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L e ng ye l Anita

Tame Your Monsters: Reading

Szerző és szerkesztő: Lengyel Anita
Anyanyelvi lektor: John Elstob
Borító terv: Balázs Gabriella (Cafe Design Kft.)
Tördelés és nyomdai előkészítés:
Nyomdai kivitelezés: D-Plusz Nyomda Kft.
Kiadó: Griffin Kiadó Kft.

© Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítás,

a mű bővített, illetve rövidített változatának kiadási jogát is.
A kiadó írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül sem a teljes mű,
sem annak része semmilyen formában nem reprodukálható.

A könyvben szereplő szövegek alapjául az alábbi kiadványok cikkei szolgáltak:

Newsweek, the Guardian , MSNBC.

ISBN 978-963-89047-3-7
L e ng ye l Anita

Tame Your Monsters: Reading

Felkészítő könyv az angol középfokú nyelvvizsgák

és érettségi vizsgák írásbeli szövegértési feladataihoz

Előszó 7
Reading comprehension – hát ez meg mi??! 10
Lyukas szöveg kiegészítése – gap-fi lling 12
Feladatok – Task 1.–Task 10. 14
Mondatok beillesztése hiányos szövegbe – gapped text 24
Feladatok – Task 11.–Task 20. 26
Hiányzó mondatrészek szövegbe illesztése – gapped sentences 46
Feladatok – Task 21.–Task 30. 48
Mondat kiegészítés adott szöveg alapján – sentence fi lling 68
Feladatok – Task 31.–Task 40. 70
Kérdések megválaszolása adott szöveg alapján – answer the questions 90
Feladatok – Task 41.–Task 50. 92
Megoldások 112
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Előszó


Üdvözlöm kedves olvasó és innen tegeződjünk is, jó?

T ehát, szia! Mielőtt elolvasod ezt a könyvet, engedd meg, hogy egy pár szóban elmeséljem szü-
letésének történetét. Közel tíz éve készítek fel diákokat és felnőtteket egyaránt a nyelvvizsga
mindhárom szintjére. Szinte kivétel nélkül azt tapasztaltam, hogy minden vizsgázó retteg ettől
a feladattól.

Néhány tipikus mondat tőlük:

„Úr Isten, csak a hallgatás sikerüljön!”
vagy, hogy
„Tuti, hogy a szövegértésen fognak meghúzni!”
„Mi van, ha nem értem, amit kérdeznek?”
Na, ismerős? Ja, és a kedvencem:
„Nem merek megszólalni!” 7

És miért félünk úgy egy-egy vizsgafeladattól? Ennek elég sok oka lehet. Először is, mert mindenki
úgy fogja fel, hogy a nyelvvizsga egy szükséges rossz az életben, mert ez ahhoz kell, hogy pontot,
diplomát, munkát kaphassunk. Stresszesen, félelmekkel teli indulunk neki, mivel tétje van. Nagy
rajtunk a nyomás, úgy érezzük, felkészültünk és még sem sikerül.
A másik tipikus eset, mikor a vizsgázónak fogalma sincs, hogy hogyan is kell „hallgatni” vagy
hogy mit is várnak el egy esszé írás során, esetleg még magyarul sem tudja, egy-egy témakörhöz
mit is kellene mondani, például mit takar az, hogy „műkedvelői tevékenység”.
Úgy gondoltam tehát, hogy készítek egy könyvcsaládot, ami részletesen leírja és bemutatja,
hogy mi is történik egy középfokú nyelvvizsga különböző részein. Amennyiben már sokadszor
viszed a kis sárga nyelvvizsga csekket a postára és nem szeretnéd ezt tovább folytatni, akkor ez a
könyvcsalád neked való. Minden vizsgarész kapott egy képviselő szörnyet. Ők azok, akitől te is
nagyon félsz.

Samy – a speaking, azaz a beszéd rész szörnyikéje

Louis – a listening, azaz a hallgatási feladatokat tartalmazó könyvem képvislelője
Walter – ő a writing, azaz a levél és egyéb fogalmazási készséget igénylő feladatok szörnyikéje
Ronald – aki a reading, azaz az írásbeli szövegértési feladatokért felelős.

Ezek a feladatok alkotják egy átlagos középfokú nyelvvizsga (és mindkét szintű érettségi) legfőbb
részeit. Van, aki mindtől fél, és van, aki csak egytől.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Előszó

Mind a négy könyvben az egynyelvű vizsga típus (ECL, TELC, EURO, TOEFL) jellemző té-
maköreit és feladat típusait vettem alapul és az a szándékom, hogy bebizonyítsam, a nyelvtanu-
lás és maga a vizsga nem is olyan ördöngösség. Beszélni jó, és elvégre azért tanulunk egy idegen
nyelvet, hogy beszéljünk, vagy értsünk és egyáltalán kapcsolatot alakítsunk ki másokkal. Ez
nem egy kín, egy rossz, amit jó lenne már letudni. Ez egy érték, amire vigyázni kell és nem árt
folyamatosan ápolni, szinten tartani. Minden kis szörnyről kiderül, hogy valójában aranyosak
és lehetnek a barátaink is, csak értenünk kell a nyelvükön. A tanulás általuk lehet szórakoztató
is. Ezt megígérem!

Ezt a könyv Ronaldé, azaz a reading feladatra segít felkészülni. Ez a készségfeladat több típust
is magában foglal. Tudnod kell, a szövegértési feladatok szinte minden típusú nyelvvizsgán és
érettségin egyaránt megtalálhatóak. Ez az a feladat típus, amely elméletileg egyszerűnek tűnik,
de amennyiben szótár nélkül kell megoldanod már nem is olyan egyszerű. Nagyon sok pontot
lehet velük elveszíteni. Ebben a kötetben bemutatom az összes olyan feladatot, amellyel a vizs-
gáid során találkozhatsz.

Remélem, mire elolvasod ezt a könyvet, már nem fogsz félni Ronaldtól és egy kedves kis baráttá
válik számodra.

Jó tanulást, jó szórakozást!
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Előszó

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng

Reading comprehension
hát ez meg mi??!

A reading comprehension – azaz olvasott szöveg értése - feladatról a vizsgázók 90%-a azt gon-
dolja, hogy nagyon könnyű. Azonban mikor megkapja az eredményt, megdöbbenve tapasz-
talja, hogy nagyon kevés pontot kapott rá. Miért van ez? Nos, ennél a feladatnál bizony értened
kell az angol szöveg mondatszerkesztési szabályaihoz, és ha hiszed, ha nem, nagyon méri a nyelv-
tani tudásod is!

Ezeket a feladat típusokat úgy szerkesztik, hogy le tudják mérni vele a nyelvtani kompetenciát,
a szókincs ismeretet és persze a helyes nyelvhasználati ismereteket is. Az egynyelvű vizsgák eset-
ében ehhez a feladathoz nem lehet szótárt használni. Ezért nagyon fontos, hogy egy számodra
esetleg teljesen idegen szövegtartalmat is helyesen össze tudj párosítani. Minden típusfeladatnak
van egy megoldási stratégiája, ezért érdemes külön-külön begyakorolni őket.

Ebben a könyvben a leggyakrabban előforduló feladat típusokra találsz gyakorló feladatokat és

megoldási útmutatókat.

Ezek a típusok a következők:

• lyukas szöveg kiegészítése a megadott szavakkal

• megadott mondatok hiányos szövegbe illesztése
• hiányzó mondatrészek szövegbe illesztése
• megkezdett mondatok kiegészítése adott szöveg alapján
• kérdések megválaszolása az adott szöveg alapján

A különböző típusokat külön fejezetben találod. Minden részben fontos információkat mellékel-
tem a megoldásukra vonatkozóan, utána következik egy 10 feladatból álló gyakorlatsor. Termé-
szetesen vizsgától függően lehetnek eltérések az egyes feladatokban, de ez a feladatsor jó alapot ad
ahhoz, hogy bármilyen szövegértési feladatot könnyedén tudj megoldani.

Az olvasott szövegértés azért is nagyon nehéz készség feladat, mert nem egységes nehézségű. Van,
akinek nagyon jól megy egy gap fi lling feladat, de a mondatbeillesztéses részekkel már nehezen
boldogul. Mikor elkezded megoldani a gyakorlatokat, saját érdekedben mérd le, hogy melyik tí-
pus megy a legnehezebben, mert erre még érdemes időt szánni és gyakorolni. A nyelvvizsgák és
érettségi feladatsorok általában a mondatbeillesztős és mondatrészhiányos feladatokat részesítik
előnyben, mert ezek a legnehezebben megoldható feladattípusok. Ez persze nem azt jelenti, hogy
csak ezekkel fogsz találkozni!
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng

És még egy tanács: amikor egy feladaton dolgozol, és nem akar sikerülni, soha ne lapozz hátra a
megoldó kulcshoz! Erre nagyon könnyen rá lehet szokni, és egy idő után elbizonytalanítja az em-
bert. Ha sűrűn lapozol a megoldó kulcshoz, azt fogod elérni, hogy mikor nekikezdesz egy feladat
megoldásához, már az első mondatnál elbizonytalanodsz és azután már egyik megoldásban sem
leszel biztos. Ráadásul a vizsga készítői olyan gonoszak, hogy nem mellékelnek megoldó kulcsot
a feladatokhoz. Egyszóval, mindig küzdj meg egy feladattal és csak a végén ellenőrizd le, hogy jól

És most következzenek a különböző típusok.

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | A | Gap-filling

lyukas szöveg
A kiegészítése (gap-filling)

T ipikus nyelvvizsga és érettségi vizsga feladat. Ennél a típusnál egy általában nem túl hosszú
összefüggő szöveggel kell dolgozni. A szövegből kihagynak néhány szót, ez vizsgától függően
lehet 8, 10, 12 vagy 20 szó. A kihagyott szavak helyét aláhúzással vagy más módon jelölik a szöveg-
ben (ez a gap). Egy helyen csak egyetlen szó hiányzik, összevont alakokat általában nem hagynak
ki, tehát nem valószínű, hogy a can’t részt hagyják ki a szövegből.
A vizsgázó feladata, hogy kitalálja, melyik az a szó, amelyik az egyes üres helyekről hiányzik,
s amelyikkel a mondat és az egész szöveg értelmes lesz. Vizsgától és szinttől függően a szöveg
alatt megtalálható a kihagyott szavak listája (természetesen nem abban a sorrendben, ahogyan a
szövegbe kell írni őket). Általában a lista több szót tartalmaz, mint amennyit fel kell használni,
például, ha 8 üres hely van a szövegben, akkor 10-12 szót adnak meg a listában. Komolyabb szin-
ten a szavakat meg sem adják, a vizsgázó feladata kitalálni őket.
Ez a feladat típus többnyire nyelvtani kompetenciát mér. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a szövegből olyan
szavakat hagytak ki, amelyek megoldása nyelvtani tudást feltételez. Lehet, hogy a kihagyott hely-
re valamilyen prepozíció szükséges (pl.: vonzatos igék), lehet, hogy egy igeidő formája a kérdés,
azaz a megfelelő ragozás ismerete szükséges. Lehet, hogy az aktív és passzív szórend szabályaira
kell ráismerni és az is lehet, hogy csak egy névelőt kell beírni, mert névelő nélkül pont nem jó a
szószerkezet. Másrészt viszont tesztelhet a feladat szókincset és nyelvhasználatot is – ilyenkor
arra kíváncsiak, tudod-e az adott szót angolul, illetve ismered-e az adott szószerkezetet. Persze
olyan is elképzelhető, hogy mindkét kompetenciát teszteli a feladat, a megoldásához mind nyelv-
tani, mind szókincsbeli, mind nyelvhasználati tudásra szükség lehet.

Megoldási javaslatok:
• A feladat megoldását mindig azzal kezd, hogy olvasd végig a szöveget, mielőtt az egyes részek
megoldásán gondolkodnál! Elképzelhető, sőt várható ugyanis, hogy egyetlen mondatból nem
lehet megoldani a feladatot, hanem kell hozzá az egész szöveg környezete. Ha már kaptál egy
képet az egész szöveg tartalmáról, akkor érdemes hozzákezdeni az egyes lyukas helyek megol-
dásához. Nagyon fontos, csak akkor írj be egy megoldást, ha teljesen biztos vagy benne, ha nem,
akkor inkább hagyd ki, majd a végén visszatérsz hozzá. Elvégre kevesebb szóból már könnyeb-
ben rájöhetsz a megoldásra. Ha az elején beirkálsz szavakat, amelyekbe nem is vagy biztos, az
egész szöveg elcsúszhat. Ha egy szószerkezetről van szó, amit azonnal átlátsz, akkor egyszerű a
feladat: vagy ismered az illető szószerkezetet, és akkor beírod a hiányzó részt, vagy nem isme-
red, és akkor nem sok segítség maradt, lehet, hogy ezt a pontot elveszítetted a vizsgán. Bizonyos
esetekben lehet tippelni is. Ha nyelvtani szerkezetet tesztel a feladat, akkor azt kell megvizsgál-
ni, milyen a mondat szerkezete, és mi az, ami hiányzik. Ha azt látod, hogy a főnév előtti hely
van kihagyva, akkor vagy névelő, vagy prepozíció esetleg melléknév kerülhet elé. Ilyenkor a
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | A | Gap-filling

jelentést kell megvizsgálni, ami segít eldönteni a megoldást. Végül, szókincset és nyelvhaszná-
latot tesztel a feladat, ha egy olyan szó hiányzik, amit a szöveg, vagy a mondat jelentéséből lehet
rekonstruálni. A mondatot ilyenkor elemezni kell, és lefordítása után ki lehet következtetni a
hiányzó szót is.
• Fontos, hogy összegészében értsd meg a szöveg minden részét. Ne csak azt a mondatot, amin
éppen dolgozol. Fordítsd le magadnak a mondatot (és az egész szöveget) magyarra, sokkal
könnyebb lesz meg vagy kitalálni a hiányzó szavakat.
• Mindig vizsgáld meg, hogy milyen szófajú szó hiányzik! Főnév előtt például lehet prepozíció,
névelő, melléknév.
• Ha egészen bizonyos vagy benne, hogy találtál két, teljesen egyenértékű megoldást, akkor erre
valószínűleg a vizsgakészítők is rájöttek, és minden bizonnyal elfogadják majd bármelyiket jó-
nak. Válaszd akármelyiket! Azért gondold át még egyszer, hogy biztos, hogy egyenértékű a két
• Ha úgy látod, hogy a szöveg teljesen jó úgy is, hogy semmit nem írsz az üres helyre, akkor is
keress valamit, amit beírhatsz! Egyetlen vizsga sincs, ahol az lenne a megoldás, hogy üresen
hagyod a gap-et – még akkor sem, ha ezzel a megoldással a mondat és a szöveg értelmes lenne.
• Ha úgy találod, hogy a gap-be írt két szóval tudnád helyessé tenni a mondatot, akkor keress
más megoldást, mert minden vizsgán minden gap-filling feladatnál pontosan egy szó hi-
ányzik minden helyről.
• Ha adott szavakat kell a szövegbe helyezned, lehet, hogy egy helyre több jelölted is van. Ilyenkor
is él a szabály, a legjobbat kell kiválasztanod! A szövegkörnyezet nem fog engedni két lehetséges
megoldást! 13
• Ha végképp nincs ötleted, akkor is írj be valamit. Hiányosan soha ne adj be feladatot, mert az
biztos hogy nulla pontot ér. Tippel legalább van esélyed pontot elérni!
Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Gap-filling

Task 1.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

The history (0) fresh pasta

Some parts of Italy are very famous (1) their special pastas. There are (2) ten
different kinds of fresh pasta and each (3) is unique to the area where it is (4)
Late on in the renaissance period, in some towns, a pasta called mischiglio was made out of a mix
of flours made from pulses, chickpeas, (5) , bran and broad beans, it was served with
cacioricotta cheese and strips of peppers. This (6) dish, prepared by most local families,
is (7) served in some restaurants, where chefs enjoy dreaming up and (8) cli-
ents with new ways of cooking it. But local cuisine also embraces other (9) of fresh
pasta from the villages. All of the (10) pastas are normally served with a tomato
(11) sauce, or on-the-vine or plum varieties, and are topped off (12) a grating
of goat’s cheese.

A one G prepare M legendary

B for H of N made

C barley I over O more

D way J a P been

E today K surprising Q based

F kind L with R fresh

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng| A | Gap-filling

Task 2.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are six words which you will not need.

