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Angiography is imaging of the blood vessels and chambers of the heart after an iodine substance is inserted through a catheter

to the heart. Digital subtraction angiography ( DSA ) is a two-step imaging process described in Chapter 6. Magnetic resonance angiography is the imaging of the flow of blood through vessels. Arteriography is the imaging of arteries usually in the brain (usually to detect blockages). Arthrography is the imaging of joints after injection of an iodine substance. Cholangiography is an examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Cholecystography is an image taken after an iodine substance is swallowed and it reaches the gallbladder and bile ducts. Hysterosalpingography is imaging of the fallopian tubes after injection of a contrast medium containing iodine. Myelography is imaging of the spinal cord to examine disks and check for anomalies. Pyelography is the imaging of the renal pelvis and urinary tract. Venography is the imaging of any vein after injection of a contrast medium. Lymphangiography is imaging of the lymphatic vessels.

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