze mint minden vizsga esetben -,

mindkett egyszerre, de - mivel csinlni muszj egyltaln nem mindegy, hogy melyik inkbb. TOK, mert - mint minden vizsga - ez is egy adott rdekrendszert kpviselve modellezi az ignyeket, s egyltaln nem biztos, hogy ez egybeesik mindenki elvrsaival. Lehet olyan felhasznl, aki kzpfokon is ignyeln pldul a tolmcsolsi kszsg mrst, de lehet olyan nyelvhasznl vagy munkltat, akit mondjuk csak a szbeli vagy ppen az rsbeli kompetencia rdekel, s flslegesnek tartja az egyb kszsgek alaposabb vizsglatt. A klnbz rdekek mentn megszmllhatatlan modell ltezhet, amelybl az llami nyelvvizsga (a szakmai anyaggal bvtett vizsgkat nem szmtva) csak a szbeli-rsbeli bontst engedi meg. Tny viszont, hogy a vizsga trekszik az ismeretek s kszsgek minl sokoldalbb vizsglatra. (Nem is szoktk a vizsgt azrt kritizlni, hogy mirt nem vizsgl valamit, inkbb azt krdjelezik meg, hogy valban szksges-e ennek vagy annak az aspektusnak a vizsglata.) Ez a sokoldalsg nagyon szertegaz felkszlst/felksztst tesz szksgess, ami rendkvl id- s munkaignyes mind a tanul, mind a tanr szmra, valamint nem teszi lehetv, hogy a helyi rdekek-


nek megfelel ismereteket s kszsgeket rszestsk elnyben a rendelkezsre ll mindig korltozott idben (mondjuk, hogy a f hangsly a beszdfejlesztsen legyen a fordts, levlrs stb. krra). TOK, mert - mint minden vizsga - ez is egy meghatrozott feladatsoron keresztl mr, ami azt jelenti, hogy ezeket a felksztsnl elnyben kell rszestennk ms, esetleg szerintnk sokkal hasznosabb/kellemesebb feladattpusokkal szemben. Az id korltozottsga miatt ez igencsak megkti a tanr kezt, s gy mdszertanilag nem knny lvezetess tenni a munkt. TOK, mert ilyen sokoldal felksztsre - legalbbis iskolai keretek kztt - , gyakran nem ll rendelkezsre elegend raszm s/vagy nem elg intenzv a kurzus. TOK, mert az amgy is sok felkszls mellett szegny tanrnak bsges otthoni javtanivalt is ad. TOK, mert ezek a kurzusok nyelvileg is az tlagnl magasabb kvetelmnyeket tmasztanak a tanrral szemben, s sokan mr nem mozognak kell biztonsggal ezen a terepen. Rszben ez is az oka annak, hogy a nyelviskolk szinte vadsznak azokra a tanrokra, akik elkszt tanfolyamokat is tudnak s hajlandk tartani. TOK, mert a jelenleg rvnyben lv - meglehetsen tgondolatlan - minisztriumi rendelkezsek keverik a szezont a fazonnal, s nyelvvizsga bizonytvny esetn lehetv teszik a lellst, osztlyzatok szerzst s az rettsgi kivltst az iskolban. Persze a dikok nem ezekrt az elnykrt", hanem a felvteli pontokrt hajtanak, de az ktsgtelen, hogy ez az egsz meglehetsen zavaros helyzetet idz el az iskolai munkban. Termszetesen ennek a szerencstlen llapotnak a htterben is az iskolai (nyelv)oktats sanyar helyzete (nincs pnz a tudsszinteknek megfelel csoportbontsra [sem]), valamint az rettsgi jelentktelensge ll - sajnos egyik sem egyik naprl a msikra megoldhat krds. L D S ? H T PERSZE! LDS viszont, mert - ppen sokoldalsga miatt - a nyelvtuds sszes fontos aspektust a curriculumba integrlja. LDS tovbb, mert a tanrt minden rtelemben ignyes feladat el lltja. Meggyzdsem, hogy pldul a tanr nyelvi szintentartsa/fejldse tekintetben is nagyon hasznosak az ilyen kurzusok, mert itt a nyelvi tartalomra val kszls is elenged-

hetetlen. Aligha van ma Magyarorszgon gyakorlatiasabb mdja a tanri nyelvtuds fejlesztsnek, mint az, hogy a tanr olyan kurzusokat (is) tant, amelyek a knyelmesen, rutinbl csinlhatnl valamivel nagyobb feladat el lltjk nyelvileg is, s gy fjdalommentesen arra knyszertik, hogy pldul a szkincst is bvtse. (Arrl nem beszlve, hogy mg fizetnek is rte!) Persze, mindez mg inkbb igaz a felsfok elkszt kurzusokra. LDS vgl, mert semmi mshoz nem mrhet motivl hatsa van, amely ppen akkor segt be a tanr munkjba, amikor arra a legnagyobb szksg van: (tbbnyire) a kzpiskola tizenegyedik-tizenkettedik (harmadik-negyedik) osztlyban, amikor a dikok figyelmnek nagy rszt a felvteli trgyak kezdik lektni, s amgy is egyre nehezebb rzkelni a nyelvi fejldst. Nagyon jl jn ilyenkor egy olyan cl, amirt egy kicsit rdemes hajtani. (Ms krds, hogy valjban ezt a motivl szerepet elssorban az rettsginek illene betltenie ...) De a felvteli tbblet-pontokhoz hasonl sztnz szerepe van ksbb a diplomhoz szksges nyelvvizsgnak, illetve a nyelvptlknak is. Ha ezek a nyelvvizsghoz ktd motivl erk nem lteznnek, a nyelvtanuls irnti igny lnyegesen kisebb lenne, ami csak gy mellkesen vgzetes kvetkezmnyekkel jrna a nyelvtanrok munkaerpiaci pozcii szempontjbl is.

Igaz viszont, hogy ezt a hz szerepet brmilyen (teht nem csak az NYB, de akr nem is csak felttlenl valamilyen llaminak kinevezett [akkreditlt]) nyelvvizsga betlthetne, feltve, hogy a fent emltett felhasznl intzmnyek hajlandk azok meglthez ktni a klnbz elnyk juttatst. Krds azonban, hogy az llami nyelvvizsgval kapcsolatos monoplium megszntetse lnyegesen vltoztatni fog-e a jelenlegi helyzeten, hiszen mr ma sem ktelezi semmi pldul az egyetemeket arra, hogy kizrlag az NYB vizsgt fogadhatjk el. (Az ELTE angol szakjai jelenleg is csak a j minsts Cambridge Proficiency vizsgrt nyjtanak elnyket.) A nem kzalkalmazottakat foglalkoztat munkltatk esetben nyilvn az ignyek lesznek dntek. (Ma is sok olyan cg van, ahol elfogadjk a nemzetkzi nyelvvizsgkat, st van ahol a nyelvtuds elbrlst egyszer elbeszlgets vagy levlfordttats alapjn vgzik...) A kzalkalmazottak


esetben viszont minden llaminak elismert nyelvvizsgt ptlkkal jutalmaznnak. Ebben a monoplium nlkli helyzetben az akkreditci lesz a felels a sznvonal standardizlsrt, ami nagyon valszn, hogy - az egynyelv vizsgk elismerstol eltekintve - a mai NYB vizsgkhoz ksrtetiesen hasonl kvetelmnyrendszer lesz. Ennek a kvetelmnyrendszernek megfelelni egyrszt nem lesz knny (pnz, szakrtelem, tapasztalat stb.), msrszt - mivel nincs sok j a Nap alatt - ezek a mai NYB vizsga itt-ott mdostott mutcii lesznek. Forradalmi vltozsok teht a ktnyelv nyelvvizsga fronton - eltekintve persze a nyelvvizsgadjak emelkedstl - aligha vrhatk. A felkszts szempontjbl a monoplium megszntetse azzal a kvetkezmnnyel fog jrni, hogy a mai, tbb-kevsb egysges keresleti kr a kuncsaftok szmnak vltozatlanul maradsa mellett rszekre szakad, s egyszerre tbbfle kurzus indtsra jelentkezik igny. Ettl sem a nyelviskolknak, sem az iskolknak, sem pedig a tanroknak nem lesz knnyebb az lete: a nyelviskolk esetben specializldsi knyszer fog jelentkezni, a kzpiskolkban nni fog az igny a csoportok tovbbi bon-

tsra, szegny tanrnak pedig tbb klnbz vizsgra kell majd tudni a nebulkat felkszteni.

Az elmondottak alapjn az aligha lehet ktsges, hogy valamilyen fontos nyelvvizsga lte mindanynyiunk rdeke, de azt, hogy ez ppen a jelenlegi nyelvvizsga legyen-e vagy sem, mr mindenkinek a nyelvtudssal kapcsolatos elvrsai, a nyelvtantsrl kialakult meggyzdse, a tuds mrsrl alkotott elkpzelsei, valamint egyni kpessgei, zlse, vgs soron pedig rdekei alapjn kell eldntenie. Feltehet viszont, hogy ha valaki kzpiskolban tant vagy nyelviskolban, illetve otthon elkszt tanfolyamokat is vllal, valamint nem fl a sok, de ignyes munktl s kpes is r, akkor ezt a vizsgt - minden esetleges hibja vagy htrnya ellenre inkbb ldsnak fogja tekinteni. Akr gy, akr gy, az mindenkppen igaz, hogy a nyelvvizsga cseplsnek nem sok rtelme van; akr tetszik a vizsga, akr nem, sokkal blcsebb dolog gy viszonyulni az egszhez, mint ahogy a hegymsz viszonyul a hegyhez: (egyelre) ott van, s le kell kzdeni.

KIKNEK VAL A KNYV? A knyv clja az ers als-kzphalad (pre-intermethate) szint s az llami nyelvvizsga kvetelmnyo n t j e (egy specilis intermediate szint) kztti klnbsg thidalsa, azaz olyan (a knyv hangvtele s az alkalmazott anyagok jellege miatt) tizenngy vesnl nemfiatalabb- tanulk szmra kszlt, akik mr tisztban vannak az alapvet nyelvtani struktrkkal, s mkdkpes szkinccsel rendelkeznek a htkznapi ettel kapcsolatos legfontosabb tmakrk terletn. Ez tbb-kevsb megfelel a klnbz nemzetkzi tanknyvek pre-intermediate vagy intermediate szintje tbbnyire a harmadik knyv a sorozatokban) utni helyzetnek*, s ennek megfelelen mintegy 400-500 Mnyi tanuls utn lehet/ajnlatos elkezdeni - az

addigi tanuls intenzitstl/hatkonysgtl fggen. rdemes megcsinltatni a Tanri Kziknyv fggelkben tallhat teszte(csk)t (Entry Quicktest), amely mint hitelestett (tbb klnbz csoporton kiprblt s bemrt) durva szr mindenkppen alkalmas lehet a teljesen remnytelen esetek azonostsra. (Ez a teszt szabadon fnymsolhat, megoldkulcsa a teszt utni oldalon tallhat.) A kurzus tismtli s rendszerezi az eddig tanultakat, s az llami nyelvvizsga kvetelmnyrendszere ltal diktlt szempontok alapjn fejleszti tovbb a klnbz ismereteket s kszsgeket.
* A klnbz knyvek Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, illetve Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate vagy ezekhez hasonl elnevezseket hasznlnak a szintek elklntsre.

A Z A N Y A G IDBELI FELOSZTSA 54 x 90 perces tanra Ez megfelel kt tlagos nyelviskolai flvnek (kurzusnak). [60 db 90 perces ra.] 1 bevezet ra 12 Unit (48 tanra) Egy Unit ngy 90 perc alatt teljesthet Lesson-bl ll. 3 ismtl ra (minden negyedik Unit utn) 2 prbavizsga ra (a knyv vgn) 108 x 45 perces tanra Ez megfelel kt iskolai flvnek heti ngy 45 perces ra esetn. [30 tantsi htre szmolva 1.20 db 45 perces ra.| 2 bevezet ra 12 Unit (96 tanra) Egy Unit ngy 2 x 45 perc alatt teljesthet Lesson-bl ll. 3 x 2 ismtl ra (minden negyedik Unit utn) 4 prba vizsga ra (a knyv vgn)


rsztvevk gyakran nagyon eltr nyelvi httere s E rsz elolvassa eltt clszer a knyvben ttanulm- mindenekeltt - a rendelkezsre ll id szkssge. Az itt tallhat szgyjtemnyek abban trnek nyozni egy Unit-ot, valamint aprbavizsgt, s elolvasel a hagyomnyos tmakr-szszedetektl, hogy a ni az sszes Exam tip-et. magyar nyelvtanul ignyei szerint vannak sszelltva, s egyensly van a klnbz szfajok kztt. A vlogatsok eleinte tbbnyire olyan szavakat tartalmaznak, amelyeknek az aktv szkincsben Vocabulary: survival kit ( 1 5 - 2 0 perc) A szlistk elkszt kurzuson val alkalmazst a helye, a kurzus elrehaladtval azonban egyre tbb tnyez is indokolja, gy pldul az ilyen tanfo- tbb a (kzpfokon) tulajdonkppen passzv szlyamok ers ismtl, szkincs-aktivizl funkcija, a kincsbe val sz.


Kezdettl fogva ragaszkodni kell ahhoz, hogy ezt az anyagot a hzi feladat rszeknt a tanulk elszr (sztr hasznlatval) sajt maguk dolgozzk fel. Erre tbb okbl is szksg van: elszr is ms-ms szavak lesznek jak a klnbz tanulknak, msrszt pedig felttlenl szksg van rutinra a sztrozsban (persze, lehetleg egynyelv sztrt hasznljanak, vagy legalbbis azt is, h a szksges), s ez kivl alkalom a gyakorlsra. A feldolgozs sorn a tanulk bizonyosodjanak meg a szavak pontos jelentsrl, s jelljk be a knyvben az esetleges problematikus hangokat vagy hangslyjeleket. Teljes fonetikai trst krni teljesen flsleges (egybknt a knyv vgn tallhat fonetikai szszedet; magyar fordts [tbbek kztt] azrt nincs, hogy kiknyszertse a sztrazst). Ebben a szakaszban a tanulknak mg n e m kell tudniuk a szavakat; erre hvjuk is fel a figyelmet! rdemes gy kezdeni az rt, hogy megkrdezzk, hogy van-e valami krds a szavakkal kapcsolatban. (Biztos, hogy lesz.) Ezutn mi is emeljnk ki egyes, valamilyen szempontbl (jelents, kiejts stb.) problematikus szavakat vagy kifejezseket. (Ehhez tancsokat ajnl a Tanri Kziknyv Tippek s megoldsok rsze.) A tanulk ltal hozott" vagy a Unit feldolgozsa sorn felmerlt, a listn n e m szerepl szavakat gyjtsk a lap aljn. Hvjuk fel a figyelmet arra, hogy a teljes szkincskszletbl rszben sajt tletk alapjn kell a szavakat megtanulniuk, teht nekik is v a n felelssgk abban, hogy mit fognak tudni. Figyelem! A tanri kszls elengedhetetlen!

Speaking: pictures ( 1 0 - 2 0 perc) A feladat rszben a tmakrrel kapcsolatos alapvet szkincs tovbbi megmozgatst, rszben pedig a nyelvvizsga kppel kapcsolatos feladatra val felkszlst szolglja. A kurzus a kppel kapcsolatos teendk elemeit kln, fokozatosan (kett-ngy Unit-onknti vltssal) vezeti be s gyakoroltatja (az egyes szakaszokban ne is krjnk tbbet!), az utols ngy L7ru't-ban mindez mr egytt, komplex feladatknt jelenik meg. Lnyeges, hogy minden kpnl el kell kszteni a nyelvi htteret ahhoz, hogy beszd legyen a dologbl. Kvettessk az instrukcikat, s elszr gyjtsk ssze egytt a szavakat. Vigyzat, a szksges szkincsre a tanrnak is rdemes lehet felkszlni! A Tippek s megoldsok fejezetben, az egyes Unitoknl - az esetek tbbsgben -, megtallhatak a kpek legfontosabb adatai s/vagy rvid lersuk; ezeket rdemes lehet a tanrnak elolvasni, hiszen a fnykpek j rsznl a vlogats egyik szempontja az volt, hogy a tartalom ne legyen nagyon nyilvnval, s ezltal bsges lehetsg legyen a tippelsre. Functions: role-play (25-35 perc) A cl a szitucis kifejezsek megtantsa/gyakoroltatsa, valamint a szerepjtk feladat gyakoroltatsa. A szitucik az elejn tbbnyire abszurdak-humorosak, mert paradox mdon a szerep" egyrtelmsge miatt ezekben jobban fel tudnak olddni a tanulk. (rdekes, hogy sajt nevnkben nehezebb szerepet jtszani; v. szuggesztopdia.) Ksbb azonban mr vannak teljesen letszer szitucik is. Osszuk ki s olvastassuk el a szerepeket, majd kzsen tisztzzuk a szitucis kifejezsek pontos jelentst. Kzsen prbljuk ki, hogy ezek a kifejezsek hogyan hasznlhatk az adott szerepek sszefggsben. A tanulknak azt mondjuk, hogy a feladatuk az, hogy, mondjuk, tz perc alatt kszljenek fel a szituci eladsra, krlbell gy, mintha prblnk a jelenetet. Beszlhetnek kzben akr magyarul is, segthetnek egymsnak a megfelel kifejezsek megkeressben s tanulmnyozhatjk a fggelkben tallhat First Aid K-et - a lnyeg az, hogy a majdani produkci sznpadkpes" legyen. Hvjuk fel a figyelmet arra, hogy az eladsnl mr legfeljebb csak aguideline-okat hasznlhatjk. Az id lejrtval nhny prt hallgassunk meg. Kln figyelmet rdemelnek a szerepjtk feladatokhoz tartoz grafikk, mert ezek mindig tbbek,

Speaking: conversation (10-15 perc) Ez a rvid kis beszdgyakorlat a szkincs legalapvetbb, mr eddig is ismert vagy fontossga miatt azonnal megtanuland rtegt mozgatja meg, rszben azzal a cllal, hogy a tmakrre hangolja a tanulkat. Ezek a feladatok mindig szemlyes jellegek, s mindig prmunkban kell ket elvgezni, ezrt j, ha olyanok kerlnek egy prba, akik kevsb ismerik egymst. rdemes a felllst cserlgetni is. Valsznleg a legjobb (br nem tl npszer) megolds az, ha a kurzus legelejtl ms-ms lsrendet krnk minden rra. Hvjuk fel a figyelmet, hogy ennl a beszlgetsnl mindenki nyugodtan tmaszkodhat a szkincsgyjtemnyre (bele lehet nzni, ki lehet keresni a szksges szavakat), a lnyeg az, hogy mindenki hasznlja a szmra fontos szavakat.


m i n t a szitucik puszta illusztrcii; bizonyos rtelemben nll letet (is) lnek. Br kln feladatok ezekhez a karikatrkhoz n e m kszltek, magtl rtetdik, hogy szmtalan lehetsg lehet kiaknzsukra - h a jut r id. Egyebek kztt pldul lerathatjuk a kpet, megbeszlhetjk, hogy mennyiben tr el az eredeti szitucitl, trtnetet rathatunk belle stb.

Pronunciation 1: sounds & word stress (csak a k n y v els kt harmadban) (10 perc) Az els Lesson kiejtsi gyakorlatai a hangokkal s a shangsllyal foglalkoznak. Olvastassuk el a megjegyzseket, majd jtsszuk le a szalagot. A tanulk krusban ismteljk a hallottakat. Homework Vocabulary: survival kit - study task ( 3 0 - 4 0 perc) Itt a f teend a szavak megtanulsa, maga a szbeirs feladat csak ennek ellenrzsre szolgl. Erre eleinte hvjuk fel a tanulk figyelmt. Grammar focus: preview (15 perc) A Unit kiemelt nyelvtani krdsnek sszefoglalsa otthoni olvassra.

Grammar focus: translation into English ( 3 0 - 4 0 perc) Ezek a feladatok mindig csak egy kiemelt nyelvtani krdst ismtelnek t, de azt elg alaposan krbejrjk. ltalban egy bizonyos sorszm alatt az adott nyelvtan egy-egy jellegzetes aspektust vizsgljk a fordtand mondatok. A mondatok tbbnyire nem alkotnak sszefgg szveget, de erre nincs is szksg, hiszen egy tisztessges mondat mr kontextusnak szmthat, pontosan meghatrozott grammatikai s szemantikai paramterekkel. Ha ez nem megy egy mondaton bell, akkor mini-prbeszdeket alkalmaztam. A mdszertani eljrst az indokolja, hogy a nyelvvizsga is ilyen mdon vizsglja a nyelvtan aktv hasznlatt. (Ott azonban sszefgg szveget hasznlnak, vlemnyem szerint legtbbszr elg flslegesen, mert ezek meglehetsen erltetettek.) Az rra gy rkezzenek a tanulk, hogy a Preview-hl mr tnztk az adott nyelvtant. Sorszmonknt adjunk idt a mondatok rsbeli fordtsra, majd kzsen ellenrizzk a megoldsokat. (Ha szort az id, kzsen is elvgezhet a feladat, de ez nyilvn ront a hatsfokon.) Listening (25-35 perc) Rendkvl fontos, hogy megrtessk a tanulkkal, hogy az itt szerepl feladatok elvgzshez soha nem szksges a szveg minden egyes szavnak vagy akr minden egyes mondatnak megrtse. Utastsunk vissza minden olyan jelleg krdst - legalbbis az els kt meghallgats sorn -, amely egyes szavakra vagy mondatokra vonatkozik, s hvjuk fel a tanulk figyelmt arra, hogy a cl egyelre csak az, hogy a feladatban szerepl krds(ek)re vlaszoljanak, nem pedig a szveg minden szavnak megrtse. Az a) feladatban szerepl krdseket - amelyek mindig a szveg globlis megrtsre vonatkoznak (gist) olvassuk fel vagy olvastassuk el mg a hangfelvtel els lejtszsa eltt. Lejtszs utn adjunk idt, hogy a tanulk prban megtrgyalhassk a vlaszokat, majd kzsen is beszljk meg ezeket. Ha szksges (azaz, ha nem mindenkinek sikerl a dolog), hagyjuk, hogy a legjobbak vlaszoljanak, mert nagyon lnyeges, hogy a rszletes krdsek - b) fel' adat, azaz a msodik lejtszs eltt mindenkinek legyen valami fogalma arrl, hogy mirl szl a felvtel. Felttlenl figyelmeztessk a tanulkat, hogy a krdsek megvlaszolshoz szksges informcira koncentrljanak (gist & specific information). Nyg-

Vocabulary: survival kit - checkpoint (30-40 perc) A cl a tmakr szkincsnek kttt (kontrolllt) feladatokon keresztli rsbeli s szbeli gyakorlsa ellenrzse. a) feladat: A hzi feladatot (szavak bersa szvegbe) a kiegsztett szveg egyszer felolvastatsval ellenrizzk. b, c, d, [e, fj) feladatok: E feladatoknl linit-onknt eltrsek lehetnek az alkalmazott feladattpusok tekintetben (ellenttek, szinonimk, prosts, defincik stb.), de a gyakorlatok clja mindig a kontrolllt gyakorls. A tanulk egynileg, rsban dolgozzanak a feladatokon, majd kzsen, felolvastatssal ellenrizzk a megoldsokat. A vgn meg lehet krdezni, hogy kinek hnyat sikerlt jl megcsinlni az sszes feladatbl.


tassuk meg ket, hogy n e m tragdia, h a n e m mindegyik krdsre talljk meg a vlaszt, s hogy rszinformcik is hasznosak lehetnek. Msodik meghallgats u t n kzsen beszljnk meg m i n d e n vlaszt. A hanganyag szkincsvel kln n e foglalkozzunk itt n e m a szkincsfejleszts a cl. H a gy tljk meg, hogy az anyag intenzv feldolgozst is megrdemelne (vagy h a annyira j a csoportunk), akkor harmadszorra (de semmikppen sem elbb!) lejtszva megllhatunk mondatonknt, vagy esetleg fnymsolhatjuk a felvtel szvegt a Tanri kziknyvbl, s kiemelhetnk egyes elemeket, de ekkor is inkbb kifejezseket (funkcikat"), mint szavakat.