Pisa, the square (0) moonlight

(1) summertime, in June, July and August, Piazza del Duomo in Pisa will (2)
experimentally opened for the first time to evening visits (3) its religious and cultural
treasures. This exceptional initiative produced by the opera della Primaziale Pisana, (4)
at putting a different light on the masterpieces that (5) made it a World Heritage
(6) At the end of the day, when the noisy and continual coming (7) going
of tourists to the (8) complex has stopped, a new, spectacular guided visit begins to the
square’s (9) architectural masterpieces: after sunset, the Leaning Tower, the Monu-
mental Squeare and the Museum of the Sinopia offer a marvellous and (10) night-time
view (11) Pisa’s architectural “miracles”. 15

A wants G for M marble

B to H during N of

C was I have O site

D unforgettable J be P some

E in K three Q place

F were L and R aim

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Gap-filling

Task 3.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

The best way to a person’s heart often (0) through the stomach. Realizing this, a
(1) of California hippies laid the foundation for an organic-food paradise in Berkeley
(2) they humorously named the gourmet Ghetto. Over the years, the district in
(3) around Shattuck Avenue and Walnut Street has become a true haven for
(4) food-conscious connoisseurs. Th is is largely (5) Alice Waters, an icon
of the slow food movement, who has (6) serving up delicious fare at her restaurant
Chez Panisse (7) 1971. The ingredients she uses are (8) local, seasonal and
bio-dynamically grown. (9) all of the cafes and restaurants in the Gourmet Ghet-
to follow the (10) principle. Fancy boutiques (11) ecologically correct
home accessories have now settled in the area as well as shops (12) sell healing herbs,
acupuncture offices and a yoga studio.

A because G and M what

B group H almost N or

C all I that O leads

D selling J since P in

E same K been Q natural

F due to L already R which

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng| A | Gap-filling

Task 4.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

Cyprus is (0) a growing number of international companies (1) to use its

strategic location, favourable corporate tax (2) and business-friendly infrastructure
(3) a base for their regional headquarters or as a springboard (4) lucrative
markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Currently, (5) than
14500 holding and trading companies (6) registered in Cyprus. Although
(7) investment in all economic sectors, the spotlight in Cyprus is (8) on
hi-tech, knowledge-intensive industries. Recent international arrivals (9) from
Harvard University’s School of Public Health, (10) has chosen Cyprus as the site
(11) its international Institute for the Environment and Public Health. Govern-
ment is (12) exploring a number of other international research partnerships and
(13) for the establishment of new research parks, (14) institutes and market 17
research centres of excellence.

A hosting F to K welcoming P increased

B as G growing L seeking Q much

C which H more M research R were

D are I rate N including S that

E preparing J actively O for T into

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Gap-filling

Task 5.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are three words which you will not need.

(0) is a museum in Germany, the (1) one in the Earth, whose exhibits
(2) fly. It is (3) by a father and his daughter, Brigitte. Not far from Dresden,
the pair devote (4) to restoring classic flying machines (5) rumble and rat-
tle (6) the air. Her dream of (7) began at a very young age. Brigitte grew up
(8) the sputter of radial engines, a brisk (9) in her face and greasy oil pans
(10) wooden propellers. “I’m an airport kid” says the 25-year-old with (11) red
hair. Showing to a dark-green Fieseler Stroch she said she spent (12) of her child-
hood in that thing. At just three weeks, she went up (13) the air in a small plane
(14) the first time, so it is (15) surprising that she found school rather bor-
ing later on. What chance do math books stand (16) the scratched instrument panel
of an old Antonov? What can (17) class offer to a girl (18) can hardly wait
to be (19) again flitting through the clouds (20) her father in a Tiger Moth?

A wind G run M for S beneath

B only H once N can T flying

C what I through O to U hardly

D into J who P half V ran

E history K flaming Q there W themselves

F that L with R against X beside

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng| A | Gap-filling

Task 6.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

Seven years (0) be a very long time. In Hollywood, they’re an (1) Even the
briefest (2) leave can kill a career stone dead (3) a place where hot new stars
are sluiced (4) the studios at an almost daily rate. What (5) earth was Ellen
Barkin thinking when, (6) marrying the billionaire Ronald Perelman in 2000, she
(7) completely vanished from the scene? For him, she gave up fame
(8) recognition and appeared to (9) satisfied in her role as the rich wife.
Then, all (10) a sudden, she turned up in the (11) of Ocean’s Thirteen, part
three of Steven Soderbergh’s (12) Las Vegas conmen trilogy. In it, she plays an iron lady
(13) elegant crooks. It is her first big role in seven years and a (14) come-
back for an unusual woman. After all, (15) aren’t many actors in Hollywood
(16) her particular brand of unconforming beauty. She can be (17) fragile- 19
looking one minute and (18) hard as nails the next.

A be G have M maternity S before

B eternity H and N with T among

C entertaining I entertainment O after U on

D at J in P surprising V as

E there K surprised Q cast W so

F through L of R almost X can

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Gap-filling

Task 7.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

McDonald’s Inc., the world’s (0) fast-food chain is (1) more and more pop-
ularity overseas (2) to the statistics. Sales in (3) stores which were opened at
least 13 months (4) 0.7 percent in the U.S. and rose 4.3 percent in Europe, Asia/Pacific,
Middle East and Africa. The figure is (5) a key indicator of a restaurant chain’s health
(6) it excludes the effects of new restaurants and restaurant (7) . McDon-
ald’s has (8) fared well in the recession as customers turned to it (9) cheap
meals, but it has started to feel the pinch (10) acutely in recent months. It has
11) outperformed most of its competitors, who have increasingly (12) push-
ing value menus and discounts of their own.


A fell G getting M been

B considered H more N those

C largest I most O because

D still J according P to

E closings K considered Q for

F generally L considering R this

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng| A | Gap-filling

Task 8.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

The Monte Carlo Rally, (0) started in 1911, is Europe’s (1) famous motoring
event. Competitors leave (2) several points around Europe and follow (3) of
approximately equal length (4) a rallying point which will (5) Geneva this
year. They then follow a (6) route to the finish. The rally consists (7) five
daily stages, (8) on Sunday morning, and each competitor will (9) driven
about 3000 kilometres by Thursday night. It is not a race. The winner (10) decided on
a points system. Drivers have to maintain an (11) speed between control points , and
there are also special tests of driving (12) in different conditions on the way.


A best G most M be

B skill H is N beginning

C which I at O way

D from J from P routes

E have K of Q more

F single L to R average

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng | A | Gap-filling

Task 9.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are four words which you will not need.

Money is used (0) buying or selling goods, for (1) value and for storing
wealth. Almost every society now has a money economy (2) on coins and paper notes
of one kind or (3) . However, this has not (4) been true. In primitive socie-
ties a system of barter (5) used. Barter was a (6) of direct exchange of goods.
Somebody (7) exchange a sheep, for example, for (8) in the market-place
(9) they were considered to be of equal value. Barter, (10) , was a very
unsatisfactory system because people’s precise needs seldom coincided. People needed a
(11) practical system of exchange, and various (12) systems developed
based (13) goods which the members of a society recognized (14 ) hav-
ing value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, (15) , skulls, salt, elephant tusks and tobacco
have (16) been used. Precious metals gradually took (17) because, when
made (18) coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable and divisible into larger
(19) smaller units of value.

A based G as M could S more

B into H be N money T measuring

C anything I another O feathers U and

D so J over P was V that

E always K all Q but W every

F on L however R for X system

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Ta m e You r Mon s t e r s — S pe a k i ng| A | Gap-filling

Task 10.

Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. You can find them below the text.
Write the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. The first (0) has been
done as an example. There are five words which you will not need.

The “Mary Celeste” was built in 1861 (0) Nove Scotia, Canada, as a cargo
(1) sailing-ship. When it (2) launched, it was given the name “The Amazon”.
It was (3) a lucky ship. The first captain died a few days after it was (4) ,
and on its first voyage in 1862 it was (5) damaged in a collision. While it was
(6) repaired in port, it caught (7) . In 1863 it crossed the Atlantic
(8) the first time, and in the English Channel it collided (9) another ship
which sank. “The Amazon” was badly damaged (10) . Four years later, in 1867, it ran
(11) on Cape Breton Island, off the Canadian coast. The ship was almost completely
wrecked and had to (12) rebuilt. It was (13) sold and the name was changed
to the “Mary Celeste”. Sailors are (14) superstitious and dislike sailing on ships which
have been unlucky or which have changed their names. Many sailors refused to sail on the “Mary 23

A be F being K in P on

B carrying G then L fire Q not

C than H with M the R were

D for I down N very S around

E itself J registered O was T badly

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

mondatok beillesztése
hiányos szövegbe
B (gapped text)

A z egyik legkedveltebb nyelvvizsga és érettségi vizsga feladat típus. Ennél a típusnál mindig egy
hosszabb összefüggő szöveggel kell dolgozni. A szövegből kihagynak mondatokat, melyeket a
szöveg alatt - természetesen összekeverve - megadnak és a vizsgázó feladata, hogy kitalálja, melyik
mondat hova illik a szövegben. Természetesen a lista itt is több mondatot tartalmaz, mint amennyit
fel kell használni, például, ha 8 üres hely van a szövegben, akkor 10 -12 mondatot fognak megadni.

Ez a feladat típus a szövegkohéziós ismereteket méri. A vizsgázónak tudnia kell, hogy hogyan
kapcsolódnak össze az egyes mondatok. Többnyire szótár nélkül kell ezeket a feladatokat megol-
dani és biztos, hogy a szöveg rengeteg ismeretlen szót tartalmaz. Igazából a megoldáshoz nem is a
szavak ismerete szükséges, hanem, hogy a vizsgázó képes legyen a mondatok közötti anaforikus
vagy kataforikus utalásokat megtalálni és felismerni.

Anafora az, amikor visszautalás történik. Ez lehet főnévre, helyre, időre vonatkozó, de lehet egy
egész tagmondatra is.
Pl.: I met Eve yesterday. She is a very nice girl. (Eve — she)
Peter and I stayed at the Hilton hotel. We had a really good time there.
(Peter and I — We, the Hilton hotel — there)

Katafora az, amikor előre utalás történik.

Pl.: If you want them, there are some bananas in the kitchen.
(them — some bananas)

Megoldási javaslatok:
• A feladat megoldását mindig azzal kezd, hogy olvasd végig a kiemelt mondatokat. Ezek a mon-
datok tartalmazzák a „kulcsokat”. Ezeket a szavakat karikázd be. A legfontosabb kulcsok: a
névelők, személyes és birtokos névmások, a mutató névmások, számok, hely és idő megjelölések.
Ha fordítás alapján próbálsz megoldást találni, előbb-utóbb arra a döntésre fogsz jutni, hogy
egy hiányzó helyre legalább három mondat beillik. Nyelvtanilag viszont tuti, hogy csak egy
helyes megoldásod lehet.
• Miután bekarikáztad a kulcsokat a mondatokban, kezdj hozzá a szöveghez. Ott is kulcsokat
kell keresned. A hiányzó mondat előtti és mögötti két mondatot vizsgáld át tüzetesen, mert itt
kell legyenek a kapcsolódó pontok. Ha egyezést találtál, akkor és csak akkor írd be a megoldást.

Pl.: Szöveg:
The traditional date claimed by the Romans for their city’s origin was 753 BC. According to
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

legend, Rome was founded by a descendant of the Trojan prince Aeneas, who escaped to Italy
after the city of Troy was destroyed by the Greeks during the Trojan War. The legendary founder
was Romulus. (1) . Grown to manhood, they decided to build a city near the spot
where the wolf had saved them. Disagreeing over the location, each built at a separate site. Later
they quarrelled and Remus was killed. Romulus became the first king of the city named after him.

Lehetséges válaszok:
A Along with the ancient Greeks, the Romans contributed greatly to the development of
Western civilization.
B From a small settlement, ancient Rome grew into a great city
C Slavery was always a part of Roman life and increased as a result of Rome’s conquests
D Wealthy Romans who helped less fortunate citizens were called patrons
E He and his twin brother, Remus, had been abandoned as infants and rescued by a female
wolf, who nursed them.

A tartalom alapján akár az összes mondat jó lehetne, de nyelvtani alapon csak az E a helyes, mert
a szövegben adott kulcsok (Romulus, they, wolf) kapnak egyedül megerősítést.

• Menet közben azért arra is figyelj, hogy miről szól a szöveg, és hogy időrendiség van-e benne.
Például, ha valakinek az életéről szól, feltételezhetően az iskoláival kapcsolatos mondatok a
szöveg elejére kell, hogy kerüljenek.
• Mindig húzd ki a felhasznált mondatokat! Hihetetlen, de gyakori hiba, hogy figyelmetlenség- 25
ből ugyan azt a mondatot két helyre is beírja valaki. A csúcs az, amikor ez a példamondattal
történik :) azt mindig a legelején húzd ki!
• Nagyon fontos, csak akkor írj be egy megoldást, ha teljesen biztos vagy benne, ha nem, akkor
inkább hagyd ki, majd a végén visszatérsz hozzá. Elvégre kevesebb mondat közül könnyebb
kiválasztani a helyeset. Ha az elején beirkálsz mondatokat, amelyekbe nem is vagy biztos, az
egész szöveg elcsúszhat.
• Ha végképp nincs ötleted, akkor is írj be valamit. Hiányosan soha ne adj be feladatot, mert az
biztos hogy nulla pontot ér. Tippel legalább van esélyed pontot elérni!
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 11.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 7 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.


There is a new plan from Disney Studios to quickly release the blockbuster fi lm “Alice in
Wonderland” on DVD. 0 (D) .

Moviegoers will have the option of watching “Alice” at home in about three months, worrying
some theatre owners who fear that narrowing the gap between theatrical runs and DVD debuts
will undermine ticket sales as some fans skip the cinema and wait for the DVD.

They say that a robust, exclusive theatrical window remains vital for the health of cinemas and
the movie industry as a whole. Studios like short windows between theatrical and DVD releases
because it speeds up their cash flow and allows them to pull in DVD business while fi lms are
fresh in audiences’ minds. (1) .The issue is a key topic this week at a conference, where
studios trot out stars, fi lms and footage to promote upcoming releases.

The time window between theatrical and home-video releases gradually shrank as studios cashed
in on booming DVD sales starting in the late 1990s. (2) .
Now, cinema operators worry other studios might follow Disney’s lead, though the head of Sony
Pictures assured theatre owners that Hollywood is not aiming to squeeze them out in favour of

According to Sony’s chairman showing fi lms in theatres is what makes a movie a movie. It’s what
makes stars, stars. (3) . It’s what makes the public perk up and pay attention.

Theatre owners and studio executives say they are open to flexibility on DVD release patterns for
some movies if it benefits both sides. (4) .
They also say: “You always have the issue of lots of movies coming in the summer, lots of movies
coming in the holiday period, and so our members have been talking to distributors about getting
movies into late winter, like ‘Alice’, trying to get movies into September”. (5) .

But putting a potential blockbuster in theatres in September might mean shortening the
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

time until the DVD release to three months or less so the fi lm can be in stores for Christmas.
(6) .
The huge business Tim Burton and Johnny Depp’s “Alice in Wonderland” did over normally slow
March weekends might ease theatre owners’ worries. (7) .

With audiences now watching movies and other entertainment on portable devices such as lap-
top computers and cell phones, studios need to experiment with release patterns for new technol-
ogy without undermining big-screen business.

A We do not want to open a new window in a way that closes yours.

B That is the idea which owners are open to discussing.

C Cinemas always beg Hollywood to release big movies in typically slow months at theatres
rather than bunching up top hits during the busy seasons.

D It caused a sparking new heat in a debate between Hollywood studios and movie theatres over
how quickly fi lms move from the big screen to people’s living rooms.

E There is no use waiting longer with releasing new fi lms on DVDs.

F The average gap between big-screen and DVD releases has held steady at about four months 27
in recent years.

G “Alice in Wonderland” shot past $200 million domestically and $400 million worldwide
after just two weekends.

H Longer lags for DVDs also leave more time for movie pirates to sell counterfeit copies.

I Places where we typically don’t have great movies.

J “Alice in Wonderland” is a great movie and I think it will become a great success on DVD as
well’ she said to the public.

K It’s what makes fi lms famous.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 12.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 8 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones has a penchant for buying plush properties. He owns a mansion in
Greenwich, Conn., an apartment in Manhattan, an estate in the Florida Keys and another in
Zimbabwe, where he enjoys hunting and fishing. (0) (K) .

Jones worked closely with the local African populations to help restore the area’s wildlife and
create an attractive tourist destination. Eventually, the problematic plot of land was transformed
into a luxury safari experience in the heart of Africa’s untamed wilderness. (1) . Guests
have the opportunity to dine under the trees while watching the famous wildebeest migration
before retiring into exclusive lodges with Venetian mirrors and crystal chandeliers.
Medical-device maven William Cook also made it his mission to restore a problematic locale into
a luxurious getaway, spending $450 million to renovate the French Lick Hotel and Casino in
Indiana. (2) . Thanks to Cook’s millions, it has since adopted a Donald Russ-designed
golf course, a dozen eating venues, a spa and a 42.000-square-foot casino. (3) .

Close to the Egyptian pyramids, Kuwait’s richest man, Nassar Al-Kharafi, owns the Port Ghalib
Resort, a premiere beach destination on the coast of the Red Sea. (4) . Port Ghalib
provides three different settings within one resort. The ultra-luxurious 19-suite Intercontinental
Palace was designed in the image of an old citadel, offering its guests a feel of being in the 12th
century. (5) .

New York City, famous for its wealthy residents, also lays claim to several billionaire-owned ho-
tels. (6) . An opulent lobby with marble and chandeliers leads up to homey guestrooms.
Room service is provided by one of New York’s best chefs, Jean Georges, whose restaurant is lo-
cated in the hotel.

