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1 of 2
'()" $* +,-"./"%0"
8eclprocal 1eachlng
30 mlns
4"(. 5"6"578.(9"
?ear 4
<."9/03/%=> ?"5*@A$%/3$./%=> B2"#3/$%/%= (%9
C.=(%/#(3/$% 7 ?329"%3 8.$2-#
Class dlscusslon followed by class
Lask ln llLeracy groups
1eacher Lo work wlLh lower end
llLeracy group.
!"(.%/%= C230$)"D#E7?3(%9(.9D#E DF2#G+!?EH
use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo bulld llLeral and lnferred meanlng Lo expand conLenL
knowledge, lnLegraLlng and llnklng ldeas and analyslng and evaluaLlng LexLs (ACLL?1692)
I./3"./( (%9 (##"##)"%3 #3.(3"=/"#
CbservaLlon of sLudenLs ln focus group
Marklng of Lables compleLed by oLher groups
o acLlvaLe prlor knowledge
o ldenLlfy sLraLegles Lo clarlfy words/ldeas
o ask worLhwhlle quesLlons LhaL can be answered by Lhe LexL
o adequaLely summarlse key ldeas ln Lhe LexL ln Lhelr own words
J(0K=.$2%9 3$ 3L" !"(.%/%=
- 8oss, S. (2009). !""#. Cxford unlverslLy ress: Cxford
- SLrlcklln, k. (2011). Pands-Cn 8eclprocal 1eachlng: A Comprehenslon 1echnlque. $%&'(#)
+%&,-%./ 01(8), 620-623.

lorces can be exerLed by one ob[ecL on anoLher Lhrough dlrecL conLacL or from a dlsLance
LarLh's roLaLlon on lLs axls causes regular changes, lncludlng nlghL and day (ACSSu048)
A(3"./(5#> ."#$2.0"#> "M2/-)"%3
redlcL, Clarlfy, CuesLlon and Summarlse sheeLs
+-% !""# and +(2% &#' +('% LexLs
!""# glossary

- 8oss, S. (2009). !""#. Cxford
unlverslLy ress: Cxford
- 1oy crysLal ball
- Magnlfylng glass
- aper/lasLlc Crown
I$%3"%3 $* !"##$%
N%3.$9203/$% 7 O(.) 2- DP )/%#E
lnform class Lhey wlll use 4 readlng for comprehenslon
o (redlcLlng, Self-MonlLorlng or Clarlfylng, CuesLlonlng and Summarlslng)

1"6"5$-)"%3 DQR )/%#E
Ask whaL each sLraLegy mlghL lnvolve and elaboraLe on suggesLlons
o (e.g. use Lhe glossary when clarlfylng unfamlllar words, ask worLhwhlle quesLlons LhaL
can be answered by Lhe LexL, eLc.)
o Model how and dlscuss when we would use each sLraLegy (predlcL before readlng,
clarlfy durlng readlng, quesLlon and summarlse afLer readlng)
Lxplaln LhaL afLer predlcLlng, clarlfylng and quesLlonlng sLudenLs wlll be LxL81S on LhaL LexL
and wlll be able Lo summarlze ln 1PLl8 CWn WC8uS

I$%#$5/9(3/$% (%9 <.(03/0" DQR )/%#E
Pand ouL A3 CCS sheeLs, phoLocopled sheeL from pages 10-11 of !""# and Clossary (one
per Lable)(see appendlx 1-3)
SLudenLs spllL lnLo llLeracy groups, worklng LogeLher Lo predlcL, clarlfy, quesLlon and
locus group ls lower end llLeracy group
o Culde predlcLlons, quesLlons and summarlzlng paragraphs from sLudenLs wlLh focus Lo
key words and maln ldeas
o use props as lndlcaLed ln appendlx 4

+(.5S ;/%/#L".# T +,3"%#/$% F03/6/3/"#
uslng prlor knowledge from +-% !""#, sLudenLs wlll predlcL whaL Lhe second arLlcle (+(2%
&#' +('%) ls abouL (see appendlx 3). 8ead and clarlfy any unfamlllar words.
I5$#2." DP )/%#E
Class revlew of whaL was recorded under predlcLlng, clarlfylng, quesLlonlng and
summarlslng for each group wlLh brlef dlscusslon abouL enLrles.
ulscuss whlch sLraLegy Lhey found useful ln decodlng Lhe LexL

