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By Pratibha & Dipaswini

We rely only on Communication

It creates an image about you and the company as

Excellent communication can build positive and long
lasting relationship with the Customers or Vendor

Body language, gesture and facial expression
doesnt play a vital role

Tone of Voice and Confidence plays 85% - attitude
how you address the Vendor/Customer

Word Content plays 15% - the way the message is
put across to the caller with a proper accent

Listening skills plays an important role in

A good listener can accomplish more in a shorter
period of time

The conversation stays on track and even more
valuable Customer/Vendor feels respected

Good Listeners are Good Leaders
Faster rate of speech indicates anger or impatience

Slower rate of speech indicates fatigue and

These indication might be misleading

The average rate of speech should be 125-150
words per minute

85% of verbal communication happens through our tone

Energy portrays the Service Attitude

Confidence portrays the Care for our Customer

Person may be frustrated, irritated or intimidated
(Persons emotional state)

Our tone should vary as per the Customers / Vendors
emotional needs too
Be clear and concise

Do not repeat the sentences more than twice
(repeat it if required)

Proper sentence formation with correct tense and
grammar (makes you more confident)


Dont get distracted

Dont interrupt the speaker

Dont finish the sentences of speaker

Dont assume before the speaker finishes
Many of us think Communication Skills means
just speaking

We think about formulating sentences well, using
eloquent words or being succinct or funny, but we
never think about neutralizing our Accent

Those who do realize it are probably the Best
Thank You

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