In 2007 Israeli real estate titan Yitzhak Tshuva transformed New York’s iconic Plaza Hotel into
a haven for guests after buying it for $675 million and re-modeling the building’s suites while also
adding high-end condos.
The combination of the hotel’s premier address on Central Park South and Fifth Avenue, white-
glove service, gourmet dining, luxury retail shops and 100-year history makes staying at the hotel
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

an unforgettable experience. (7) . The casino magnate’s namesake resort — where he

lives in a suite — boasts a five-star restaurant, an art collection worth millions of dollars, plus a
Ferrari-Maserati dealership. (8) .

A In 1996 the resort was a wasteland of vacant buildings.

B By that time the place became a holiday resort.

C The resort’s exclusive location offers some of the best scuba diving in the world.

D Another great hotel, which is well-know among Americans.

E Today Jones’ Singita Grumeti Reserves features air-conditioned tents with other amenities to
provide a luxurious camping experience.

F Donald Trump’s flagship tower, Trump International, overlooks Central Park, providing an
oasis for those seeking a luxurious refuge from the bustle of Manhattan.

G Topping the list of billionaire-owned hotels is Steve Wynn’s masterpiece, Wynn Las Vegas.

H The property has won dozens of awards.

I The Sahara Sun Sands provides an up-market beach feel, while the cheaper Sahara Sun Oasis
gives an accessible experience with more conventional décor.

J Right after he bought the place in Asia, the whole area started to develop.

K When he bought a 350.000-acre landscape in Tanzania in 2003, the area had a rampant
poaching problem.

L Each of the whimsical rooms features magnificent windows with a view of Sin City’s famed
neon lights.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 13.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 7 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

Mucking out the elephant enclosure may not be the most glamorous job at the zoo in Devon,
but its managers are hoping that in future the task may help reduce its energy bills — and carbon
emissions. (0) (C) .

The zoo and its sister zoo pledged to meet the goal to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% by
the end of 2010. It has already begun producing more food for the animals on site using a unique
soil-free growing system, thus saving on food miles. (1) . The zoo’s two elephants alone
produce two tons of dung every week.

“We are looking into being able to produce biogas from our animal waste,” said a spokesperson
for the zoo, “It’s something we’re seriously looking at”. (2) . As a charity we’ve got to
look after every penny.”

The zoo is also spending £5.000 installing a “voltage optimization unit” to reduce the mains volt-
age of 240V down to 220V to help prevent any needless waste of electricity. (3) . The
zoo estimates that this will not only reduce its feed bill by up to £100.000 per year, but also cut
emissions caused by importing specialist foods. The system uses 5% of the water used by conven-
tional agriculture.

Another zoo in the west coast, which houses 149 different species and a total of 534 animals at-
tracting 200.000 visitors a year, says that it plans to fully insulate all its older buildings over the
next 12 months. Earlier this year, it commissioned a series of thermal camera images of its build-
ings to establish which ones were the most poorly insulated. (4) .
According to the manager of the zoo, some of the thermal camera images have shown up the
buildings to be lit up like Piccadilly Circus. (5) .

They are also considering installing advanced heating systems with timers and thermostats. But
with animals you can’t just turn down the thermostats by 1C like you can in your own homes.
(6) .

They are now researching how they can mimic the natural temperature variations the animals
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

would experience in the wild without causing them distress. (8) .

A And it has already set up an experimental vertical hydroponics food system, which allows it
to grow animal feed, such red chard, edible flowers, wheat grass and barley, on site.

B For example, some birds can start to breed if the temperature goes down too low.

C It aims to use the animals’ digestive ruminations to create biogas that can be burned to gener-
ate electricity.

D Most of the animals spend their times in the cages.

E But he added the idea had not yet been cost in detail, “It’s no good to us if it means losing

F They might even take down and rebuild the very worst offending buildings.

G The energy saving will provide further possibilities for the zoo.

H But it also has plans to use the plants fed to its herbivores — such as elephants, giraffe and
rhinos — when they come out the other end.
I At the moment they keep the tropical houses at a constant temperature of 21C.

J In 2008, it calculated that its annual carbon emissions, including business travel, total 300
tons of carbon dioxide.

K They are far too uncomfortable for animals and people as well.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 14.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 8 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

You can’t avoid getting wrinkles under your eyes over the years. (0) (E) .

You can’t avoid wrinkles altogether any more than you can stop yourself ageing. (1) .
Over the years, your face is battered by gravity, by the redistribution of fat which becomes less
evenly spread around the face, by the loss of elastic tissues which loses its bounce and by a thin-
ning of the top layer of skin. (2) .
But the lines on our faces can appear faster from expressing emotion, from being out in the sun,
and smoking, so you can slow their onset.
Many things play their part to create wrinkles. (3) . It’s estimated that genes contribute
to 30% of our propensity to wrinkle and environmental factors can all make you more prone.

And how can we avoid them?

(4) .
Smoking kills, and it gives you deep wrinkles first, so you should stop. The sun causes fine wrin-
kles, and a leathery look and feel to skin — so as well as using serious sunscreens (against UV-A
and UV-B), wear sunglasses and a sunhat with a wide brim, to avoid screwing your eyes up caus-
ing crow’s feet. (5) .
But they won’t get rid of deep wrinkles. Less evidence-based suggestions include never sleeping
on your front. (6) .
Also, you should avoid drinking from straws, because sucking will create lip wrinkles.
(7) .
And if you already have them what can you do to get rid of them?
(8) .

But why would you want to get rid of wrinkles, when they tell the story of your life?
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A Not smiling or frowning would reduce wrinkles, but also your scope for human interaction.

B With the help of this all of your wrinkles can disappeare.

C All of which contribute to wrinkles.

D More sensible ones include eating well, fruit and vegetables and not drinking too much alcohol.

E So what do you do about them?

F Such as anti-ageing creams.

G There is evidence that anti-ageing creams, particularly those that contain retinoids, vitamin
C or antioxidants may delay wrinkles forming.

H The answers are: creams, chemical peels, neurotoxins (such as Botox), laser treatment, fi llers
and surgery.

I For example, moving your face repeatedly, as you do through smiling, frowning or squinting
in the sun, will, by contracting muscles, pull on the overlying skin and make it wrinkle, but
age, sun, fair skin and a number of hereditary.
J The evidences show that different creams can stop the forming of wrinkles, she said.

K By this you can avoid pressure on your face.

L But you can try to limit the ravages of time.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 15.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 6 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

“Get here before sunset.” The warning loomed in my mind as we raced the fading light across the
red, rugged landscapes of Port Elizabeth towards Shamwari Wildlife Reserve. (0) (F) .

One fled into the bush, while the other, a black-masked, horse-like creature that resembled a uni-
corn trotted gracefully in front of us. (1) . This animal, an oryx, makes a life for itself in
the harshest conditions, where few others can — a reminder of why we’d gone there.

Stretching across a 61.000-acre patch of bush in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, Shamwari is a rare
mixture of luxury game park and sanctuary. (2) . On the edge of the reserve, Born Free
offers conservation volunteers a chance to help tend the big cats and other rescue animals, such as
orphaned oryx, blesbok antelopes and giraffes.

Hidden deep in a grove of trees, the thatch-roofed Eagles Crag lodge is evocative of grand, colo-
nial-era bush camps. (3) . There are also four exquisitely restored colonial farmhouses.
The guide, leading us to our room, told stories about the animals that loitered around the camp
especially a rogue buffalo who had taken up residence by the main lodge. (4) . He was
pissed off, but he keeps returning.

Arriving just in time for dinner, we joined our ranger, Mick, and six other guests in a glass-walled
dining room fi lled with animal sculptures and antlers, for wine tasting and tales about the day’s
wildlife sightings. (5) . Later, we were escorted back to our lodge by an armed guard,
there to protect us from any predators.

(6) . At our door, the guard reminded us to lock the windows and doors at night as “the
monkeys and baboons will swoop in and steal everything”.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A We wanted to let it go, but it did not moved from our way.

B We pulled over to let her pass undisturbed, but she stopped and stared at us, her liquid eyes
glowing in the violet-black night.

C Here you can spot wildlife or do volunteer work at the Born Free Foundation, where lions and
leopards that have been mistreated or abused in captivity, are resettled.

D Finally, when they arrived, they could see the sun setting over the hills.

E The other day, he was eating the roses and we had to move him away.

F As we reached the maze of dirt roads at the park entrance, the sky darkened and a pair of sleek
tawny-and-white animals I’d never seen before skittered across our path.

G We ate dinner beside a crackling fire — everyone else had meat but being veggies we had
pumpkin soup and wild mushroom, lemon and saffron risotto.

H Amid a canopy of subtropical thicket, the lodge was built on an old elephant route and herds
could sometimes be seen wandering by.

I Monkeys darted across the pathways and terraces, chattering as they went. 35

J We could hear the mysterious voices of the Jungle.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 16.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 7 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

This year Australia’s environment minister rejected a proposal for crocodile safari hunting.
(0) (C) .

The Environment minister said the five-year management plan would allow Australia’s Northern
Territory to continue exporting crocodile products on an ecologically sustainable basis.
Both saltwater and freshwater crocodiles were hunted to near extinction. (1) .

In March, after a spate of crocodile attacks in which four people were killed, the Northern Terri-
tory government submitted a draft management plan. (2) .
The minister said he gave the idea careful consideration but could not approve it. (3) .
The approved management plan allows an initial maximum harvest of 50.000 eggs — up from
35,000 in the previous plan — and 400 juveniles, 500 hatchlings and 500 adults for farming,
food and export. (4) . The plan also allows for the removal of crocodiles that are a
threat to people or livestock. (5) .

The Northern Territory is estimated to have 80.000 saltwater crocodiles, the highest number in
any region in Australia. Saltwater crocodiles, the world’s largest reptile, grow up to 23 feet (seven
metres) long. (6) .

The Northern Territory minister for parks and wide-life welcomed the new management plan
but said in a statement that safaris would have helped the indigenous community, and his territo-
rial government would continue working toward approval for safaris in the future.
(7) .

Currently, collected eggs and captured crocodiles are harvested for meat, skin, teeth and skulls.
The Northern Territory has exported an average of about 6.000 saltwater crocodile skins to other
parts of Australia and the world each year for the last six years.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A The eggs are kept in this average temperature.

B This included crocodile safaris for paying clients, with quotas on the number of the reptiles
that could be killed by tourists or trophy hunters.

C Although he increased the number of eggs and animals that can be harvested to cull their
population and make the country’s north safer for people

D The management plan is revised every five years.

E Nowadays their numbers have increased in the tropical north since they became protected by
federal law in 1971.

F “I am absolutely against of holding crocodile hunting safaris in these territories” he said.

G They are more likely to attack humans than the smaller freshwater crocodiles that also
inhabit the area.

H The egg quota could increase if the population supports it, he said.

I “I am of the view that safari hunting is not a suitable approach for the responsible manage-
ment of crocodiles,” he said in a statement. 37

J These animals are wild, so people should keep away from them.

K “I am satisfied that the harvest of crocodiles and eggs proposed in this management plan
will ensure the population remains at a sustainable level, and includes adequate measures to
prevent any long-term drop in population,” he said.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 17.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

According to a survey, David Beckham remains the highest-earning football player in the world.
(0) (A) .

The 35-year-old earned about $40million in 2009. (1) .

However, Beckham is expected to lose major sponsorship money this year because he will miss
the World Cup in South Africa after tearing his achilles in March.
(2) .

Christian Ronaldo is second on the list. (3) . The Portugal midfielder’s major sponsors
include Nike, Coca-Cola and just like at Beckham, Giorgio Armani.
Ronaldo, the 2008 World Player of the Year, became the highest-paid football player in the world
in June. (4) . He signed a six-year contract that pays an estimated $15.5 million in the
first year. (5) .

The Brazil playmaker Kaká, Ronaldo’s team-mate at Madrid, is third on the list, earning $25 mil-
lion annually. (6) .
Ronaldinho is fourth on the list, also earning $25m a year and rounding out the top five is the
France and Barcelona striker Thierry Henry, who makes $24 million. (7) .

Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard is seventh, earning $17 million. (8) .

The Sweden striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the ninth. (9) .

Last year a similar list showed that Beckham was estimated to have earned around $46 million,
Ronaldinho, in second place, $33 million and Henry with $28million in third. (10) .
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A He keeps this place for the third year.

B He earns around $30 million a year.

C He also earns $16m, while the Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard earns $15 million in 10th

D About 80% of that is coming from sponsors such as Adidas, Giorgio Armani and Motorola.

E Kaká’s sponsors include Adidas and Giorgio Armani.

F Beckham was estimated to have earned $49m in 2007.

G The next in the row is Lionel Messi coming on the fi fth.

H This was the time when Real Madrid bought the 25-year-old winger from Manchester United.

I He stayed in Italy for a while.

J After it increases by 25% each year.

K It happened while playing for Milan when on loan from LA Galaxy. 39

L He is followed by his team-mate John Terry who comes eighth, earning $16 million.

M There was about a 30% increase.

N Lionel Messi, the reigning FIFA World Player of the Year, is sixth on the list with earnings of
$20 million annually.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 18.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 9 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

The Earth’s climate has always varied, so the term climate change is now generally used to describe
the changes caused by human activity. (0) (B) .

As human activity increases the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere far beyond their
natural levels, much more heat is trapped. (1) .

Measurements at the Earth’s surface show that average temperatures have risen by some 0.4C
since the 1970s. (2) . Although natural factors such as changes in the sun and large
volcanic eruptions are known to have warmed and cooled the planet in the past. (3) .
Only an increased greenhouse effect caused by higher amounts of heat-trapping gases in the at-
mosphere can explain it.

Water vapor in the atmosphere produces the strongest greenhouse effect, but it has been in bal-
ance for millions of years. (4) . Carbon dioxide is the chief greenhouse gas produced by
human activity. It is produced when we burn fossil fuels: oil, gas and coal. (5) .
Before the industrial revolution, the carbon dioxide level was about 280ppm. It is now 386ppm
and rising by 2–3ppm each year. (6) .

Scientists say continued emissions will cause the planet to heat up further. To work out how much,
they use computer models based on the programs used to predict the weather. (7) .
To get around this, the scientists run many different versions and pool the results. The computer
models predict that if emissions continue to rise at the present rate, average temperatures will
most likely increase by 4C by 2100.

There are uncertainties, though — for example, the planet’s oceans, forests and soils could release
their massive stocks of carbon as the world warms, leading to much greater temperature rises than
human emissions alone would cause.

Most plants and animals have evolved to live in a fairly narrow ecological niche. (8) .
Those that cannot move or adapt will perish. Some animals, such as the polar bear, have nowhere
to move to.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A warmer climate will affect agriculture and water availability. (9) .

Sea levels will rise — gradually at first as the extra warmth works its way into the oceans and
makes them expand; more quickly if the gigantic ice sheets in Greenland and west Antarctica
start to break up.

A Increased temperatures are also expected to limit rainfall in some regions and bring more
extreme weather events such as storms to others.

B This is specifically, greenhouse emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane, which build up
in the atmosphere and trap heat.

C When other greenhouse gases such as methane are included, the total level in the atmosphere,
known as the carbon dioxide equivalent, is closer to 440ppm.

D The increased temperature can be blamed on increasing rain in these regions.

E Hence, the term climate change is often used interchangeably with global warming.

F The carbon dioxide and methan gases accumulates and that is why the heat can not abandon
the Earth.

G Scientists are confident this change can be blamed on human emissions because the increase 41
is too big to be explained by natural causes.

H It will move to other region.

I Human emissions, though relatively small, tip that balance.

J These models are not perfect, and struggle to simulate some features of the climate system
such as clouds.

K Some will move to find their desired conditions, others will be able to adapt.

L But these effects are not powerful enough to explain the rapid warming seen recently.

M The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is measured in parts per million (ppm).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 19.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 8 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

Can a vegan diet damage your child’s health? (0) (H) .

The boy’s parents have just won their legal battle to prevent this, and they have also succeeded in
having their son removed from the at-risk register. (1) .

But they’re not vegans, as social workers claimed, because they do eat fish. However, the case
raises questions about how difficult it is to nourish a young child adequately on a restrictive diet
— and whether the risks involved are too great.

A dietician says she tries not to be judgmental about the rights and wrongs of vegan diets for
young children, but any parent wanting to raise their child as a vegan needs to be very well-in-
formed. (2) .
Another big issue is that a vegan diet isn’t very energy-dense: you have to eat a lot of it to get
enough energy. (3) . “I recommend adding oil to their food,” the dietician says, “be-
cause that gives them more calories”.

Another difficulty is protein. “If a child eats meat and fish, it’s easy to get all the right amino acids.
(4) . In other words, a child who only eats chicken will get all the amino acids — but
a child who only eats one type of bean won’t.”

So information is the key – but do families really try to raise their children on vegan diets without
being adequately informed? (5) . They often do it, because they are taken in by mislead-
ing information on the internet. And when a vegan diet starts to go wrong, the first symptom is
usually that the child fails to thrive or grow properly. It’s the shortage of calories and protein that
kicks in first, with rickets (caused by deficiencies in vitamin D and calcium) usually much further
down the line. (6) .

The most challenging time for parents raising vegan children is when they are under five.
(7) .
One of the mistakes parents can make is to assume, wrongly, that what’s healthy for an adult is
healthy for a child. (8) .
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A “Families are then referred to a dietician like me for advice — and every parent I’ve seen has
been happy to make the changes I’ve recommended, because first and foremost they want
their child to be healthy.”