Homework Translation: English into Hungarian ( 2 5 - 4 0 perc) A szvegek eleinte rvidek, de mr ekkor sem nagyon knnyek, st akr nehezebbek lehetnek a szvegrtsi cikknl is. Ne krjk, hogy a szavakat is tanuljk meg, itt csak a fordts gyakorlsa a cl.

szkincs feldolgozsa az els harmadban gy trtnik, hogy a cikkben alhzott j szavakat a szkincs feladatban megadott, nem sorrendben lv magyar megfelelk kzl vissza kell keresni, illetve a szrmazkokat meg kell tippelni. A msodik hantiadban minden ugyangy trtnik, de a szavak nincsenek a cikkben alhzva. A harmadik harmadban az alhzott szavakat s azok szrmazkait angol nyelv defincik alapjn kell visszakeresni. Az aprbb betvel szedett szavak a cikkben ugyan szerepelnek, de nem klnsebben fontosak ezen a szinten. A mdszertani eljrst az indokolja, hogy a szvegsszefggsbl kell a szavakat azonostani, ami a vizsgn az egyik legfontosabb kszsg ennl a feladatnl. A magyar nyelv hasznlatra a kurzus els ktharmadban azrt van szksg, mert az angol nyelv defincik flslegesen megneheztenk a feladatot, mrpedig itt a hangsly a fent emltett kszsg gyakoroltatsn van. A harmadik harmadban ez a nehezeds mr elfogadhat, mert addigra a tanulk szkincse ezt mr elbrja. Hvjuk fel a figyelmet arra, hogy ezeket a szavakat meg kell tanulni. A tartalmi feldolgozs vgig a kvetkez sma szerint trtnik: Olvastassuk el a globlis rtst firtat bevezet krdseket. Olvastassuk el a cikket. (Egynileg, csendben olvassanak.) Elszr prban, majd a tanr irnytsval nyilvnosan vlaszoljuk meg a krdseket. Olvassuk fel, vagy szalagrl jtsszuk le a cikket. Az instrukci szerint egynileg vgeztessk el a szkeres feladatot (a tanulk a knyvbe rnak). (Ez a lps szksg esetn kzsen is elvgezhet.) Kzsen ellenrizzk s beszljk meg a megoldsokat. Olvastassuk el a rszletes rtst firtat krdseket, majd adjunk idt arra, hogy egynileg, rsban vlaszoljanak a krdsekre. (E feladat sorn a cikket is jra kell olvasniuk, gy elg sok idre lehet szksg.) Egy-kt megolds felolvastatsval ellenrizzk a vlaszokat. A szerepjtk feladatokhoz tartoz grafikkhoz hasonlan, az jsgcikkekhez kszlt karikatrk is tbbek, mint egyszer illusztrcik; inkbb az eredeti trtnetek kpi parafrzisairl van sz. Ennek megfelelen a

Translation: English into Hungarian - checkpoint ( 2 0 - 3 0 perc) A feladatok clja a hzi feladat fordts megbeszlse-ellenrzse. a) feladat: Krjnk megoldsokat az egyes kiemelt szavakra/kifej ezsekre. b) feladat: Krjnk megoldsokat a fordts minden egyes mondatra. Emeljk ki az egyes megoldsok esetleges hibit s magyartalansgait, s krjnk javtsi javaslatokat a tanulktl. A vgn egy sszefgg fordtst is hallgassunk meg. c) feladat: Krjk, hogy tltsk ki az ellipsziseket, majd krdezznk meg nhny tanult, hogy milyen szavakat vlasztottak. Reading & vocabulary: article(s) (30-45 perc) Mint a cm is mutatja, a feladat clja ketts: egyrszt az olvassi feladatra kszt fel, msrszt pedig a szkincset hivatott bvteni. A kurzus els harmadban egy rvid cikkecske szerepel egy Unit-ban, a msodik harmadban kt rvidebb cikk, a harmadikban pedig egy hosszabb. A


rajzok szmtalan feldolgozsi lehetsget rejtenek mgidban: br kln feladatok n e m kszltek hozzjuk, brmikor felhasznlhatk pldul olvass eltti (prereading) (Vajon mirl fog szlni ez a cikk?") vagy olvass utni feladatokknt. (A cikk milyen aspektusait karikrozza a rajz?"; Milyen eltrsek vannak a karikatra s az eredeti trtnet kztt?" stb.) A krds persze itt is az, hogy jut-e erre is id.

Pronunciation 2: sentence stress, r h y t h m & intonation (csak a k n y v els k t h a r m a d b a n ) (10 perc) Ebben a Lesson-ben a mondathangslyozst s az intoncit gyakoroltatjk a feladatok. A tanulk olvassk el a megjegyzseket, majd krusban ismteljk a magn utn a mondatokat. L i n k words (csak a k n y v els k t h a r m a d b a n ) (10-15 perc) A feladat clja az rs s a beszd ktelemeinek megtantsa - gyakoroltatsa. A feladat megkezdse eltt kzsen nzzk t a keretben megadott szavakat/kifejezseket. Vrjuk meg, hogy a tanulk kzl valaki tud-e segteni egyre tbbszr gy lesz, mert a kifejezsek rendszeresen vissza-vissza trnek), majd egytt tisztzzuk a pontos jelentst. A feladatot prban vgezzk, s engedjk meg a magyar nyelv hasznlatt, hogy jl megvitathassk a kifejezsek helyt. Azt krjk, hogy a felkszlsi id lejrtval egy ksz produktumuk legyen, amelyet fel tudnak olvasni a tbbieknek. Hvjuk fel a figyelmet arra, hogy szksg esetn a First Aid K-hez fordulhatnak, ha nem egszen bctosak az egyes kifejezsek jelentsben. Krjk smon/ignyeljk a mr tanult kifejezsek hasznlatt egyb feladatokban is (fogalmazs, cikk tartalmnak elmondsa stb.). A ktelemeket jl lehet drillerssel is gyakorolni (magyar nyelv vgszavakkal). Homework Vocabulary: article(s) - study task ( 3 0 - 4 5 perc) A f teend itt a cikk szavainak megtanulsa. A szbers feladat clja a cikk szavainak az eredeti szvegkrnyezetnek megfelel kontextusban val gyakorlsa-ellenrzse. A msodik feladat a szavak memorizlst hivatott segteni azzal, hogy a cikk tartalmi sszefoglalsra val felkszlst kri. A feladatok ellenrzse a kvetkez rn trtnik.

Writing: letter/composition ( 3 0 - 4 0 perc) A feladatokhoz a kurzus elejn nagyon sok tartalmi, nyelvi s formai segtsget ad a knyv, mert a tapasztalatok szerint taln ez a legelhanyagoltabb terlete a nyelvtantsnak, s itt knldnak a legtbbet a tanulk, ha nincs mire tmaszkodniuk. A kreativits s a nyelvi nllsg fokozatosan trtn megkvetelse nagyobb biztonsgrzetet ad. A fogalmazsban is, de klnsen a levlrsban, risi szerepe van a klnbz nyelvi paneleknek, amelyekbl egy bizonyos kszletet a tanulknak be kell gyjtenik. Egyebek kztt ezrt is szksg van a segtsgre - vagy kontrollra, ha gy tetszik. Paradox mdon, a roppant kreatvnak tn feladat taln az sszes kzl a legktttebb; taln leginkbb ignyli a levl-formulk, ktelemek, nyelvi fordulatok, stilisztikai finomsgok, bombabiztos nyelvtani struktrk s a nagyon szigor formai kvetelmnyek biztos ismerett s tudatos, kszsg sznt hasznlatt. Ebbl kvetkezik, hogy a ltszat ellenre itt nagyon sok specilis tanulni s gyakorolni val van, s a fogalmazs semmikppen nem kezelhet gy, mint egy valdi szabad" rsbeli feladat. Teht: meg kell tanulni a fogalmazvny-szerkeszts alapvet szablyait, a bekezds logikai felptst, a klnbz gondolati egysget sszektsnek technikit, az alapvet stilisztikai szablyokat, a levlrs paneljait s a levelek formai kvetelmnyeit. Ezeket a dolgokat a kurzus fokozatosan vezeti be. A levlrshoz a First Aid Kit kln is segtsget ad, levlrsi feladatnl hvjuk fel a tanulk figyelmt ana, hogy tanulmnyozzk s hasznljk ezt. Sajnos, a tanulk ltal rt mveket a tanrnak (mindig!) otthon ki kell javtania a kvetkez rra. Vlaszthatunk, hogy azonnal teljes javtst alkalmazunk-e, vagy elszr csak jelezzk, hogy hol nem stimmel valami. Nyilvn ez utbbi esetben egy msodik javtsra is szksg van ... . Nekem bevlt a kvetkez szimblumok hasznlata (lsd a kvetkez oldalon):


whole structure is inappropriate (lots of different problems) serious grammatical error (usually tense) grammar mistake vocabulary problem

word order something is missing not necessary spelling/punctuation mistake style; not appropriate in this context meaning is not clear

lifeYbeautiful the life is (not) beautiful bQutiful

Speaking: discussion ( 4 5 - 6 0 perc) A feladatok clja a tmakr szkincsnek szabad (kommunikatv) beszdgyakorlatokban val gyakorlsa, illetve hasznlata. A klnbz feladatok beszlgetst vagy vitt provoklnak, vlemnyt, llsfoglalst, megegyezst vagy valamilyen produktumot" krnek a rsztvevktl. Kivtel nlkl prban vagy csoportban vgezendk el. a, b, [c, d, e, fj) feladatok s alfeladataik Segtsnk a prok, de klnsen a csoportok kialaktsnl. Ugyangy szksg lehet a teremben val elhelyezkeds irnytsra. Sok feladatnl szksg van egy titkrra", aki lejegyzi (s gyakran tolmcsolja a csoport tbbi tagjnak) a feladat elvgzse sorn szletett gondolatokat; ezt a szemlyt mg a feladat megkezdse eltt ki kell jellni. Sok feladatnl j megolds az, hogy a feladat produktumt" (egy listt, egy rajzot stb.) Buack-kel a falra vagy a tblra tzzk, s adunk idt arra, hogy tanulmnyozzk egyms mveit. Szinte minden pr- s csoportmunkban vgzett feladatnl szksg van valamifle egsz csoport eltti visszajelzsre, ha msra nem, legalbb egy villmgyors szavazsra a krdsrl. Ne feledkezznk meg ezekrl az utmunklatokrl", mert gyakran ezek adnak valdi kommunikatv rteimeta munknak. Munka kzben ne javtsunk, csak a tartalomra koncentrljunk, de lljunk rendelkezsre, ha szksg lenne rnk a szkinccsel stb. kapcsolatban. Szigoran ragaszkodjunk az angol nyelv hasznlathoz mg kzvett (nem kzvetlenl a feladathoz kapcsold) nyelvknt is. A tanr itt egyenrang trsknt beszllhat egy-egy csoportba, de egy feladat sorn csak egybe s ott lehetleg vgig. Homework Vocabulary: survival kit - preview (25-45 perc) A feladat az j Unit szkincsnek otthoni feldolgozsa. A kvetkez rn mg nem kell tudni a szavakat, de tjkozottnak kell lenni, s ha szksges, krdseket kell tudni feltenni a tanrnak. Exam tips ( 5 - 1 0 perc) A vizsga egy-egy feladattpusrl vagy valamilyen egyb fontos aspektusrl szlnak ezek a kis szvegek, s mivel angolul vannak, egyben olvasmnynak e megfelelnek. A tanrnak sok tennivalja nincs velk, legfeljebb kiegsztheti ket sajt tapasztalatai alapjn.

A ksz (kijavtott) fogalmazsokat ki lehet tenni a falra, hogy a sznetben a tanulk elolvashassk egyms mveit.

Vocabulary: article(s) - checkpoint (20 perc) a) feladat: Ellenrizzk a (szbers) hzi feladatot egyszer felolvastatssal. b) feladat: A cl a cikk szavainak j nyelvi krnyezetben val gyakorlsa. A mdszertani eljrst a vizsga magyarrl angolra trtn fordtsi feladatnak tovbbi gyakorlsa indokolja. A feladat egynileg vagy kzsen, akr szban, akr rsban vgezhet, a tanr beltsa szerint. c) feladat: A cl a cikk szkincsnek tovbbi gyakorlsa-rgztse, de fontos az is, hogy kttt szvegen keresztl a szbelisget gyakoroljuk. A feladatot prban vgezzk el oda-vissza alapon, majd egy-kt tanult egytt is hallgassunk meg. Grammar focus: mini test (10-15 perc) A feladat clja a fo nyelvtani krds feleletvlaszts teszt formban val gyakorlsa-ellenrzse. Adjunk idt az sszes feladat egyni megoldsra, majd a teljes mondatok felolvastatsval ellenrizzk, illetve beszljk meg a megoldsokat. Minden feladat utn rdemes (magyarul) feltenni a krdst: mirt? Itt is megkrdezhetjk a vgn, hogy hnyat sikerlt eltallni a tzbl. Rossz eredmny esetn hvjuk fel a tanul figyelmt a Preview alaposabb tanulmnyozsra.


aponttl ajegyzetek angol nyelvek, mert a tippek s megoldsok megfogalmazsa nyelvi segtsget is nyjtMZ ravezetshez )

VOCABULARY: survival kit - study task (p. 15)
It's a good idea s o r t the course by spending some time studying and discussing the following things: the tasks and requirements of the exam (pages 12-13, and the Mock Exam) the relationship between the exam and the book/course (pages 12-13) the syllabus (the Map of the Book) the structure of a Unit (see the Introduction to the book) the requirements of the course (homework, etc.) and a code of conduct "Wlien you are through with these, you can go on to the first task of the book. Give the students 20-25 mutes to do the interviews, and then ask every one of them to introduce their partners to the rest of the . In the case of a new class you should also check if they've learnt all the names. Point out that curriculum vitae is pronounced [k9,nkjtam 'vi:tai] (or [si:'vi:] for short), and resume (sometimes spellt resume) is pronounced ['rezpmei] in BrE and [,rezj'mei] in AmE. that crche is pronounced [krej] or [kreij]. that county is pronounced ['kanti]. (As opposed to ['kAntn] in country.) that gimnzium is OK as long as they pronounce it in the Hungarian way. ( go to the Petfi Gimzium, or I go to Petfi Gimnzium, a secondary grammar school in the first district of Budapest.) the difference between have a three-year-old brother, and my brother is three years old. Pay special attention to the date of birth, and particularly that there's no in before the year. that there's no preposition after to attend. to go on to ... to leave school, however to finish is not impossible either. to work for... to live at NX So-and-so Street/utca.


reunify M /t

VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 17)

Point out

the difference between step and foster parents. the difference between to marry sy, to get married and to get married to sy. the difference between to divorce sy and to get divorced, the difference between to get divorced and to separate. the difference between a girl/boyfriend and a boy/girl friend. that there's no difference between the pronunciation of fiancee and fianc [fi'nsei]. that the three-year child care allowance system is the closest translation for GYED/GYES. that alimony does not exist in Hungary. that elderly is a lot more polite than old. that complexion refers to the natural colour or appearance of the skin on your face. that chubby is often used with kids, and plump means "pleasantly fat". that beautiful and pretty are not usually used of men. Handsome is sometimes used to describe men or women who are good-looking in a strong, healthy way. Good looking can be used both about men and women.

SPEAKING: pictures (p. 18)

The differences: In picture A it is raining in the picture on the wall, and in picture B the sun is shining. In picture A grandad is looking sad in the picture on the wall, and in picture B he is smiling. In picture A mum is wearing a pearl necklace/pearls, and in picture B she isn't. In picture A mum is holding a vase with three flowers, and in picture B she's holding a bowl of soup. (She is bringing them into the room.) 5. In picture A grandma's knitting is short, and in picture B it is long. 6. In picture A the cat is playing with a hank/ball of wool, and in picture B it's playing with a dotted/spotted ball. 7. In picture A the little boy is pulling the cat's tail, and in picture B he is pulling a toy train. 8. In picture A the little girl in the cot hasn't got a ribbon in her hair, and in picture B she has. 9. In picture A dad is drinking water, and in picture B he is holding a telescope. 10. In picture A the mirror on the wall has a round frame, and in picture B the frame is angular. 1 1 . In picture A there's a bulb in the light, and in picture B there isn't. 1. 2. 3. 4.


VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 25)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) wrfe, breadwinner, housewife, one-parent, get divorced, bring up, crche, get married, co-habit, wedding, married, make ends meet, child care allowance system, benefits, budget

foster parents single/unmarried first name/Christian name short/small straight badly/shabbily dressed outgoings distant relatives a one/single-parent family thin/skinny plain fair complexion

maintenance (BrE)/child support (AmE) family allowance/child benefit unemployment benefit pension child care allowance

split up, childless, make ends meet, co-habit, early twenties, rear

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 27)

1. My father is a doctor. I'm a clever boy/girl. That/this is a fact. 2. Do you like animals? I feel so sorry for the animals in the zoo. 3 . Water is essential for life. The water in the Danube is very polluted. I don't like whisky. Have you tried the whisky? 4. Love is more important than anything for me. I'm not interested in fashion, I'm interested in quality. What's the latest/new fashion? We have wonderful weather today. 5. My son is in prison\hospital\ (at) school\church. There's another scandal at/in the school. 6. My favourite colour is blue. The blue is particularly nice in this pullover. German is more difficult than English. The Hungarian language is even more difficult. I can hardly understand the English he speaks.


LINK WORDS (p. 33) 6,4,5,3,1,7,2

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 36)

greasy, publicity, blockbuster, recipe, wedding, pops, accepts, additional Ez egy teljesen elfogadhatatlan javaslat. This is a completely unacceptable proposal.

Kedvelem t, de a kezt nem fogom megkrni. I like her but I'm not going to pop the question to her. Van valakinek hozztennivalja ehhez a javaslathoz? Has anybody got anything to add to this proposal? risi hrvers volt az eskv krl, (to get a lot of...) The wedding got a lot of publicity.

A legtbb kiadvnyuk szakcsknyv. Most of their publications are cook(ery) books. Utlom a zsros kajt. I hate greasy food.

Nincs ltalnosan elfogadott recept a boldogsgra. There's no generally accepted recipe for happiness.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 37) 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B

V O C A B U L A R Y : survival kit (p. 4 1 ) Point out that grammar school is perhaps the closest translation for gimnzium; vocational school could be used for szakkzpiskola, but it is not a particularly good translation (a little additional explanation may be useful); comprehensive school is a state school in Britain for kids of different abilities over the age of 11. Over 80% of pupils attend a comprehensive. that a public school means a fee-paying private secondary school in Britain, and it means a state primary school in the US. that sixth form is a British state school for students over 16. Students stay there for two years and prepare for their A levels. A lo<wer\upper sixth-former is the closest translation for harmadikos/tizenegy edikes, and negyedikes/tizenkettedikes. that to attend is a lot more formal than to goto. that you do/take a course on Contemporary English Literature, and you do/take a course in sewing. that they use letters (A to F) for marks in Britain and the US. that a form is a school unit like 2/A, whereas a class is any group of students. It might be worth mentioning here that the Hungarian osztly" is a much stronger and longer-lasting social unit than anything in Britain or the US. that to specialise is the closest translation for fakultci or sv. that there is no translation for felels/feleltets. that GCSE exams are taken at the age of 16 in Britain. At 18 students who want to go on to university (or polytechnic) take A-level exams in not more than 3 subjects. that MA is Master of Arts, MSc is Master of Science, and PhD is Doctor of Philosophy.

SPEAKING: pictures (p. 43)

Picture A: A schoolteacher receiving a small gift from the class at Christmas. Picture B: An oral examination at ELTE.


VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 49)
Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) attend, nursery, education, primary, went, leaving, secondary specialised, requirements, subjects, gift, school leaving exams, apply, admitted, did, graduated, degree, higher

optional subjects arts subjects/humanities to leave (to finish) school to fail an exam oral exam to be admitted/accepted entrance/entry exams/tests talented/gifted

creche/day nursery public school language school trade school/technical college nursery school high school secondary vocational school comprehensive school Teacher Training College Law School/University of Law

graduate, discipline, lenient, coach, intermediate, native

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 50)

1. She usually wears trousers/jeans but today she is wearing a skirt. 2. I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday, but I was having meetings all day. 3.1 don't understand why you are looking at me like this. Don't you like the clothes (that) I'm wearing? 4 . 1 was washing my hair when the water supply was turned off. 5. He's always making indecent proposals. 6. Although I have a lot of problems, I'm having a great/very good time here in Acapulco. 7. You don't seem to understand what I'm telling you; I haven't got any money now because I'm saving up for a Mercedes. 8. 'You look great/fantastic'


' O h , you're only being polite.' 'No, I really m e a n it.' 'I t h i n k you're only joking/kidding.' 'I never joke.' 9 . W h o live o n t h e third floor?' // ' W h o are t h e people living ...?' 'I h a v e n o idea, I never meet them.' 1 0 . W h i l e they were watching t h e football match, we were looking at the stamp collection in the other room. In the meantime, all the coats were/got stolen from t h e hall.

L I S T E N I N G (p. 5 1 )

When he was two, his parents got divorced; in 1977 his mother married an Englishman, and they moved to Britain; he started Harrow School when he was thirteen; his step-father died in 1994 and then he and his mother moved back to Hungary; he started university (doing mathematics) in Hungary one and a half or two years ago.

His mother got married to an Englishman, and they moved to Britain. His step-father was a rich businessman. He had not gone to preparatory school; it was a boarding school; it was an all-boy school; there were a fc>t of rules and regulations; teachers were strict and cold; the atmosphere was rather aristocratic and quite authoritarian. School uniform; strict rules about tidiness in the boarding house, the privileges of the senior boys. Although beating has not been abolished formally, they don't beat kids at Harrow any longer. However, older boys occasionally beat up younger kids. He did quite well, particularly at the science subjects, but he wasn't outstandingly good at sports. Because he and his mother moved back to Hungary when his step-father died. He is a second year student of mathematics at a Hungarian university. It's still not perfect, but it's getting better and better.

T R A N S L A T I O N : English i n t o H u n g a r i a n - c h e c k p o i n t (p. 5 3 )

Hogyan alakulhatott ki ez a helyzet? rgebben rvid feladatok voltak meg kellett csinlni // kellett megcsinlni ma // manapsg // mostanban ezrt // ebbl kvetkezen // ppen ezrt // kvetkezskppen tehetsges // okos // gyes // j szenvednek az egyre nvekv hzi feladat mennyisgtl/terhelstl //... az egyre tbb hzi feladattl a hajnali rkig // hajnalig // ks jszakig cskkenteni a tanrn/iskoln kvli tevkenysgeket // ...-re fordtott idt


A hzi feladatnak kros hatsai lehetnek: nem kizrt, hogy valjban a hzi feladat az oka a ksseknek s a hinyzsoknak. Vajon hogyan alakulhatott ki ez a helyzet? Megvltozott a hzi feladat jellege. Rgebben knnyen elvgezhet, rvid feladatokbl llt, amelyeket a tanknyvek segtsgvel kellett megcsinlni, ma viszont tbb klnbz rszfeladatbl tevdik ssze, amelyek elvgzse nagyon sok fradsgos munkt ignyel, s ebbl kvetkezen nagyon idignyes is. Mg a leglelkiismeretesebb s a legtehetsgesebb dikok is szenvednek az llandan nvekv terhelstl, amely arra knyszerti ket, hogy ks jszakig tanuljanak, s hogy cskkentsk az iskoln kvli tevkenysgekre fordtott idt.

READING & VOCABULARY: article (p. 53)

More than thirty. They want the right to cheat in their university entry tests. They were called in when supervisors refused to give them this right. They say that the education standards are (so) poor (that they do not stand any chance of passing their entry tests). 4,000 (students have been expelled.)

eslye van valamire stands a chance (to have a chance would also be possible) rohamrendrsg => lzadni (!) riot police => to riot [pa'liis] kvetelni => kvetels to demand [ Q H ] => demand

lltani valamit => llts to claim => claim csalni/puskzni to cheat kizrni valakit => kizrs to expel [ Q I ] => expulsion felgyel => felgyelni => felgyelet supervisor => to supervise => supervision tmegtntets => tntetni mass demonstration => to demonstrate jog valamihez right to sg sznvonal standard


megsebeslni => sebesls to be injured [HQ] => injury felvteli teszt entry test verekedni/kzdeni to fight (fought, fought)

They demanded the right to cheat in university entry tests because they claimed that the education standards are so poor in Bangladesh that they didn't have any chance of passing without cheating. They were injured fighting with police after a mass demonstration. It must be a very serious problem, because over 4,000 students were expelled in the first exam week. LINK WORDS (p. 56) 6,8,2,9,7,5,4,10,3,1

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 59)

demonstration, demanded, standard, claimed, right, called in, injured

Kt ember slyosan megsrlt a balesetben. Two people were seriously injured in the accident. Egyltaln nem vagyok elgedett a szolgltats sznvonalval ebben a szllodban. I'm not (at all) satisfied with the standard of service in this hotel at all. A kvetelseid teljesen elfogadhatatlanok. Your demands are completely unacceptable. Semmi eslyem nincs arra, hogy megnyerjem a versenyt. I don't stand any chance of winning this competition. Harcolunk a jogrt, hogy bkben lhessnk. We are fighting for the right to live in peace.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 60) 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B



VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 65)

Point out that profession is used for work such as that of a teacher, a doctor or lawyer. that work is uncountable. that the word vocation suggests that people do the work in order to help others rather than to earn a lot of money. that perks/fringe benefits may include things like a company car, holidays, travel allowances, etc. that gross is pronounced [gras]. that entrepreneur is pronounced [,DntT3pr3'n3:]. that plumber is pronounced ['plAms]. that clerk is pronounced [kla:k] in BrE and [klsrk] in AmE.

SPEAKING: pictures (p. 66)

Picture A: Sophia, Queen of Spain on her first visit to Hungary. The picture was taken at a Budapest street market in 1993. The man on the right is a Hungarian escort. Pictures B: BKV (Budapest Transit Authority) ticket inspectors on the lookout for fare dodgers, and a ticket inspector dealing with a fare dodger.

VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 72)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) job, wage, work, working for, shifts, conditions, wages, range, fringe benefits, retire, unemployed, redundant, unemployment, dole, underpaid, benefit, occupation, retrained, permanent


a part time job a p e r m a n e n t job a blue-collar worker to dismiss/fire someone a n insufficient salary


a badly/poorly paid job night shift the private sector to be unemployed // to be out of work/a job

teacher cook doctor/vet hairdresser/hair stylist photographer

painter & decorator priest joiner architect mechanic

1) filling station/garage attendant 2) fireman 3) (car) mechanic 4) ambulance-woman/doctor 5) postman 6) farmer 7) waiter 8) policeman 9) soldier/hussar [h'za:] 10) miner 11) lumberjack/woodman/ logger\forester/(forest ranger) 12) cameraman

perks/fringe benefits, flexitime, dole (money), menial, retire

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 74)

1. I have already done my maths homework, but I haven't even started my English homework yet. They have been going out for two years, but he hasn't even kissed her yet. 2. 'How long have you known each other?' 'Since Christmas, that is for ten months.' 'How long have you been tinkering with these few sentences?' 'Since I got/arrived/came home.' 3. 'What (kind/sort of) marks/grades have you got/received in English this term?' 'I've got a 2, a 3, a 4, and a 5, but I haven't got a 1 so far. In fact I've never been given a 1.' The price of petrol has been raised three times this year, but it has not reached the price of gold yet. 4. 'I'm sorry, but I've forgotten.' 'But I've only just told you.' 5. 'This is the first time I've heard this.' 'This is not true. I mentioned this problem to you last week, and that was the first time you had heard about the case.' 6. Has the price of petrol been raised? My car has been stolen. Have you had your hair cut? He's been appointed manager/director/headmaster. 7. We had known each other for five years when they eventually/finally got married. He immediately gave me a 1 when he realised that I hadn't prepared. He told me about his friends, whom he had known since his childhood. // ... since he was a child.