2 of 2
'()" $* +,-"./"%0"
CharacLer Self
orLralL/CharacLer lnLervlew
30 mlns
4"(. 5"6"578.(9"
?ear 4
>.=(%/#(3/$% 7 ?329"%3 8.$2-#
Class dlscusslon followed by class
Lask ln llLeracy groups
1eacher Lo work wlLh hlgher end
llLeracy group.
!"(.%/%= >230$)"@#A7?3(%9(.9@#A @B2#C+!?AD
use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo bulld llLeral and lnferred meanlng Lo expand conLenL
knowledge, lnLegraLlng and llnklng ldeas and analyslng and evaluaLlng LexLs (ACLL?1692)
E./3"./( (%9 (##"##)"%3 #3.(3"=/"#
CbservaLlon of sLudenLs ln focus group
Marklng of characLer proflles compleLed by oLher groups
SLudenLs make approprlaLe concluslons abouL Lhe characLer's LhoughLs, feellngs, personallLy
based on Lhe LexL
SLudenLs ask worLhwhlle quesLlons and provlde plauslble answers ln an lnLervlew seLLlng
F(0G=.$2%9 3$ 3H" !"(.%/%=
Annandale, k., 8lndon, 8., Pandley, k., !ohnsLon, A., LockeLL, L., & Lynch, . (2006). !"#$%
'%()$ *"%(#+,- .($/0#,($1 8eLrleved AugusL 20, 2013, from 1he ueparLmenL of LducaLlon
WesLern AusLralla: hLLp://
Casarosa, L. (ulrecLor). (2011). *+ *02+ [MoLlon lcLure]

use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo bulld llLeral and lnferred meanlng and begln Lo analyse
LexLs by drawlng on growlng knowledge of conLexL, language and vlsual feaLures and prlnL
and mulLlmodal LexL sLrucLures (ACLL?1670)
revlous lesson on redlcLlng, Self-MonlLorlng, CuesLlonlng and Summarlslng
J(3"./(5#K ."#$2.0"#K "L2/-)"%3
LlLeracy books

- *+ *02+ [shorL fllm]
- Casarosa, L. (ulrecLor). (2011). *+
*02+ [MoLlon lcLure]. 8eLrleved
E$%3"%3 $* !"##$%
<%3.$9203/$% 7 M(.) 2- @NO )/%#A
lnform class we wlll be "23(##"24
o 1hls means readlng beLween Lhe llnes and Lhlnklng abouL Lhlngs beyond whaL we saw
on screen
o L.g. lf we see a glrl walk ouLslde wlLh an lce-cream cone and lL melLs, whaL do we
know abouL Lhe weaLher ouLslde?"
8efore waLchlng *+ *02+, ask whaL Lhe class knows abouL 1he Moon, acLlvaLlng prlor
o 8ecord answers on Lhe board
WaLch *+ *02+ (see appendlx 1 for screenshoL)
1"6"5$-)"%3 @NP )/%#A
Pelp Lhe class make lnferences from *+ *02+, recordlng answers on Lhe board
Ask leadlng quesLlons lf needed, such as
o Who mlghL Lhe boy be?
o Who mlghL Lhe Lwo men be?
o WhaL do Lhey argue abouL?
o Why are Lhey on 1he Moon?
o Pas Lhe boy come Lo 1he Moon before?
o Why does he Lake an anchor?
o Where do Lhey go afLer leavlng 1he Moon?

E$%#$5/9(3/$% (%9 I.(03/0" @QP )/%#A
1ell class Lhey wlll creaLe a characLer proflle on Lhe young boy, uslng lnformaLlon on Lhe board
o noLe who he ls, where he ls from, whaL hls relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe Lwo men ls, eLc. (see
appendlx 2)
Work wlLh focus group Lo creaLe a scrlpLed lnLervlew beLween Lhe boy, Lwo men and

+(.5R ;/%/#H".# S +,3"%#/$% B03/6/3/"#
uraw whaL mlghL happen beLween spllLLlng Lhe sLar and golng home ln llLeracy books
E5$#2." @O )/%#A
8evlew answers Lo characLer proflles
resenL Lhe scrlpLed lnLervlew Lo Lhe class

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