B But if a child is getting protein from pulses, the problem is that one type of bean might not
provide every amino acid, so there has to be a good balance of pulses.

C Although another crucial time is for girls around puberty, when iron levels can dip.

D The couple say they don’t eat dairy produce because asthma runs in the family.

E “For example, semi-skimmed milk, low-fat foods and high-fibre foods may be best for adults,
but under-fives need full-fat dairy produce, while high-fibre roughage can fi ll them up too
quickly, so they don’t eat enough nutritious food.”

F “Vegan children can be deficient in vitamin D, calcium, iron and possibly vitamin B12, so
they need supplements,” she says.

G According to the experts, sometimes they do.

H Social workers in Lewisham believe it can, which is why they tried to take a five-year-old who 43
appeared to have rickets into care.

I He doesn’t eat enough vitamins and the lack of it can lead to serious diseases.

J “These vitamins can be gained from supplements.”

K But children typically don’t eat a lot, so getting enough calories into them can be difficult.

L Vegetarians are not always healthier than meat-eaters.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

Task 20.

Read the text below. There are some sentences missing from the text. You can find them after the
text. Write the appropriate answers into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 8 boxes. The first
(0) has been done as an example. There are three sentences which you will not need.

I’d always wanted to spend some time in Africa, as I keen on traveling. So, two years after
graduating from university, I decided to take some time off from the company I worked and
moved to Africa. (0) (A) .

The group which I joined traveled in a truck through Kenya, and Zambia. Last on the itinerary
was Zimbabwe, where we visited a large game reserve. (1) .

We were reassured that the lions, which had been bred on the reserve and were very used to
human contact, were perfectly safe. The staff treated them as if they were domestic dogs.
(2) . However, one of the lions — a male — seemed noticeably feistier than the others.

We were given a few simple rules to follow as we headed back. (3) . I was relaxed enough
to chat with one of the reserve’s volunteers. During this time, I didn’t noticed, that one lion was
walking slightly ahead of me and all of a sudden, his paws bore down on my shoulders.

(4) . I felt the lion’s hot breath on the back of my head as its jaws closed around my
scalp, dragging my head down close to the ground. I could feel his teeth on the back of my head.
He was like a dog toying with a bone. (5) . The shock seemed to rob me of my voice but,
than I screamed, “Get me up!” (6) .

“What hurts?” he said, hugging me. I indicated my knee, which I’d twisted as the lion dragged me
down. I was driven to hospital. (7) . In the third, a nurse shaved away great clumps of
hair, clotted with congealed blood, and uncovered three deep gashes. The doctor was concerned
about infection — since they eat only raw meat, a lion’s saliva can lead to very nasty complica-

Later I was told the lion was only toying with me, that had he really been planning to finish me
off, he’d have done so with ease. (8) . I know if he really had wanted to kill me, he
would have done it.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | B | Gapped text

A I wanted to discover the wildlife of it, so I joined a safari and see more of the country.

B For example, to stay in a close group, tie up any loose hair and so on.

C The first hospital we visited had no doctors, the second no equipment.

D “This is it,” I thought. “I’m a goner.”

E Such as to visit the game reserve freely.

F It is an amazing place, as you can swim with elephants, meet lion cubs and go for a walk with
three 14-month-old lions.

G Its weight was immense, forcing me into a twisted, crouching position.

H The closest guide sprinted over with a stick and, with help from his colleagues, managed to
drag the lion away.

I The doctor in it said there is no vacancy so we had to move on.

J So, without any fear, we got to stroke them and have our photos taken.
K One theory is that he mistook my hair, which perhaps hadn’t been tied up as tightly as re-
quested, for the mane of a playmate.

L Just then I realised how big danger I was in.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

hiányzó mondatrészek
szövegbe illesztése
C (gapped sentences)

E bben a feladattípusban megadott mondatrészeket kell egy hiányos szövegbe beilleszteni. Ahhoz,
hogy ez a feladat jól sikerüljön, nagyon kell tudni néhány mondatszerkesztéssel kapcsolatos sza-
bályt. A feladat megoldását mindig azzal kezd, hogy nézd meg, milyen mondatrészek hiányoznak
(alany, állítmány, tárgy stb). És most következzen néhány hasznos tanács az angol mondat szerkeze-
tével kapcsolatban.

Mondat fajták
egyszerű összetett alárendelt összetett-alárendelt
alap bővített

• Az egyszerű mondatok mindig egy tagmondatból állnak. A szerkezeti felépítésük kötött, tehát
alany + állítmány + tárgy (ha van) + határozók (ha vannak).
Lehetnek alap mondatok, ami azt jelenti, hogy csak a kötelező elemeket tartalmazza.
Például: I like you. (A + Á+T)
Lehetnek bővítettek, ami azt jelenti, hogy vannak opcionális elemek is a kötelezőkön kívül.
Például: I like you very much, frankly.
Miután megállapítottad, hogy egy egyszerű mondattal van dolgod, nézd meg, hogy melyik
elemnél hiányzik a mondat.
I saw a good film = itt már csak egy határozóval folytatódhat a mondat.

• Amennyiben az állítmány hiányzik, nagyon fontos, hogy megvizsgáld, milyen igeidőben kell,
hogy szerepeljen és hogy aktív avagy passzív szerkezettel állsz szemben. Ügyelned kell arra is,
hogy az igéket segédigékkel is lehet dolgoztatni, valamint határozószó állhat előttük.
I with my friends.
Ennél a mondatnál biztos, hogy igével kell folytatni a mondatot, de az sokféleképpen nézhet ki:
• usually go out
• go out
• can go out
• mainly go out

• Ha a mondat alanya vagy tárgya hiányzik, akkor gondolkozhatsz főnevekben, vagy főnévi igene-
vekben (gerund vagy infinitive). A főnevek esetében ügyelj arra, hogy sok minden állhat előttük.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

• Jelző: nice car
• Határozott, vagy határozatlan névelő: the car, a car
• Birtokos névmás: my car
• Mutató névmás: this car
• Befejezett melléknévi igenév: stolen car
• Folyamatos melléknévi igenév: sparkling car
• Számnév: two cars stb.

Az összetett mondatok esetében már nehezebb az ügy.

Ezek ugyanis összetett mondatok, azaz minimum két tagmondatból állnak, de a két tagmondat
lehet alá és mellérendelt viszonyban is. A különbség az, hogy mellérendelés esetén a mellérendelt
mondat nem áll meg önmagában.

Mellérendelt tagmondatok:
I like cars and I like motorbikes, too.

Alárendelt tagmondatok:
I like cars because they are comfortable.

Ettől jobb már csak az, amikor alá és mellérendelést is találunk egy mondatban. 47
I got up early and went to the shop to buy a present for my friend.

Ilyen esetben mindig meg kell vizsgálni, hogy a hiányzó helyen mi állhat az első tagmondat tekin-
tetében (pl.: határozó) és mi kellene a második tagmondathoz (pl.: alany + állítmány)

I went home and rang me to do it earlier.

A hiányzó helyre az alábbi mondatrész kerülhet.

My friend as she asked
My friend — az első tagmondat tárgya
She asked — a második tagmondat alanya és állítmánya
As — kötőszó
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 21.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

San Pedro de Atacama, a high desert town in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile
(0) (C) .

It is a four-day sandstorm. The rare event is said to be “annoying and painful”, by the people who
had the experience, (1) , an otherworldly landscape emerges: craggy rock formations
striated by years of sedimentary build up, fields of geysers letting off columns of steam from the
nearby volcanoes, and salt flats populated by flocks of flamingos.

The first image that the phrase “mountain town” brings to mind is usually a scene of the Swiss
Alp variety, (2) .And, though many of the world’s most beautiful mountain towns are
indeed alpine gorgeous high-altitude communities exist in places more typically associated with
beaches and deserts as well, like Chile or Mexico.

The popular places in the mountains are usually skiing destinations. But while resorts like Whis-
tler, home of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, (3) , they also draw off-season
crowds with their scenery. Summer hikers and mountain bikers traverse the mountains here
(4) .

Across North America, Stowe, Vermont also lures visitors year-round. Adrenaline junkies come
to take on the challenging double-black diamond trails at Stowe Mountain Resort, (5) .

But Stowe perhaps saves its most beautiful face for fall, (6) .The beauty in these towns
isn’t always just natural, either. (7) , they’ve often retained ancient cultural and archi-
tectural traditions. The Japanese villages of Shirakawago, for example, have a distinctive beauty
due to a unique architecture style (8) .

No matter if it’s ski season in the Alps or autumn in Vermont, (9) . San Pedro espe-
cially attracts people (10) believed to inhabit this strangely beautiful land.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A draw plenty of snow-hounds

B when the annual explosion of fall colours saturates the tree-covered Green Mountains

C offers an outstanding opportunity for visitors

D while summer travellers hike and camp near its historic buildings

E collected lots of snow piles

F but once it clears

G because many of them are sequestered in remote locations

H to enjoy the sprawling panoramas of the expansive Coast Range

I that developed over centuries.

J no matter how far they go

K with quaint lodges tucked beneath snow-dusted peaks. 49

L when people came to camp near historic sights

M each of these communities have a special sort of intoxicating beauty

N who seek out the magical and mystical energy

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 22.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

Volcanic ash from the Icelandic eruption is falling across the UK, (0) (J) could pose a risk to
people with breathing difficulties.

One expert from Met Office said fine sulphurous ash from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano
(1) in northern England, the Midlands and the Thames Valley and there were reports
of it reaching the ground.

Ash has fallen as far south as Swindon, Brize Norton, Kent and the west London suburb of Chis-
wick, with a thin layer (2) near Peterborough, Leeds and Stoke on Trent. “We’re not
expecting many major problems from it (3) sky will have to come down,” said the
representative of the Met Office.

Ash had earlier fallen across the Shetland Islands and residents reported (4) . A coast-
guard rescue helicopter (5) to ferry a seriously ill patient from the Out Skerries islands
to take him to hospital through the ash cloud. The helicopter returned coated (6) .

The World Health Organisation (7) to stay indoors if ash starts falling. The particles
could enter the lungs and cause respiratory problems. People going outside might (8) .
The WHO could not fully predict the health risks.

The UK Health Protection Agency said people may suffer from itchy or irritated eyes, a runny
nose, sore throat (9) in the air or the smell of rotten eggs should return indoors.

The British Lung Foundation said the ash did not pose a significant risk to human health. But its
spokesman said those (10) should keep their inhalers or medications to hand as they
may experience a short term worsening of symptoms.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A has warned people living under the plume

B had been detected at its monitoring stations

C or dry cough and anyone noticing a dusty haze

D sore throats after venturing outside

E had to mount a risky mission

F for many diseases such as asthma or chronic bronchitis

G also observed at monitoring stations

H with existing respiratory conditions such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema or asthma

I from the invisible distances

J with health authorities warning the fine dust particles

K in the fine glass-like dust

L consider wearing a mask

M but whatever is up in the

N should not forget about the ash in the air

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 23.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

How can we tackle global warming?
Scientists say the only realistic way at present is (0) (A) . How to do that — and where — is a
political hot potato.

Because it takes time for the heat to build up in the atmosphere, and because carbon dioxide stays
in the atmosphere for a long time, (1) , which means the effect of any changes will not
be felt for decades. Put bluntly, we are headed for about another 0.5C of warming whatever we do.

The world’s only existing treaty to limit emissions, the Kyoto protocol, (2) and expires
in 2012. Politicians are working to develop a replacement that would include countries excluded
from Kyoto, such as China (3) , such as the US.

From December 7, environment ministers and officials (4) to thrash out a successor to
Kyoto. The two week event is being seen by many environmentalists as a crucial diplomatic op-
portunity to create an international agreement on meaningful cuts in emissions (5) .

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change has said that we already have
most of the technology we need (6) . These include renewable energy sources such as
windmills, geothermal and solar panels, as well as more efficient cars and power stations.

Carbon trading is a market mechanism (7) . Countries or groups of countries

(such as the EU) first agree a cap or maximum emissions level. Individual companies are then
(8) — the right to emit a certain amount of CO2. If they exceed their allowance they
must purchase permits from another company that (9) . If the cost of buying carbon
credits is high enough it incentives companies to invest in measures to reduce their emissions.

To date, the EU’s emissions trading scheme has been heavily criticized for failing to reduce emis-
sions. In the first phase, the number of permits issued was too high, sending the carbon price
crashing and so removing any incentive for companies (10) .
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

B that will prevent the worst consequences of climate change

C and those that refused to join

D there is a lag in the system

E spending more money on the reduction of emissions

F will meet in Copenhagen

G decreased highly

H has had limited success

I to spend money reducing their emissions

J to bring down emissions significantly

K to achieve cuts in emissions

L either given or must purchase carbon credits

M only to help with the transition of energy efficiency

N has fallen short of its cap

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 24.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

New details have emerged regarding the termination of Kirstie Alley (0) (N) , the weight loss
service that helped to recharge her career over the last few years.

Officially, Alley stepped aside to make room for new spokesperson Valerie Bertinelli,
(1) for a number of years. This would leave Alley free to pursue other projects open to
her no after her mild professional resurgence.

Sources behind the scenes though have shed a new light onto the situation, saying that Alley was
let go not for putting on weight (2) .
According to sources, the two met at Craig’s California home in mid February (3) ,
but the discussion between the “Cheers” actress and the septuagenarian American health icon,
turned into an argument (4) . Allegedly, Alley took to biting into Craig after losing
ground (5) .

The two were split up and Alley was put on a plane for home. Two days later she received notice
from her agent (6) after three years of service.

Alley’s people are sticking by the original story behind her departure, and representatives for
Craig (7) . ACI Capital, the New York based firm which owns Jenny Craig Inc., and
(8) , gave a very terse no comment in response to queries.

According to a spokesman she was doing fine. Of course she was shaken by the incident; it’s the
last thing anyone would have expected, (9) . Alley took a big chunk out of her, but we
can guess she just has a really big mouth.
Alley’s diminishing career was given a boost once she started with Jenny Craig, even spurring the
television show “Fat Actress” (10) .

“She really owes a lot to Jenny,” continued the spokesman. “It’s really too bad that things had to
come to an end this way. Hopefully she’ll find happiness in something other than eating, whether
it be food or otherwise.”
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A for a casual get together

B with whom she shared the commercials

C to which the guru still has very strong ties

D against her much older opponent

E because he wanted to talk to her

F that she had been let go as the voice and face of the company

G but for a physical confrontation with the diet guru herself

H and she had a raw with the staff

I which quickly descended into violence between the two women

J to find out how to continue their co-operation

K have officially declined comment

L as she poked fun at her weight gain and loss on the program

M but she is doing fine

N as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 25.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

There is an auction in June (0) (D) custom-made for Michael Jackson will be sold.

This includes a leather armchair (1) .

The furniture was ordered by the “Thriller” singer for a home near London (2) in
England last year.

The collection, (3) ,includes a pair of red velvet armchairs embroidered with eagles, a
leopard print armchair trimmed with ostrich feathers and (4) .
The furniture is expected (5) ranging from $16.500 to $150.000 per item.

Jackson, 50, died in Los Angeles on June 25. He got an overdose of a powerful anaesthetic
(6) during the rehearsal period for his “This Is It” concerts.

Jackson’ personal doctor was blamed (7) , but he was pleaded not guilty last month to
involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death and (8) awaiting trial in Los Angeles.

The auction will take place in Las Vegas and will be preceded by exhibitions in Ireland and Las
Vegas (9) with the custom-designed furniture in it.

The auction also will include dozens of other items from Jackson’s life and career, (10) .
Among the other items we will find his signature white crystal gloves, and paintings from his
Neverland Ranch in California.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A a red velvet and gilt sofa

B which was given to help him sleep

C she gave him for his birthday

D where about 22 pieces of elaborate furniture

E he wanted to sold earlier

F he planned to rent during a series of 50 comeback concerts

G such as a signed jacket that he wore for his hit “Beat It”

H which was commissioned by Jackson from an Italian luxury furniture maker

I some gothic chairs and a fireplace

J embellished with crystals and gold leaf

K now he is on bail
L to be guilty of his death

M that re-create how Jackson’s London residence might have looked

N to be sold for an estimated auction price

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 26.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

There is a new study on Internet fraud made by the FBI. (0) (L) , the cost of Internet fraud
doubled in 2009 to about $560 million.

Among the most common type of frauds (1) were scams from people falsely claiming
to be from the FBI.

Individual complaints of Internet scams grew (2) .

The amounts (3) ranged from less than $30 to more than $100.000.
The most frequently reported scams were those (4) the FBI’s name. These accounted
for 16 percent of (5) which were received last year.

Some of those frauds have even featured e-mails purporting (6) , Robert Mueller,
though the e-mail addresses of the senders often betray the con.

The head of the FBI’s cyber division, said (7) the e-mail pitches they receive with a
healthy scepticism. It means if something seems to good to be true, (8) .
For example, one popular scam last year involved a phone pitch (9) who sounded a lot
like President Barack Obama.