When I woke up, he had been working for hours. By the time I arrived/got home, the bastards had eaten up all the dumplings. I will have had my Fiat 126 for 20 years by January. By the time the coach arrives in Paris, we'll have been travelling for 15 hours.

L I S T E N I N G (p. 76) it migh be worth mentioning to the students that both speakers in this recording have strong Midlands accents.

She is a library property recovery officer, that is she visits borrowers who have not returned the books or other items they borrowed to try and get them or their price back.

She used to be a bus driver and then a ticket inspector. There are three typical excuses: they've been on holiday, they've been decorating and the items are packed away, and that they've been in hospital. She smiles and listens to them patiently, and doesn't show that she doesn't believe their stories. He threatened to set his dog (a rottweiler) on to her if she went there again. It was very embarrassing because the housewife, a pregnant lady thought that her husband had bought her the picture as a Christmas present. She tells the story of the guy who opened the door with a towel around his waist covering only the front of his naked body. The man tried to lure her into his flat, and when she turned down the fantastic offer, he just lowered the books down in a basket.

P&LTRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 78)

a zseni alkot/dolgozik // dolgozik/alkot a zseni azt gondolhatn az ember // azt gondolhatnnk olyan krnyezet, ahol nem zavarja semmi //... ahol semmi nem tereli el a figyelmt Mozart lltlag ... (// Mozartrl azt mondjk/tartjk ... // Azt mondjk, hogy Mozart...) bcsi mg egy taxiban lt, amely forgalmi/kzlekedsi dugba kerlt Wagner legjobb mveit gy alkotta, hogy ... sznpomps/feltn/flancos j elmezek/ltzkek mertette az ihlett a szag/illat serkentette //... nvelte az alkotkszsgt //... segtett neki... // jtkonyan hatott.



A zseni alkot Azt gondolhatn az ember, hogy a nagy kpzmvszeknek, rknak s muzsikusoknak olyan krnyezetre van szksgk legjobb mveik megalkotshoz, ahol nem zavarja okt semmi. De ez nem gy van. Mozart lltlag szmos mvt bilirdozs kzben komponlta. Christoph Gluck csak gy tudott zent s^rezni, ha ezt egy mezn ldglve tehette. Johann Strauss egyik leghresebb valcert egy bcsi tterem tlapjnak htra jegyezte le. Noel Coward az Almaimban ltlak n cm dalt egy kzlekedsi dugban vesztegl taxiban lve rta. Richard Wagner pedig a legjobb mveit gy alkotta, hogy kzben sznpomps jelmezeket viselt. Mark Twain, Marcel Proust s Edith Whartton leginkbb az gyban szerettek rni. Enrico Caruso pedig a frdkdban gyakorolt. Friedrich von Shiller, a klt, rasztalnl dolgozott ugyan, de az ihletet egy tl rothadt almbl mertette, amelyet a kzelben tartott. gy tnik, hogy a szag jtkonyan hatott az alkotkszsgre.

READING & VOCABULARY: article (p. 78)

The aim is to reduce speeding in this suburb. It is pretty effective: speeding drops 30 per cent when the cardboard figure is on duty. (However, most motorists recognise it after some time.)

fenntartani => fenntarts, karbantarts to maintain [ Q I ] => maintenance [ H t O ] helyettesteni => ptls => ptolhatatlan to replace [ Q H ] => replacement => irreplacable hatkony => eredmnyessg, hatsfok, hatkonysg, termelkenysg efficient [ U H Q ] => efficiency szolglatban lenni => szolglaton kvl lenni to be on duty => to be off duty gyorshajt => sebessgkorltozs speeding (motorist) => speed limit hats => hatsos, eredmnyes => hatsossg effect [ Q | ] => effective => effectiveness szzalk => szzalkarny per cent [ Q | ] => percentage cskkenni/leesni => csepp to drop => drop fegyver weapon


felismerni => felismerhetetlen to recognise ['rekagnaiz] => unrecognisable bizonyulni to turn out (to be ...) ha akarjuk ... if we are to ... karton cardboard autos => autozas motorist => motoring megijeszteni (!) to scare zsaru cop
madrijeszt ('.!) scarecrow

They have positioned a life-size cardboard policeman at street corners. It requires no salary, vacation or lunch breaks. Its drawback is that most motorists recognise it after some time. Then it has to be replaced with real police officers.


VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 84)

cardboard, turned, weapon, drops, per cent, duty, replaced, maintain

A hr igaznak bizonyult. The news (has) turned out to be true. Senki sem ptolhatatlan. Nobody is irreplacable.


Teljesen felismerhetetlen vagy ezen a fotn. You are completely unrecognisable in this photograph.

A nyilvnossg hatkony fegyver a korrupci ellen. Publicity is an efficient weapon against corruption. Hallra ijesztettl! You have scared me to death. Ha el akarjuk rni a vonatot, jobb lesz ha sietnk. If we are to catch the train, we'd better hurry (up). Egy Rolls Royce gyakorlatilag semmilyen karbantartst nem ignyel. A Rolls Royce requires practically no maintenance.

G R A M M A R F O C U S : m i n i test (p. 8 5 )

1. C 2. D

3. B 4. A

5. C 6. D

7. B 8. C

9. B 10. D

VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 89)

Point out that there is no such thing as a family house in English. that in BrE a bungalow means a (fairly modern) house which is all on ground level. that in BrE a cottage means a small, usually old house, especially in the country. that a terraced house is one of a row of houses joined to each other. that in AmE a condominium means the same as an apartment (i.e. flat in BrE), except that an apartment is rented and a condo is owned by the people who live there. that a bed-sitter is a small one-room flat in BrE. that council houses/flats are usually plain in appearance and are cheap to rent. They are typically lived in by rather poor working class people. that a building society is a kind of a bank, which - besides functioning as an ordinary bank - lends money to people who want to buy houses.


that mortgage seems to be the closest translation for OTP laksrszlet/klcsn. that amenities are things like shops, parks, swimming pools, cinemas, pieces of equipment, etc. that make it easier to live somewhere. that the size of a house or flat is usually measured by the number of bedrooms rather than square meters/feet in English. that there is no such thing as flszoba in English. It is just a small room. that the word bathroom (AmE) (when it means toilet) is only used for homes. An American public toilet is a restroom or a washroom. In BrE toilet, lavatory, ho, and sometimes WC are used both for the home and public toilets, but for the latter the gents and the ladies are more and more common. Loo (BrE) and John (AmE) are fairly common informal words. that wall units (plural!) is perhaps the closest translation for szekrnysor. A unit is something like elemes btor e. g. a kitchen\wall unit. that lamp cannot be used for the overhead lights in a room. that suite is pronounced [swi:t]. that a wardrobe (or closet in AmE) is for hanging up clothes in. that stereo (also) means a record player.

SPEAKING: pictures (p. 90)

Picture A: The picture was taken after a gas explosion. Picture B: The photo was taken on a Budapest housing estate.

VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 96)
Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) shortage, place, council, societies, rented, homeless, squatting, property, rent, squatters, furnish, mod cons, evict, roof

a cottage or a house a large flat (a condo) in a good neighbourhood or a house/bungalow a homeless shelter, a pedestrian subway a dorm or digs or sharing a rented flat a small flat on a housing estate // a council flat a large house on the outskirts of a city or a large house/bungalow in a fashionable suburb a small flat on a housing estate // a council flat or a small bungalow in a less fashionable district a small rented flat or digs or with the parents a house/bungalow/cottage in an expensive residential area

condo(minium), fitted kitchen, amenities, rent, wardrobe


G R A M M A R F O C U S : translation into English (p. 9 7 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 'What are you doing on Saturday evening/night?' 'I'm going to the theatre.' My sister is having her baby in August. The film starts at 8 and finishes at 9.30. The train leaves/departs at 10 and arrives at 12. 'I hear you have inherited a lot of money. What are you going to do with it?' 'I'm going to buy a new Trabant.' 'And what are you going to do with the old one?' 'I'm going to sell it.' Archibald is a hopeless case, he's going to fail the exam. This is going to break off, it is already loose. I'm too tired to go home on foot/walk home. I think I'll catch a taxi. 'I'll tell you a secret if you promise you won't tell (if you promise not to tell) anyone.' 'I won't tell anyone, I promise.' I'll be in England this time next year. I'll probably be a little late. I think I'll take/buy it. I'll be doing the English test this time tomorrow. You'll recognise me, I'll be wearing a red suit. Will you be using your car tonight? If you aren't, I'll take it.

5. 6. 7. 8.


10. I'll write as soon as you answer my letter. When the exams are over, we'll go skiing. By the time they come home, dinner will be ready. If it is too expensive, I won't buy it.

L I S T E N I N G (p. 9 9 )
It might be worth mentioning to the students that Mr Johnson has a strong New York accent.

The main cause is that prices are too high compared to average wages.

He say that prices are at an international level but they are relatively low. He says that average wages are far from being anywhere near the international level. There is a shortage in the category of very cheap housing. 15 to 25 years. Prices are too high there for the average citizen, the rent and the bills come to more than a teacher's or doctor's monthly salary. They sell and let luxury homes to foreigners. It's an elegant, four-level, 500 square meter house in Budapest's 2nd District.


- There is a basement level (with a four-car garage and a huge gym). - There's a single-floor living area (with a large living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom). - There's also a two-level upper apartment (with a large living room, big kitchen, and four bedrooms). - The house also has two phone lines and access to 150 different satellite TV channels. 140 million forints for sale and 1.3 million (a month) to let.

TRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 101)

egy msik ilyen, a nagysg" rzett kelt tnyez csillog/flancos/elegns/karcs lakpletek panelhzak meglehetsen ronda ltvnyt nyjtanak // nagyon csnyk // egyltaln nem szemet gynyrkdtet a ltvny hallottam valakitl // jellemezte ket valaki tallan // ...-nak titulljk ket // valaki gy titullta ket, hogy ... // valaki elnevezte ket... //... azt a kifejezst hasznlta, hogy ... // gy szoktk ket hvni, hogy ... megltszik rajta az id mlsa // az id rajta hagyta a nyomt // az id nem mlt el nyomtalanul felette kopott // megkopott // megviselt Budapesthez kpest csak csecsemnek szmt vltoztatta // varzsolta //... lettek

Egy msik ilyen, a nagysg" rzett kelt tnyez a vros pleteinek magassga. A legtbb amerikai metropolisz magas; nylnk, csillog, veg- s mrvnyborts irodahzak vagy elegns, karcs lakpletek lthatk mindenfel, les ellenttben a Budapesten tallhat szocrel" panelhzakkal, amelyek az egyetlen gbeszk plettpust kpviselik itt, sajnos nem ppen szemet gynyrkdtet mdon. Pinck az gben", jellemezte ket valaki tallan. A korklnbsg is jelents a kt vros kztt. Budapesten bizony rajta hagyta a nyomt az id; elkel, mltsgteljes, de kiss megviselt benyomst kelt. Br Washington Budapesthez kpest csak csecsemnek szmt, mris kintte sajt hatrait, s a kzelmlt elvrosaibl mra kis metropoliszok lettek.

READING & VOCABULARY; article (p. 101)

He broke into a bungalow. He stayed in the house for three days. He washed and ironed his clothes and cooked himself meals from the family larder.


brsg court kihasznlni az alkalmat to take t h e opportunity valami ellenre

despite [ l ] (= in spite of)

csodlni => csodlat => csodl

to admire [ l ] => admiration [ l ] => admirer

edny => mosogatgp => mosogatvz/l dish => dish-washer => dish-water lak => acni, elfoglalni

occupant => to occupy luxus => uxtt minsg luxury ['kkjan] => luxurious [kg'zjaras] or [bg'jaanas]
hosszas/hosszan tart

prolonged [ l ]
rendetlensg => rendetlensget csinlni => elfuserlni/elrontani/eltolni mess => to make a mess => to make a mess of... // to mess up tolvaj => fops thief => theft betr => betrni => betrs => laks riaszt burglar => to burgle => burglary => burglar alarm tletet hozni => letfogytiglanra tlni => hallra tlni => hallos tet to pass sentence => to sentence sy to life => to sentence sy to death => death sentence berendezkedni/betelepedni to settle in br => megtlni => tlet judge => to judge => judgement jot/cnyeem comforts ['kAmfats] nem tudtam ellenllni I couldn't help myself szrakozs ('.)=> szrakoztat entertainment => entertaining zrfeltrs s behatols ('.!) breaking and entering valamit


The unusual thing was that he didn't just break into the bungalow but he also settled in and stayed for three days. He said he had liked/admired the house so much that he simply couldn't help himself. He didn't wash the dishes and he didn't tidy up the bathroom.

LINK WORDS (p. 104) 7,1,8,3,4,6,5,2

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 107)

burglar, bungalow, admiration, luxury, occupants, help, opportunity, settle, prolonged, comforts, lard judge, dishes, mess, broke

Az egsz laksban szrny rendetlensg volt. The whole flat/place was in a terrible mess. A br hrom vre tlte a frfit betrses lopsrt. The judge sentenced the man to three years for burglary. Szeretnm kihasznlni az alkalmat, hogy elmondjam nnek, hogy mennyire csodlom. I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you how much I admire you. Az autlopsok szma megduplzdott az elmlt hrom vben. The number of car thefts has doubled in the past three years. Mindenki szeretn egy Mercedes knyelmt lvezni, de csak kevesen engedhetik meg maguknak ezt a lu Everybody would like to enjoy the comforts of a Mercedes, but only very few can afford this luxury.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 108) 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. spouse squatter publisher entrepreneur play truant redundant injury neighbourhood mess up/make a mess of 10. apply to 6. 7. 8. 9. 16. 11. perks/fringe benefits 17. 12. lenient 18. 19. 13. mortgage 14. efficiency 20. 15. the three year child care allowance system course book irreplaceable freehold make ends meet unacceptable

'Good heavens/gracious, what has happened to you car?' 'I was waiting at the red lights in Moszkva Square, when an idiot crashed into the rear of my car // ... into my car from behind.' 'But why didn't he stop too/as well?' 'The guy says (that) he wanted to, but he didn't have enough time.' 'But the insurance company will/is going to pay damages, won't/aren't they?' 'Thank God, at least that seems to be all right. I will/am going to have enough to do, anyway.' 'Well, quite frankly/honestly it looks rather nasty. What are you going to do now?' 'I have already been to the insurance company, and now I am going to take the car to a mechanic' 'It will/is going to take some time until it is repaired/fixed.' 'Well, that's the problem. Now I won't have a car for a couple of days and we are going to Lake Balaton at the weekend. Mechanics are always complaining that there's not enough work, and then it takes days for them // takes them days to repair/fix a car. I still hope they will have repaired it // will repair it by Friday.'


t,; ,\

VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 117)

Point out that you can't wash your teeth. the difference between to leave and to leave for. that to have an early morning lesson is the closest translation for nulladik ra. that homework is uncountable. that tea (also) means dinner or supper in northern regions in Britain, particularly in working class families. that to goto sleep means to fall asleep and not to go to bed. that hoover comes from the famous trade mark. that to sew is pronounced [s9].

VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 125)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) cleaning lady, housework/(chores), henpecked, household, split, chores, riser, prepare, take care, driv' f finishes work, collects, meal, kept clean, put to bed, keep the house clean, groceries, watering, empty' * doing the shopping, wash

to go to sleep/to fall asleep/to doze off to go to bed an early riser to get undressed to leave for home

to get off the bus to collect the kids from schoo to miss lunch at weekends


the dishes should be washed up/done the floor should be scrubbed the bin/rubbish should be emptied the room should be aired the dishes should be dried up the clothes should be ironed the plants should be watered the furniture should be dusted the bed should be made the clothes should be hung out to dry your shirt should be sewn/sewed the grass should be mowed/mown the light should be fixed/mended/repaired the carpet should be swept/vacuumed/hoovered

oversleep/sleep in, leisure/spare time activities, take a nap/snooze, cleaning lady/charwoman, detergent

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 126)

1. How long have you had to wear glasses? 2. I'm sorry, but I really must go/be off now. I must tell you something. That's fantastic! I must buy it. 3. You don't have to/need to/needn't eat everything if you're not hungry. What do I have to/need to do to meet the requirements? 4. You are to do what I tell you. 5.1 managed/was able to stop in the (very) last moment. I managed/was able to do four out of the five tasks. The police couldn't/weren't able to establish the exact cause of the accident. 6. How long have you been able to drive? 7.1 can't/won't be able to do my homework because I must/will have to see the doctor. 8. He is in a terrible state, he isn't able to/can't even sit up without help. 9. 'Can/Could/May/Might I ask you another question?' 'No, I'm sorry, you can't/may not, the time is over.' 'Can/Could/May/Might I use the phone, please?' 'Of course you can. Can/Could I turn right here?' No you mustn't, this is a one-way street. 10. It was terrible. I wasn't even allowed to say a word all day. How long have Hungarian citizens been allowed to travel to the UK without a visa?


LISTENING (p. 127)

He is a printer. He likes it; he's got used to the "reversed" routine, and he sometimes feels sorry for those who do not work the night shift.

The biggest difference is that he sleeps while other people work, and works while others are asleep. He finishes work at six, gets home by 6.45 or 7, has breakfast with his family, he reads the morning paper or watches television, takes a shower, and then goes to bed. He's not particularly interested in the telly. He sometimes watches the telly in the morning (usually the news), or sees the films his kids tape for him during the day. He always watches the football matches in the afternoon. He sleeps until 2 or 3, then he messes around (talks to the members of his family, etc.) until dinner time. He takes a shower at about 7.30, gets dressed, and leaves home at about 9.15. He says it's a lot faster and less frustrating because he can avoid the rush-hours.

9 * gz'*^''****


TRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 129)

nem egyb, mint egy bizonyos lelkillapot // gondolkodsmd/hozzlls krdse fiatalosan gondolkodom // fiatalosan llok/viszonyulok a dolgokhoz megisszuk az egsz kanna tet // az utols cseppig megisszuk ... ha van r alkalmam/lehetsgem // ha egy md van r // ha tehetem egy kzeli uszodban le szoktunk szni // (mindig) leszunk nhny hosszt lvezettel/j tvggyal elfogyasztok egy szalonns/sonks szendvicset

Egy let George Brumwell Jameson egy napjban Nem rzem magam 102 vesnek. Egy csom embert ismerek, akik 74, illetve 75 vesek, s n mgis fiatalabbnak rzem magam mint k. Szerintem a kor nem egyb mint egy bizonyos lelkillapot - , n pedig fiatalosan gondolkodom, plne mita tavaly mrciusban sszehzasodtunk a msodik felesgemmel Julie-val, aki 54 ves. Reggel vagyok a leglnkebb. Majdnem mindennap fl htkor bredek, s az gyban lve hamarosan mr iszom is a temat. Julie a kedvenc keverkemet hozza, amely egy kanl asszami s egy kanl Earl Grey tea felhasznlsval kszl. Az utols cseppig megisszuk a kannban lv tet, megbeszljk, hogy mit fogunk csinlni aznap, s elolvassuk az jsgokat. Miutn megborotvlkoztam s lezuhanyoztam - nem kockztathatom meg, hogy beljek a kdba, mert esetleg nem fogok tudni kikszldni belle -, felteszem a nagyothall kszlkemet, s felltzm. Ha tehetem, minden reggel szom egyet. Nyron Douglas-szal, a bartommal szoktam tallkozni egy kzeli uszodban, s leszunk nhny hosszt. Tlen pedig ltalban bemegynk a vrosba, s vsrolgatunk egy


htssL Gyakran az Anchor nev kocsmban ktnk ki, ahol j tvggyal elfogyasztok egy szalonns ndvicset s egy whiskyt - ez utbbibl tbbre is szksgem van a nap sorn.

READING & VOCABULARY: articles (p. 129)

Mr Mop comes from Batley, Yorkshire. He is 6 ft 4 tall, and he is a bachelor. 15. It's very successful: he has completed ten jobs in three weeks. He cleans them from top to bottom. His calling card.

megbzhat/hsges trusty felmos mop lehmozni to peel off nudista naturist beindtani/megkezdeni/megalaptani to set (set, set) up megjelenni/fellpni/szerepelni to turn up pucr => ah nude => nude tollsepr feather duster fick/fazon chap bizonyulni to prove (to be ...) szemeteslapt dustpan trvny law sajt the press nvjegy [AmE] => ~ [BrE] calling card => card vdat emelni => megvdolni to press charges => to charge (with) alrni => alrs to sign => signature bebpdzni/besurranni => tornacip [AmE] to sneak into => sneakers (el)menekls => elmeneklni getaway => to get away

tisztasgszeret/tisztasgmnis house-proud [haus] nehz (gy) tough [tAf]

siker hit felszmolni/krni (pnzt) to charge beismerni => ktsgtelenl to admit [ u | ] => admittedly

gyanstott => gyanstani => gyan => gyanakv, gyans suspect ['sAspekt] => to suspect [sa'spekt] => suspicion => suspicious hajland => vonakod willing => unwilling


porcicalpihe shagpile dsztrgy ornament elbvl/bbjos glamorous "hirdetgetni" magt to go round advertising oneself kifnyestem to buff up

elnevezni to dub bandita desperado

Both cases are about men whose business is cleaning (at least partly). Both of them do funny/unusual things to make their services more attractive. That he doesn't only clean the house but also takes off as many clothes as the housewives want. He breaks into a house and cleans it from top to bottom before leaving his calling card.

L I N K W O R D S (p. 133) 9, 2, 6 (5), 5 (6), 3, 1 , 4 , 7 , 8

V O C A B U L A R Y : articles - c h e c k p o i n t (p. 136) sign, dubbed, glamorous, bachelor, naturist, house-proud, willing, calling card, turn up, feather, buffing, ornaments, peel off, set up, charge, suspicious, nude

IN em kritizlgathatsz mindig mindent. You can't always go round criticising everything. Egy elegns tteremben akr ktszz forintot is elkrhetnek egy cssze kvrt. You might be charged as much as 200 HUF for a cup of coffee in an elegant restaurant. A gyanstottak egy lopott autval menekltek el. The suspects got away in a stolen car. Be kell ismernem, hogy hiba volt ennek a vllalkozsnak a beindtsa. I must admit that it was a mistake to set up this enterprise/business. Ha nem jelennek meg egy rn bell, vdat emelnk ellenk. If they don't turn up in an hour('s time), we'll press charges. Kemny munka megpucolni tz kil krumplit. It's a tough job // It's hard work to peel 10 kilos of potatoes.


GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 137) 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A

VOCABULARY; survival kit (p. 141)

Point out that an excursion is a short journey arranged by a travel agency, a school, a company, etc. that a book on sg is usually something like a professional or academic study, whereas a book about sg just uses the topic as the subject of the book, e.g. a book on or about the Second World War. that heroine and heroin (the drug) are both pronounced ['heraum]. that educational book is the closest translation to ismeretterjeszt knyv. that whodunit comes from Who has done it? the difference between a travel book and a guide book. the difference between novel and short story. that paper can only be used for dailies. that the three forms of broadcast are the same. the difference between a serial (e.g. The Onedin Line, or Szab csald) and a series (e.g. X-Files, or Aktulis). that a blue movie is a pornographic film. that programme is spelt program in AmE. that quiz is pronounced [kwiz], that live is pronounced [laiv] in live broadcast. that folk is pronounced [faok].

SPEAKING: pictures (p. 142)

Picture A: A woman peeping into someone else's magazine on a tram. Picture B: People at a rock music concert. (The Michael Jackson concert in Budapest.)


VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 149)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) going out, free time, subscribe to, magazines, fiction, volumes, reference books, technical literature, rock music, release, TV/telly, programmes, soaps, thrillers, satellite channels, theatre, theatregoer, plays, concerts, fairy tales, productions

outdoor activities minor characters non-fiction tragedy

quality papers local papers home news a subtitled film // a film with subtitles

leisure time writer thriller drama the mass media daily

popular paper leading article the telly channel picture or film

on an excursion, message, autobiography, playwright/dramatist, feature, couch potato, serial

GRAMMAR FOCUS; translation into English (p. 150)

1. 'This bloke/guy looks very intelligent, he must be an English teacher.' 'No, he can't/couldn't be an English teacher, he is too well-dressed.' 2. 'Can/Could he have forgotten about my birthday?' 'No, he can't/couldn't have forgotten about it. His phone must have gone wrong.' 3 . 'They should/ought to be here by now.' 'They may/might have missed the train.' 4. 'I may not be right, but we shouldn't have invited him to the party.' 'You may/might be right, but what else could I have done?' 5. 'Of course/No wonder you're sick now. You shouldn't have drunk so much beer. You could have drunk coke or orange juice.' 'I could as well have drunk water, the problem is that the air is bad here.' 6. You needn't have put on a coat, it's very hot. The tax return ought to be/is to be/must be submitted by 20 March. 7. It wasn't expensive, I could have bought it, but I didn't really like it. I might have bought it if it hadn't been such an ugly purple.



8. 'What would you have done in this situation if you had been there?' T don't know, perhaps I would have done the same as you did, but I would have hit harder.' If you had learnt/learned the words, you would not get a one. If I didn't have to do my homework, I would be watching the match on TV. 9. They must be sleeping/asleep now. She may/might be thinking of you now. You should/ought to be studying now, my son. 10.1 wish/if only it were summer now. I wish I had more time. I wish I could play the guitar. I wish I hadn't been right. If only we had left in time. I wish you would shut up! I wish the bus would come!

LISTENING (p. 152)

Circulation, topics, the way they treat the news, number of pictures, use of colours, (scantily dressed ladies on) first page, style, (funny) headlines.

Popular publication have much larger circulations, the difference may be as big as twenty-fold. Peeping intimacies about celebrities, gossip, sex. Thrill disasters, crime. Models fashion, home, cooking, medical questions, personal problems. Dreams - horoscopes, exotic places, pretty people, big prizes. a) Things that are very "close" to people - basic physical and emotional human issues, like sex, health, food, b) Things that are very "far away" from people - things that ordinary people don't normally experience in their lives, like disasters, crime, travel, celebrities, and - sadly - love. Anything between these two extremes - the realities of life, things that are difficult to understand, things like work or politics. Popular publications focus of the sensational elements in the news, while quality papers try to be objective and like to analyse the events. Pictures of scantily dressed pretty girls. Heavenly bodies, and the article is about a vicar who was trying to raise money to pay his church's heating bills by Selling his own paintings of nude girls.

TRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 154)

a tv lett a bnbak // a tv-t kiltottk ki bnbaknak mai trsadalomunkban, amely ... idegest/aggaszt gondok/problmk az, hogy a tv-t okoljk mindezrt // az, hogy a tv-re kenik mindezt // a tv-t okolni mindezrt nem egyb mint...


mondjuk (pldul) az erszak(os cselekmnyek) (terjedse) a tehetetlensg rzse // (frusztrci) bebizonyosodott, hogy ... // bizonytst nyert ugyanolyan (jelleg) msorokat amit viszont a kutatk igenis/valban tagadnak, az az, hogy ... hogy a legvitatottabb krdst vegyk pldnak // ... krdst emltsk nem/aligha ktsges, hogy ... // nem vits, hogy ...

Ezt n e m kenhetjk a televzira A televzit kiltottk ki bnbaknak mai trsadalmunkban, amely gy rzi, hogy nem tud mit kezdeni az olyan aggaszt problmkkal, mint a kbtszerek, a bnzs, az erszak, a szegnysg s a munkanlklisg. Az, hogy a tv-t okoljk mindezrt, s az, hogy azt lltjk, hogy oksgi sszefggs van a tv s mondjuk pldul az erszak terjedse kztt, mindssze csak a tehetetlensg rzstl val megszabadulsnak egy knny mdja. Bebizonyosodott, hogy a fiatal bnelkvetk ugyanolyan jelleg tv-msorokat nznek (br jval kevesebbet), mint a hasonl kor nem bnz trsaik. Kedvenc msoraik is ugyanazok, viszont azonos msorokra a klnbz emberek ms s ms mdon reaglnak. Termszetesen a televzi hat valamikppen az emberekre. pp gy, mint az jsgok, a filmek, a regnyek, a szlk, a bartok, a munka, a gnek s gy tovbb. Ezt senki sem tagadja. Amit viszont a kutatk igenis tagadnak, az az - hogy csak a legvitatottabb tmt vegyk pldnak - , hogy a tv-ben lthat erszakos cselekmnyek a trsadalomban is erszakos cselekmnyek okozi lehetnek. Aligha ktsges, hogy a politikusok nem fognak klnsebben rlni, ha ez tudomsukra jut.

READING & VOCABULARY: articles (p. 154)

Nudism. That five of the guests appeared naked before the cameras and the studio audience. Because they are sick of the programme. (They are experiencing a flood of bland soap operas, insipid advertisements and programmes with religious zealots.) They destroy their TV sets by throwing them out of windows.

fellpni/szerepelni => fellps to appear [ ] = > appearance kzvetteni => kzvetts => lben kzvettik => t - , to broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) => broadcast => to broadcast live => broadcaster

kikapcsolni => kapcsol to switch off => switch * erfeszts => erfesztst tenni effort ['ef9t]=> to make an effort elny/haszon => nyerni/kapni gain => to gain


szgyen => szgyenletes => arctlan => szgyenkezve shame => shameful => shameless => shamefacedly ['feistli] felltztt => ruhzat => ruhzkods clothed [ktad] => clothes/clothing => clothing

divatrlet craze elege van (2!) to be fed up with/to be tired of bossz => bosszt llni revenge [M] => to take revenge tapasztalni => tapasztalat

tanulmny => tanulmnyozni study => to study

to experience => experience elpuszttani => pusztts

kznsg => nztr audience => auditorium

to destroy [ Q | ] => destruction radat => elrasztani

ruhtlan => levetkzni => levetkztetni undressed => to get undressed => to undress

flood => to flood

nzettsgi index ratings (plural!) unalmas insipid [m'sipid] jellegtelen

meztelenl naked f'neikid] belertve including nyaklnc necklace felvenni (magnra/videra) to tape kp/felvtel => felvenni (fnykpezgppel, kamerval) shot => to shoot (shot, shot)

egy megszllott => fanatikus zealot ['zebt] => zealous ['zetas] lendlet

momentum [ _ l l ]

to fling (flung, flung)/to throw (threw, thrown)

Five of the guests were naked (except for the necklaces and watches), the hostess of the show and a sixth guest were dressed. It is to be broadcast by 100 TV stations across the US on February 5, but viewers will only see shots of heads and shoulders. Because they are fed up with the television programme, which consists of an awful lot of bland soap operas, insipid advertisements and programmes with religious zealots. Because they think destroying the box is much sweeter revenge.


LINK WORDS (p. 158) 8,3,6,5,4,7,1,9,2

4.VOCABULARY: articles - checkpoint (p. 161)

flung, zealots, tired, flooded, insipid, bland, broadcast, destroyed, naked, including, appeared, dressed, audience, discuss, nude, study, shame, ratings, fed up, revenge, shameful, gain

Megvan a CD otthon; ha akarod, felvehetem neked (kazettra). I've got the CD at home - if you want, I can tape it for you. Az Evita cm film nhny jelenett Budapesten vettk fel. Certain scenes of the film Evita were shot in Budapest. Egyre jobban elegem van ebbl az unalmas pasasbl. I'm getting more and more fed up with/tired of this insipid guy/chap/bloke. Mr vagy tz filmben szerepelt, de ez az els igazi sikere. She has appeared in at least ten films, but this (one) is her first real success. gy llt bosszt a szomszdon, hogy elpuszttotta a macskjt. He took revenge on the neighbour by destroying his cat.

A meccset lben kzvettette a televzi. The match was broadcast live on television. A szappanoperk rendkvl npszerek a nzk krben; nzettsgi indexk magasabb mint a talk show-k. Soap operas are extremely popular with viewers; their ratings are higher than that of talk shows.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 162) 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B

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VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 167)
Point out that there is no single word for sport in English. If we mean testmozgs, exercise is the best choice; if we mean verseny (szer)-sport, sport (uncountable!) or sporting activity will be OK; if we mean sportg, a sport or a game (countable!) will do. Sports means sportgak and it is also an adjective. that spectator sports are sports that are almost exclusively played/done by professional players because they are far too expensive, are too dangerous, require special equipment, or very special skills (e.g. horse-racing, American football, car-racing).

that athlete can also mean sportol (e.g. a basketball player) and not just atlta. that equipment is uncountable. Ask your students to study the list of different sports and encourage them to learn any words that are relevant to their needs.

SPEAKING: pictures (p. 168)

Picture A: Bungee jumpers: a "professional" - i.e. experienced - jumper (picture 1), and an "amateur" couple - i.e. first-time jumpers - in Moscow (picture 2). Picture B: A parachuter (sky-diver).

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VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 177)
Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) Jo, sessions, coach, Olympic, water, skating, rink, championships, teams, supported, played, events, fencing, sporting, training, competitions, did, gave, games., playing, keen, competitive, sports, flying, glider, gliding, parachuting, climbing, technical, Formula, racing, distance, country, figure


to do little sport to give up a sport outdoor games amateur sports participant sports competitive sports solitary sports final Hungary went down to // lost to/against England to come in last

golf boxing football/soccer table-tennis tennis rowing chess angling

sprint fencing archery billiards/pool/snooker sailing/yachting badminton ice-hockey horse-riding

golf horse-riding boxing tennis

Formula 1 car-racing football horse-riding car-racing (Indicar)

draw, work out, supporter/fan, international, DIY, lottery

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 178)

1. 'Let's eat/have a hamburger, shall we?' 'OK/Let's!/All right. Shall we drink (some) Coke, too?' 'Certainly. Shall I order?' 2. 'Will you (please) open your suitcase (please)? Open your suitcase, will you? If you will sit down here, please. There's something wrong, the engine won't start. I go jogging every morning; I will jog down to the river bank, I will do some workout there, and then I will jog home. Will you have a/some beer: I will take you home //1 will give you a lift. She's so hardworking - she will study till dawn before tests. 3 . If you should // Should you see her, please tell her that I still love her. It's important that she should know that I still love her. I insist that you should stay for lunch. I advise/suggest that you should not say a word/anything at the trial. Should I buy a Mercedes or a BMW? I should be finished by 10. 4. Would you please/be so kind as to help me? I'd be very grateful if you would send me a brochure. The engine wouldn't start. I went jogging every morning; I would jog down to the river bank, I would do some workout there, and then I would jog home. That's typical of you; you would splash out 10,000 forints on such a silly thing. 5. May all your wishes come true. 6. This show used to be quite good. You didn't use to complain so much. I used to go to church every Sunday when I was a kid. 7. How dare you say such things? Don't you dare call me a "rat" again! I didn't dare to tell her the truth.


LISTENING (p. 179)

Golf, running (800 metres), men's javelin, football, Formula One car-racing, triple jump. The US PGA golf championship in Los Angeles, the World Athletics Championships in Gothenburg, the Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix, the European Football Championship in England. Steve Atkinson, Colin Montgomery, Kelly Holmes, Damon Hill, (David) Coulthard, Michael Schumacher, Jonathan Edwards.

A bronze in the 800 metres, a silver in the men's javelin, and a gold in triple jump. Because the Formula Grand Prix event took place in Hungary. Damon Hill, and he said it was the best victory he'd ever had. Michael Schumacher, because he couldn't finish the race. (He pulled out of the race with just a few laps to go.) They want to invite police forces from countries whose national teams qualify for the European Championship to send officers to point out known hooligans/troublemakers. The purpose is to encourage genuine fans to supply information on thugs/hooligans. He is the first man to break the 18 metre barrier in triple jump. He broke his own record, which was 17.98. (He broke it twice, first by 18 centimetres, and then by another 13, thus improving his old record by 31 centimetres, which is 18.29 now.)

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TRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 182)

a mrkzs rendezi a lehet legnagyobb nyeresg/(dollr)bevtel (elrse) rdekben olyan idpontban tartjk // gy idztik a meccset, hogy (minden fbb amerikai idzna nzi) knyelmesen meg tudjk nzni ... lelemnyes nagyon is valszn, hogy ... // knnyen lehet, hogy ... teljesen lell az let rjng nnepls (vagy) csak egyszeren rjngs

A nagy meccs A mrkzs rendezi a lehet legnagyobb stadiont vlasztjk ki egy olyan vrosban, ahol elg meleg az id ahhoz, hogy a gazdag szurkolk ne fagyjanak hallra, azaz tbbnyire valahol Floridban vagy Texasban. A lehet legnagyobb bevtel elrse rdekben a meccset olyan idpontban tartjk, hogy minden fbb amerikai idzna nzi knyelmesen meg tudjk nzni. A hirdetk a leglelemnyesebb hirdetseikkel


rukkolnak el a Superbowlra, s percenknt 1 800 000 dollrt fizetnek azrt a kivltsgrt, hogy az a kzvetts sorn lemenjen. Nagyon is valszn, hogy mg gy is bven megri nekik, hiszen a Superbowl napjn az sszes amerikai tv-kszlk tbb mint feln a Mrkzst nzik az emberek. Ezen a vasrnapon az amerikaiak sszejveteleket rendeznek, hogy bartaikkal egytt nzhessk a tv-t, s srt s pizzt fogyasszanak. Abban a vrosban, amelynek csapata jtszik a dntben teljesen lell az let, s kirlnek az utck. Amikor a meccsnek vge van, rjng nnepls, vagy ppensggel egyszeren csak rjngs kezddik a vros azon rszben, ahol a legtbb kocsma tallhat.

READING & VOCABULARY: articles (p. 182)

At home. On his reserved spot in the car park of the court. Three and a quarter hours. N.Y. is planning to sell two electric chairs for $0.5 million to reduce its huge budget deficit.

br r His Honour ['cna] edzcip trainers (plural!) vonszolni => dgunalom to drag => drag folypart (river) bank fenntartott hely => azonnal/helyben reserved [ Q | ] spot => on the spot brzolni

bilincs => mandzsetta hand cuffs (plural!) => cuff hozni/elteremteni (pnzt) to raise terjedelmes => a zme valaminek bulky => the bulk of...

szikra (!) => szikrzni => szikrz spark => to sparkle => sparkling cskkenteni => rleszllts to reduce [_lB] => (price) reduction

to depict []
srgarz brass fnk => fbb/legfbb => fleg/elssorban chief => chief => chiefly belebjni => csszs => nyelvbotls => csszs to slip into => slip => slip of the tongue => slippery

kormnyz => kormny governor => government

elektromos => ~ energia => ~ ram => elektromrnk => villanyszerel electric => ~ energy => ~ current => electrical engineer => electrician

hallbntets capital punishment


elnklni => elnk => elnki => elnksgi valakinek) to preside [ Q | ] (over) => president => presidential => presidency

rvers => elrverezni => -vezet auction => to auction => auctioneer ... -vol egytt kaphat/ruljk/gyrtjk comes (complete) with... rozsdamentes acl

valaki/valakihez tartozni => holmi to belong [ Q | ] to sy => belongings trgyals trial

stainless steel klnleges/gyjtemnybe val darab collector's item szj strap

fellebbezs => fellebbezni appeal [ Q | ] => to appeal naplemente sunset

robes hajorr bow [bao] kikotmjkhorgonyozni to berth [baO] {fm) tbla plaque [plak] or [plffik] llthat tmlj megszorulni" (pnzgyileg) to be strapped for cash

gyjtsre rdemes => gyjthet trgy collectible or collectable

with recline [B]-function

Because he turned up in a canoe instead of his car. He wore jeans, a T-shirt, and trainers during the journey, and then he changed into his suit and robes. It has a small brass plaque on its bow depicting Big Chief Sitting Bull. He says he has always wanted to do this, but the article suggests Ke just followed the Government's advice to leave cars at home. The (return) journey took three and a quarter hours instead of the usual twenty minutes. They were used in the city's prison between 1890 and 1963, and more than 700 people have "sat" in them. They are bulky, and they have stainless steel hand cuffs and heavy leather straps. If sold as a pair, they are expected to raise $0.5 million.

L I N K W O R D S (p. 186) 9 (13, 11, 6), 5 (9, 13), 6,13, 3, 8, 1, 7, 12, 10, 2, 4, 11


VOCABULARY: articles - checkpoint (p. 190)
strapped, bulky, item, auction, raise, reduced, deficit, paddle, sneakers, slip, robes, presiding, appeals, drag, river bank, spot, chief, drag, sunset

Bocs, ez csak nyelvbotls volt; valjban azt akartam mondani, hogy szeretem a kekszet. Sorry, that was only a slip of the tongue; what I really meant/wanted to say is that I like biscuits. Ez a buli egy dgunalom, akr haza is mehetnk. This party is a (real) drag, we may as well go home. Ez az ajt rozsdamentes acl s srgarz kilinccsel is kaphat. This door comes with either a stainless steel or a brass handle. Nem lesz knny elg pnzt elteremteni erre a programra, (project) It won't be easy to raise enough money for this project. Egy bulin tallkozott vele elszr, s ott helyben meg is krte a kezt. He first met her at a party and he popped the question to her on the spot. Egy csom gyjtemnyi trgyat rvereztek el, fleg festmnyeket. They (have) auctioned a lot of collector's items, chiefly paintings. Sokan gy gondoljk, hogy a hallbntets segtene visszaszortani (cskkenteni) a bnzst. A lot of people think that capital punishment would help reduce crime.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 191) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C


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Point out


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VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 195)

that pour is pronounced [po:]. that drought is pronounced [drat]. that thermometer has the main stress on the second syllable. that front is pronounced [frAnt]. that to fit refers to size, to suit means to look good on someone, and to match/to go with means that sg is suitable for use with something else in colour or pattern. the difference between clothes and dress. that wool is pronounced [woi]. that blouse is pronounced [blaz].

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VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 203)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) dress, casual, immaculate, sporting, collar, outfit, breeze, piece, pouring, gale, heatwave, garments, designer, silk, leather, elegant, evening, dressmakers, looks, brand

cloudy/dull nasty/foul/rotten freezing/bitterly cold to thaw/melt to clear up drought below zero wet/moist light wind // breeze to be hot

made-to-measure to go out of fashion to be badly/shabbily dressed to take off clothes plain to let a blouse out close-fitting high-heeled shoes long skirt to undo a coat


boiling hot close haze breeze to get soaking wet weather broadcast

gear trendy jumper underwear turtle-necked sneakers

unpredictable, shower, hood, corduroy, Velcro

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 204)

1. Tell me why you don't love me. I'd like to know what the problem is. Could/Can you tell me what the time is, please?' 2. 'Will you tell me if I have/stand any chance at all, please? Please let me know if you need me. I wonder how much it will cost.' 3. The lawyer advised/suggested that I shouldn't answer any questions. I asked my boss to let me leave an hour earlier. He told me to shut up. She offered to help me. He promised to marry me. 4. She told me/said (that) she didn't love me. He asked me if I had any time. The paper said that 30 per cent of the population of Hungary lived below the poverty line. I told the policeman that I was over 18. 5. When I spoke to him, he said that he had been tinkering with the translation for an hour but he hadn't finished it yet. He said that he had last eaten the day before. I asked him if he had ever heard of the right of way. She said she had not heard my name before. She wrote that she'd had a serious accident a month before, but she had already recovered. 6. She wrote (that) she would come and see me the following/the next day. She said she was going to buy a new car. I asked him when he would have a little time for me. 7. He said he could play the guitar but he just wouldn't play. She said she had to/must go. She asked me if she could/might ask me a personal question. He said he might be a little late. 8. He asked me what I would do if I were in such a situation. The doctor told him he shouldn't eat so much. She said she could help me. 9. When did she say the film started? How old did you say you were/are? How long did you say you have/had been married? 10. He suggested discussing the problem once again. They insisted on me/my presiding over the conference.


LISTENING (p. 206)

n -wrri'ww-71-^fe-: -yrrr-r?

. I

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temperature sunshine/cloud

23-26 C sunshine

19-20 C rather more cloudy through the afternoon passing showers possible north-westerly breeze

21-22 C

19 C

22 C quite sunny

14-15 C, 11-14 "Catnight cloudy

some sunshine in the morning, cloud thickening up through the day -. light showers

rain wind

, ,

light showers, later drizzle '

It might be worth mentioning to the students that the fashion designer in the recording has a strong New York accent.

It is the word never, and he would be very careful to use it because he thinks that outfits that are considered absurd and ridiculous when they first appear often become very fashionable in a slightly modified form a bit later.

Stainless steel, armour-like jackets, dresses that reveal a good part of the models' body, ragged, wrinkled and torn clothes. Shoulder pads, leggings, "platform" shoes, tops that reveal the wearer's belly, flared trousers. Because people laugh at surprising new things, and they also laugh at outfits when they have already gone out of fashion.

ny- ilai
TRANSLATION; English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 208)

trsalgsi fegyvertr/arzenl akrcsak/csakgy/ppgy, mint a ... // hasonlan/hasonlatosan a ... kiszmthatatlan( ok) az orszg kzlekedse ...-tol teljesen sszeomlik a vasti kzlekeds // a vastvonalakat teszik teljesen hasznlhatalann



vidki/falusi bcskon fontos(abb)/magasztos(abb) cljuk/szerepk van kivl (beszd)tmaknt/tmul szolglnak (a trsalgshoz) // beszdtmt/apropt adnak a trsalgsnak/beszlgetsekhez // elltjk tmval... kedvenc (beszd)tmjuk imdnak panaszkodni rla // imdjk szidni

Az angol idjrs Az idjrs mint beszdtma nlkl az angolok meg lennnek fosztva trsalgsi arzenljuk egyik leghasznosabb fegyvertl. Akrcsak a laki, a Brit-szigetek idjrsa is kifejezetten kiszmthatatlan. Az orszg fldrajzi elhelyezkedse folytn egyik pillanatrl a msikra drmai lgkri vltozsok kvetkezhetnek be, s brmilyen szabadtri tevkenysg tervezse mer hazardrozs. Az angolok termszetesen vszzadok ta egytt lnek ezzel a helyzettel. Mindazonltal gy tnik, hogy az idjrs vltozkonysga mgis mindig a meglepets erejvel hat rjuk. Ha havazni kezd, az orszg kzlekedse pillanatok alatt megbnul, s megindulnak a hekk klfldrl trtn beszerzsrl folytatott trgyalsok. Tavasszal a hirtelen jv rads minden ldott vben felkergeti a hztulajdonosokat az pletek tetejre, s az sszel lehull rtatlan falevelektl pedig teljesen sszeomlik a vasti kzlekeds. Br a ksei fagyok elpuszttjk ddelgetett nvnyeiket, s a nyr derekn a felhszakadsok elmossk a falusi bcsk teastrait, azrt az angolok szemben nagyon magasztos szerepet jtszanak - kivl tmul szolglnak a trsalgshoz. Az idjrs nemcsak az angolok kedvenc beszdtmja, hanem imdjk szidni is: ha meleg van, akkor mindig tl meleg van, ha hideg van, akkor meg kell fagyni".

READING & VOCABULARY: articles (p. 208)

He was sent to jail for wearing transparent swimming trunks on a Spanish beach. He says he bought the white swim trunks in a chain store, and he had no idea they would become transparent in the water. They were wearing too much - Mary was wearing a (black nylon V-necked) cardigan, and Eddie was wearing a T-shirt. All this in addition to their bathing costumes, of course. She says that they are modest people and they want to wear more than these modern swimsuits. She also thinks that girls in bikinis just show their bodies to flirt.

vadk bail (money) pnzbntets => pnzbntetsre tlni fine => to fine kockzat => kockztatni => kockzatos kockzatvllals risk => to risk/to take a ~ => risky => risk-taking

kivtel => kivtelt tenni => kivve => kivteles exception => to make an ~ => except/with the exception of => exceptional tancsinkormnyzat council kockzatottveszlyt jelenteni/okozni to pesent a hazard


tltsz transparent [tragn'spagrant] bnsnek tallni to find guilty valamibl kvetkez/ered consequent ['knsikwanfj szabadsgveszts ideje => letlteni a brtnbntetst a term (of imprisonment) => to serve a term (of imprisonment) ruhzlnc chain store azrt/abbl a clbl, hogy ... so that sy... szmolhat valamivel/valami vr r/ valaminek elbe nz to face sg papron" => hivatalos => klssgek formally => formal => formalities brtn => bebrtnzni prison/jail => to jail
brsg megsrtse"

szemlyzet => parkolr; ruhatros; benzinkutas attendant => parking; cloakroom; filling station attendant mersz"/leleplez/rulkod => feltrni/ leleplezni revealing => to reveal [ Q B J szviv spokesman ['spaksman] szemrm(et)es/szolid/szerny => szemrmetlen/szernytelen => szemrmessgl szernysg modest ['mndist] => immodest => modesty flrtlni => flrtls => kihv => jtszani a gondolattal => rvid ideig rdekldni valami irnt to flirt => flirt => flirting => to flirt with an idea [ ] => to flirt with sg megvdolni => vd/vdaskods => vdlott to accuse [ Q | ] sy (of sg) => accusation => the accused felzaklatni/kihozni a sodrbl => felforduls to upset [ ] => upset [ ] tenyrnyi" => sprolni valamin
skimpy => to skimp on sg kitiltani/eltiltani to bar

contempt [ _lHl of court

He suggests Mr Appleby should return to Spain to appear for the trial. Most probably he will be sentenced formally to a three months term of imprisonment, and he will have to pay a fine of 30,000 pesetas. He would lose his bail money and he would be in contempt of court, which could mean that he would actually have to serve a term of imprisonment if he returned to Spain in the next five years. Mary,i3, is a housewife and mother of three boys aged 12, 11, and 7, and a daughter aged 3. Eddie is a heating engineer. They live in Abbotsweald, Harlow, Essex. Mary was wearing a (black nylon V-necked) cardigan, and Eddie was wearing a T-shirt. All this in addition to their bathing costumes, of course. The decision is that the Bentons will be barred from the pool unless they wear acceptable bathing suits. Because they think that if they make one exception, they will have trouble with other people wanting to wear all kinds of clothes in the swimming pool.

L I N K W O R D S (p. 212) 3,13,8,4,2,9,10,5,1,7,12,11,6


VOCABULARY: articles - checkpoint (p. 215)
outfit, trunks, revealing, transparent, guilty, chain, accused, immodest, jail, imprisonment, fine, risk, attendants, upset, hazard, barred, flirting

Nem gondolod, hogy nagyon kockzatos dolog puskzni egy ilyen fontos vizsgn? Don't you think it is rather/very risky to cheat at such an important exam? A szvivt azzal vdoltk, hogy hazudott a sajtnak. The spokesman was accused of lying to the press. Fogalmam sincs, mi hozta t ki ennyire a sodrbl. I have no idea what has upset him so much. Az jsgcikk leleplezte, hogy az nkormnyzat slyos hibt kvetett el az ggyel kapcsolatban. The article has revealed that the council made a serious mistake in connection with the case. A brsg bnsnek tallta lops vtsgben, s kt vre tltk. The court has found him guilty of theft and he has been sentenced to two years. Szembe kell nznnk azzal a tnnyel, hogy a magyar labdargs remnytelen helyzetben van. We must face the fact that Hungarian football is in a hopeless situation.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 216) 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. henpecked plot raise drought setup 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. commercial champion tabloids appeal the spot 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. sultry/close revenge council tights/pantihose guide-book 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. catwalk box-office work-out slippery Velcro

'Have you passed the exam at last?' 'I wish I had, but unfortunately, I haven't. The funny thing is that during the exam things seemed to be going fine. I thought I was going to/would pass this time at last.' 'Well, it was the same at the previous seven exams and you did not pass those either.' 'You are right. I must have made rather stupid/very big mistakes. I must/could have been pretty bad if I only got 10 points. What do you think I should do now? Shall/should I try it again?' 'Well, if I were you, I would enrol in one more course. You shouldn't have tried it so soon after the seventh exam. You would have had to complete/do/take // You should/ought to have completed one or two more semesters at the language course, and perhaps you would have had a better chance then.' 'Well, you may/might be right. Do you think you could help me? //1 wonder if you could help me? I think I should review //1 would have to review the whole grammar. If I were better at grammar, I would be more confident, and then I would only have to improve my vocabulary a bit.'


