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Grade One Homework: April 7th-10th

You have until Thursday to complete your homework. Sight Words: our, ate, what, under, friend Word Work: Choose 2 of your favorite activities to practice your sight words this week: memory/concentration, rainbow writing, eat your words, build your words with Lego or blocks, spell your words in a robot voice, or any other way to practice so you can recognize the words in a snap! Math: To practice your fact families, complete the robot activity in your math duotang. Reading: Read at home each night for at least 10 minutes from either your Take-Home books or from Raz Kids. Remember to make predictions before reading, stop and retell throughout the book, and talk about what you learned after reading. Biography: Share the latest student biography with someone in your family. Reminders: **Please return library books by Thursday. **Take-Home books and homework books-please return these by Thursday this week. **Report Cards come home on Monday. Please sign and return the Report Card envelope so that we may use it again for the June report. **Student-Led Conferences will be held Wednesday afternoon, Thursday evening and Friday morning. Scheduled time is with the report card.

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