The recorded message told people (2) to get government stimulus money. When vic-
tims who visited the site entered personal information and paid $28 in fees, they were promised a
big stimulus check, but of course they did not get anything.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A the more than 300.000 complaints

B more than 20 percent last year

C much more than two years ago

D that falsely used

E it likely is

F to visit a Web site

G wants to be the same

H people should evaluate

I was given by the FBI

J made by someone

K which were reported

L According to this

M to be from FBI Director

N taken by individual frauds

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 27.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

A new snapshot from NASA’s latest space telescope has revealed a vast cloud in deep space
(0) (N) inside flower-like wisps of interstellar dust.

The spectacular infrared image shows the Berkeley 59 cluster of young stars, (1) , as
blue dots just to the right of the centre of a dust cloud awash in red and green hues. This view led
NASA’s scientists (2) .

The new image was taken by NASA’s new Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). It is a
$320 million space observatory (3) the entire sky in unprecedented detail.
The infrared space telescope (4) stunning images of dark asteroids and comets
(5) because they were hard to spot in the visible light range of the spectrum.

WISE’s view of Berkeley 59 also includes a “champagne flow” of material.

According to an official from NASA, it was resulted from the supernova remnant NGC 7822,
(6) .
The objects are located in the constellation Cepheus about (7) .
The dust’s red glow stems (8) , while green regions outline the fringe of the cloud.

The photo’s green regions owe their emerald hues to molecules of a compound (9) ,
which can also be commonly found on Earth in the soot from barbeque pits, exhaust pipes and
other combustion effects.

NASA’s WISE telescope is expected (10) in about six months.

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A from heat shed by the stars

B each of which is just a few million years old

C to complete its first all-sky map

D has already recorded

E forming a nice reddish cloud in the atmosphere

F what was not seen before

G to name it to be a giant cosmic rose

H called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

I that were previously unseen

J that were designed to observe the sky

K an exploded star associated with the region

L which was built to map

M 3.300 light-years from Earth

N that is brimming with new stars

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 28.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

Good news on the horizon! After (0) (B) , the furry freaks Sulley and Mike are to return to
the screen.

They have (1) children.

Disney–Pixar has announced a sequel to Monsters Inc. It is the 2001 movie (2) of
all time as it took $256 million. The new fi lm will appear in cinemas in November 2012. In the
meantime, two other Disney-Pixar sequels (3) — Toy Story 3 this summer and Cars
2 next year.
Sequels and spin-offs look set (4) in the immediate future. But they are not the only
ones (5) .
As well as the Disney-Pixar trio, DreamWorks premiered Shrek Forever After (6) the
Tribeca fi lm festival. Antonio Banderas has confirmed that his Puss in Boots character
(7) , due for release next year.

No doubt Shrek 2, Shrek the Third and Shrek are the No 1, No 4 and No 6 grossing animations
in history as (8) .

Shrek Forever After, in which the green ogre is tricked by Rumpelstiltskin and finds himself in an
alternate Far Far Away, (9) on 9 July 2010.

But there are two other animated sequels also in production. DreamWorks has a third Mada-
gascar fi lm (10) , while the Weinstein Company is working on a follow up to Hood-
winked, which is the Red Riding Hood retelling. It took $110 million worldwide against an esti-
mated budget of only $15 million.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A they took a combined total of $1.03 billion

B being for nearly a decade away

C are the biggest hit in the UK

D in 3D at

E will reach the screen

F from the viewers

G the task of not-really-frightening

H is released in the UK

I to dominate the animation market

J is to get his own vehicle

K that became the eight highest grossing animation

L it cost a total of $ 1.22 billion

M slated for release in 2012

N in the market

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 29.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

The aliens in “Avatar” may be blue, but some moviegoers feel green (0) (D) .

The stunning 3D technology that is featured in “Avatar” is undoubtedly crucial to the sci-fi epic’s
nine Academy Award nominations and speedy rise (1) fi lm worldwide. But despite its
phenomenal popularity, not everybody has “3D ready” eyes.
A big group of people around the world have reported feeling nausea, dizziness and
(2) while they were watching the fi lm in 3D. Others are stereo blind which means
(3) , or are missing an eye because of cancer and therefore (4) of the state-
of-the-art digital technology.

And if you got sick during “Avatar”, forget about going to see the 3D versions of “Alice in Won-
derland”, “Clash of the Titans” or the next “Harry Potter” movies.

A variety of visual and neurological conditions (5) to experience nausea and headache
while watching a movie in 3D, especially a group of disorders (6) . It is exactly the
network of nerves, fluids and canals (7) the brain and help us keep our balance and
orient ourselves in space.
About 35 to 40 percent of adults (8) have some sort of vestibular problems. But accord-
ing to experts, even younger folks (9) a dysfunction in the inner ear could experience
a kind of motion sickness while watching 3D.

A 3D image creates an illusion of depth when the brain fuses two, slightly different 2D images as
they are projected on the movie screen, one perceived by each eye. This is called binocular disparity.

We need 3D glasses (10) of the image. The glasses are worn very close to our eyes and
the lenses of our eyes want to focus on this close-in image, but the binocular disparity is telling
our brains that the image is further away.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A to become the world’s highest-grossing

B other ill effects

C they don’t see properly out of both eyes

D after watching it.

E something that causes eye problems

F related to the body’s vestibular system

G in the body

H over the age of 40

I they can’t enjoy the effects

J to provide each eye with its version

K who have never been diagnosed with

L which causes headache

M can cause someone

N in the ear that connect to

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

Task 30.

Read the text below. Some clauses are missing from it. You can find them below the text. Write
the appropriate letter for each answer into the boxes after the text. You need to fi ll 10 boxes. The
first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need.

According to a new study on exams, teachers and parents launched 13% more appeals
(0) (M) this year compared with the last year.

There had been 504 appeals on re-marked papers, compared with 445 ones occurring last year.
However, after (1) of 42, just 48 resulted in a grade change.

The number of parents and teachers (2) has risen. This inquires mean the first step of
an appeal.
Parents and teachers made inquiries about 96.411 GCSE marks, 15.066 of which resulted
(3) . Last year, 87.142 inquiries were made, 15.911 of (4) in a change.

For A–levels the number of inquiries was slightly lower. Parents and teachers made inquiries
(5) , 7.667 of which resulted in a change. This compares with 69.788 inquiries made
last year, 6.957 of which resulted in a change.

Most inquiries resulted in a second examiner reviewing a (6) that the marking scheme
had been correctly applied.
The figures reflect an increase (7) launched for other school tests. In November, the
Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency said (8) more requests for re-
marks of the national tests taken by 11-year-olds, formerly known as Sats, compared with the
previous year.

Requests for re-marks were made in relation to 50.257 Sats papers — about 3% of the total number
marked. But 6.532 papers were awarded new grades after an appeal. It is fewer (9) .

The chairman of Ofqual, said: “As regulator, it is our role to ensure that fair systems are in place and
that these are followed correctly. We are continuing (10) to check that they have good
quality assurance systems in place to ensure that any incorrect marking is quickly identified.”
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | C | Gapped sentences

A to regulate awarding organisations

B there had been 3.000

C in a change of mark

D student’s paper to ensure

E if they would get better grades

F comparing with the last year results

G than 0.5% of those marked

H around 56.000

I who are making inquiries over GCSE marks

J to create better marks

K in the number of appeals

L which resulted

M against A–level and GCSE marks

N about 68.463 A–level units

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Mondat kiegészítés
adott szöveg alapján
D (sentence filling)

E z a feladat típus igazából a szövegértést és a helyes nyelvhasználatot méri.

Mondatokat kell befejezni adott szöveg alapján. Ez azt jelenti, hogy először is célszerű a szö-
veget végig futni, majd mondatonként haladva kikeresni a szövegből a megfelelő befejezést.
A feladat azonban nem azt méri, hogy hogyan tudsz másolni. Soha sem szó szerint kell kimásolni
a megoldást. Legtöbbször a feladatot úgy is szerkesztik, hogy ne lehessen „másolni”. Ennek egyik leg-
jobb eszköze a szinonim szavak használata. De csak úgy, mint az előző feladatnál, itt is tisztában kell
lenni a mondatszerkesztési szabályokkal, azaz tudnod kell, melyik mondatrész hiányzik a mondatból.
A feladat során valószínű szó(faj) átalakításra lesz szükséged. Ez alatt azt értem, hogy ha egy igét
találsz a mondatban, lehet, hogy főnévi vagy jelzői szerepben kéri vissza a megkezdett mondat.

She succeeded in writing the test.

She wrote the test — megoldás: successfully
She said writing the test was a big — megoldás: success

Ezért hát itt egy lista a leggyakoribb főnév és melléknév-képzőkről. Szabály nincs rájuk vonatko-
zóan, próbáld ráérzés alapján.

Főnévképzők: Melléknévképzők:
• - ation/etion/ition • - ous
• - ity • - al
• - ness (ság, ség) • - less
• - ment • - ing
• - er • - ed
• - an • - ful
• - ing • - able
• - dom

A határozók képzése már nehezebb eset. Lehetnek egyszerűek, azaz egy szóból állnak és nem kell
őket képezni. Ilyen például a here, just, well, stb. Vannak összetett határozó szavak, ezek két
szó összetételével készülnek. Pl.: somehow, everywhere, stb. És végül vannak határozószavak,
amelyeket szóképzéssel készíthetünk el.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Határozó képzők:
• - ly
• - wise
• - ward(s)
• - way(s)
• - style

Határozót továbbá nem csak egy-egy szóval készíthetünk, hanem egy egész tagmondat, vagy egy
ragozott szerkezet is lehet a mondatban határozó. Lehet, hogy a feladat azt várja tőled, hogy egy
ilyet szerkessz, mert ezzel tudod helyesen befejezni az elkezdett mondatot.

Egyéb határozók:
• főneves szerkezet (noun phrase) I am going to the dentist this morning
• prepozíciós szerkezet I am going to the dentist
• wh clause When I saw her, she was talking to a man
• gerund After learning, I watched TV
• infinitive I am going to Egypt to see the Pyramids
• present participle Being a teacher, she could help us a lot
• past participle Asked, he said no

Amennyiben állítmányi rész hiányzik a megkezdett mondatból, akkor az ige megfelelő alakjára 69
és a mondatban szükséges igeidőre kell nagyon figyelni. Ez sem mindig egyezik meg az olvasott
szövegben található igeidővel, vagy szórenddel. Előfordulhat, hogy a szöveg aktív szórendet
használ, a feladatsor viszont passzív szórendre kíváncsi, vagy fordítva. Ilyenkor figyelj az állítmány
helyes szerkesztési szabályaira. Az igeidő többnyire egyezik, persze passzív szerkezetre váltásnál az
alakok azért módosulhatnak.

Ez áll a szövegben:
The government has established three new power stations.

A mondatod így indul:

Three new power stations...

A megoldás:
Three new power stations... have been established...

Természetesen nem kötelező ugyanazokkal a szavakkal dolgoznod, nyugodtan lecserélheted őket

szinonim szavakra, azért csak több pont jár!

The whole place was ruined — the whole place was destroyed
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 31.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

A supermarket chain has withdrawn an “eco-friendly” milk pouch and jug from all its stores after
poor sales of the supposedly revolutionary product led to high wastage.
The retailer has phased out the pouches, claiming that initial strong sales had tailed off because
shoppers preferred the convenience of conventional plastic bottles — even though they are
marginally more expensive. The supermarket spokeswoman said: “It was a hard decision to take,
but we believe it’s totally unacceptable for food to be wasted in this way. Instead we will continue
our work to minimize packaging in other ways.”
The new product was hailed as likely to revolutionize the sale of milk as a pouch typically
contains 75% less plastic than the bottles in which at least two-thirds of the 180 million pints
of milk consumed by Britons every week is sold. Less energy is used in making them and they
take up far less space when disposed of. But many consumers have found them difficult to use,
reporting leaks and spills.
Bottles have been the preferred milk container in Britain since 1880 when they were introduced
— originally in glass — by the Express Dairy company. Glass and later plastic bottles have
been dominant ever since, only losing some market share in the 1970s to Tetra Pak cardboard
containers. However, bagged milk has been much more successful in other countries, with the
jug and pouch (designed to fit neatly in a fridge door) the overwhelming choice for shoppers in
This supermarket launched the new product after initial trials three years ago showed strong
demand. Despite the idea failing to take off in the 1970s, the supermarket chain had hoped that
the milk pouches would prove more of a hit now with today’s more environmentally conscious
consumers. It declined to reveal sales figures for the product.
But there was another chain store which last month rolled out its milk bags nationwide
following a successful trial in 50 stores. The sales of the bags have climbed to around 110.000 per
week and now account for one in every 10 two-pint containers of semi-skimmed sold, twice as
many as the supermarket originally predicted.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. As the eco-friendly milk product led to a high wastage,
it had to be withdrawn from the shelves.

1. Although the plastic bottles are more expensive

2. Keeping food in package that is not preferred by shoppers

3. The aim of launching the new product was

4. Most of the milk consumed by British is sold

5. The new package had the advantages of


6. The new package had the disadvantages of

7. Despite loosing popularity in the 1970s, plastic containers

8. Although packed milk was not a big hit in Britain, it

9. Putting back milk pouches to shelves is hoped to be a bigger success now as

10. Selling 110.000 bags of milk per week means a great success as it
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 32.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

When her best friend turned purple, Martha Farth’s thoughts turned to yellow — cartoon hero
Sponge Bob Square Pants.
The denizen of fictional undersea Bikini Bottom was being credited Friday with inspiring a
lifesaving rescue during music class at a seaside school in the USA. Martha, who is a middle school
seventh-grader, and her “BFF” (best friends forever) Amy Silver had just finished rehearsing the
“West Side Story” classic, “I Feel Pretty”, for an upcoming choral competition when their teacher
cracked a joke that had the 12-year-olds erupting in laughter.
The only problem was that Amy was chewing gum, which she shouldn’t have been as the girls see
it now. According to Martha, they were laughing and then the gum got lodged in Amy’s throat.
And she stopped laughing, which was weird because Amy always laughs a lot. So, what Martha
did was that she recalled an episode of the popular Nickelodeon cartoon, where she believed she
saw Sponge Bob use the Heimlich maneuver to retrieve a clarinet lodged in the throat of another
character, Squid ward. She continued it with action.
She got Amy up and did the Heimlich. As a result, the gum went flying out of her mouth.
Amy realized almost immediately what her friend had done. She said she gave her the biggest hug
and realised she just saved her life. The two were revealing Friday in their newfound fame. Their
principal joked that they were considering having “hair and makeup” sessions to prepare for their
television close-ups.

One little hiccup in the heart-warming story is that a Nickelodeon spokeswoman says there was
never an actual episode of Sponge Bob performing the Heimlich.
She said there was an episode where Squid ward swallows a clarinet, but Sponge Bob reaches
down his throat to pull it out. In another episode, Sponge Bob’s pal Patrick tries to perform a
“slimelick” maneuver by reaching around a clam, “but it didn’t work,” she said. Neither Martha
nor Amy were concerned with such technicalities.
“It didn’t exactly show the Heimlich maneuver, per se, but Sponge Bob kicked Squidward in
the stomach the same way you would put pressure with your hands,” Amy said. Martha said she
was also a fan of medical shows like “Grey’s Anatomy”, but never had any formal training in the
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. The two girls spent their time together as
they had been rehearsing for a choral competition.