OOOp-S' %/j / I CHtty CpOOM

VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 225)
Point out that hyper is pronounced ['harps]. that butcher is pronounced ['botfa]. that purchase is pronounced ['patfis]. that cashier is pronounced [kas'/is]. that receipt is pronounced [n'si:t]. that food is uncountable when it means "things that can be eaten", and is countable when it means "a particular type of food". that foodstuff is rather formal, and it is usually used in plural. that carton can mean "a cardboard container for drinks" (a carton of milk) and, especially in AmE, also "a large container with smaller containers inside it" (a carton of cigarettes). that cholesterol is stressed on the second syllable. that vegan is pronounced [Vi:g3n]. that mux is pronounced [ru:]. that cuisine is pronounced [kwi'zi:n]. that dessert is pronounced [di'zst], (and it should not be confused with desert ['dezat] or to desert [di'zat]. that breaded fried is the closest translation for rntott. that steak is pronounced [steik]. that cold meat/cuts [AmE] is the closest translation for felvgott. that spinach is pronounced ['spmidj]. that lettuce is pronounced ['letis] or ['letes]. that pear is pronounced [pea]. that flour is pronounced [flaa]. that marmalade is made from oranges, and is usually eaten at breakfast. that still means "without bubbles" (sznsavmentes). that soda means "any sweet sparkling soft drink" in AmE. that VAT is the short for Value Added Tax (FA).

S P E A K I N G : pictures (p. 2 2 6 ) Picture B: The world's fattest twins riding their motorbikes. 23-year-old Billy and Benny McCrary weigh 299 and 290 kilos.


VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 232)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) foodstuffs, baker's, butcher's, greengrocer's, customers, centres, shopper, supermarkets, sell, dairy, malls, department, variety, goods, shopping, window, mail order, catalogues, item, credit card

electrical appliances shop grocer's/liquor store [AmE] florist's confectioner's chemist's dairy/grocer's men's wear shop hardware shop grocer's sweet shop/grocer's

tobacconist's baker's/grocer's haberdasher's grocer's chemist's sportswear shop/shoe shop stationer's kitchenware shop butcher's greengrocer's (and fruiterer's)

yoghurt pork paprika coffee bacon cheese marmalade

sherry salmon clove broccoli trout cabbage turkey

instalments, semi-veg(an), bargain, hire-purchase/the intallment plan [AmE], ingredients

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 233)

He regularly copies his homework from me, which is a rather dangerous thing to do with this teacher. Yesterday he was about forty minutes late again, which made me terribly angry. She is a teacher by profession, which means that she hasn't got any financial problems. She had put on her mini skirt, which proved to be a very clever decision. I have no idea what to put on. I didn't quite understand what he was saying. It wasn't (quite) clear what the problem was. Why don't you tell me honestly what you want? What I really need is a lot of money. What I really like about you is that you have such a nice, big head.


3. This is the Danube, which is the dirtiest river in Central Europe. My mother, who is in her late sixties, looks younger than a lot of people in their forties. One of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century is Joseph Conrad, who was born in Poland, and learnt to speak English as an adult. There were four tasks, two of which were very difficult. I gave her my coat, which she put on immediately. This is the most valuable item of the collection, the price of which is more than a million pounds. Madonna, of whom the press had not had a very high opinion before, proved to be quite a good actress. 4. I particularly liked the short story which/that is set in Rome. I'd prefer to buy a flat which/that is in the greenbelt. Where is the girl who painted these pictures? I'd like to marry a boy who can cook and likes cleaning. The only thing that really matters is that we love each other. He is the most famous student that has ever attended this grammar school. Nothing that is in this book is true. 5. This is the biggest lie (that) I've ever heard. Everything (that) I said was/is true. This is the girl (that) I saw at the exam yesterday. 6. The people (that) I work with // ... with whom I work are all nice and helpful. This is the book (that) I told you about //... about which I told you. Who is the person (that) you got this information from? //... from whom you got this information? Equality is an idea (that) I believe in. // ... in which I believe. 7. The guy whose dog bit me claims that it was me who bit his dog first. What is the Hungarian town half of which is abroad? This is the house where I live. //... in which I live. // ... that I live in. This is the main reason why I love you. // ... for which I love you. It was my grandmother who knitted this pullover. It was on Saturday that she called me and we met.

LISTENING (p. 235)

The kind of food they serve, the atmosphere (colours, service, courtesy), the speed of service, the prices.

Piroshki (little pies full of meat, mushrooms, and cabbage), sweet Russian tea, vodka. Vodka. On the one hand, the interior of the restaurant is quite nice (it's red, black and gold, the staff is dressed in fancy uniforms), which is not typical in Russia. On the other hand, there's queue-jumping, shouting, arguing, and the service isn't very fast either, which is very traditional Russian stuff... About twenty-twenty-five minutes as opposed to a few minutes in McDonald's. People coming to Moscow from the countryside. The McDonald's restaurant is at least twice as expensive. Nationalism. (The products of western culture are now being rejected in favour of Russian things by nationalists.) It means quickly in Russian, and its use in the catering trade stems from 1814, when Cossack soldiers used to shout "bistro" at the French waiters in Paris.



TRANSLATION; English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 237)

motorozs/furikzs az idei kiemelt/sztr ajndk a katalgus borsos r/mregdrga termkeket knl Bvr Kutat Bubork (BUBU) James Bond stlusban // James Bond mdjra // mint James Bond egyni zls/ignyek szerint (kialaktva) de nem kell aggdni // nem kell ktsgbe esni // aggodalomra semmi ok elkapkodtk // vittk mint a cukrot

Egy j kis vzalatti motorozst szeretnk Karcsonyra Szeretne kellemes meglepetst szerezni valakinek Karcsonyra? Akkor taln fontolra kellene vennie, hogy ne vegyen-e egyet az unisex vzalatti mopedbl mindssze 7500 dollros reklmron. Ez az idei sztrajndk a Neiman Marcus Katalgusban, amely a ruhk s pizsamk mellett mregdrga bohks vagy ppen megbotrnkoztat termkeket is knl. A moped, azaz a Bvr Kutat Bubork (ismertebb nevn BUBU), a fodrszatokban lthat llvnyos hajszrtra emlkeztet. A motoros" lel egy lsre, fejt egy levegvel teli burba helyezi, s James Bond mdjra mr be is vetheti magt a 12 mteres mlysgbe. A tbb mint 3 milli pldnyban megjelent, 140 oldalas Karcsonyi Katalgust a mlt hten kezdtk postzni a vsrlknak. Carolyn Cobb, a cg szvivje elmondta, hogy mr rkezett egy megrendels egy srga BUBU-ra (senki nem keresi a rzsasznt"), s 25 rdekld bvrnak" vides termkismertett kldtek. A BUBU-ban - amelyet Andrew Sneath brit feltall tervezett, s a Bellaqua cg gyrt a floridai Palm Beachben - az a nagy szm, hogy a motorosnak" nem kell bvrfelszerelst viselnie. Tovbbi 1500 dollrrt egy szuper walkie-talkie-t is kaphat hozz a kedves vsrl. A BUBU-n kvl a Neiman Marcus cg ajnlatai kztt szerepel mg egy 3 mter magas elefnt formj akvrium is 120 000 dollrrt. A halak nincsenek benne az rban. Cobb szviv szerint egy vev mr akadt, egy msik pedig egy egyni igny szerint kialaktott pldnyt szeretne rendelni, mgpedig sas formjt. A cgnek mg nem sikerlt eladnia a knlatban szerepl 200 000 dollros, 18 kartos aranybl kszlt mackt, amely 200 gymnttal, 36 rubinnal s egyb kkvel van kirakva. Persze azrt nem kell ktsgbe esni, mert mg 85 olyan nap van Karcsonyig, amikor vsrolni lehet, s mr tbb rdekld is jelentkezett az ruhznl. A 14 000 dollros szivardoboz - amely egyedi darab, s amelyet David Linley br, a brit kirlyi csald tagja ksztett - azonnal elkelt, s az arany szegecsekkel kivert cowboycsizmkat is hamar elkapkodtk.

READING & VOCABULARY: article (p. 237)

All of them are FALSE.


solid, powdered or liquid material substance

a chemical or food that provides what is needed to live or grow => the process of giving or getting the rig of food for good health and growth => a specialist in- => related to the food we eat => not proper or satisfactory ~ => food that is full the natural substances that the body needs to stay healthy and grow pr nutrient => nutrition => nutritionist => nutritional => malnutrition => nutricious having a particular taste -flavoured to eat or drink sg or use sg up => the act of eating or drinking sg or using sg up => the amount of what is eaten, drunk or used up to consume [ Q B ] => consumption => consumption to support to back something that has a harmful or unpleasant influence or effect evil ['i:val] in a controlled way; not too much in moderation a very small amount that is difficult to see or notice trace to succeed in dealing with problem or situation to cope [kaop] with in a natural state; not processed; not cooked raw [ro:] to give or supply to provide [ Q B ] the good result of something that makes life better for you benefits Italian food made from flour, eggs, and water pasta an idea or explanation that many people believe, but which is not true myth [mi9] to tell someone that something bad or dangerous might happen to warn to look for or try to get something to seek (sought, sought) instead of in favour of


facts or objects that make you believe that something is true or has really happened evidence (uncountable!) information we get as a result of an investigation or some research findings (plural!) making you feel full when you have eaten it filling
containing fibres fibrous ['faibrss]

a person who knows a lot about a particular subject, and to whom people go for advice guru ['guru:]

likelytosuffer from illness or be affected by a problem susceptible [ss'septibl]

to stop doing sg; to give sg up to abandon [s'baaidsn]

to (unfairly) describe sgasa very bad type of thing => a name given to a product ?ry the company that makes it to brand => brand name
to be said or believed to have a particular good quality to be credited with

a drink or medicine that makes you feel more cheerful and gives you more energy pick-me-up

someone whose job is to advise people about food and eating dietician [,dais'ti fn] ridiculous; completely unreasonable or stupid ludicrous ['lu.'dikrss] lack of something that is necessary deficiency [di'fiJ"nsi]

to make someone worry or sad to haunt [ho:nt] to take from someone something that they need to deprive [ l ] sy of sg

to make it stronger; to make it more likely to be true to reinforce [,ri:m'fb:s]

He says that honey contains only traces of nutrients, and it is nothing more than pleasant-flavoured sugar. He says that lean red meat (with the fat removed) contains only 5 per cent fat, which is not much. He says that in moderation read meat is good for us, because it's very nutritious. His findings reinforce the evidence that heart disease levels are lower among the French, thanks to their love of red wine.


There's the danger of malnutrition through deficiencies in zinc and vitamin B12. Vegans are also more susceptible. Because oil helps lower cholesterol levels. They say that these foodstuffs are filling and fibrous rather than fattening or heavy.

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 245)

ludicrous, consumption, moderation, benefits, backed, nutritionists, evidence, raw, to cope with, provides, flavoured, myth, fattening

Mg soha nem vezettem buszt, de azt hiszem azrt menne. I have never driven a bus, but I think I could cope with it. Sokan a munkt szksges rossznak tartik. A lot of people consider work as a necessary evil. A vitaminhinynak slyos kvetkezmnyei lehetnek. Vitamin deficiency might have serious consequences. A kormny meggrte, hogy tmogatni fogja javaslatot. The government has promised to back the proposal.

Bizonytk van arra, hogy rszben az aerosolos spray-k felelsek az zonlyukrt, [the hole in the ozone la There's evidence that aerosol sprays are partly responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. Valami olasz tsztt ennk; mit szlnl egy spagettihez? I'd love to eat some Italian pasta; what would you say to // how/what about a nice dish of spaghetti? Sajnos, az csak egy tvhit, hogy a magyarok tehetsgesebbek ms npeknl. Unfortunately, it is only a myth that Hungarians are more gifted/talented than other nations /peoples.

A felmrs eredmnye nagyon rdekes volt; kiderlt, hogy az emberek tbb mint kilencven szzalka lop mr valamit letben. The findings of the survey were very interesting; as it turned out, more than 90 per cent of people had/have already stolen something in their lives. Imdom az eperz joghurtot. I love strawberry-flavoured yoghurt. Taln ez az egyetlen dolog az letben, amit nem kell mrtkkel/mdjval csinlni, s mgis j. Perhaps this is the only thing in life that you don't need to do in moderation and is still good.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 246) 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. C


VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 249) Point out that if we say that a person is a picture of health, we mean that they look very healthy. that an illness is really the state, or length of time, of being unwell, usually caused by a disease. It is diseases that have medical names. However, the two words are often used in the same way in spoken English. that ill means "not healthy" in BrE, but it is not usually used before nouns. that sick is more often used to mean "not healthy" in AmE. It also means "unwell" in BrE before nouns. To be/feel sick can mean "not healthy" in BrE, too, but it is more commonly used to mean to vomit or feel that one is going to vomit. that forehead can be pronounced both ['fbnd] and ['foiled]. that womb is pronounced [wu:m]. that cough is pronounced [kofj. that the indefinite article is not used before flu. However, thefluis also possible. that the indefinite article is not usually used before "aches" in BrE, except for headache, (to have toothache, to get backache, but to have a headache) that the p is not pronounced in pneumonia, psychiatric and psychology. that hypochondriac is pronounced [,harp3'kDndnaek]. that to be off sick means "to be away from work or school because one is ill". that to call in sick means "to phone to say that one is not coming to work/school because one is ill". that a sick note is a note written by a doctor or a parent saying that one was too sick to go to work/school.

SPEAKING; pictures (p. 251)

Picture A: Patients waiting for their turn outside a dentist's surgery. Picture B: A drug addict (?) smoking marijuana (grass) at a mass demonstration in Rome, demanding the legalization of "non-addictive" drugs.


VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 256)
Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) symptoms, care, medical, injury, healing, infection, oinment, blistered, virus, cold, prevent, drugs, antibiotics, chemist, medicine, checkups, feel fine, fever, thermometer, treatment, tissues, skin, blood, surgical

to be in poor condition contageous to fall ill belly tummy to faint handicap to fracture a bone to be jumpy surgery spine physician medication sedative shot Elastoplast/Band-Aid

pneumonia/... allergy/chickenpox/rash/... diarrhoea/constipation/heartburn/ulcer/ indigestion/poisoning/travel sickness/... mumps rheumatism/...

rheumatism/fracture/sprain/... heart attack/failure/... flu/cold nervous breakdown/mental illness/insomnia tooth decay

vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach ache, a high temperature, a feeling of weakness, shivering, a loss of appetite depression, sleeping problems, a loss of appetite vomiting, dizziness a runny nose, eye irritation, hiccup, cough, rash, breathing problems a high temperature, swelling below the ears, headache a high temperature, shivering, spots and blisters, itching

first aid, stammer, limbs, runny, blister, public/national health service

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 258)

1. He denied having seen or heard/seeing or hearing anything. 85% of the students admitted (to) cheating at tests occasionally. I don't like people wearing sunglasses when the sun isn't shining. 2.1 have postponed/put off buying a BMW for a while. I simply couldn't resist peeping through the keyhole. Nothing can justify humiliating another person.

UNIT 1 0

3. It is uncouth to keep subordinates (waiting) and it is suicidal to keep superiors waiting. // It is uncouthness to ... and it is a suicide to ... These walls badly need painting. // ... to be painted. Nothing can prevent/stop me (from) eating this cake. When I entered the room, everybody burst out laughing. 4.1 am thinking of moving to another town. I have already given up hoping that I'll get rich one day. All the tenants protested against having to pay a higher rent. 5.1 am not used/accustomed to being kept waiting. In addition to/besides/on top of being extremely bright, she's also very pretty. What's the point in spending so much on such a useless thing? 6. Do you think it's worth seeing this film? // this film is worth seeing? Pretty as she is, I don't think she will have any difficulty (in) finding a good job. It's no use/good arguing with him, he won't listen to anyone (anyway). // There is no point in arguing ... 7. Never start translating a text without reading/having read it from beginning to end. What would you say to ... II How/What about dying our hair green? Somehow I don't feel like going to school today. LISTENING (p. 259)

The flu is a rather unpleasant illness, and it could even be fatal for certain groups. Vaccination can help, but the virus has the ability to mutate, so every time a new virus appears, a new vaccine must be created, so the illness always seems to be one step ahead of science.

A sore throat, a runny nose, some headaches, a few pains and aches, and all that tends to go within a few days. You are really knocked out with the flu, you have a temperature, your muscles, bones and joints ache, your skin is sensitive, and you have sore eyes. In the old days people thought that the illness was influenced by the stars, so they called it influenza. Besides vaccination, not much, actually. A reasonable diet can be useful, but otherwise the only thing we could do is to avoid crowded places and to be in rooms with adequate ventilation. The young, the elderly, diabetics, and people with heart and lung problems. 25 million people died in the epidemic that broke out in the year after the First World War. (This is more than the number killed in battle during the war.) More than 60 years ago. Because of the virus's ability to mutate. With every new virus a new vaccine must be created.

" " *'

TRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 261)

j kls eltntetni az regeds jeleit ks al fekszik // megoperltatja magt // vllalkozik az opercira hogy megprblja a klsejt vonzbb tenni //... javtani a klsejn akik tkletes klst szeretnnek maguknak // akiket a tkletes kls irnti vgy hajt


gy tnik, hogy csaldi vons // gy tnik, hogy rkletes dolog a csaldban minden elkpzelhet fogykurt // a ltez sszes fogykrt kszruhkat/konfekciruhkat vsrolni ez egy kicsit feledtette/sokkal elviselhetbb tette a fjdalmat/szenvedst // ezrt mr megrte elviselni a fjdalmat teljesen mshogy rzem magam // sokkal jobb lett a kzrzetem

j klst vettem magamnak A plasztikai sebszet ma mr virgz zlet, s a legtbb mttet azrt vgzik, hogy eltntessk az regeds jeleit. Idn tbb mint 60 000 n fog a ks al fekdni, hogy gy ksrelje meg a klsejt vonzbb tenni. Az r a collagnbeltetses ajakkorrekci 200 fontos djtl a szem alatti tskk eltntetsrt fizetend 2 000 fontig terjed, s a dolog nem is kockzatmentes: a szilikonbl kszlt beltets szivroghat, s - legalbbis az Egyeslt llamokban - rkkelt hatst is tulajdontanak neki. Mgis egyre tbb s tbb n tesz flre pnzt arra, hogy ki tudja fizetni a magnklinikknl vgzett mtteket, s semmi sem trtheti el szndkuktl azokat, akik tkletes klst szeretnnek maguknak. A 46 ves buckinghami Sue Fogden vilgletben utlta vaskos combjait s nagy fenekt. gy tnik, hogy a szles csp s a vaskos comb nlunk csaldi vons, s tindzserkoromtl kezdve krte formj volt az alakom. Kiprbltam a ltez sszes fogykrt, de nem hasznlt semmi, sem a dita, sem a torna. Igazi knszenveds volt. Mg a ruhimat is sajt magamnak kellett varrni, mert kszruht soha nem tudtam vsrolni. Aztn hrom vvel ezeltt meglttam egy plasztikai sebszettel kapcsolatos hirdetst egy magazinban, s elkezdtem komolyan foglalkozni a krdssel. Vgl aztn rszntam magam s elmentem egy klinikra, ahol a sebsz annyira termszetesen kezelte az egsz problmt, hogy minden flelmem elmlt. Nyitottam egy bankszmlt, s elkezdtem gyjteni a mttre. Egy v alatt sszegylt a szksges sszeg, s 1991 Hsvtja eltt befekdtem a klinikra. A mtt utn a lbaim a lbujjam hegyig feketk voltak, s rettenetesen nztek ki. gy reztem magam, mint aki egy emeletnyit gurult a lpcsn - mindenem fjt, s alig tudtam lelni. De a hnap vge fel, amikor a mr nem volt olyan dagadt a lbam, kiderlt, hogy a cspm t centivel keskenyebb, s ez a tny sokkal elviselhetbb tette a fjdalmakat. Ma teljesen ms az alakom, j rm a 10-es vagy 12-es mret konfekciruha, s sortban sem rzem magam kellemetlenl. Az operci ta egszen mshogy rzem magam."

READING & VOCABULARY: article (p. 261)

A dead parrot is worth 150,000 pesetas ($815). The judge dismissed a claim for one million pesetas ($5,435). It was a green, 23-year-old, male bird, which could talk, or rather, articulate sounds similar to those of people. Because the hospital authorities (and the doctor responsible) and Ms Dotras couldn't come to an agreement about the damages to be paid.

to make a decision about a legal problem => such a decision => a King or Queen to rule => ruling => ruler a short part of a book, poem, play, etc. passage


money someone has to pay to someone else in compensation for harming them or their property damages (plural!) someone who is trained to give medical care and treatment to sick animals vet [short for veterinary surgeon (BrE) or veterinarian (AmE) to die to decease [di'siis] (extremely formal), to pass away (to cease to exist, to become defunct) almost virtually to officially decide that someone should receive a payment, a judgement, a prize, etc. to award [ l ] only merely ['miah] to say that two things are slightly different => to be able to recognise and understand the difference between two different things, and also to be the thing that makes someone or something different from other people or things to draw (drew, drawn) a (fine) distinction => to distinguish to find or provide a solution to a (difficult) problem to resolve [ l ]
terrible Suffering => to kill an animal in order to end its suffering misery => to put it out of its misery

to find out the exact details or facts about something to determine [ l ] to bring back into life => the process and the fact of something becoming active, strong, popular, etc. again to revive [ ! ] => revival having the same value as something else => to be exactly the same in size, number, amount, etc. as something else => a position or situation in which people have the same rights => to the same degree =>
to make two or more things the same in size, value, amount, etc.

equivalent [i'kwivabnt] => equal [li:kw9l] => equality [i'kwliti] => equally => equalise a set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue, right or wrong, etc. argument to make it easier to happen => rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose
to facilitate [ ] => facilities
to refuse to accept

to dismiss [ l ]
to fail to make a definite decision about a question to leave sg hanging in the air to make someone die by preventing them from breathing to suffocate ['sAfbkeit] an examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death autopsy ['olDpsi]


Because the family doctor suspected the parrot might be the cause of an allergy Ms Dotras's mother had developed. Doctors put it out of its misery, i.e. killed it deliberately so that it didn't suffer any more. (It is not specified how it was actually done, it could have been an injection or something like that.) Because Ms Dotras had put the dead bird in the freezer. He ruled that the hospital authorities and the doctor responsible should pay a sum equivalent to the price of a new parrot, and dismissed Ms Dotras's claim for damages of one million pesetas. He dismissed the claim on the argument that Ms Dotras's parrot couldn't actually talk, it merely articulated sounds similar to those of people. He also said that if the parrot had been able to talk, it would have complained about the treatment.

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 267)

determine, vet, suffocated, misery, deceased, revived, damages, distinction, dismissed, equivalent, argument

Nhny milli forint megoldan minden problmmat. A few million forints would solve all my problems. A rendrsgnek nem sikerlt kidertenie a baleset pontos okt. The police couldn't determine the exact cause of the accident. Mi lehet a spanyol difunto sz angol megfelelje? What could be the English equivalent of the Spanish word difunto? Ne haragudj, de ezt az rvelst nem tudom elfogadni. I'm really sorry, but I can't accept this argument.

A kormny szerint Magyarorszgnak klfldi tkre van szksge a gazdasgi nvekeds beindtshoza gazdasg fellendtshez- (to facilitate; growth) According to the government, Hungary needs foreign capital to facilitate economic growth. // ... the growth of its economy. Az igaz, hogy magas tandjat kellfizetni,de fantasztikus tanulmnyi s sportolsi lehetsgek vannak. It is true that there's a high tuition fee, but there're fantastic educational and sports facilities.

Mirt van az, hogy ugyanazokat, akik srva fakadnak egy kbor kutya lttn, gyakran egyltaln nem rde az emberi szenveds? (to burst into tears, stray dog) Why is it that the same people who burst into tears seeing a stray dog are often not interested in human misery at all? Hny Oscar-djat tltek oda Az angol beteg cm amerikai filmnek? How many Oscars were awarded to the American film The English Patient? Ezek az j autk annyira hasonlak, alig lehet klnbsget tenni egy Opel s egy VW kztt. These new cars look so similar that you can hardly distinguish an Opel from a VW. // between an Opel and a VW.


UNIT 1 1

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 268)

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D

VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 271)

Point out that there are particularly many differences between the British and American usage in this topic area, as a big proportion of the words are relatively new. that the most common pronunciation of garage is ['gaercr.3] in BrE, and [ga'ra^] in AmE. A garage is a place where you keep a car, a place where cars are repaired, and also (in BrE) a place where you buy petrol. that by + vehicle refers to a particular means of transport, but not to an individual vehicle, (e. g. by car/bus/ etc., but in my father's car, on the N7 bus, on the plane) motorist and motoring refer to driving cars. the difference between terminal (air travel) and terminus (buses, etc.). that a tour means a journey during which one visits several towns, areas, etc.

S P E A K I N G : pictures (p. 2 7 3 ) Picture B: Heavy rush hour traffic in Budapest.

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VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 280)

Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) journey, applying, visa, accommodation, catch, change, terminus, Terminal, transport, vehicles, travelling, checking, customs, lounge, board, flight, immigration, luggage, coach, bus


rear light passeger seat to put on the handbrake to pull away to accelerate to get off

to dodge the fare return ticket to catch the bus to take off departure

truck to signal petrol to pull up freeway turnpike

subway ride vacation travel agency to put up to put up

wheel clamp/Denver boot [AmE], excess, guesthouse, hitch-hike, pass

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 281)

I simply can't afford to go to work by car. They didn't even bother to reply to my letter. Didn't it even occur to you to turn to me? Will you please show me how to pronounce this word correctly/properly? I reminded him to post the letter as soon as possible. The government claims to have done everything to stop the decline in living standards. If the situation doesn't improve soon, the government will be forced to raise taxes. 2. It is a dangerous thing to carry a lot of cash. // ... to keep a lot of cash on us. It was so exciting to take part in such an important event. It wasn't very nice/kind of you to eat all the chocolate. These decisions are likely to cause a lot of problems. You are lucky to have such a nice husband. I am very anxious to prove to them that I can cope with the task. 3. The government's failure to stop inflation may turn out to be decisive at the elections. Strike action/striking seems to be the easiest way to resolve this problem. As both of my grandfathers were teachers, my parents weren't very keen on my ambition to become a teacher. 4. It's time the management of the firm did something to resolve the problems. I'd rather you didn't drink any more. I'd rather pay than ask a favour of him. You had better not say anything/a word about the whole thing (at all). Will everybody sit down please, the coach is about to depart. I was about to sign the contract when I remembered that I had better check the data; that has proved to be a very clever thing to do. 5. This song always makes me remember my childhood.They made us pay a thousand forints for this rubbish. We will have to have this letter translated, the authorities only accept an official/authorised translation. He is thought to be the brains behind the whole operation. I have had an alarm put into my car (so as) to make life a bit more difficult for car thieves. 6. We are to complete the whole job by ten. Let them do whatever they want to. This poem is too abstract for me to understand. I didn't know whether to answer the question or not. I was so stupid as to sign the contract without having read/reading it properly. I promise to do my best/what I can to fail you, my son. This child does nothing but eat all day. 7. The poor guy has been murdered; I am the last person to have seen him alive. It was a great relief to see that no one was injured. It's nice to read horror books, they are so soothing. 1.



