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4 Influencing: Power, Politics, Networking and Negotiation QUESTIONS THOMAS GREEN: POWER, OFFICE POLITICS AND A CAREER IN CRISIS
Q.6) Considering the organizational and individual causes of political behavior, which individual and which out of the organizational factors are promoting politics in the organization? Explain and Justify with reference to the case. Individual political factors High Self monitors Explanations

A high self monitor means individual adjust themselves according to the situation and successful in politics play but with reference to this case study Thomas Green has low self monitors. As initially he cannot play any type of politics and was more concerned about his performance. Frank Davis was low self-monitoring person and tend to exhibit expressive controls congruent with their own internal states; i.e. beliefs, attitudes, and dispositions regardless of social circumstances. With reference to the case study he was not accepting Green and thought that he was not that capable for new designation. Someone else was more capable who had right to be promoted and who coming forward step by step. With reference to case study Thomas Green had high internal locus of control because he kept working independently on his special software project in November, December and January. According to one of the marketing specialist Green is great when it comes to selling the clients on his ideas. He is very charismatic and can think quickly on his feet. So he wanted to control his job too. Frank Davis had an internal locus of control. He wanted the work done in his own decided ways because he is more experienced and his forecasted sales are exact and right.

Internal Locus of Control

High Mach

According to case study Frank Davis had high Machiavellian personality which is characterized by the will to manipulate and the desire of power is comfortable using politics as a

means to further his or her self-interest. 6 Expectations of Success According to case study Green had high expectations of success as he wanted to get promotion to high position so he was more likely to play politics.

Organizational Explanations Political factors Promotion When there is opportunity for promotion more people got opportunity involved to achieve that success. Similarly there was a job opportunity in the organization and Green got promoted for the marketing specialist designation however someone else was expecting to get promoted. So after his promotion people were not accepting him in terms of his work. So complains started to build against him that he is not fulfilling his job work. This was a kind of politics too. Low trust With reference to the case study this organization shows a low trusting culture. Frank and others who keep telling about the updates related to his complain to vice president secretly they wanted to demote Green from his position as he was not performing his duties in the perception of the employees in the organization. There was also a role ambiguity in Dynamic Displays because it was not clear that will Green work according to the rules of his immediate boss or he can perform separately his work without informing the supervisor that how he will achieve the goals There is also unclear performance evaluation system. It was not mentioned in this case study that at which standards Frank evaluating poor to Green. Is that about not informing the updates to the immediate boss or not achieving the goals? Because Green was putting all his effort but Frank was not satisfied with him. High pressure for performance is also creates politics in the organization. Like Frank was exerting pressure on Green but Green was a different kind of personality, he wanted to do work in his own ways. So this thing created issues between them. And they started too politic against each other in the organization through their actions.

Role ambiguity

Unclear performance

High performance

Q.7) Has Thomas Green used networking tactic to be effective in this organization? Recommend to Thomas green how can he utilize the networking process to help him improve his performance in the current position and improve his relations with his immediate boss?
Networking is basically process of generating or building professional relationship & friendship. Its also a key to promotion to high management. With reference to the case study Thomas Green did not use any networking tactic to be effective in his organization. He can utilize the networking process to improve his performance in the current position and also improve his relation with his immediate boss by doing these steps:

Networking process:
1. Perform a self-assessment and set goals Thomas Green firstly analyzes his strength and weakness and knows about his accomplishment. After that he should tie his accomplishment to the job specifications. And finally Thomas set his networking Goals. 2. Create your one-minute self sell Thomas Green should tell his career history to his immediate boss to make good imagine to his boss. He must plans for the future and also does a practice by writing. 3. Develop your network Green must develop his network by begin with who he know and expand to people who dont know him by doing a referral and volunteer work. And finally he develops his ability to remember peoples names. 4. Conduct networking interviews Green should conduct networking interviews by establishing rapport, his deliver his one minute self sell to his immediate boss. He then asks prepared questions to his boss. Thomas gets additional contacts for his network and asks his contacts how he might help them. Green must send thank-you notes to his networks. 5. Maintain your network Thomas Keep his network informed of his career progress and continues networking even after a career progress. And lastly he must try to contact everyone on the network list.

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