1. The episode of Sponge Bob gave

2. The teachers made a joke which

3. The problem was that Martha was chewing a gum which

4. Sponge Bob used the Heimlich maneuver to

5. Martha saved Amy by


6. Because of their unbelievable story they were

7. What is strange in the story is that there was not

8. Sponge Bob saved Squid by

9. These technicalities were thought

10. Although Martha likes watching medical shows, she

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 33.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

Scientists claim that viruses can be modified to seek out and destroy cancer cells. Laboratory tests
at Leeds University have shown how proteins can be added to a virus to enable it to recognize
unique markers on the surface of tumours.
Campaign and research groups believe the development could benefit patients and lead to
treatments tailored to different diseases. They say the findings show a method of delivering gene
therapy more efficiently and individually to the cancers they are intended to treat.
Now the researchers are hoping to move from the laboratory and begin human testing. The
leading researcher said the modified viruses deliver genes which could make cancer cells more
sensitive to drugs.
They could also introduce “suicide” genes to cancer cells or replace the missing and defective
genes which caused the cancer to develop, with an approach known as gene therapy. According to
him gene therapies have been out of fashion over the last couple of years. Th is isn’t an indication
that they don’t work, just that the best way to use them hasn’t been found yet. He said the research
points to a new method to optimize viruses for gene therapy and has so far been promising in the
lab. They now need to test these gene therapies in patients to see if they are as effective at treating
cancer as the research suggests.
The Leeds team has engineered a range of “re-targeting” proteins which recognize and attach
to the markers on the cancer cells. These proteins can be added to a virus so that it recognizes and
infi ltrates cancer cells.
The researchers worked on bladder cancer cells but say the treatment could potentially apply
to any kind of cancer. The gene therapy had had limited success so far mainly because its delivery
had not been efficient or specific enough to target only tumour cells. This breakthrough should
mean these re-targeting proteins could be combined with existing gene therapy viruses.
Also, by examining the markers on an individual patient’s tumour it would be possible to add a
re-targeting protein, designed specifically for their cancer, to a gene therapy virus.
They also found that they weren’t limited to using only one targeting protein for each virus.
They were also able to combine the virus with two different targeting proteins so that that virus
can target a range of different tumour markers.
This approach could be a step forward for gene therapy, particularly as it is quicker, easier and
cheaper to mix and match the targeting proteins rather than engineer a completely new gene
therapy virus.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. The virus is able to recognise markers on a tumour if
protein is added to it

1. With this method not only the cancer could be treated but

2. After testing it in laboratories the researchers are planning to

3. The modified viruses can deliver genes to the cancer cells which

4. By the gene therapy they can replace the damaged cells and also

5. Re-targeting proteins are able to


6. Although the research was developed for a bladder cancer, it

7. A virus with added protein would be able

8. Re-targeting proteins can be created

9. If they combine the virus with two different targeting proteins,

10. Engineering a completely new gene therapy virus is

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 34.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

If you are planning to go on holiday, you should also plan to take a phone as the mobile internet
is exploding. The trouble is that if you are actually planning to use your phone in order to access
the web (e-mail, Twitter, Flickr etc), it could be very expensive for you.
I have been ranting about excessive data charges abroad for years so I was interested to see how
things had changed now that “unlimited” data packages are widely available in the UK.
The man in the mobile shop said they charged £1.50 a megabyte in data charges for mobile
phones accessing the internet in for example France. To give some idea of what that means, I
recently uploaded a three-minute video to YouTube, which was over 80MB, for nothing. If I had
done that on the mobile company’s tariff, it would have cost me £120. A single song these days
could be 10MB, which would cost £15 to download.
I decided to ring my current provider to get a comparison. An extremely helpful assistant
quoted me £3 a megabyte for France — twice the rate of the other company, which was starting
to look cheap. She pointed out that my existing tariff were available offering a package of 10MB
for £20 or 50MB for £50. It is a bit better, but still crap.
My final port of call was the third biggest mobile company, which used to be my operator
of choice until they tried to charge me £250 for the privilege of staying loyal to them when I
upgraded my phone. I wondered whether they had changed their spots. The man in the shop
quoted me £4.25 a megabyte — which would have pushed the cost of uploading that video to
£340 and a single track to £42.50, with no special chance to bring down the price.
So what is going on here? This is not something happening in a computer game, it is the real
world. Unsuspecting people going abroad regularly get milked by those extortionate charges.
And savvy people get caught as well. I know someone in the business who checked before he left
for eastern Europe that he was not going to be exposed to these charges only to find out he had
run up a £600 bill the first morning.
It is happening because the operators have treated their customers with scarcely concealed
contempt for years. Not only did they build walled gardens around their phones, thereby shutting
out rival products but they also paid content providers a pittance to create games and other stuff
for their sites. This was not only bad manners but bad business. If they had paid content providers
decent prices and had cheaper data charges they could have built up a market for apps years before
Apple came on to the scene. But it took Apple to break their monopoly by popularizing “all you
can eat” data charges and letting developers keep 70% of the income (before VAT).
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. While your are abroad, using your mobile to access the web
could be very expensive

1. If you try to access the Internet abroad it

2. Uploading 80 MB video to the Internet was

3. Downloading a 10 MB song on mobile tariff, you would

4. The other mobile company offered a price which

5. Being loyal to the mobile company meant


6. Uploading the same video at the third company would

7. According to the article the most competent people would

8. The reason for over billing could be that people

9. Mobile companies usually get games onto their websites

10. Unlike the mobile companies Apple support developers by

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 35.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

Sea turtles expose themselves to a trio of threats from climate change, when they emerge
onto beaches around the world to lay their eggs in the sand: cyclones, rising seas and warming
A new study revealed that for the world’s largest population of sea turtles, mainly in Australia’s
northern Great Barrier Reef, blazing hot sands pose the greatest threat to the animals’ breeding
success over the long term.
The researchers predict that from now until 2030, sea level rise will do the most harm to turtle
breeding grounds. However, by 2070, sands in many areas will be so scorching that eggs could
not survive.
The leading researcher says that different studies look at how a single climatic process is going
to affect nesting grounds, but all the climatic processes are going to happen simultaneously.
The new work on sea turtles — gentle, charismatic denizens of our oceans that keep ecosystems
balanced by grazing kelp and algae — evaluated the combined effects.
Experts were most certain about the effects of warming beaches.
As sand temperatures determine the sex ratio of turtle eggs, the experts claim that with the
increasing temperature more female turtles will be produced. Warmer temperatures also bring
reduced hatchling success, more deformities, and, above about 33 degrees Celsius, the eggs die.
Installing shady areas on the beach, replanting vegetation along beach edges, or relocating eggs to
cooler places are all possible strategies for protecting eggs from overheating.
Also, the relative importance of these threats may vary in other regions.
People studying turtles in Latin America and the Caribbean suggest that the ranking of threats
may be different in other region.
The researcher says, some of the threats we face are very different. In the Caribbean, there is a
lot of coastal development. As sea levels rise, if you have a building right behind the beach, there’s
nowhere for that beach to move.
Sea turtles have been around for so long, and they have adapted to past climate change. Surely
they have the biological capacity to adapt. But they are a lot less resilient than before because their
population is reduced and the nesting areas that they have available are reduced. It is a lot harder
for them to adapt than it was in the past.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. Cyclones, rising seas and warming temperatures mean the
biggest threats on sea turtles

1. The sand getting wormer and wormer means a big threat on

2. According to the scientist, the breeding areas of sea turtles will

3. In about 2070 most of the eggs will die because

4. Oceans have an important role in

5. According to the experts, more female turtles will be born as


6. Beside determining the sex ratio, hotter sand means

7. One of some ideas of protecting eggs from overheating is

8. If we study different areas, we can say the threat on sea turtles is

9. Many building is being built in

10. Sea turtles are good at adapting to new surroundings as

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 36.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

At the beginning of this year an awful lot of us decided it was time to get off our ever-spreading
backsides and do some exercise. This New Year’s resolution wasn’t just about vanity. The
government tells us that obesity has a severe impact on our health, and places a significant burden
on the NHS, so slimming is practically our patriotic duty.
If the lard is already melting away, then you are lucky. But what if the exercise doesn’t seem to
be working? What if you can now run a kilometer in a minute and a half, yet your weight has
hardly changed? Are you a lost case? Or is it possible to be both fat and fit — not just fit enough
to exercise, but fit enough to live as long as someone a lot lighter?
According to a 2004 study from the Harvard School of Public Health the answer is not. During
this research they looked at 115,000 nurses aged between 30 and 55. Compared with women who
were both thin and active, researchers found that obese but active women had a mortality rate
that was 91% higher. Though far better than the inactive obese, they were still worse off than the
inactive lean.
But this data does not support the hypothesis that if you are physically active, you don’t have
to worry about your weight.
A similar picture emerged in 2008 after Harvard-affi liated researchers examined 39,000 women
with an average age of 54. Next to active women of normal weight, the active but overweight were
54% more likely to develop heart disease, while the active but obese were in 87% greater danger.
Even high quantities of physical activity are unlikely to fully reverse the risk of coronary heart
disease in overweight and obese women without concurrent weight loss.
There was another fascinating study made 2007, in which the researchers examined 2.600
people aged 60 and above, of various degrees of fatness, and tested their fitness on the treadmill,
rather than asking them to quantify it themselves. This is an unusually rigorous approach since
many rival surveys ask participants to assess their own fitness, or ignore it as a factor altogether.
Proper tests demonstrate no hard and fast link between excess weight and increased mortality.
The study resulted that there is an association between obesity and fitness, but it is not perfect.
If you look at the normal-weight men and women aged 60 and older, for example, about 90%
are fit as demonstrated by a maximal exercise test in the laboratory. This is not asking them if
they’re fit, or guessing that they’re fit, they’ve proved it on the treadmill. As you progress towards
overweight, class I obesity and class II obesity, the percentage of individuals who are fit does go
down. But here’s a shock: among class II obese individuals about 40% or 45% are still fit. You
simply cannot tell by looking whether someone is fit or not.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. One of the most common New Years’ oath is
to loose some weight

1. The government gives the impression to people that

2. According to the 2004 study, those women were likely to die earlier

3. The women who are inactive but slim have

4. If you do some sport regularly does not mean

5. The threat of getting a heart disease is the highest among


6. If you are overweight or obese doing a physical activity doesn’t mean

7. The people taking part in the research made in 2007 were tested on

8. This way of testing people was

9. The result of this study was that obesity has

10. According to the text, judging somebody to be fit or not simply by looking
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 37.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

The housing market continued to lose momentum recently as homes for sale came onto the
market at a faster pace than new house hunters.
A researcher company’s latest monthly market outlook showed prices rose just 0.2% on average
in April. However, the annual pace of growth was the strongest for more than two years as at
£158.400 the average house price rose 1.8% on a year ago, when Britain was mired in the deepest
phase of the recession.
According to the company many potential buyers were hesitating to commit to purchases
because of the looming election and any economic and tax changes it may bring.
The number of viewings per sale was the highest in seven months at 11.2, while the number of
new buyers registering with agents rose just 1%, resulting the weakest growth this year. Growth in
the volume of property listings outstripped the rise in buyers, increasing 3.7%, albeit the weakest
growth this year.
There has been evidence for some months that the supply/demand balance has been changing
steadily, but the buyer slowdown has been exacerbated by the announcement of a May election.
The bounce in market confidence over 2009 was all about pent up demand feeding back into
an under-supplied market. However, the fundamental issues which have plagued the economy for
some time still remain.
Rising unemployment, lack of mortgage funding, public spending cuts and the prospect of tax
rises post-election, continue to act as a back-drop to a fragile and increasingly polarized housing
The report noted a continued discrepancy between prices in London and the rest of the country.
For the country as a whole, only 19% of house prices rose.
For London alone, the proportion was more than double that at 44% and house price growth
of 0.6% in the capital was well above the national average. There was also a divergence between
the south-east and elsewhere.
The strongest pricing continues to be in southern England where the proportion of the asking
price is over 94%, in the south-east it is running as high as 95.3%. Across all other regions, pricing
is weaker and other indicators, such as time on the market, suggest little upward pressure on
prices and more sluggish market conditions.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. Buying houses on sale are more
popular than buying new housings

1. 0.2% is a rate that indicates how

2. Compared to the prices a year ago, this year there was

3. The main reasons of why potential buyers were hesitating are

4. The number of new potential buyers registering to agents

5. The only thing that has been changing steadily


6. The fundamental issues plaguing the economy

7. Rising unemployment and public spending cuts can be

8. The prices in London and the other part of the country

9. Compared to the national average, the house prices in London

10. According to the data, the strongest pricing is

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 38.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) has proposed a 10-year “peace plan”, which
would maintain the global moratorium on commercial whaling but allow limited catches for
those countries that continue to hunt whales despite the ban.

The plan aims to broker a compromise in the dispute between countries such as Britain which are
opposed to whaling and those that hunt the mammals.
Currently Iceland and Norway whale commercially, setting their own quotas, while Japan
exploits a loophole allowing it to catch whales under an exemption for so called scientific whaling.

Under the proposals set out by the IWC those countries would have to agree to catch limits set by
the commission and based on scientific advice.
The IWC said the plan, which will be discussed at the annual meeting of the commission’s
88 country members, would mean several thousand fewer whales would be caught than if the
current situation continued.
The IWC urged countries to put their differences aside to focus on ensuring the world had
healthy whale stocks.

It also said the plan would mean a whale sanctuary was created in the South Atlantic. But the
wildlife charity WWF said the plans allowed for the hunting of endangered fin whales and sei
whales whose numbers have been severely depleted by commercial whaling.
It would also endorse whaling in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary, which is an important
feeding ground for species including blue whales, humpback whales and fin whales.

If there is one place on Earth where whales should have full protection, it is the Southern Ocean.
Some whales feed exclusively in the Southern Ocean – not eating at all during the winter months
when they travel up to tropical waters. Allowing commercial whaling in an area where whales are
so vulnerable goes against all logic.

Both fin and sei whale species were depleted to severely low levels by previous whaling that spun
out of control, and they remain endangered as a result.
Allowing new commercial whaling on these species when they have yet to recover from previous
whaling is management madness.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. The peace plan is about
limiting whale hunting

1. With this plan a deal can be made between countries which

2. Iceland and Norway hunt whales for

3. Those countries have a limitation on hunting as

4. Japanese allows whale hunting only

5. With this plan more thousands whales will


6. The IWC asked countries to put aside their different views to

7. The South Atlantic is the place where they

8. The South Atlantic is the best place for the statuary as

9. When they travel to warmer waters in winter, whales usually

10. Even if the plan ensures full protection for fin and sei whales, they still
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 39.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

Michelin, the keeper of the world’s culinary standards for more than a century, yesterday
confirmed what the residents of Tokyo have long believed. It was exactly that when it comes to
fine dining, their city is more than a match for Paris, London or New York.
Chefs in the French capital must have been spluttering into their bouillabaisses after Michelin’s
notoriously demanding reviewers awarded more stars to restaurants in Tokyo than to those in
any other city in the world.
Eight Tokyo restaurants received the coveted three stars, compared with New York’s three and
London’s one. Proud Parisians, though, can still eat safe in the knowledge that their city has two
more three-star restaurants than Tokyo.
Five undercover reviewers — three French and two Japanese — spent a year and a half visiting
1.500 of Tokyo’s estimated 160.000 restaurants, sampling western and Japanese cuisine.
Aside from the three-star ratings, they awarded two stars to 25 restaurants and one star to 117
others. Paris, by comparison, has a total of 98 stars. London has 50, including the Gordon Ramsay
restaurant, which has three and New York has 49 stars.
Michelin guide officials said they had long been aware of Tokyo’s quiet rise as a global culinary
power. The guide to Tokyo — the first Asian city deemed worthy of Michelin’s attention —
awarded a record 191 stars to the 150 restaurants listed.
The news earlier this year that Michelin was to publish a guide to Tokyo was greeted with scorn
from some Japanese chefs who reckoned that the critics, despite including two compatriots, were
not qualified to comment on the finer points of sushi, sashimi or a multiple-course kaiseki meal.
The results had proved the doubters wrong, noting that almost two-thirds of the starred
restaurants serve Japanese food. The city deserved praise for the incomparable quality of the
products and cooking techniques used, and the culinary traditions handed down from generation
to generation, and which continue to develop, thanks to the talent of its chefs.
Hiroyuki Kanda, whose sushi restaurant joined the exclusive club of three-star establishments,
threw his arms in the air and let out a celebratory “banzai!” when the results were announced.
“I’m very happy,” said Kanda, who once ran a Japanese restaurant in Paris. “We were able to
show that Japanese dishes hold their own against top-class dishes around the world.”
Other top-rated restaurants include Sukiyabashi Jiro, where the chef ’s recommended courses
start at 23.000 yen (£100), and Hamadaya, a Japanese restaurant specializing in seasonal dishes,
where geisha have been entertaining diners for 90 years.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. Michelin is the organisation that
has been keeping the standards for cuisines for centuries

1. As for its cuisine Tokyo is

2. Michelin’s reviewers think restaurants in Tokyo

3. Paris is a leader in having

4. In Tokyo the five reviewers tasted food

5. The 150 restaurants of Tokyo were awarded


6. The Japanese chefs’ opinion on the Michelin’s critics is that

7. Tokyo deserves a praise because of

8. The culinary traditions are developing due to

9. According to Hiroyuki Kanda Japanese dishes

10. In Hamadaya it is about 90 years that

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

Task 40.

Read this text below and then finish the sentences according to the text. An example (0) has been
given for you.

At least one in 10 new homes in Britain do not meet legal requirements for energy efficiency,
condemning tens of thousands of householders to higher energy bills and exacerbating climate change.
The government has identified improving households’ energy efficiency as the best way to
reduce carbon emissions at the same time as keeping a lid on rising utility bills.
Since April 2008, all new homes have had to meet tough standards on draught proofing,
lighting and heating. All homes require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) indicating
how they rate. But at least 30.000 of the 300.000 homes built since then do not meet these legal
standards, according to official figures just released.
According to the director of the Association for the Conservation of Energy, buying a home
is the biggest single purchase people will make in their lives. With energy costs mounting —
never mind the environmental issues — it’s perfectly respectable to expect that buildings meet
the minimum legal standards for energy efficiency.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG) said she
was not aware of any builders or companies being prosecuted for failure to comply with new
standards. Local authorities are in charge of compliance.
A spokesman for the LABC, which represents local authority building control departments
in England and Wales, claimed the new regulations were mired in confusion. The CLG
spokeswoman confirmed that non-compliant new homes can still be sold and used. She said there
was no central register of non-compliant homes and suggested that an explanation for the large
number of homes that fail to meet new standards might be that new homes built as conversions
of existing buildings, such as a barn, do not have to comply fully.
At the same time, builders are allowed to block average new developments that contain flats
with different energy efficiency to average the minimum requirement. Homes which were granted
planning permission before 2006 but were built after 2008 are exempt.
743 new homes built since April 2008 are rated in the top EPC band. About 180.000 homes
are rated in band B, and 89.000 are rated in band C. New homes built must be at least a band C,
with higher requirements for housing association and council homes. The government figures do
not divide private and public sector housing.
Experts are sceptical about the accuracy of these official figures. Energy efficiency assessments
are carried out by local government inspectors, or increasingly, poorly regulated private sector
assessors hired by developers. Local government inspectors said many private assessors do not
want to apply the rules too strictly for fear of losing work. The government announced recently
that in future new homes would have to be 25% more energy efficient than existing rules stipulate.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | D | Sentence filling

0. The fact that houses do not meet the energy efficiency requirements means
higher energy bills and exacerbating climate change

1. To reduce carbon emissions and reduce utility bills, the government

2. According to the regulations, households have to

3. The out-coming figures show that

4. It is good to know that your future house is energy saving as

5. Checking that newly built houses meet the required standards is the task

6. The houses which do not meet the requirements still

7. There are some buildings which do not have to meet the requirements such

8. Buildings which contain more flats are allowed

9. Those houses do not have to be compatible for the standards which

10. The government figures do not separate houses

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Kérdések megválaszolása
adott szöveg alapján
E (Answer the questions)

A z egyik legegyszerűbb szövegértési feladat típus. A feltett kérdésekre, ki kell választani a szö-
vegből a megfelelő választ.
Itt viszont figyelned kell arra, hogy a mondatokat helyesen szerkeszd meg. Természetesen nem
kell mindig egész mondattal válaszolni, csak a tényleges válaszokat add meg.