L I S T E N I N G (p. 2 8 3 )

The blind. (Blind travellers.)

By looking at brochures and magazines. Curbs, bins on the pavement, scaffolding. Cafe tables in Paris, the smell of the drains in Greece, the sound of mopeds in Italy. The warmth and kindness of its people, and the buildings (architecture), mainly the great number of railings. A valley in the mountains completely filled with cloud. The smell, the odd thing that gets said to him, the occasions when he meets people from the local community, and some of the culture.

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T R A N S L A T I O N : English i n t o H u n g a r i a n - c h e c k p o i n t (p. 2 8 5 )

valamifle kozmikus csendletbe merevedve csak tbolyultaknak s eszkimknak val hely errl (majd) gondoskodik az rruha semmi esetre sem hagyja magt bepalizni a ktelez ltvnyossgok kztt // a felttlenl megtekintend helyek kztt mellette // nem messze tle jval azeltt, hogy felszlltak/visszaindultak a lbnyom igazbl/valjban egy mrnk/mrnk lbnyoma

tikalauz Holdutazknak A Holdon szinte soha nem trtnik semmi. Olyan, mintha megllt volna az id - nincs ms, csak por, gdrk, krterek s dombok, valamifle kozmikus csendletbe merevedve. Mindettl nem lesz klnsebben elragadtatva, amikor megrkezik. Radsul mg nre vr az rruhba val tltzs hercehurcja, hogy az rrepltrrl be tudjon jutni az rszllodba. Valsznleg az els dolog, amit szeretne megtekinteni a Fld lesz, amely a koromfekete gbolton ragyog. Ez olyan ltvny lesz, amelyet egsz letben nem felejt el. A Fld uralja az eget: ngyszer akkornak ltszik mint a Hold a Fldrl nzve s sokkal fnyesebb. Vigyzzunk, hogy a megfelel hetet vlasszuk ki utazsunk idpontjul. Ha telifldet" szeretnnk ltni, akkor a legjobb az utazst a holdi jszaka kzepre idzteni, amely 13 s fl fldi napig tart s rettenetesen hideg. Nhny sz az idjrsrl. Sokan, akik holdutazst terveznek, aggdnak, hogy vajon nem csak tbolyultaknak s eszkimknak val-e egy olyan hely, ahol az Egyenltn dlben a hmrsklet elri a 105 Celsius fokot, amely jflre aztn mnusz 168 fokra zuhan vissza? Szerencsre azonban nem ennyire szrny a helyzet. Nincs leveg s szl, amely a testnk felletvel rintkezhetne, mrpedig ez az, amitl melegnk van vagy f-


zunk a Fldn. Az egyetlen fontos dolog a lbak szigetelse a szlssgesen meleg vagy hideg felszntl, de errl gondoskodik az rruha. Ami a ltnivalkat illeti, klnsen vigyzzunk arra, hogy vletlenl se hagyjuk magunkat bepalizni a rendkvl olcsn meghirdetett, a Hold tloldalra invitl utakkal; onnan egyltaln nem lehet ltni a Fldet. A ktelez ltvnyossgok kztt szerepel az Apollo 11-gyei vgrehajtott els holdraszlls helyszne. Mellette lthat a hres Els Lbnyom. Sajnos azonban - mint a legtbb ilyen ereklye - , ez sem eredeti; Neil Armstrong els lbnyomt mr jval azeltt sszetapostk sajt maga, illetve Edwin Aldrin holdjr csizmi mieltt visszaindultak volna a Fldre. (A nyom valjban egy Milwaukee illetsg mrnk csizmjtl szrmazik.)

READING & VOCABULARY: article (p. 286)

She is suffering from "transitphobia", a terrible fear of the subway/underground.

a feeling of extreme fear => the use of violence to obtain political demands => someone who uses violence to obtain such demands => to make someone very afraid => to be terribly afraid => making people extremely afraid terror => terrorism => terrorist => to terrorise => to be terrified => to terrify making you feel afraid or nervous => to make someone feel afraid or nervous => feeling afraid => such a feeling frightening => to frighten => frightened => fright to go somewhere with someone (so that they should not be alone) to accompany an unusually strong dislike or hatred of something => suffering from a particular ~ phobia => phobic to go into a place

to enter
to try to do something difficult => the act of trying to do sg difficult

to attempt [H] => attempt

a phrase used to say that you will definitely not do something no way exact, detailed; limited to or characterise of one particular thing

specific [ > ] .
very bad, ending in complete failure => a sudden event tha causes serious damage

disastrous [ ] => disaster [ ]

unable to find your way or not knowing where you are => a phrase used to tell someone rather rudely to go away

to get lost => Get lost! the spirit of a dead person ghost [au]



equally alike [ ] a word or expression that has a particular meaning, especially in a scientific subject term to be different in a group of similar things to vary [Vean]
to accept something unpleasant without becoming upset to take it the act of taking something or someone from one place to another transit shaking slightly because someone is nervous or afraid tremulous repeated duplicated to happen as a consequence of something to result [ Q B ] from to be unable to do what you want any longer to lose (lost, lost) control [kan'tel] a strong fear of being in a small closed space claustrophobia [Jdostra'fabia]

She gets really nervous, she turns white, breaks out in a rash, her stomach starts to hurt and she feels like she's going to get lost. They are pretty common; 11 per cent of the population develops some kind of a phobia at some point in life. A feeling of terror, a feeling that you are going to die, or that you will suffer or lose control, or that something terrible is happening. They could result from claustrophobia or travel phobia and could be influenced by hormonal changes specific to her age or stress from starting at a new school. He says that for some people closed places, closed spaces with a lot of people, or people who are different from their own culture or background are rather frightening, and might result in a phobia. He recommends avoiding the places that get them upset, or attempting to use them or go there in a non-rush-hour time. Phobic people could also undergo behavioural therapy.

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 291)

take, attempt, ghost, tremulous, terror, frightening, phobia, duplicated, entered, specific, disastrous, way


Egy iszonyatos gyerekkori lmny egsz leten t elksrheti az embert. A terrible childhood experience can/may accompany you all your life. Semmikppen nem fogom kifizetni ezt a bntetst. No way will I pay this fine. A teszt eredmnye mind a tanrra, mind a dikokra nzve katasztroflis volt. The results of the test were disastrous for the teacher and the students alike. //... for both ... A problmim tbbsge abbl (a tnybl) fakad, hogy alacsony a fizetsem. The majority of my problems result from the fact that my salary is low. Az tkezsi szoksok csaldrl csaldra vltoznak. Eating habits vary from family to family. Rszletes informcira lenne szksgem egy adott tpusrl. (!) I'd need specific/detailed information about a specific brand/make. Akrhnyszor ksreltem meg meggyzni ket, sohasem sikerlt. However many times I attempted to convince them, I never succeeded.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 292) 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A

SPEAKING: discussion (p. 294)

1. Press button to open door. 2. After 8 p.m. please use the front door (for alighting). 3. You can only cross the painted line ((within the area of the metro)) with a validated ticket ((purchased in advance)) or a valid pass. 4. Passengers travelling // who travel a short distance ... three types of tickets besides the old-type ticket, which can also be used. 5. Children may travel free up to the age of six, above that age they must travel with // can only travel with... ((Attention.)) Passengers traveling without a valid ticket will be fined. You may find further information about underground tickets and passes at ticket offices. // For further information about... ((We wish you a pleasant journey.)) 6. 24-hour ticket offices. // Ticket offices open around the clock. 7. The slot-machine issues tickets to the value of the coins inserted and gives change. 8. New types of metro tickets can be purchased at any ticket office // at all ticket offices. ((With these discount tickets we are able to reduce travel costs for passengers who do not possess season tickets.))

VOCABULARY: survival kit (p. 297) Point out that manslaughter means "killing someone illegally, but not deliberately". the difference between the pronunciation of to convict [ksn'vikt] and a convict ['kDnvikt]. the difference between the pronunciation of to suspect [ss'spekt] and a suspect ['sAspektJ. that hearing means trgyals or trgyalsi nap. that environment is pronounced [in'vai(3)r(3)nm3nt]. that poverty line means something like ltminimum. that a person who is addicted to alcohol is an alcoholic. the difference between politics (the theory/practice/study of political power) and policy (an official course of action). that prayer is pronounced [pres]. atheist is pronounced ['eiGiistJ. SPEAKING: pictures (p. 299) Picture A: A little girl drinking water from a mountain stream. Picture B: A woman wearing a mask in the smog in London. Picture C: Hunger strikers in Edinburgh protesting against factory closures and waste dumping. Picture D: Croatian refugees in the Nagyatd Refugee Camp.

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VOCABULARY: survival kit - checkpoint (p. 3 0 6 ) Q (Vocabulary: survival kit - study task) services, believe, church, denomination, religious, politicians, Member of Parliament, government, party, political, politics, Lib, discriminated, attacked, burgled, rape, crimes, mugging, violent, attackers, stolen, offences, environment, unleaded, ozone, banks, recycled, noise, pollution


offence to pinch stickup to deceive swindler to kidnap to assasinate

investigation defendant magistrate to convict capital punishment atheist priest

honest, prosecutor, charged, swindling, false, investigators, suspicious, deception

thug, embezzlers, deterrent, acquitted, poverty, refugees, denomination, derailment, earthquake

GRAMMAR FOCUS: translation into English (p. 308)

1. Take an umbrella in case it begins to rain/raining. I like to keep some money on me in case I see something interesting in town. My friends tell me I'm out of my mind; I like reading dictionaries. I'd like to make something clear; I am married and I have two kids. I hate getting up early. On the way home we stopped to buy some food. Stop complaining and start to work/working. Don't forget to read through the translation before you hand it in. // ... before handing it in. I can clearly remember telling him that the deadline was Wednesday. I'm always thinking of you; every time I try to go to sleep I see your face and that's that. I don't know what to do, I've already tried taking sleeping pills, but they didn't work (either). I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfere, but I simply couldn't help it. Sorry to interfere, but I don't think you are right. The new Highway Code doesn't allow using mobile phones during driving. I would never allow my kids to go to/attend such places. //... let my kids go to ... . I suggest going there together, perhaps it won't be so embarrassing that way. I suggested that my students should review the grammar before the exam. At least four people saw him hit the child. We could see the Trabant trying to overtake the Volvo, but it didn't have/never had any chance. // We could see that the Trabant was trying to He was lying in bed looking very weak and helpless. (After) finishing/having finished the washing up I set about the cleaning. //... tidying the flat. Arriving/having arrived/on arrival at the airport I immediately phoned my friend. Having run out of whisky we had to make do with beer. Being only five, learning the language doesn't require any effort from him. The weather being very hot, I put on shorts. Most (of the) students attending the course were teenagers. The nice lady sitting on the right-hand side of the picture is my mother-in-law. (When) Asked whether he wanted to add anything, he just said no. Most of Bob Dylan's songs written in the 60s became hits. The survey, carried out in six European countries, revealed very interesting things.





LISTENING (p. 309)

Today's criminals are egoistic, they have a deep disrespect for everybody else, they are selfish, ruthless, petty, shameless. They are also becoming more and more violent, and they pay less and less attention to basic decency or even to mere appearances.


He says that violence is one thing he finds the least easy to explain, because very often it is simply inexplicable. That the occupants of the flat were at home at the time of the break-in. The place is a flat on the third floor of a block, and it has at least one bedroom, a sitting room, a hall, and a kitchen. A few months ago; it was late autumn, and it was the middle of the night. A doctor and his wife. He picked up a TV set, and took it out of the room. He opened the fridge, and comfortably ate most of the things he found in it. It was the jingle of the coins he dropped when he reached into the pocket of an overcoat in the hall. The doctor (barefoot and in pyjamas) started to chase the man. They ran down the stairs, then out into the park, but the doctor couldn't catch the burgler. Because the man had left behind his Driving Licence in a plastic bag in the hall of the flat. Most probably the guy will be sent to prison for a few weeks or months, if he gets convicted at all.

TRANSLATION: English into Hungarian - checkpoint (p. 311)
ne trdjnk az illemmel // (nyugodtan) felejtkezznk el a jlneveltsg szablyairl // ne udvariaskodjunk // flre az udvariassggal rulkod mdon valamifle magyar-angol keverknyelven vlaszoltam szorosan a htam mgtt a(z imnti) krdezvel/rdekldvel // nyomomban a ... ! cscsforgalom volt, s a zsfolt jrmvn azonnal a tmeg szortsban talltam magam * nem akardzott nekik tengedni // csak lltak s nem engedtek t mivel az kiszemelt ldozat meglpett ha beszdbe elegyedik nnel // ha beszlgetst kezdemnyez velnk ha azt tapasztalja, hogy lkdsik/taszigljk

Ez a mondat teljesen mst jelent gy, a szvegsszefggsbl kiragadva! A szvegben rtelmezve inkbb azt jelenti, hogy: gy krlvett a tmeg mintha cscsforgalom lenne II olyan prsben talltam magam, mint amilyen a legnagyobb cscsforgalomban szokott lenni."

N e trdjnk az illemmel, ha ki akarnak rabolni Oktber hetedikn ppen be akartam szllni egy majdnem res kocsiba a kis fldalatti meglljban a Hsk tern, amikor egy jogging-szerelst visel fiatalember abba az irnyba mutatott, amerre utazni szndkoztam, s egyszeren ennyit krdezett: Oktogon?" rulkod mdon valamifle magyar-angol keverk-nyelven vlaszoltam, majd a krdezvel szorosan a nyomomban beszlltam a kocsiba, ahol rgvest olyan prsben talltam magam, mint amilyen a legnagyobb cscsforgalom idejn szokott lenni. Krlbell hat fiatal vett szorosan krl - legalbb egy n is volt kztk -, azonban a vlluk felett kipillantva lttam, hogy a kocsi tbbi rsze egyltaln nem zsfolt. Megprbltam a kocsi belseje fel mozdulni, de a fiatalok csak lltak s nem engedtek t.


Az egyik kezemet rtettem arra a zsebemre, amelyikben a pnztrcm volt, a msik kezemmel pedig mg szorosabban megmarkoltam a tskmat. Szerencsre a kocsi ajtajai mg nyitva voltak, s csak a trsasg egyik tagja llt kztem s az res peron kztt, gy mg sikerlt kiprselni magam a peronra, ahol vgre biztonsgban voltam. Ahelyett, hogy elhagytam volna az llomst, dacosan (s taln elgg ostoba mdon) visszalptem a kocsiba a mg mindig nyitott szomszdos ajtn t. A hoppon maradt banda mg ekkor is ott tolongott a kocsi msik vgben. Aztn, mivel a kiszemelt ldozat kereket oldott, szpen kilptek a mg ekkor is nyitott ajtn, majd a szerelvny vgre elhagyta az llomst. Szval, legynk nagyon vatosak a kis fldalattin. Tanulmnyozzuk a peronon vrakozkat, s nagyon legynk rsen, ha 18-28 v kztti, fleg frfiakbl ll trsasgot ltunk. Klnsen vigyzzunk, ha egyikk beszlgetst kezdemnyez velnk. A magyarok ltalban nem tolakszanak, gy ha azt tapasztaljuk, hogy tasziglnak bennnket, j lesz vigyzni. Ha nem sikerl a kutyaszortbl kiszabadulni, akr kiablhatunk is. Ha szp illedelmesen viselkednk, nagy valsznsggel ki fognak minket rabolni.

READING & VOCABULARY: article (p. 311)



consider environmental issues as important "- , has the prettiest women : / /


has the most handsome men , has the most exciting night life has the best TV programmes and rock concerts : are serious people have the best sense of humour . are most tolerant of extra marital affairs . . . . are the least worried about anything has the best public health service. accept hitting children as a method of education /

-.' /


- '-. ,


hits made with the palm of the hand in order to punish kids => to hit a kid ~ => the practice of ~ smacks => to smack => smacking hits made with the palm of the hand => tohitsy ~ slaps => to slap sy

a part of a larger amount or number proportion



to say that an event or action will happen, or that it will happen in a particular way => the act of saying what you think is going to happen, or something you say is going to happen to predict [ ] => prediction
specialised infindinginformation about a particular subject => the activity of ~ => people whose job is to ~ research [both jM and H are possible] => research => researcher

something horrible that you fear might happen in the future nightmare to be able to understand other people's feelings => the ability to ~ to be sensitive to => sensitivity to describe sg correctly and thorougly => a sentence that says exactly what sg means to define [ Q H ] => definition to trust sy or sg always to act, behave or happen in the way that you want them to to rely [ Q H ] on the chances of being successful in your career prospects (plural!) [ B Q ] on the whole, generally speaking overall basic, essential, very important fundamental a number of different things of the same general type range
to be considered to have a particular quality or value => top quality

to be rated => first-rate

to be brave enough to do sg to have the guts to ... a people or a nation race to accept and admit (that sy has the right to do sg) to recognise ['reksgnaiz] deserving praise and appreciation laudable ['lcdsbl] tending to do things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first impulsive [HJ a moral sense of what our society should be like social conscience ['knjsns] to be by far worse than sy else to be left standing calm, relaxed, not worried about anything

laid back [ ]
someone of the same age, social class, etc. as you peer


It is a survey into the opinions of young western European people about a range of different topics, among them social politics, lifestyle, and prospects for the future. 65% of those surveyed are in favour of the idea. Young Italians are particularly keen (90%), whereas the British and the Swedish are not really enthusiastic. A good part of Europe's youth spends seven hours a day watching TV (and listening to the radio or their favourite music). AIDS (followed by unemployment and environmental problems). 57% think that their future looks bright, but a large proportion predict a hard life for babies being born today. The majority say that they have a strong desire to work, and they want jobs that satisfy rather than pay well. (63% want to study or work in another country.) Overall, they have a sense of responsibility and social conscience. They want equal rights for ethnic and religious minorities, 78% recognise a woman's right to abortion, and 95% consider friendship as very important. The author of the article wonders whether Europe's idealistic youth will keep these values when they get older and they move into positions of power.

VOCABULARY: article - checkpoint (p. 318)

image, values, rate, attractive, sensitive, desire, satisfy, consciousness, laudibly, minorities, tolerant, recognise, affairs, laid back, impulsive, smacking, nightmare, proportion, prospects, rely, overall

Rossz modora ellenre valjban egy nagyon rzkeny ember. Despite/In spite of his bad manners in fact he is a very sensitive man. Senki sem tudta volna tz vvel ezeltt megjsolni, hogy mi fog trtnni ebben az orszgban a kilencvenes vekben. No one could have predicted ten years ago what would happen in this country in the 90s.

Alapvet klnbsg van a vgyaim s a realitsok kztt. There's a fundamental difference between my desires and reality. Ezek az j lemezboltok rendkvl szles knlatot nyjtanak rockzenei CD-kbl, de sajnos nevetsgesen drgk. These new record shops have/offer an extremely wide range of rock CDs, but they are ridiculously expensive. Csodlom, hogy olyan nyugis vagy; azt hiszem n sohasem fogok megszabadulni a lobbankony sgomti. I admire you for being so laid back; I don't think I will ever get rid of my impulsiveness.

Magyarorszgot az legels olyan kzp-eurpai orszgok kz soroljk, amelyek az Eurpai Uni tagjaiv vlhatnak. Hungary is rated as one of the first Central European countries that could/might/may become a member of the European Community.


Sajt magt tlagosnak tartja, de legtbb trsa az osztly szvivjeknt ismeri el.

She defines herself as (an) average (student), but most of her peers recognise her as the spokesperson of the class.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: mini test (p. 319)

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


1. 2. 3. 4. receipt carton health/organic V(alue) A(dded) T(ax) 5. instalments 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. epidemic thighs rash addicted sedative 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. solve boot/trunk lanes Highway Code terminus 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. resort offence shoplifting pollution poverty

'I don't feel like watching TV. Let's go out somewhere, shall we?' 'OK/All right/Let's. How about going to see The English Patient? It must be worth seeing, it is said to have been awarded a lot of Oscars. All of our friends have seen it, it's time we saw it, too.' 'No, I'd rather not go to the cinema today. I've had enough of sitting, I'd rather do/get some exercise.' 'OK/All right. It would be nice/great to play a bit of tennis, for example. I love playing tennis.' 'Well, if we want/are to play tennis, we'll have to hire/rent a court.' 'I think we can hire a court here.' 'No, we'd better not hire anything here. It would cost at least 4000 forints to hire a court for an hour. We simply cannot afford to pay so much, but quite honestly/frankly, there's no point in paying so much for an hour's game. Anyway, it's too hot to play tennis.' 'Well, let's go swimming then.' 'That is the best idea (that) I've heard today. Let's go. // Let's get going.'


BESZDRTS G P I H A N G A L A P J N (p. 3 3 2 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Krlbell 50 utas. A tegtipikusabb trgyak a retiklk (ni tskk), a szemvegek, a fnykpezgpek, a pnztrck, az aktatskk, az rk s a tollak. Hsz vvel ezeltt az zletemberek drga tlttoUakat felejtettek a gpen, tz vvel ezeltt zsebszmolgpeket, ma pedig szmtgpeket (mikrochipes laptopokat) vagy mobiltelefonokat. Mfogsorok, vegszemek, mlb. Azrt, mert a tskban egyb knos" dolgok is vannak, mint pldul egy szllodbl ellopott tz darab trlkz vagy pornogrf cikkek. Egy 68 ves amerikai nyugdjas sszes megtakartott pnzt (majdnem 10 ezer dollrt) a gpen hagyta, s visszakapta a pnzt; egy dik a htfn beadand szakdolgozatt hagyta a gpen vasrnap, s idben sikerlt beadnia; egy nmet professzor egy msnapi New York-i konferencin tartand eladsnak a szvegt felejtette a gpen, de mg idben visszakapta; egy hegedmvszn a hegedjt hagyta el a koncert eltti jszaka, de visszakapta mg a koncert eltt. Hrom hnap eltelte utn felajnljk a szemlyzet azon tagjnak, aki megtallta a trgyat. A szemvegek a harmadik vilg orszgaiba kerlnek, a knyveket - ha megfelelek - iskolknak s gyermekotthonoknak ajnljk fel. A tovbbi trgyakat havonta elrverezik, s az itt befoly pnzt jtkonysgi clokra hasznljk fel.


FELELETVLASZTS TESZT (p. 333) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C D C A A B C C B D 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A C A B B C C D B A 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. C B C B C D C B C C 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. D B D A A C C A C C 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. B A D C C B C B A D

F O R D T S MAGYARRL A N G O L R A (p. 338)

1. 2. 3. 4. 1 should/ought to do something with my hair: I look terrible. I have already tried at least five different hair-styles, but all of them proved/turned out to be disastrous. I wish/If only I had such beautiful hair as yours //... as you do/have. What do you think I should do with/about it?' 'If I were you, I'd have it cut and dyed blond/fair.'


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

'I wouldn't mind having short hair, but I'm a bit afraid of having it dyed. Dying is said to be harmful/bad for the hair. But the main problem is that my parents would be furious/very angry/cross if they saw that I'd had my hair dyed. My father told me he would disown me if I did anything like that.' 'Well, your father can't be more conservative than my father. He would surely be furious at first/to start with, but when he has got used to seeing you with your new hair-style, he may/might even like it.' 'You may/might be right. I've made up my mind: I'll have my hair dyed. // I've decided to have ...'

F O R D T S A N G O L R L M A G Y A R R A (p. 3 4 0 ) Valakinek csak kell nyernie! Mindenki szeret nyerni, legyen sz akr a cllvldrl a vursliban, akr a londoni Maratoni Futversenyrl. De mg nem nevezhetnk be mindannyian futversenyekre, s nem nyerhet mindegyiknk fdjat a Mindent vagy semmit jtkban, addig brki rszt vehet a klnbz termkekkel kapcsolatos nyeremnyjtkokban. A becslsek szerint Nagy Britanniban egyidejleg mintegy 4 000 000 font rtk nyeremny vr rendszeresen a rsztvevkre, s egyre n azoknak a szma, akik ingyen szeretnnek valamihez hozzjutni ily mdon. Soha nem volt ilyen magas a rsztvevk szma - egy, a Best magazin ltal mg janurban tartott nyeremnyakci 40 000 plyzt vonzott. Mgis - ahogy a rsztvevk biztatgatjk magukat -, valakinek csak kell nyernie! Mg legtbbnk legfeljebb csak egy-egy termkre jogost utalvnyt nyer, van egy olyan egyre nvekv ltszm trsasg, akik hzakra, nyaralsokra, autkra s komoly pnzsszegekre tesznek szert ily mdon. Ez egy nagyon lelkes npsg, sokan kzlk mg az llsukat is kpesek feladni, hogy jtkszenvedlyknek lhessenek. Rita Smallburn tanrnt elszr akkor kapta el a jtkszenvedly, amikor egyszer nem tudott dolgozni menni, mert influenzs volt. Puszta idtltsknt beszllt egy magazin plyzatba, s nyert egy kazetts magnt. Ezen felbtorodva gy dnttt, hogy megprbl begyjteni mg nhny luxuscikket". Az eredmny messze meghaladta minden vrakozsomat", mondja boldogan Rita. A most 60 ves Rita tz vvel ezeltt otthagyta az llst, hogy csak a nyeremnyjtkokra tudjon koncentrlni. Legsikeresebb vben nyeremnyeinek sszrtke 80 000 font volt. Egyszer nyert egy vadonatj hzat, 18 hnapig lakott benne, majd az eredeti rtk ktszeresrt eladta. Egyb nyeremnyei kztt szerepel mg 34 nyarals, ngy aut, hrom mosgp, nyolc televzi, ngy vide s hat mikrohullm st is. Kevsb szokvnyos nyeremnyei kzl val egy egyhetes futball-oktatsra szl utalvny, valamint egy ingyen hajvgs a frjemnek, aki teljesen kopasz", mondja Rita nevetve.

