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Want to help Dodson be the best school it can be for your student?
provide services that support and improve
PTO and we welcome any level of involvement.
be involved!
** Please c

City Saver Coupon Books (August)
Cookie Dough (early fall)
Candy Bars (spring)
Id like to take the lead on the fundraiser
Collect orders
Distribute product

Fall Fest
A fun event held each fall for Dodson students,
their families, and friends.
Plan and organize activities bounce house, cake
walk, food, games, etc.
Recruit and schedule volunteers
Solicit for silent auction donation items
Event set up/tear down

Help plan and design the yearbook
Take and upload candid photos of students
teachers, and classrooms
Collect orders and distribute books

Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
Set up/tear down
Recruit and schedule volunteers to assist students
with shopping
Volunteer to assist students with shopping

Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Organize food/menu for the lunch
Set up/tear down
Bring food/item to the lunch

Contact Information
Dodson Parent Teacher Organization
be the best school it can be for your student? PTO is a great way to do that! Our
and improve Dodson for students, teachers, and families. Its FREE
elcome any level of involvement. Simply return this completed form to let us know how youd like to
Please check all you would like to help with. **
Id like to take the lead on the fundraiser
d each fall for Dodson students,
bounce house, cake
Solicit for silent auction donation items
Take and upload candid photos of students,
olunteers to assist students
with shopping
School Supply Packs
Work with teachers to get
Collect orders and distribute packs to classrooms

Box Tops for Education
Collect box tops that have been turned in to
Dodson; count and submit twice a year

Organize volunteers to provide teacher
snacks/treats throughout
Volunteer to bring a snack/treat for teachers

Communication and Advertising
Maintain a current e-mail list in ord
communicate with PTO volunteers
Create and distribute flyers fo
Update the PTO Facebook page

Movie Nights
Set up/tear down
Run concession stand
Provide technical support for

Talent Show
produce opening group
schedule student practices
conduct practices with students
sell tickets
run concession stand
decorate stage
run sound and lights (must provide equipment)
work backstage helping students get ready
during the show
Contact Information
PTO is a great way to do that! Our goal is to
FREE to join Dodsons
Simply return this completed form to let us know how youd like to
Work with teachers to get master supply lists
distribute packs to classrooms
t have been turned in to
count and submit twice a year
volunteers to provide teacher
throughout the school year
Volunteer to bring a snack/treat for teachers
mail list in order to
communicate with PTO volunteers
Create and distribute flyers for events and
Update the PTO Facebook page
support for showing the movie
group number
schedule student practices
students to perfect their
run sound and lights (must provide equipment)
helping students get ready

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