How many brothers did the king have?
Válasz: two
Felesleges azt írnod, hogy: he had two brothers

A helyes válaszadáshoz nagyon meg kell érteni magát a kérdést. Nem valószínű, hogy ugyan azo-
kat a szavakat fogod látni a kérdésben, mint a szövegben. De a szövegkörnyezetet vizsgálva ki
lehet deríteni az esetlegesen ismeretlen szavak jelentését.
Were these dinosaurus carnivore?
A szövegben pedig ezt látod:
These dinosaurus were predators.

A carnivore szó valószínűleg ismeretlen, de a predatorról tudod, hogy ragadozó. Tehát a

kérdés valószínűleg az étkezési szokásait firtatja. Ha tovább vizsgálod a szöveg környezetet, kide-
rül, hogy most hús vagy növényevő dínókról beszélnek, így választ is adhatsz a kérdésre.
A carnivore egyébként húsevőt jelent.

Maga a kérdés típusa is nagyon fontos ezeknél a feladatoknál. Az angol nyelv ötféle kérdéstípust
használ, azonban ezek közül csak kettő fordul elő ezekben a feladatokban.

A, az eldöntendő kérdések (yes / no questions)

Ezek a kérdések mindig igen vagy nem választ várnak. Ha egy eldöntendő kérdésre kell válaszolni,
akkor fontos, hogy a rövid választ helyesen szerkeszd meg. A kérdés felépítése a következő:

Segédige + A + főige és a többi mondatrész.

A rövid válasz nyelvtani szabályára mindig figyelj! Azaz, mindig az aktuális alany és a kérdés
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

elején szereplő segédige alkotja a választ.

Does Mr. Smith like… — Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

Has she seen… — Yes, she has / No, she hasn’t

B, a kiegészítendő kérdések (wh questions)

A másik kérdéstípus esetében az előző szerkezet kibővül egy kérdőszóval, rögtön a kérdés elején.
Ez alól kivétel, ha alanyra kérdezünk. Itt ugyanis a kérdőszó után rögtön a főige vagy a módbeli
segédigével bővített főige következik.

Ennél a kérdéstípusnál nagyon fontos szerepet tölt be a kérdőszó, hiszen arra kell megadni a vá-
laszt. A kérdőszó lehet alapjelentésű, de sokszor ragozott alakban fordul elő. Erre nagyon figyelj.
Ha a kérdőszó közvetlenül megkapja a ragot, akkor egyértelmű észrevenni, de a ragok legtöbbször
a mondat végére kerülnek.

Who did you see last night? — kivel találkoztál tegnap este?

From who did you get it? — ezt kitől kaptad?

Who did you get it from? — ezt kitől kaptad?

Amikor egy kiegészítendő kérdésre kell választ adnod, nagyon figyelj tehát a kérdőszó jelentésére, 91
a feltett kérdés igeidejére és mondat szerkezetére (aktív, passzív). Röviden és tömören, de a kér-
désre válaszolj.

A feltett kérdés:
How did the couple travel to New York?

Az olvasott szöveg:
…It wasn’t easy for them to get to their destination. But when they reached
the port of New York, all of their fears flew away. They arrived in safe…

A válasz tehát:
They travelled by ship — vagy csak simán by ship
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 41.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

The following techniques help you to tell if someone is lying. They are often used by police, and security
experts. This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday
situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams
and other deceptions.
Signs of Deception
Body Language of Lies:
Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg
movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space. Most commonly, the person who is
lying to you will avoid making eye contact. Hands touching their face, throat & mouth
Emotional Gestures & Contradiction
Timing and duration of emotional gestures and emotions are off a normal pace. The display of emotion
is delayed, stays longer it would naturally, then stops suddenly. For example, someone says “I love it!”
when receiving a gift, and then smile after making that statement, rather then at the same time the
statement is made. Gestures/expressions don’t match the verbal statement, such as frowning when
saying “I love you”. Expressions are limited to mouth movements when someone is faking emotions
stead of the whole face.
Interactions and Reactions
A guilty person gets defensive. An innocent person will often go on the offensive.
A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away. A liar might
unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you.
Verbal Context and Content
A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The
liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie”.
A statement with a contraction is more likely to be truthful: “I didn’t do it” instead of “I did not
do it”. Liars sometimes avoid “lying” by not making direct statements. They imply answers instead
of denying something directly. The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary
details to convince you. They are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation.
Other signs of a lie
If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along
willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be
confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject. Using humour
or sarcasm to avoid a subject.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Final Notes:
Obviously, just because someone exhibits one or more of these signs does not make them a liar. The
above behaviours should be compared to a persons base (normal) behaviour whenever possible

0. Who use lie detecting techniques regularly?
Police and security experts

1. Why is it good to know if someone is lying to you?

2. What is the typical body language symptom of lying?

3. What movements on the head show lying?

4. What can sign emotionally a lying?


5. Seeing somebody protect themselves gives the idea of what?

6. How would a liar insolate him or herself from the listener?

7. How does a liar usually answer to a question with a lie?

8. What happens to a liar if you change for another topic suddenly?

9. How can you use this lie detector usefully?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 42.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

It’s not easy being a teenager, with all the overflow of hormones and a short supply of understanding.
People who have passed that stage often forget what it was like to be a teenager, look at them with
condescending and contemptuous eyes, and brush their problems and opinions aside. It is hard for
teenagers to cope with such kind of treatment from the very same people who claim to care about
them. So, feeling misunderstood and rejected, they take the extreme step — a huge glass of water and
twenty-four sleeping pills is all it takes, right? Wrong, it takes much planning, much deliberation, and
days of depression and complete hopelessness. Suicide may not have been the largest cause of death
among youngsters.
Most teenagers who attempt suicide do not look upon “suicide” as “death” or “ending of life” but as
an easy “escape from the situation”. Rather than trying to undo the wrong, many of which may not be
undone, they resort to this seemingly easy route. They fear rejection, blame and the “aftermath”. Under
this clause would come many cases of people giving up their lives when they fail in the examinations,
when they have too much debt on their heads and such other seemingly trivial matters.
Rejection is another factor that brings out feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt in many. In such
cases, suicide is intended to end the hurt or rejection that the person feels and, perhaps, cause hurt to
the person who caused that pain too, in a covert, rather ultimate way. The person may want the person
who caused the hurt to them, to feel guilty for having caused the pain and not have the opportunity
to apologise. Rejection, however, could also come from society in general, especially when the society
sets too high standards for everything, even physical appearance, those who deviate from it often find
themselves inadequate. Men and women who may think they are ugly or fat or in many other ways do
not match up to the ideal, would also contemplate suicide, all because they try to live up to unrealistic
standards and undeserving role models. People who have attempted suicide after their personal
relationships broke or their significant others broke the relationship come under this category. People
who have done that their loved ones may not approve of or have failed to live up to the expectations that
they set for themselves or others set for them will begin to feel ashamed and unable to face their loved
ones. They would not want to see the look of disappointment on the faces of their family members and
other people, so they contemplate suicide. It could be because of the fact that they did not get selected
for a job or the fact that they stole from their parents to support their substance abuse needs; any other
such matters where expectations, real or imaginary, have been thrashed.
People who commit suicide or attempt it, often feel that they are not understood or loved by their
parents. They might belong to dysfunctional families, their parents might be divorced or they may have
lost a parent, grandparent or someone they were close to. They could also have moved into another city
and may not be able to cope with the new surroundings as they miss their old friends and neighbourhood.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. How do elder people look at teenagers?
In a condescending way

1. What feelings make teenagers commit a suicide?

2. What do teenagers think of suicide?

3. How do teenagers see suicide when feeling rejected?

4. What do teenagers want the guilty person should feel?

5. Beside people what can cause the feeling of rejection?


6. How do people feel about standards and role models given by the society?

7. What factors of partnership can lead to committing a suicide?

8. What family related crimes can cause suicide?

9. How do teenagers contemplating suicide feel in connection to their parents?

10. What mobility factors can be reasons for this act?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 43.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

The Chinese government in co-operation with the World Bank is planning a multimillion-dollar
scheme to protect Siberian tigers.
The tiger survey team forge through mile after mile of knee-deep snow in the mountain forests near
China’s frozen mountain border with Siberia.
From dawn to dusk they track, looking for droppings, paw prints, bark scratching, scraps of fur
caught on twigs and fences, any sign that the Siberian tiger, which is the biggest cat species in the world,
is still alive in the wilds of China.
Other teams scour the slopes and valleys near the North Korean border, while in Russia, zoologists
and conservation groups trudge through the taiga forest with the same goal: measuring the scale of the
challenge facing the most ambitious effort yet to save the endangered predator.
This year China started the year of the tiger with fireworks, feasting and a new drive by the
government, the World Bank and conservation groups to halt the perilous decline of Asia’s most
powerful wildlife symbol.
Since the last tiger year, in 1998, the wild population of the animal worldwide has almost halved
to about 3.200 due to habitat loss, economic development and poaching for hides and traditional
China has been among the worst affected. The South China tiger, which has not been seen for many
years, is feared to have followed the Bali, Caspian and Java subspecies into extinction in the wild. In
the country’s north, the population of the Siberian tiger, which length can be three meters and it can
weight 300 kilograms, is estimated at 18 to 22.
Many of these animals are isolated from one another by roads and railways, making it difficult for
them to breed.
In the first week, the team found a piece of tiger fur caught on a fence, and droppings and sightings
of the main prey species — wild boar and sika deer — as well as snares and traps left by poachers.
The main threat comes from economic development, which intrudes into the tiger’s habitat. In some
places it takes the form of roads or railways; elsewhere, it is logging, mines and frog farms.
The people in Hunchun will need to be convinced that it is in their interests to protect an animal
often seen as a threat. In the last three years there have been more than 120 tiger attacks on farm animals
and one human death. Compensation has been increased. Che Jinxia, the last woman to survive an
attack, received more than 50.000 yuan (about £5.000), a record.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. What is the Chinese government plan with Siberian tigers?
It wants to protect this specie

1. When do people do the searching after tigers in the wild?

2. What do we know about the Siberian tigers?

3. Who takes part in the saving program?

4. What was the nature related reason of the decrease in tiger population?

5. What were the human related reasons of the decrease?


6. What are the usual parameters of a Siberian tiger?

7. Why is breeding problematic for them?

8. What animal related evidence was found on the first week?

9. Which animal do tigers like to hunt for?

10. How do native people feel about the tigers?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 44.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

The famous Hollywood sign that for decades has marked the centre of the film-making world has been
saved from demolition following a last-minute donation from porn baron Hugh Hefner.
The landmark has been at the centre of a $12.5 million plan of property development in the
surrounding area. Playboy owner Hefner stepped in with a $900.000 donation that means the 138-
acre site around the sign will now be protected.
California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger described the news as “the Hollywood ending we
hoped for”. He said: “It’s a symbol of dreams and opportunity. The Hollywood sign will welcome
dreamers, artists and Austrian bodybuilders for generations to come.”
Hefner, who stepped in once before, in 1978, to help save the sign, describes it as “Hollywood’s Eiffel
tower”. He said: “My childhood dreams and fantasies came from the movies, and the images created in
Hollywood had a major influence on my life and Playboy.”
The sign is owned by the city of Los Angeles, but until recently the area surrounding it, named
Cahuenga Peak, was the property of a Chicago-based group who had planned to sell to developers.
That would have been an ironic twist, for the landmark was originally erected by property magnate
and Los Angeles Times publisher Harry Chandler in 1923 to advertise an upmarket real-estate
development. At first it read “Hollywoodland”, but the final four letters were removed in 1949 by the
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

The letters have been altered by pranksters a number of times over the years. In January 1976, following
the passage of a state law decriminalizing marijuana, the sign read “Hollyweed”, while a visit to
California by Pope John Paul II in 1978 saw it reconfigured as “Holywood”.
The sign, whose letters stand 45ft tall — five shorter than those originally built — was draped with
a banner reading “Save the Peak” in February to raise awareness of the campaign to save it. Along with
Hefner’s donation, funds came in from all 50 US states and 10 countries. Famous figures such as Tom
Hanks and Steven Spielberg also gave money.

Cahuenga Peak features a 360-degree panoramic view of LA and the San Fernando Valley. Wildlife
conservation board executive director John Donnelly said its permanent protection would mean a
significant addition to the city’s Griffith Park, and would also help protect local wildlife.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. What has the Hollywood sign been representing for decades?
The world of film making

1. What plan meant a threat on the sign?

2. How did Hefner’s donation save the sign?

3. How is Arnold Schwarzenegger related to California?

4. How did the sign affect Hefner’s life?

5. Who is the owner of the area of the sign?


6. For what purpose was the sign originally erected?

7. Who took off the last four letters of the sign?

8. How tall should the sign have been built originally?

9. From where did they get money support?

10. Besides saving the area of the sight what other aims the conservation has?
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 45.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

The British music industry has enjoyed a moderate increase in sales for the first time since 2003, despite
a continuing decline in CD purchases. The digital market contributed to a 1.4% rise in sales to £928.8
million in 2009, with singles performing particularly well. Successful releases from Susan Boyle and
the Beatles also buoyed industry sales.

Statistics revealed by the British Phonographic Institution (BPI) show that consumers continue to
be drawn to online retailers and ad-funded services, such as Spotify. The report states that online
revenues, including digital tracks and video sales, rose by 51.7% to £154 million in 2009. However, a
spokesman for the BPI said that this did not necessarily signify that the end was in sight for physical
music formats.
“Digital sales now account for a fifth of all music sales, but you can see from strong releases by Robbie
Williams and Lady Gaga that the CD is still the bedrock of the industry. It is too early to sound the
death knell for the CD just yet”.

Earlier this year, industry figures revealed that the singles market enjoyed its best year ever. This was
largely down to the success of X Factor finalists and the Christmas chart battle between the reality TV
show’s winner, Joe McElderry, and American rock band Rage Against the Machine.
According to the spokesman, Woolworths and Zavvi accounted for approximately 17.9% of album
sales. Their demise meant that there were fewer places to buy music on the high street. CD sales faired
better than many predicted given last year’s high street conditions.

The burgeoning success of online models such as Spotify has also given the music industry pause for
thought. The recently launched social music site Mflow, which offers listeners discounted music when
they successfully recommend new tracks to fellow users, is one of the many ways in which consumers
are being offered cheaper, alternative ways of purchasing music.

The chairman of BPI was optimistic about the latest statistics, but warned that illegal downloads
continued to have a detrimental effect on sales.
It’s encouraging to see industry revenues stabilize and even show modest growth in 2009. But let’s
put it in broader perspective: 2009’s modest result follows a five-year drop in annual income, and total
industry income has not exceeded £1billion since 2006. The pace of growth of new digital services
is encouraging, but the size of the market continues to be constrained by competition from illegal
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. What do statistics show about selling CDs?
It is declining

1. What type of CDs were popular among buyers?

2. Which way do shoppers use to buy CDs?

3. How much did online selling increase in 2009?

4. How many percentage of all music sales come from online selling?

5. How many big hits come out for Christmas?


6. What is Spotfy?

7. What do Spotfy offer for the customer?

8. What kind of CDs do they offer for a cheaper price?

9. What is the Chairman’s opinion of illegal downloading?

10. Did total annual incomes increase since 2006?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 46.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

Vatican officials fear the clerical sex abuse scandal could have a devastating effect on the finances of the
Italian church, undermining what until now has been a bastion of the faith.

Italian taxpayers have until the end of July to declare their income for 2009 and, under a system in force
in several European countries, they can opt for a proportion of their taxes to be paid to the church.

In Italy, 0.8% of income tax revenue is divided between state-run aid organizations and recognized
denominations and religions according to the preferences expressed by taxpayers on their returns.

According to a priest, the media always talk of class actions, compensation for the victims of abuse
by the clergy and the legal fees which, since 2001 have forced the American dioceses to sell schools,
hospitals, convents and universities. But in fact the biggest economic damage is done by the collapse
in donations.