S Z V E G R T S (p. 3 4 1 ) 1. A felmrst a European Value Systems Group (Eurpai rtkrendszerek) nev nemzetkzi kutatcsoport vgezte 20 000 ember megkrdezsvel 14 eurpai orszgban, hogy kpet kapjanak arrl, hogy miben hisznek s milyen rtkeket tartanak fontosnak a klnbz nemzetek. (2 pont) kbtszeresek, alkoholistk, priusszal rendelkezk, ms emberfajthoz tartozk, homoszexulisok, rzelmileg labilis emberek, vallsi kisebbsgekhez tartozk, Aids-esek, sokgyerekes csaldok, szlsjobbosok, szlsbalosok (4 pont) Azok mellett, akik szerintk valamilyen balht csinlhatnak. (Szemben az egyszeren csak ms" csoportokkal.) (2 pont)






6. 7.

Azt, hogy a francik Eurpa legkevsb erklcss npe; pldul a legkevsb utastjk el az orgazdasgot, a trsadalombiztostsi csalst, illetve hajlamosak arra, hogy meglpjenek, miutn vletlenl nekimentek egy parkol autnak. (3 pont) A kor, s azrt lehet ez gy, mert az idsebbek egyrszt mr nehezebben viselik el a megszokott, hagyomnyos letvitelktl eltr letstlust, msrszt pedig fontosabb szmukra a szemlyes lettr, mert tbbet tartzkodnak otthon, mint a fiatalabbak. (3 pont) A nk valamivel ersebben utastjk el a zrs" szomszdokat, mg a frfiak inkbb a mssgot viselik nehezebben. (3 pont) A szintn szlsjobbos nzeteket vallk; valsznleg azrt, mert ltalban is rendkvl intolerns emberek lehetnek. (3 pont)

SOS An interview with a family counsellor

Interviewer: I'm sure that a lot of people have no idea what a family counsellor's job's really like. Do you think you could tell us a few things about it? Counsellor: Yes, well, it's ... it's quite an interesting job actually, er ... we have to deal with very interesting cases day by day - or ... or perhaps, I'd better use the word complex here - you know the majority of these cases are rather sad as a matter of fact. Interviewer: Erm ... could you, could you give me an example? Counsellor: Yes, certainly. Erm ... last year I had to deal with the case of a ... of a little boy for example. Erm ... this little chap - uh ... eight years of age he was - ... er, had always been as good as gold, doing terribly well at school - a real bright little button of a boy, if you know what I mean. Erm ... now, this lovely picture changed dramatically, quite ... quite unexpectedly, literally out of the blue; from one day to the next he ... he began stammering ... Interviewer: You ... you mean he began to speak with ... pauses ... and ... and ... repeated ... repeated sounds like this without any warning, just overnight? Counsellor: Er ... yes, that ... that's it exactly. And, what's even worse, he ... he started to behave very badly at school, became a real nuisance, really, very serious discipline problems indeed, like ... like beating up other children, and not answering the teachers' questions, stealing money from the staff room, things like that, so he ... he really started to show rather worrying symptoms. His teachers, and, ... and of course, his parents were ... were terribly shocked, they ... they just couldn't understand this ... these sudden changes, and ... and ... and they were really very seriously worried. Well, to cut a long story short, the case ended up on my desk, and ... and I decided to sit down and have a chat with the

whole family. My ... my little patient, his mother, his father and his ... his little sister, who was 2 and a half at the time, they all came into my office and sat down on the sofa the ... the ... the sofa that you're sitting on at the moment. Erm ... the father first, here, er ... and the mother right next to him, and ... and then the little girl, and finally the little fellow himself over there er... er .. .at the far right end of the sofa. Now, the moment they were seated, the little girl started to climb on her mother, hugging and kissing her, talking to her all the time, obviously doing everything she could to take all of her attention. When my little patient tried to ask his mother anything or ... or tried to take her hand, the little girl would just raise her voice or ... or hug her mother even more closely, really she made it completely impossible for the little boy to have any kind of communication with his mother. Well, it was obvious that he was suffering from this situation, you ... you ... could ... you could see the frustration in his eyes. Interviewer: Erm ... but did he ... did he actually do anything? I mean did he do anything aggressive or violent? Counsellor: No, no, nothing, nothing at all. Eventually, poor boy, he ... he just gave it all up, and sat there quietly, hardly said anything at all for the whole thirty minute session. Interviewer: Oh, what happened then? Counsellor: Well, I ... I decided to arrange the scene for the next session a bit. First of all, I asked the father to take care of the little girl while we were talking, so that ... so that she wouldn't crawl all over the place and ... and particularly so that she wouldn't go up to her mother and ... and take up her attention. Erm ... I also asked him to make sure that he and the little girl were the last to sit down after coming into my office. Erm ... then I asked the mother to make sure that ... that she came first into the office, and I also told her to sit down at the far left end of the sofa. Erm ... and ... and I explained to them that I . . .1 wanted the little boy to choose the best place for himself.


Interviewer: And ... and what did the little boy do? Counsellor: Well, as you may have guessed, he immediately sat down right next to his mother, kind of, well, blocking the way for his sister. Wow, you .. .you should've seen the difference! Now that he was sitting next to his mother and ... and was also getting all her attention, of course, er ... his behaviour changed completely, he was ... he was much more open, he was obviously not frustrated, he was, he was ... he was just happy. Interviewer: So it was all because ... Counsellor: (...) Yes, it was ... it was that simple. The poor little chap was suffering from, well, from a lack of loving care and attention and ... and he reacted to the situation in ... in ways that, well, that ... that really shocked everybody. Erm ... I think he was giving clear signals, he was ... he was sending a kind of behavioural SOS, that ... that something was terribly wrong. Uh ... unfortunately, the parents, they simply hadn't realised that they'd neglected him. ... well... well, in fact they .. .they, hadn't really, they, and especially the mother, they'd just paid too much attention to the little girl. Interviewer: And did things get better? Counsellor: Well, yes ... yes, very much ... very much better, just as ... just as dramatically as they got worse when the first symptoms appeared. Thank God, the ... the parents understood the situation immediately and ... and, well they ... they spent more time with him, and ... and so things became perfectly all right in no time at all, and apparently they haven't had any problems ever since. You know, well, the ... the human soul is a very sensitive thing, and if we do not pay attention to the ... well, to the seemingly unimportant details, we ... we might very easily cause or ... or suffer injuries for a ... well, for a lifetime.


Interview with an ex-Harrow student

Interviewer: Peter, erm ... you are one of the very few Hungarians, or ... or at least I haven't heard of anyone else, so you are one of the very few who went to a famous English public school. How on earth did you get there?

Peter: Well, that's a long story. You know my parents got divorced when I was very young, two years old in fact, and I stayed with my mum, who met my stepfather, an Englishman a year later, they got married, and in 1977 the family moved to Britain. Interviewer: Erm ...yes, but these public schools are rather expensive, aren't they? Peter: Yes, they certainly are. But you know, Charles - that's my stepfather - being the head of a computer firm, was quite well-off, and he could certainly afford to send me to an independent school. Interviewer: Did you say independent? What's the difference between an independent and a public school? Peter: Nothing, absolutely nothing. We just use both terms to mean "an expensive private school". Interviewer: So what school did you go to? Peter: Harrow. I went to Harrow. Interviewer: And what was it like? Tell us a little bit about it. Peter: Well, I started at the age of thirteen, and I can't say I was very enthusiastic at the beginning. Erm ... you see, it was quite a dramatic change for me, as I was one of the few people there who had not gone to a preparatory school before, which means that almost everything was new to me: first of all I had to get used to the idea that I was going to a boarding school, perhaps that was the most difficult of all. Then it was an all boy school, and I had to get ace ... accustomed to an awful lot of new rules and regulations. So it wasn't very easy to start with. In fact I hated it. Interviewer: Erm ... what kind of rules and regulations were these? Could you ... could you just mention a few of them? Peter: Well, you should know that there's a traditional formality at Harrow, boys have to wear a uniform - a blazer that is called a "bluer", and a hat outside - , you are supposed to be extremely tidy in the boarding house, the senior - that's the older boys have a lot of privileges, which they very often abuse by the way, the masters that's the teachers - are very strict, cold and rather distant. Erm ... all in all, the whole atmosphere is rather aristocratic and quite authoritarian. As I said I didn't like it at all. Later


it got a bit better, of course, but even then I can't say I particularly ... Interviewer: Is beating still a practice at Harrow? I ... I read about it in a novel or a film or something, that it used to be quite common in public schools. Is that right? Peter: Well, it's really interesting that beating hasn't been formally abolished yet. But they don't beat boys at Harrow any longer really. And that's good, because kids get a lot of beating from the older boys anyway ... Or at least I did ... I used ... I used to be a rather cheeky little boy. Interviewer: And how about the academic side of it all? Peter: Hmm ... obviously, they've got very high academic standards, and if you are interested in your studies, then this is undoubtedly an ideal place to go to. Requirements are high, and you are forced to keep up with your peers, or else ... Interviewer: And how well did you do, if you don't mind my asking? Peter: No, not at all. Hmm ... as a matter of fact I did pretty well ... pretty well, particularly at the science subjects, and most of all at mathematics. At the same time, though, I can't say I was outstandingly good on the sports field, and sports are considered extremely important there. Interviewer: And how come you are not an Oxford or Cambridge student now? School leavers from public schools normally want to go on to one of these universities, don't they? I mean it's almost automatic, isn't it? Peter: Yes, yes, you're quite right, but ... but you know my step-father died in 1994 when I was in my last year at Harrow, and my mother and I decided to move back to Hungary. But that's another story ... Interviewer: And now you're going to a Hungarian university ... Peter: Yeah, I'm in my second year, and I do maths. Interviewer: And how's your Hungarian? Peter: Not too bad, getting better and better. After all it is my mother tongue, and ... and thank God, mathematics is pretty international, so I can survive ...

A DIFFICULT JOB I n t e r v i e w w i t h Mrs A u d r e y Scottney, a library property r e c o v e r y officer Interviewer: Audrey's people skills were developed in a previous life, first as a driver then an inspector in charge of three hundred men on the buses in Rotherham. If you can cope with that, you can cope with anything. These days when she's out and about recovering library property, she disarms her victims with charm and defuses aggression with her doorstep manner. Audrey: You have to give them a few moments to get themselves together, and then they have to find the ... find the items, and they have three set excuses: one, they've been on holiday, one, they've been decorating and everything's packed away, or the other is they've been in hospital, they've been sick. Interviewer: And do you believe any of them? Audrey: Not very often. Not very often. No. No. Interviewer: And you can tell, can you, when they're lying? Audrey: Most... More ... Yes, yes, yes. Invariably. I don't believe some of the stories they tell me. But I have to listen, and say yes, and smile at them, and it works wonders. Man: Yeah? What do you want? Interviewer: Obviously, not everyone is delighted to see Audrey on their doorstep. Some Rotherham residents are never going to respond to the softly-softly approach, like the borrower from hell. Audrey: This very unpleasant person threatened to set his dog on to me, and he got a rottweiler, and he said to me, "If you ever come up my garden path again, I shall let the dog out." So I just turned round and walked away. I never argue, if they say they haven't got the items I've come for, I just walk away. That is one thing I learned when I worked on the public transport. If you argue, you lose your temper; if you lose your temper, you've lost. On this compute-sheet it has all the information I require: the borrower's name, address, the date the books were due back, just that, the fines that are payable, the price of the book if it has ... if it's lost and has to be paid for.


Interviewer: Clearly, postmen don't have the monopoly on dealing with ferocious dogs .Butit doesn't pay to make assumptions. The aggressive punter may not be the worst aspect of the job. Audrey can feel like a social worker, particularly when her visit sparks off a serious domestic between husband and wife. Audrey: I did go to a house one day, and this very pregnant lady came to the door. I said I ... I'd gone for a picture, and she said "I haven't got one. The only picture in the house is the one my husband's bought me for Christmas." Well, I was looking at it, and I said, "Well, that's it on the wall." And she says, "Oh no, no, no it isn't." So I said, "Well, shall we take it down?" Because they should have a library sticker on the back. And I was hoping he hadn't taken the library sticker off, which he hadn't. Then when we took it off the wall, this poor lady she was so embarrassed, she just really didn't know what to do. Interviewer: Shame, embarrassment, shock, anger, Audrey's visits evoke all these emotions. And if that's not bad enough, sometimes the punter may have other things on his mind. Audrey: I don't know whether I should say this one? Interviewer: Go on! Audrey: 1 went to a house, and it was a terraced house that had been turned into two flats, and a man lived upstairs. So I knocked on the door, and the window opened, and this man says, "Yes?", and I said who I was. He says, "Just a minute, I'm coming down." Well, he ... he was having a shower. So I heard him come down the stairs, the door opened, and there was the largest man I've ever seen, with a little towel wrapped round his waist. He said. "The books are upstairs, so you're going to come up." So I said, "No I'll stay where I am." So I stood on the steps, and he turned around, and the towel just covered the front, and I saw the biggest rear end I've ever seen in my life ... going up these stairs. W h e n he got to the top he shouts, "Are you sure you won't come up?" I said. "No, I'll stay where I am." I took two steps back onto the pavement, and the bedroom window opened, and a basket came out of the bedroom window, lowered down, with the books inside.


Interview with Mr Rupert Johnson, partner in Benson & Johnson Real Estates International, Budapest
Interviewer: A lot of people - and particularly the young - complain that there's a painfully acute housing shortage in Hungary.. You as the head of a leading Budapest real estate agency, Benson & Johnson International, how do you see this? Mr Johnson: Well, that's not strictly true. I don't think there's a housing shortage in Hungary. The real problem is that the vast majority of the population and particularly the young people at the beginning of their careers are short of the necessary funds. So it is a financial shortage rather than an actual physical shortage of houses ... Interviewer: You mean, prices on the housing market are too high? Mr Johnson: Well, not really. I don't think that prices are particularly high, in fact in an international perspective they are relatively low. So, basically, it's a solvency problem. Interviewer: A solvency problem. You mean people haven't got enough money? Mr Johnson: Exactly. The average citizen simply can't afford to buy a house of his own. interviewer; But you've just said that prices aren't outstandingly high. Mr Johnson: Yeah, but you see, the problem is erm ... is while the price of property is at an international level - erm ... at a relatively low level - , average wages are far from being anywhere near international standards. Interviewer: So why don't people buy something less luxurious, something they can afford something cheaper? Mr Johnson: Well, erm ... first of all, because of the great demand, there really is a shortage in this particular category, that is in the category of small but still acceptable quality, relatively inexpensive flats. But the real problem is that even these reasonably-priced flats prove to be too dear to most people. At today's prices the ordinary customer would have to save for up to 15 to 25 years to buy a


cheap place of his own, and they haven't got building societies in Hungary, and there's limited access to bank loans ... Interviewer: And they're left with no choice then but to try and find something suitable in the private rented sector. Mr Johnson: Well, that would be pretty logical, but unfortunately it's not the case at all. Interviewer: Why not? Mr Johnson: Simply the rents are far too high for them. The monthly rent and the gas and electricity bills for a small one-bedroom flat on a housing estate come to more then thirty-five thousand forints a month at today's prices, which is more than the net salary of a teacher or a doctor. Interviewer: So who are your clients then? How can you survive on a market like this? Mr Johnson: It's simple. It's the luxury homes that account for 98 percent of our residential property turnover. Interviewer: And, who are the buyers of all these dream houses? Mr Johnson: Well, the luxury home market in Budapest is actually expanding. It is true, however that the vast majority of our clients are foreigners, mainly Western expatriates on a company assignment in Hungary at multinational firms. Interviewer: Could you give us an example of the kind of homes available in this bracket? Mr Johnson: OK, sure. Here's this elegant, fourlevel, 500 square meter house for rent or sale in Budapest's 2nd District, for example. There is a basement level with a four-car garage and a huge gym, and a single-floor complete living area, with a large living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Then there's a two-level upper apartment complete with a large living room, a big kitchen, and four bedrooms. The place is ideal for a large family, or for someone who'd like offices within a residence. It also has two phone lines and access to 150 different satellite channels. Interviewer: And how much does all this cost? Mr Johnson: It is listed by the agency for 140 million forints for sale, and 1.3 million to let. Interviewer: Yeah, sounds very much like the place I've been looking for for some years. Is there a pool there, as well? Mr Johnson: No, unfortunately, there isn't. Interviewer: Oh, then I can't take it.

WORKING NIGHTS I n t e r v i e w w i t h M r Geoff M i c h a e l s , a printer o n p e r m a n e n t night-shift Interviewer: How long have you been working on the night shift Mr Michaels? Mr Michaels: Oh, for a very long time, over ten years now. Interviewer: Ugh, well, that really is a long time. To be perfectly frank, I've never been able to understand how people can cope with having to start work at night. I just can't imagine how they can manage. I think it must be pretty tiring ... Mr Michaels: Well, a lot of people think that ... that we on the night shift have a completely reversed or upside down sort of life and that we do things completely the other way round - but it ... it's not really true. Believe or not, most of our daily activities are quite the same as anybody else's. Interviewer: But, but surely you are not saying that you do not have to go to bed during the day? Mr Michaels: Yes, that's quite true, b u t . . . but you see it's just that we sleep while ordinary people work, and work while others are asleep. Otherwise, most of our daily activities are quite the same. Interviewer: OK then, would you tell us what an ordinary day looks like for you? Mr Michaels: Yes, certainly. You know I'm a printer, and I finish work at the printing house at six in the morning. I usually get home by 6.45 or 7, and I just join in the normal morning activities of the family. By this time my wife's up and the kids I've got two teenage sons - are ... they're getting up or about to get up. We normally have breakfast together, and while they are getting ready, I just read the morning paper or just watch some TV you know that's about the only time of the day I can watch TV at all, so I'd just watch the news or whatever they have at that time of the day. Interviewer: Don't you miss television in the evening? Mr Michaels: No, not really. You know I'm not a great big fan of the telly anyway, and if there's a good film, which happens pretty rarely, the kids will tape it for me, so I can see it sometime during the day. Football matches, thank God, are usually on in


the afternoon, and I never miss those, but otherwise, I'm perfectly happy with the situation. Interviewer: Er ... I'm sorry, I interrupted you when you were talking about the morning ... Mr Michaels: Yeah, yes, yeah as I was saying, I just mess around while the rest of the family are at home, and when they've all left for s ... for work and school, I'll just take a shower and go to bed. I (...) usually sleep until about 2 or 3, and I get up and mess around a bit, you know usual things, if there's something to do at the house ... around the house, or if there's something to arrange for ... things like that you ... you know. The kids come home from school at ... at three or four, and Sarah, my wife arrives at five or so, so we just talk, and ... and do things like that, you know just ordinary things. Interviewer: And how about the evening? Mr Michaels: Well, we'll ...we'll have dinner together at about 7, I'll start getting ready at 7.30 or so. I'll take another shower, get dressed, leave home at approximately 9.15. But ... by the way it's very good that I can avoid the rush-hours, so yeah ... driving to and fro from work is not as frustrating as it would be if I had to do i t . . . do it during the day like most people and it doesn't take so long either. So, I start working at the printing house at ten. We print newspapers and the place is like a madhouse, so there's no way I could get sleepy or anything like that. In fact I am at my most alert at this time of the day. Interviewer: So you've actually got used to having to work so late. Mr Michaels: Yeah, absolutely. In fact, I think it would be pretty difficult for me to get used to your "reversed" routine after all these years. To be quite honest, I sometimes feel sorry for those poor souls who have to work during the day. You could say that the day shift would be a nightmare for me.

like The Guardian, The Times, or the ... The Independent! Journalist: Er ... no, it's not strictly true. Erm ... in fact, their circulation is much-much larger than that. Er ... some of the most popular magazines may have a circulation that's ugh ... eight or ten times as large as the ... the papers you mentioned, er ... and the difference can be even larger in the case of tabloids - erm ... even ugh ... twenty-fold. Interviewer: Can you give us a concrete example? Journalist: Yes, well, there're ... there're lots of examples, erm ... let's just take the women's magazines, like She, or Women, Woman's Own, Time Off, Best erm ... for some reason those ones are particularly popular -, their circulation is really amazing. Actually, just off the top off my head I'd ... I'd say that ... that all of them have a circulation ugh ... above one and a half million. Er ... quite by chance I ... I ... I happen to know that Woman's Own has a circulation of 1.6 million. Interviewer: But... but why? I mean in what way are these magazines better than the ... the more famous papers? Journalist: Well it's ... it's not that they are better in any way, it's just that they are different. Interviewer: How are they different? Journalist: Well, there're ... there're ... there're there are lots of differences, er ... perhaps the most important er ... is that these magazines focus on ... on entertainment rather than information or ... or opinion. Interviewer: Entertainment? Journalist: Er ... yes, that is entertainment in ... in the most popular or ... or perhaps vulgar sense of the word - er ... topics that ordinary people are really interested in today: I ... I like to list them under four main headings: er ... peeping, er ... thrill, models, and ... and dreams. Interviewer: Peeping? You mean looking at, dealing with things that are of a private nature, that are personal and secret and not for other people to know about? Journalist That's it exactly. Er... peeping really in the ... in the strictest sense of the word: er ... things like er ... well, intimacies about celebrities, er ... gossip, er ... sex. And besides peeping they also offer thrill, that's reports on disasters, criminal acts, all kinds of perversion, and things like that. Then they offer models to people by carrying

POPULAR READING Interview with a journalist about the British popular press
Interviewer: Is it really true that most popular magazines and tabloid papers have twice as large a circulation than those of the famous quality papers


articles on ... on fashion, homes, cooking, medical questions, personal problems, things like that, and ... and finally, they write about people's dreams, of course - things like horoscopes, exotic places, pretty people, big prizes, that sort of thing. Interviewer: So you're saying that these magazines offer their readers two extremes: on the one hand things that are very close to them, they're basic physical and emotional issues like sex, and health, and food, and on the other hand things that are actually very-very far away from them; things that they can't really experience in their lives, like disasters, or crime, or travel, or the company of famous people, and, cynical perhaps, but love. Journalist: Well, that's right. And ... and nothing in between the two extremes at all - nothing about the realities of life, nothing about things that are a bit more difficult to understand; nothing about work, politics, and things like that. Interviewer: And any other differences between these two types of papers or magazines? Journalist: Well, yes, of course, there's ... there's a very important difference between the ways they ... they treat the news. Erm ... quality papers try to be objective, they like to ... to analyse the events, erm ... the popular publications focus on the sensational elements. Erm ... than of course, tabloids use pictures and colours extensively, and ... and they very often have pictures of, well, scantily dressed pretty girls on the front page. Er ... and last but not least, of course, there's ... there's a difference between the styles the two kinds of publication use. The ... the popular publications sometimes actually have very funny headlines. D ... Do you want to hear my favourite? Interviewer: Oh, yes, please do ... Journalist: Well, it's ... it's an old headline from the ... The Daily Express, it was Heavenly bodies, er ... and the article was about a ... a vicar who was selling paintings of naked ladies to ... to raise money to pay for his church's heating bills. Of course, the ... the paper also carried reproductions of some of the paintings. Er ... One of them ... one of the paintings had a ... a very pretty girl sitting on the rocks on the beach not far from the vicar's eleventh-century church. Er ... the article says that he painted the ... the nude on the rocks at his vicarage studio.

Interviewer: Er ... do you remember if the quality papers covered the story? Journalist: They did, actually, yes. Interviewer: And do you remember any of their headlines? Journalist: Yes, I do. Erm ... I can remember one of them. Er ... the title was: Vicar selling nudes. Interviewer: And was there a picture? Journalist: No, no, there ... I'm afraid, there wasn't.

EVENTS, HEROES, RESULTS B B C sports n e w s Announcer: Sport, and Steve Alkington has just won the US P ... PGA golf championship in Los Angeles in a sudden death play-off against Scotland's Colin Montgomery. British athletics won two more medals on the final day of the World Championships in Gothenburg. Kelly Holmes took a bronze in the 800 metres, and Steve Batley won silver in the men's javelin. And Wembley, Everton beat Blackburn to take the Charity Shield. And Damon Hill has won the Hungarian Grand Prix. His Williams team-mate David Coulthard was second. Hill's victory reduces Michael Schumacher's lead in the World Championship to eleven points, after the German pulled out of the race with just a few laps to go. Hill was overjoyed at the win. Damon Hill: This is the best victory I've ever had, I actually beat Michael hands down, and the team did a brilliant job all weekend. And it was a race I had to win, and I won it so I'm absolutely delighted, and of course, Michael not finishing is a bonus. So I think it's a ... bit of a paying-back day for me, and the atmosphere out there is tremendous as well, so I'm a ... it's a very ... it's a fantastic day. Announcer: The Football Intelligence Unit has outlined its strategy to prevent hooligans from overshadowing the European Championships in England next year. Police forces from countries whose national teams qualify will be invited to send


officers to point out known foreign troublemakers. Another measure will be the setting up of a Hooligan Hotline to encourage genuine fans to supply information in confidence on thugs. The British triple jumper Jonathan Edwards has won a gold medal, and twice broken his own world record at the World Athletics Championships. He became the first man to break the eighteen metre barrier, and with his second jump bettered it with eighteen metres twenty-nine centimetres, more than sixty feet. Our athletics correspondent, John Rawling describes the moment as the crowd in Gothenburg waited for the record to be confirmed. John Rawling: We wait now, the whole crowd looks at that score-board on the far side. 18.29. He's broken it by another 13 centimetres. He broke the world record by 18 centimetres with his first attempt, and now another 13! He kisses the track, holds his arms to the heavens, 18.29, he has improved the world record by 31 centimetres. That is just extraordinary.

