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The next story in my Making Connections book and the new skill we are learning called Sequencing * Sequencing - what is it and have me give you an example * The book Night Tree by Eve Bunting and the tradition first graders at Columbus Academy do with this book (we cant wait for *

Ask Me Abo
Theme/ Unit


Phonics and Writing

* The new hunks and chunks I learned this week- oa and ow

* All the different activities we have done to celebrate the New Year Our Top 13 of 2013: I listed the top 13 things that happen in my life during 2013 - My party hat full of adjectives that would describe my New Year- ask me what adj. I choose - The New Years Resolution that I set for myself and how I am going to Knock You Socks Off!

-Monster Word Spelling Review is tomorrow -See the attached January Newsletter - NO SCHOOL- Monday, January 20th - If your child has not returned their art smock, P.E. shoes, swimsuit, snow pants, or boots, please remind them to do so!

* Where I would find each of those hunks and chunks in a word (oa- in the middle of a word and ow- at the end of a word or syllable)

* We have begun Unit 4 in math. One focus in this unit is standard and non-standard units of measurement. Attached you will find the Unit 4 Family Letter which will explain in greater detail our skills for this unit. * Reading a thermometer and some things I noticed when I was showing different temperatures on the thermometer * Using the ipads to check temperatures here and all around the world * Measuring objects in our classroom with my personal foot and using a real foot-longfoot

* Watching a video about Martin Luther King Jr. in Computer and a video in class

* Assembly on Tuesday and the songs we sang for our MLK Assembly tomorrow afternoon Seeing my 3rd grade buddy today *

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