In Italy, among those who expressed a preference, the proportion of taxpayers earmarking a share for
the church rose to a peak of 90% in 2004. It fell slightly to 87% in 2008. That percentage was far higher
than the proportion attending Mass each Sunday, perhaps because only predominantly middle-class
non-wage earners have to fill in a tax declaration. Last year, they earned the church some €900 million
from the state.

With many Catholics across Europe saying the scandals have robbed them of their faith, there is a
risk that this year’s income could be much lower. In Germany, where church membership is registered
and has a direct impact on church funds, pollsters for Focus magazine this month found that 26% of
Catholics were reconsidering their religious allegiance.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. How can sexual scandals effect the income of the church?
It can cause a decline in it

1. When do Italians have to hand in their tax reports?

2. What can they do with a certain amount of money of their taxes?

3. How much money form tax can be offered to civil organisations in Italy?

4. For who can they offer tax revenue?

5. What do the clergy do with the victims of abuse?


6. How do clergies overseas get money to pay out the compensations?

7. What means the biggest economic threat on churches?

8. How much did the offered tax revenue decline in Italy over 4 years?

9. How much money did the Italian church get from the tax payers?

10. What’s the reason for people are not willing to offer money to the church?
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 47.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

On a fateful summer morning in A.D. 79 Mount Vesuvius buried the vibrant Roman city of Pompeii
and many of its citizens beneath tons of volcanic ash and debris.
Since its rediscovery in the mid-18th century the site has hosted a tireless succession of treasure
hunters and archaeologists.
For early archaeologists the disaster of the city’s final days was the primary draw, unearthing
buildings and streets as they stood at the time of the eruption. Today they are mostly interested in
the development of the city. What was there first and how did it get to the point it was when it was

There is a corner in the city near the Porta Stabia gate that is a bit off the beaten archaeological path.
It’s kind of a lost neighborhood of the city. When they first cleared it of debris in the 1870s they left
this block for ruin as it had no large villas and it was covered over with a terrible jungle of vegetation.
Much research has centered on public buildings and breathtaking villas that portray the artistic and
opulent lifestyle enjoyed by the city’s wealthy elite.
But now, they want to see how the other 98 percent of people lived in Pompeii. It’s a humble town
block with houses, shops, and all the bits and pieces that make up the life of an ancient city.
But while the quest is getting knowledge of how people lived in Pompeii, the eruption still resonates
because of the intimate connection it created between past and present.
One of the archeologists said: “We’re digging in an area where a lot of Pompeians died during the
eruption. I remind myself all the time that I can investigate in such detail this ancient Roman culture
as a direct result of a great human disaster. At the end of a day of intense mental processing and physical
labor, when the tools are being packed up and put away for the night, I often take a moment to remind
myself of that connection with the individuals whose homes and workshops we’re digging up.”
Even after hundreds of years of work, about a third of the city still lies buried. Yet there is no rush
to unearth these hidden Pompeii neighborhoods. Today’s great challenge is preservation of what has
been uncovered. Volcanic ash long protected Pompeii, but much of it has now been exposed to the
elements for many years. The combined wear of weather, pollution, and tourists has created a real
danger of losing much of what was luckily found preserved.
“As an archaeologist, I’m part of that process in the way that I document what gets dug out of the
ground,” he adds. “Since archaeology is destruction, we destroy bits of Pompeii as we go along. So it’s
incredibly important that we record in great detail, with the ability to recreate what we’ve taken away
afterward. That’s how we’re part of the conservation of Pompeii.”
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. What meant the end for Pompeii?
It was buried under ash and debris from Mount Vesuvius

1. Who prefers visiting the rediscovered Pompeii?

2. What was important for archaeologist in Pompeii at the first time?

3. What is important for them nowadays?

4. Why regarded archaeologists the corner to be unimportant in 1870s?

5. What is there in this corner?


6. Why the archaeologist feel discomforted?

7. How big part of the city is still under debris?

8. What is the plan with the uncovered areas?

9. What is the main aim today?

10. What meant a big danger to the ruins?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 48.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

Bull sharks are aggressive, common, and usually live near high-population areas like tropical shorelines.
They are not bothered by brackish and freshwater, and even venture far inland via rivers and tributaries.

Because of these characteristics, many experts consider bull sharks to be the most dangerous sharks
in the world. As for their diet, they are carnivore. Historically, they are joined by their more famous
cousins, great whites and tiger sharks, as the three species most likely to attack humans.

Bull sharks get their name from their short, blunt snout, as well as their pugnacious disposition and
a tendency to head-butt their prey before attacking. They are medium-size sharks, with thick, stout
bodies and long pectoral fins. They are gray on top and white below, and the fins have dark tips,
particularly on young bull sharks.
They are found cruising the shallow, warm waters of all the world’s oceans. Fast, agile predators, they
will eat almost anything they see, including fish, dolphins, and even other sharks. Humans are not, per
se, on their menus. However, they frequent the turbid waters of estuaries and bays, and often attack
people inadvertently or out of curiosity.

Bull sharks currently are not threatened or endangered. However, they are fished widely for their meat,
hides, and oils, and their numbers are likely shrinking. One study has found that their average lengths
have declined significantly over the past few decades.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. How do bull sharks behave?
They are aggressive

1. Besides oceans where else were they found?

2. Why are they considered to be the most dangerous sharks?

3. What does carnivore mean?

4. What is common in bull and the great white sharks?

5. What do bull sharks do with their preys before attacking them?


6. What colours are their fins?

7. Which depth of the oceans do they like being at?

8. Do they attack human intentionally?

9. Are they in danger of extinction?

10. Why do people hunt these sharks?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 49.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

According to a new study, our bodies produce a small but steady amount of natural morphine.
Traces of the chemical are often found in mouse and human urine, leading scientists to wonder
whether the drug is being made naturally or being delivered by something the subjects consumed.
The new research shows that mice produce the “incredible painkiller” and humans and other mammals
possess the same chemical road map for making it.
In the study, researchers injected mice with an extra dose of a natural brain chemical called
tetrahydropapaveroline (THP), which humans and mice are known to produce.
Using a tool called a mass spectrometer to analyze the mouse urine, the team was able to tell that
THP underwent chemical changes in the body that created morphine.
What’s more, the study found that mouse morphine is produced in nearly the same way as the
morphine in poppies, the only morphine-making plants known to science.
THP must undergo a complicated, 17-step process in the body to create morphine. Even so, the
chemical has evolved twice — in poppies and in mammals — suggesting it’s somehow valuable for
In the well-studied poppy plant, scientists suspect morphine acts as a defense against predators. For
instance, a rabbit eating and thus killing a morphine-laced poppy may become sluggish, making itself
easy prey for a passing hawk.

Likewise, if an animal attacks a person, even background levels of morphine may block out enough
pain to allow the person to escape.

For now, however, this is absolute speculation. Next plans are to test the urine of people who have
endured horrible pain such as traffic-accident victims to see if their bodies spiked morphine levels.

It’s possible that scientists could someday induce a person’s body to create a natural jolt of morphine
that might prove less damaging than injecting the substance into the body. Morphine shots can carry
many side effects, especially constipation.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. What did the new study reveal?
The human body can produce morphin

1. Where can traces of morphine be found in the body?

2. What is THP?

3. What equipment is used for analyzes?

4. Which plant is able to produce morphine?

5. How many stages do THP have to go through to be able to create morphine?


6. Why does poppy produce the morphine?

7. What happens to the animal which had eaten poppy?

8. How could morphine help a person in a dangerous attack?

9. Whose urines are scientists planning to test?

10. What is the bed effect of taking morphine?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

Task 50.

Read the text below and answer the questions on the following page with a short sentence. There
is an example (0) given for you.

In the Bible, the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper is little more than a prop, given no particular
prominence. But over the centuries, the fate of this now legendary vessel, the so-called Holy Grail, has
come to haunt stories ranging from Arthurian legend to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Because Jesus used the cup during the Last Supper in what became the basis for the Christian Eucharist,
the Grail has for many taken on the aura of an extremely holy relic.

The Grail takes on even greater significance from tales that Joseph of Arimathea, in whose tomb Jesus
was placed prior to his resurrection, used the cup to collect Jesus’ blood while he was being crucified.
Theories abound as to where the cup eventually went. One says the Knights Templar, a medieval
military order that persisted for more than 200 years, took it from Jerusalem to an unknown place
during the Crusades.

There’s also a story in which Joseph carries the Grail to Glastonbury, England, a Roman outpost at the
time of Christ’s crucifixion. In 1906, in fact, a blue bowl claimed by some to be the Grail was found
there, and since then at least four other cups have been proclaimed to be the Grail, two from England
and Wales and two from the Middle East.

But the reality is that the Grail stories are just stories.

The whole thing is basically the imagination of a 12th-century poet. He, Chrétien de Troyes, created the
initial, “fairly unspecific” story as a way of examining the theology of the Roman Catholic Mass. That
may sound terribly obscure, but in the 12th century, the nearest you got to drama, theater, and spectacle,
if you were an ordinary person, was the celebration of Mass.

In fact, the most remarkable thing about the legend is simply the fact that the story appears to have
originated with a single writer.

Not that this means there wasn’t a cup. But even if it still exists, how would you know if you found it?
You are not going to come up with a cup with a neat label tied around it saying “This is the cup of the
Last Supper”.
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | E | Answer the Questions

0. How important is the Grail according to the Bible?
It has no particular prominence

1. Why is the Grail so important?

2. What Biblical importance does Joseph of Arimathea have?

3. Who were the Knights Templar?

4. Where did the Knights bring the Grail?

5. According to the believes, how did the cup get to England?


6. How many cups were blamed to be the real Grail?

7. In which continents did they find the so called Grails?

8. Why did Troyes find out the Grail story?

9. Did the cup originally exist?

10. Why is it impossible to find the real Grail?

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Task 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Task 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Task 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Task 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Task 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Task 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Task 9 113

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Task 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Task 11

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Task 13

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Task 14

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Task 15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Task 16

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Task 17

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 18

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Task 19

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Task 20

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Task 21 115

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 22

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 23

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 24

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Task 25

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 26

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 27

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 28

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 29

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 30

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Task 31
0. it had to be withdrawn from the shelves
1. customers prefer buying them
2. is a food waste
3. to revolutionize the sell of milk
4. in (conventional) plastic bottles
5. needing less energy to make and less space to display
6. leaking and spilling
7. have been in a leader position since then.
8. is very popular in other countries.
9. customers are more cautious on environmental issues
10. is the double of the previous expectations.

Task 32
0. they had been rehearsing for a choral competition 117
1 inspiration for a lifesaving rescue
2. made the girls laughing
3. got logged in her throat
4. retrieve a stuck clarinet from Squid ward’s throat
5. doing the Heimlich manouver on her
6. celebrated in their school
7. this kind of episode in Sponge Bob series
8. pulling a clarinet out from his throat
9. for neither Martha nor Amy
10. had never been taught this technique

Task 33
0. protein is added to it
1. gene therapy could become more efficient
2. test it on people
3. become more sensitive for drugs
4. introduce suicide genes to cancer cells
5. recognise and target the cancer cells
6. could be effective against any kind of cancer
7. to recognize and infi ltrate cancer cells
8. specifically for a certain type of cancer
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

9. it is able to recognise more tumour markers.

10. more difficult than this approach

Task 34
0. could be very expensive
1. would cost about £1.50 / megabyte.
2. free
3. pay about £15
4. is the double of the first one
5. to pay £250 for the privilege
6. be the most expensive / cost £340
7. be caught as well
8. were treated with scarcely concealed contempt
9. for a very low price
10. letting them 70% of their income

Task 35
0. biggest threats on sea turtles
1. the sea turtles’ breeding process
2. be ruined by 2030
3. of the too hot sand
4. keeping ecosystems balanced
5. hotter sand mean more females among the eggs
6. more deformities
7. to build shady areas on beaches / to take eggs to a cooler place
8. different in every area
9. the Caribbean coast
10. they have a biological capacity for it

Task 36
0. to loose some weight
1. loosing weight is their duty
2. who are active but obese
3. higher chances to live longer
4. that you don’t have to worry about your weight
5. active but obese women
6. to lower the risk of getting a heart disease
7. their fitness on the treadmill
8. unusual
9. no connection to fitness
10. is impossible
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 37
0. popular than new housings
1. much the prices increased in April
2. a 1.8% increase
3. the looming election. the possible economic and tax changes
4. rose with only 1%.
5. is the supply / demand balance
6. remain
7. the reasons for a fragile housing market
8. differ a lot
9. were well above the average
10. in the south-east part of the country

Task 38
0. to limit whale hunting
1. are for and against whale hunting
2. commercial reasons
3. they use their own quotas
4. for scientific researches
5. be saved from hunters
6. ensure a right numbers of whale stock
7. are to create a sanctuary 119
8. it is an important feeding ground for many kinds of whales
9. don’t eat anything
10. remain endangered

Task 39
0. has been keeping the standards for cuisines for centuries
1. beating Paris, London or New York
2. are better in quality than any others in the world
3. the most three-stars restaurants
4. from western and Japanese cuisines
5. with 191 stars all together
6. they are not enough competent for Japanese foods
7. the quality food and the used cooking techniques
8. the talent of the Japanese chefs
9. hold their own compared to other cuisines
10. geisha have been entertaining diners

Task 40
0. higher energy bills and exacerbating climate change
1. has identified improving households’ energy efficiency
2. meet standards on draught proofing, lighting and heating
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

3. 10% of the newly built houses don’t meet the requirements

4. buying it is one of your biggest purchase in someone’s life
5. of local authorities
6. can be sold and used
7. as barns
8. average the minimum requirements
9. got planning permission before 2006 but were built after 2008
10. of the private and public sector

Task 41
0. police and security experts
1. because you can avoid getting to be cheated on
2. avoiding eye contact
3. touching the throat and mouse
4. taking a break between saying something and showing the gesture to it
5. that he or she is guilty of something
6. by putting something between the two of them
7. they imply answers but never deny it directly
8. he becomes more relaxed and humorous
9. if you consider the normal behaviour of the person as well

Task 42
0. in a condescending way
1. being misunderstood and rejected by their parents
2. It is a good way to escape from problems
3. as a good tool to stop being hurt
4. to feel guilty for having caused the pain
5. the expectations of the society
6. they are unrealistic and undeserving
7. a divorce or a break-up
8. dismissing a job. or stealing from parents
9. they are not loved and misunderstood by them
10. moving to another city and missing the old surroundings and friends

Task 43
0. it wants to protect this specie
1. during the day, from down till dusk
2. they are the biggest cat species in the world
3. the Chinese government, the World Bank and some conservation groups
4. they lost their habitats
5. the developing economy and illegal hunting
6. it can be 3 metres long and can weight 300 kgs
7. because they are separated from each other by roads and railways
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

8. a piece of tiger fur on a fence

9. wild boars and sika deer
10. they are afraid of them

Task 44
0. the world of fi lm making
1. to demolish it to gain more place for a property development
2. a 138 acre big area will be protected around it
3. he is the governor of it
4. it represented movies which had a great influence on him
5. a group from Chicago
6. to advertise a development project
7. the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
8. 50 feet
9. from all the 50 states and other 10 countries
10. it will complete the city’s Griffith’s park and help to protect the wildlife

Task 45
0. it is declining
1. single releases
2. via Internet
3. by 51.7% 121
4. 20%
5. two
6. it’s an online music store
7. discounted music
8. the latest released albums
9. it still has a harmful effect on sales
10. no, it did not

Task 46
0. it can cause a decline in it
1. until the end of July
2. they can offer it for church donation
3. 0.8% of the income tax revenue of a person
4. to state-run organisations and civil or religious organisations
5. they pay compensation to them
6. they have to sell their properties
7. the collapse of donations
8. with 3%
9. 900 million euro
10. they lost their faith because of the scandals
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

Task 47
0. it was buried under ash and debris from Mount Vesuvius
1. archaeologists and treasure hunters
2. what exactly happened on the final day
3. the lifestyle of the citizens in Pompeii
4. because it had no villas and it was covered with plants
5. houses and shops of the average citizens
6. because this rich founding shows a great human disaster
7. about a third of it
8. they are not willing to do it quickly
9. to preserve the findings
10. weather, tourists and pollution

Task 48
0. they are aggressive
1. in freshwater rivers
2. Because they are aggressive, common and live in salty and fresh water, too
3 they eat meat
4. they both attack humans
5. they usually butt their heads
6. they are grey with dark tips
7. the shallow waters
8. no, it is usually accidental
9. no, they aren’t
10. for their meat, hides and oil

Task 49
0. the human body can produce morphine
1. in the urine
2. a natural brain chemical
3. a mass spectrometer
4. the poppy
5. 17 complicated stages
6. to defense itself from predators
7. It slows down
8. It would block the pain and allow the person to escape
9. those people who suffered a painful accident
10. it causes constipation

Task 50
0. it has no particular prominence
1. because Jesus used it on the Last Supper
2. Jesus was placed in his tomb
Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng | Megoldások |

3. they were a medieval military order

4. nobody knows
5. Joseph took it there
6. all together five
7. in Europe and Asia
8. he wanted to become well-known
9. yes, it did
10. because there is no evidence of it being the real one

Ta m e You r Mons t e r s — R e a di ng

Words I learnt
from the texts


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