1. R A I N O R S H I N E W e a t h e r forecast for Britain Announcer: Now it's 5 to 9, time for a look at the weather with Isabel Lang. Weatherperson: Good morning. The World Athletics Championship is coming to a close in Gothenburg today, and a much more pleasant day is in store there, with temperatures of a fresher 23 Celsius. Across the British Isles, too it's going to be cooler and much fresher, the most noticeable change in the south-east with temperatures some 5 or 6 degrees lower than yesterday's. For the detail then, I'll start with all of England and Wales. It's dry and bright in most places at the moment, quite a lot of sunshine around as well. I think probably the best of the sunshine today is going to be in the south and east, with the northern and western areas of England and Wales tending to become rather more cloudy through the afternoon. Although I think most places will stay dry today, you can't rule out a passing shower, too, especially over the

high ground of Northern England, Wales and of course, the Pennines. Temperatures down on yesterday's generally, 23 to 26 Celsius, the high across southern areas, near 19 or 20 in the northwest, with a light north-westerly breeze. Moving now to Northern Ireland. Most parts should start off on a fine note this morning, and there'll be some sunshine around as well. Through the day though we will see the cloud thickening up, and there's always a chance of a few light showers running onto the north coast. Temperatures in the north around 19, but up to 21 or 22 in County Down and County Armagh. And finally to Scotland. And it's bright and sunny in most places, especially in Grampian and Tayside, and southern and eastern parts could well stay fine and reasonably sunny for much of the day. Temperatures here up to 22 degrees. Northern western Scotland, there will be more cloud generally, a few mostly light showers along the coast, and temperatures here quite a bit lower, near around 14 or 15 degrees. Now, later on today the clouds are going to lower, and the weather's going to turn rather more drizzly in northern and western Scotland. Tonight it'll stay cloudy and damp in the north-west, and the cloud'U lower too into parts of Northern Ireland giving a little bit of drizzle later on in the night, but otherwise it is going to be fine with broken cloud and a cooler night, temperatures between 11 and 14. That's the forecast.

2. BIZARRE OUTFITS I n t e r v i e w w i t h a fashion designer Interviewer: I found last night's fashion show rather bizarre, to say the least. I mean, quite honestly, there were creations that I found ridiculous. Designer: Well, I wouldn't definitely go as far as that. Actually, I'd be very careful to say ... Interviewer: But surely ... surely you don't really mean that anyone in their right mind would ever wear outfits like the stainless steel armour-like jackets, or those dresses that reveal a good part of the models' body, their hips, their bottoms, their breasts? Or there were those ragged, dirty, torn


clothes which looked as if someone had slept in them. They didn't look particularly practical. In fact, I can't imagine that anyone is ever going to wear this stuff. Designer: Ah, well, as I said this before, be carefuLto use the word never in connection with fashion. If you think about it, many of the styles widely worn today were scorned on as outrageous absurdities when they first appeared in fashion shows. People are usually horrified at shocking new styles, but then a few years later, perhaps in a slightly modified form, they just snap them up at ordinary chain stores. At first they laugh at them and they hate them, but eventually they buy them. Interviewer: Yes, but is that also true for extreme outfits like the ones I've been mentioning? Designer: Well, I'd have to say it is, it has been so in the past. Interviewer: Well, give us an example then. Designer: OK, sure. Erm ... I can think of a fashion show in se... 1977; Claude Montana sent his models out to the catwalk in black leather jackets, you know the ones with those shoulder pads that make you look like a ... rugby players. A few years later shoulder pads were being sold at Woolworth's and most women were stuffing them into their sweaters and blouses. Or when Karl Lagerfeld, in his 1989 show for Chanel, showed long jackets worn with only leggings ... only leggings, he created a scandal. Everybody's laugh at first, but in less than two years the new style caught on, and now there's hardly a place in Europe or America where some suburban housewife isn't wearing leggings with a leather jacket or a long shirt. Or think of these thick-soled, "platform" shoes, or these little tops that reveal the wearer's belly or the flared trousers for that matter ... I could go on forever, there are literally hundreds of examples. Interviewer: Well, you may have a point... Designer: You see, in fashion there is a thing that you laugh at twice: first you laugh when it's new, and second when it has already gone out of fashion. But most people take it seriously in between.

RUSSIAN BISTRO A report a b o u t the first g e n u i n e Russian fast f o o d o u t l e t Interviewer: The biggest Mac, or one of the biggest, anyway. The one in Moscow, the McDonald's in Moscow, a huge shop, I understand, but it has a competitor now, a Russian fast food outlet. Now, it must be galling for countries such as Russia to see their people queuing enthusiastically to buy western takeaways, like, you know, McDonald's, burgers, French fries and Cola. The Mayor of Moscow, Jurij Lushkov was definitely upset, because earlier this year he called for some genuine, traditional Russian fast food outlet, and the first one has just opened, and right across Pushkin Square from the McDonald's, as well, so the battle is joined. It's called Russko-bistro, and Miranda Ingram has been sampling it. She reports from Moscow for the European. Good evening, Miranda. Ms Ingram: Good evening. Interviewer: What's it serving? What does a traditional Russian wish to take away? Ms Ingram: Traditional Russian food is mostly piroshki, which are like a ... bit like Cornish pasties really, little pies full of meat, and mushrooms, and cabbage, and things. Erm ... they're also serving very very sweet Russian tea, and of course, the most traditional of all, vodka. Interviewer: Oh, that ... that's not very like McDonald's, is it? Ms Ingram: No, no, this is an ace up their sleeve, but they say they thought long and hard about whether to serve alcohol, then they thought what is the most traditional Russian meal, and it is, of course, pies with fifty grams of vodka. Interviewer: But no French fries? Ms Ingram: No French fries, no Cola, absolutely nothing western on the premises quite deliberately. Interviewer: Well you've been there Miranda, what's the atmosphere inside Russko-bistro like? Ms Ingram: Well, at first glance not very traditional Russian, it's red, black and gold, and the people serving are done-up like bell-boys in a


western hotel, but that said the rest of the atmosphere is very Russian, there's a lot of queue jumping, shouting, arguing, the service is not that fast. Probably Russians will prefer this, they'll feel more at home there. Interviewer: Oh, really? With queue jumping? Ms Ingram: Oh, yes, yes, people who know, the people behind the till will have their places saved, or bargain with the person at the front of the queue to step in, but this is ... this is all very traditional Russian stuff, of course. Interviewer: When you say it's not very fast, how ... how fast is it or how slow is it? How long to get a meal? Ms Ingram: Well, at the moment it's about twenty - twenty-five minute's wait as opposed to a few minutes in McDonald's, which you could either say proves how successful it is, and how popular, or, of course, proves that Russians can't really do fast food. Interviewer: Do you have any of the "Have a nice day" bit? Or anything like that? Ms Ingram: They do say "Pleasant appetite" in Russian, but not really with the same kind of American smiles that you get in McDonald's, but again that's ... that's fairly typical Russian fare. Interviewer: I thought they could've done without that anyway, probably, yes. Ms Ingram: Indeed, yes. Interviewer: The competition, though, it is pretty tough, because ... isn't that McDonald's, isn't it the biggest in Europe or something? Ms Ingram: It's so ... I think possibly the busiest in the world, but certainly the busiest in Europe, they're doing very well, they've opened four outlets now in Moscow, and one in Kiev recently. So they are not really very worried by Russko-bistro. Interviewer: Because they serve over a thousand meals an hour, or some enormous number anyway. Ms Ingram: Yes, I think the excitement for Muscovites, who are more sophisticated, has worn off a little now, they don't tend to queue up at McDonald's, but there are still the Russians coming in from the countryside who are very excited by the idea of a western take-away joint... Interviewer: But how do the prices compare between the Russian and the American? Ms Ingram: The McDonald's is at least twice as expensive, so that is ... is another point in favour

of the Russian one. And the main point of ... of Russko-bistro is to play on people's patriotism, but it is certainly a lot cheaper as well. Interviewer: Hmm. Is that an important factor at the moment? Is nationalism becoming important in Russia? Ms Ingram: Yes, yeah, I think the opening of Russko-bistro does reflect a political trend in which western culture, which was so eagerly embraced in '91 after the fall of communism, is now being rejected in favour of things Russian. I mean in some cases it's quite rightly, but it does sometimes reflect a rather unpleasant nationalist trend as well. Interviewer: I'm curious about he word "bistro" there, Miranda. Here we are, you are trying to be very nationalistic over there, or they are, and yet you ... he chooses to call the place a "bistro". Doesn't sound very Russian. Ms Ingram: Well, on the contrary, in fact, as Russians love explaining to you "bistro" is a Russian word. It's use in the catering trade, apparently stems from ... from 1814 in Paris, when Cossack soldiers used to shout "bistro, bistro" at the French waiters, now "bistro" actually means quickly, quickly in Russian. And ... and from there it got taken over as a word for fast food. Interviewer: Well, well, well, so what else could they call it than a "bistro". Ms Ingram: Indeed. Interviewer: Well, I hope the battle continues anyway, and the Russians as a whole benefit, between the two of them anyway. Miranda, thank you very much indeed. Ms Ingram: Thank you. Interviewer: Miranda Ingram, the European's Moscow correspondent on the phone to us there from Moscow.


Interview with a GP about the flu

Interviewer: (sneezes) Dr Summers: Bless you! Interviewer: Hello, good evening, I'm Sue Francis, and welcome to Tuesday's Spotlight, and welcome to my guest this evening, Dr Roy


Summers, a General Practitioner in London, who is here to answer all your questions on flu and other winter illnesses. Dr Summers: Good evening. Interviewer: Dr Summers, obviously, we're going to have a very busy evening. Let's start at the beginning: What is flu? I know that we get a runny nose and I know that we get aching limbs, but what's the difference between a cold and flu? Dr Summers: Well, if ... if you've had a cold and then you get the flu, there ... there is a big difference. Erm ... really, the difference I think is in the severity and the range of the symptoms. With a cold you're very unlikely to have a temperature of any ... any real significance, you ... you tend to get a sore throat, followed by a runny nose, you may get some headaches, and few aches and pains but ... but nothing very much really, and ... and that tends to go within a few days. But with .. .with a proper flu, you're really knocked out, the ... your ... your muscles, your ... your bones, your ... your very joints ache, your skin gets very sensitive, er ... you can have quite severe headaches, er ... you still get the sore throat, and the cough and the cold, er ... and you can also get sore eyes, but I ... I think it's important to say that different people will respond to the same virus in ... well, in slightly different ways, depending on all sorts of factors. Interviewer: Apparently it was called influenza because it was felt that it was influenced by the stars in the old days. How can we best protect ourselves from this influenza? Apart from vaccination, which we will talk about in more detail... Dr Summers: Yes, indeed, erm ... I ... I think that vaccination is obviously very important for various groups, we ... we ... we will come on to that. Er ... but I think for the ... the general public, people who are averagely fit and well, erm ... who ... who don't require vaccination ..., well, I ... I'm not a great believer in taking tons of vitamins, obviously a ... a reasonable diet is going to help. Er ... I think it's probably partly true that you can avoid it by, well by ... by .. .by avoiding crowded places in winter. Easier said than done, of course, erm ... if you've got to get to work on the tube in the morning, there's not an awful lot you can do about it. Otherwise, I think, being in rooms with, well, adequate ventilation, that ... that ... that's about it really.

Interviewer: And how about vaccination? I understand the Health Department recommends vaccination for certain groups, is that right? Dr Summers: Yes, yes. You see, while it is true that for healthy people the flu is just a few days off work and some inconvenience for ... for a few days, er ... for certain groups, like the very young, the ... the elderly, diabetics, and people with ... with heart and lung problems flu can be a very serious illness indeed, even a fatal one. In fact, er ... every winter in Britain it kills at least 4,000 people. Interviewer: Good heavens! Dr Summers: Hmm ... yes. In the world's worst epidemic this century ugh ... some 25 million people died, that was the year after the First World War, that was more than the number killed in battle. And although the influenza virus was discovered more than, well, more than 60 years ago, science is still looking ways to overcome it. Interviewer: But why is it so difficult to ward off flu? Dr Summers: Well, the difficulty in warding off flu lies ... lies in the, well in the virus's ability to mutate. You know every time a new virus appears, a new vaccine has to be created, and the risks of infection are ... are also renewed. So, I'm afraid, the illness always seems to be one step ahead of the scientists.


Excerpts from interviews with travellers

Announcer: Most holidaymakers choose their vacations by looking at brochures, leafing through the musty back issues of the National Geographic stacked behind the loo. Sight dominates our senses, glossy pictures sell exotic destinations, but not everyone can see them. For the blind, the journey is marked in sounds. 1st man: If you can't see, cities are pretty much the same, in my experience that is. And, you know, ev... everywhere has curbs, everywhere has bins on the pavement, everywhere has scaffolding, so you don't really know that you're in ... in somewhere different when ... when you're inside the city. It's just the odd little thing that starts to make you


aware of it. In Paris it's tripping over the caf tables, in Greece it's the smell of the drains, quite frankly, in Italy it's the ... the whizzing by of ... of the fifteen and sixteen-year-olds on their mopeds. It's only very slight hints that tell... tell you you're in somewhere distinct when you ... when you're ... you're in these cities, if some... if you're someone who can't see. Woman: My main impression of Dublin is the people, their warmth and kindness, and their general sense of humour. I am also very aware in Dublin of the beautiful buildings, Georgian architecture, a surprising amount of railings. Obviously, the railings over here were taken away in the war to make munitions; in Dublin, which wasn't directly involved in the Second World War, there they were kept. 2nd man: I never used to like having the s... my surroundings described to me very much, it never really interested me ve... a great deal. It's... I've ... I've started to change my view because I've started to think that you can get some kind of perspective and understanding of the things, of what the countryside and the landscape looks like if you've got someone good describing it to you. I was in Corsica quite recently, and we spent some of the time up in the mountains in the centre, and it was fairly early summer, and there was still a lot of rain about, and my girlfriend who I was with was trying to describe how a valley could be completely filled with cloud. And that's something I found quite difficult to ... to understand. But she kind of described it in ... in such a way that she talked about not being able to see the far end, only being able to see the sides, with just a great whiteness, erm ... in between it. And I started to understand it ... a little bit about what ... how impressive these views can be. I'd been very dismissive about them in the past, and ... but it's obviously a valuable part of most people's travel, whereas I suppose the lasting memories of my travel is ... is not what it looked like or even what I was told it looked like, it's the kind of, it's ... it's the smell, (...) the ... the odd thing that gets said to you, the kind of odd occasions where you come into contact with someone from the local community and some of the culture. It's those things what are ... which are memorable obviously rather than beautiful sunsets and striking mountain ranges.

CRIMINAL ELEMENTS I n t e r v i e w w i t h a police officer Interviewer: What would you say the typical criminal is like today? I mean surely he's not the romantic, gentlemanly, (...) Alain Delon or JeanPaul Belmondo that we can see on the screen or we can read about. Police officer:No, no, no! Nor any Robin Hoods who rob the rich to give to the poor. No chance, no. If there's anything common about today's criminals it's their egoism and deep disrespect for everybody else, I'm afraid. Instead of the legendary heroes we have extremely selfish, rather ruthless, petty criminals, who can also be very cheeky, too, by the way. Interviewer: Cheeky? What exactly do you mean by that? Police officer: Well, ah, well, on the one hand I mean that offences are becoming more and more violent - and violence is one thing I find the least easy to explain, because it's ... it's very often it's simply inexplicable - and, on the ... on the other hand these criminals pay less and less attention to basic decency or even to mere appearances. Interviewer: Decency? What do you mean? Police officer: I'd better give you an example. I can remember the case of a man I had to deal with a few months ago. This case is absolutely crazy, but it is true, and it's also becoming more and more typical, I'm afraid. Now, this man committed a fairly serious crime, he broke into someone's home in the middle of the night, while the occupants of the flat were at home sound asleep in the bedroom. Interviewer: So he broke in when they were actually at home? Police officer: Yes, yes, and what is ... what's more, he actually went to the ... into the bedroom where these people were sleeping, picked up a TV set, then went out into the kitchen, opened the fridge and comfortably ate most of the things he'd found there. Interviewer: It's incredible. Police officer: Hang on, you haven't heard half of it yet. When he'd finished his supper, he went back into the living room and collected a number


of other valuables, like ... like jewellery, money, and a few other objects, and ... Interviewer: And the ... the occupants of the flat didn't notice anything? Police officer: Unbelievable as it may sound, (that) they didn't, at least... at least not immediately. Interviewer: But that does ... that sounds absolutely crazy. And w... what happened then? Police officer: Well, as he was leaving the flat he had another idea. You know it was ... it was late autumn, and there were some overcoats hanging in the hall, so this man thought he would check whether there was any money left in the pockets of the coats. As he was doing this, he clumsily dropped some coins, which fell jingling on the floor. It was that sound that woke up the occupants of the flat - a doctor and his wife, by the way - who got up and went to see what was happening. When they opened the door they came face to face with the man, who immediately dropped everything he was holding and dashed for the door. The doctor - in pyjamas and barefoot - started chasing him down the stairs you know that was on the third floor of a block out the gate into the park, but he couldn't catch him of course. Now the real surprise came when he got back into his flat; among the things the man had collected from the flat they found a plastic shopping bag, with the person's Driving Licence in it! Interviewer: That's unbelievable! And so did they eventually catch him? Police officer: Yes, of course, they did. After all his identity was known to us, so it was just a question of time when we would arrest him. Yes, he ... he was... he was arrested a few weeks later. Interviewer: And so what finally happened to him? What did he eventually get? Police officer: Oh, that's ... that's quite a different story, you know, this is for the court to decide, and ...and courts do take their time, so it may take more than a few months before this person is convicted - if he ever gets convicted at all. Anyway, you see, this man has been unemployed for years and he doesn't have any possessions or money, so he can't possibly pay a fine, so most probably he'll be sent to prison for a few weeks or ... or months, and that's about it.

LOST A N D F O U N D I n t e r v i e w w i t h M r Brian S i m m o n s , h e a d o f t h e lost property d e p a r t m e n t o f Albion Airways. Interviewer: Hello Mr Simmons. Erm ... I wonder if you could tell me er ... how important actually is die lost property department at Albion Airways? Mr Simmons: Oh, oh, very. Erm ... It may sound incredible, but about 50 Albion Airways passengers a day manage to lose something or other on their travels around the world, and as passenger numbers rise every year, so does the ... what I call the scatterbrain factor. Interviewer: Oh, dear. Mr Simmons: Most of these objects end up in the airline's lost property department at this airport, so many of them, in fact that we've ... well, we've had to computerise the whole operation to keep up with it. Interviewer: Goodness me. And ... and what kind of things do people leave behind in the aircraft? Mr Simmons: Well, it's ... it's .... it's not just in the aircraft, you know, it's also the ... the departure lounges, the ... the toilets, the airport buses ... erm ... fact is, if someone can take it with them in the first place, they can leave it behind them, too. And sooner or later, they will. You just wouldn't believe it. Er ... the, well the obvious things like handbags, glasses, cameras, wallets, briefcases, watches, pens, things like that, well, of course they turn up by the hundred. Erm ... you know the ... the items that we find on aircraft are a bit like a history of modern technology. Twenty years ago a businessman would leave an expensive fountain pen or a ... ten years later was the ... was the era of the pocket calculator. Nowadays, of course, no businessman with any self esteem would dream of leaving behind him anything less than, well, an electronic digital microchip-powered laptop or ... or a mobile ... mobile phone, of course. Interviewer: And how about the less obvious things? Mr Simmons: Well, not surprisingly, the ... the occasional set of false teeth or a glass eye do roll up


from time to time. Er ... you might think it was difficult not to notice that you'd'd left an artificial leg behind in the overhead locker, wouldn't you? But not a bit of it. Er ... that kind of thing does happen to the ... to the really absentminded passengers, believe it or not. Interviewer: And do these objects ever find their way back to their owners? Mr Simmons: Well, provided the owner reports the loss, and ... and ... and they are identifiable, yes, they do. We always do our best to trace the owners ... but sometimes, well ... sometimes it's just not possible. Interviewer: What do you mean? Mr Simmons: Well, some passengers... they get a bit shy when it comes to mentioning that they've ... they've lost a handbag with a ... with a camcorder when they know that if someone looked into the bag they would find some very interesting objects, too, like ... like, for example ten towels stolen from a hotel, or, well, pornographic ... pornographic items, and that sort of thing. Yes, it does happen, too. But, well, in fact, a surprisingly high number of losses do have a ... a happy ending. Interviewer: And erm ... could you,... could you mention a few interesting cases? Mr Simmons: I could, I could, yes. Er ... I remember a ... a 68-year-old American pensioner

recently left his life savings - that was ... that was nearly ten thousand dollars - on an aircraft. He got it back. A ... and so did the student who ... who left the only copy of his university thesis on an aircraft on a Sunday night. Er ... the thesis was due to be handed in on the Monday ... and it was. Er ... then there was a ... a German scientist, he left behind the manuscript of a ... of a lecture he was going to give in New York ... a conference, he left it on a plane the day before his presentation. Now, he got it back in time, too. And ... and so did the violinist who left her instrument on a transatlantic flight the night before the concert. Interviewer: Well, that's quite something, I would say. And ... and what happens to those items whose owners can't be traced for some reason? Mr Simmons: Well, if the ... if the owner hasn't been traced after three months, er ... the article is offered to the ... to the staff member who found it* Er ... glasses, well we've got hundreds of pairs of them, they go to third world countries. Er ... books, er ... books they go to schools and children's homes erm ... if they are suitable that is, and you'd be surprised how many of them aren't suitable. And whatever is left is ... well we auction it off every month, and the ... the money raised goes to charity.

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

1 . I began to study English ... A for three years. B since three years. 2 . To travel from Hungary to Britain you ... a visa. A needn't B mustn't have

three years ago. D three years before. don't have to D don't need

3 . The last time I... to the cinema was two months ago. went A have gone D have been B was 4 . "Bye for now.""..." A Hi! B Hello! 5 . Football is... basketball in the US. A less popular than B not as popular than C See you soon. D Good evening. less popular as D no so popular like

6 . "Would you like some more tea?" "No, thanks, I' ve still got... left." C any A little B some D a few 7 . I'm sorry, I can't translate this sentence. It's ... difficult for me. C too A enough B much D so 8 . ... girls are usually not particularly interested in ., football. A the // the C II D // the the // 9 . ... switch on the TV? A Will I B Do you want that I 1 0 . "Is it raining?" "No, it... ." A doesn't B isn't raining 1 1 . There wasn't... interesting on T V last night.

Would you like that I D Shall I C not D isn't G anything D nothing C she what said D what she said

Jm ctny

B something

1 2 . It would be interesting to know ... about me. A what said she B what did she say


1 3 . I don't particularly like mathematics, but... A history is interesting me. I am interested in history.

C I interest in history. D history is interested in me.

1 4 . This is the most exciting music ... I have heard for years. arm, *G which D than B what 1 5 . "Excuse me." "..." A Please? B Of course. 1 6 . When you ... your homework, please tell me. A have done B are doing 1 7 . "Do you like ... rock music?" "Oh, yes, ..." A - l/l do. B the //1 am. 1 8 . "Who's that?" "..." A It's Mick Jagger. B It's mine. 1 9 . His test was full... serious mistakes. A with B by 2 0 . ... in this restaurant? A How's the food like B What's like the food 2 1 . "Can I use the phone, please?" "..." A You can. B Why not? 2 2 . The results of the exam ... tomorrow. A will be announced B will be announcing GYes? D That's all right. Cdid D will do C the //1 like. D // please. C That's my girlfriend's. D That's my money. Cof Din C How does the food like D What's the food like C Certainly.

C will announce D announce

2 3 . The Yugoslavian team ... seven goals when Ills scored one for us at last. A already scored has already scored had already scored D was already scoring 2 4 . "Would you like some wine?" " Yes, ... ." A I'd like B please C that's right. D I do, thank you

2 5 . You know, the problem is that you never listen ... me. A C on B for Dto 2 6 . Would you like to ... a few words about yourself? A tell Bspeak say D talk


2 7 . We would all like to thank you ... these wonderful presents. A to C B for D because of 2 8 . "How do you do?" "..." A Fine, thanks. B Very well thank you. C How do you do? D How are you?

2 9 . I haven't played football for years, but I .. tennis twice a week. A am playing C was playing B played D play 3 0 . Nobody knows why ... so badly. A the team played B played the team 3 1 . You will find ... about the exam in this book. A many useful informations B a useful information 3 2 . If..., I'd buy a top-quality C D player. A I'd have a lot of money I have a lot of money 3 3 . I'd like to start a new life ... A the next year. in the next year. 3 4 * I wish I ... more free time.
JrUt I l d L l

C did the team play D were the team playing C a lot of useful information D many useful information C I would be you D I had a lot of money C next year. D in next year. C will have O have Britain. D British.

B would have 3 5 . Mr Blair is... A a British. a Brit man.

3 6 . I don't smoke any more, but I ... 40 cigarettes a day. A used to smoke C am used to smoking D am used to smoke B used to smoking 3 7 . You'd better ... any more. A don't drink not drink 3 8 . And then he asked me if 1 ... him. A marry married C not to drink D not drinking C will marry D would marry

3 9 . The weather forecast..., this is going to )e another rainy day. C was right A was true D had truth had right 4 0 . I'm sorry, I haven't got a pen on me. Do you think could use one ...? G your's A of yours D your B yours


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. C D C C A B C C D D 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. A'. 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. 32. 33. .34. '35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. C D C A D A B D C A

E z a teszt - mint hitelestett durva szr - alkalmas arra, hogy megllaptsuk, hogy ki az, akinek mg egszen biztosan tovbbi alapozsra van szksge, mieltt nekifog a nyelvvizsgra val felkszlsnek. Garantltan korai elkezdeni ezt a knyvet, ha az itt szerzett pontok szma nem ri el a 28'at. Csoport esetn kockzatos lehet a kurzus indtsa, ha az tlag nem ri el a 30-at.

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