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Module 1: Pushing Her Curiosity Button
In the world of online dating, just like out in the real world, it is all about getting noticed.
You have to stand out and get her attention. You have to stand out in the crowd. You HAVE
to create curiosity for all attraction begins with curiosity. When we become curious about
something or someone, our attention focuses, even if for a brief moment, and it is this
attention that allows attraction to form and blossom. Think about any woman you have ever
been interested in, I guarantee you something about her caught your attention. Even if it was
just her stunning looks. After all how can you fall in love with someone who you dont even
know is there?
There are two main ways you can stand out and push a womans curiosity button online. First
and most importantly is your profile. As you will soon learn, this is the most important piece
of the online dating puzzle. Dont worry I am going to show you exactly what to do and how
to do it. It should only take you about 30 min to an hour to set it up but once you do it will be
working for you day and night. It wont be uncommon for you to wake up with messages
from girls who found your profile and couldnt help but write you! The cool thing is once you
create one, you can use it on multiple sites with only minor adjustments. So make sure you
take the time and put in the effort to set it up right using the principles I am about to show
The second part of pushing a womans curiosity button is the opening message. I am going to
show you the common mistakes that guys make when writing a woman for the first time and
why most of them never get responses. I am also going to show you some different of
examples of successful opening messages and how you can create your own. So lets jump
right in and get started.
Creating A Profile That Gets Noticed
What Most Guys Are Doing Wrong
How to Market Yourself
How to Choose the Right Pictures
Writing Your About Me Section
Displaying Standards
Blogs, Notes, Quizes and Bulletins
Status Updates
A Quick Note on Myspace
Putting It All Together Profile
Wrap Up
Sending Out The Opening Message
What Most Guys are Doing Wrong
Spotting a Fake
The Purpose of an Opening Message
The Anatomy of a Successful
Opening Message
To Customize or Not to Customize
Different Strategies for Different
Putting It All Together

Creating a Profile That Gets Noticed

When it comes to meeting women online there is no one piece more crucial than your profile.
Your profile will make or break you every single time. With a properly set up profile women
will forgive many mistakes. In fact, you will even have women opening you! However, with
a lackluster profile, even girls who would normally be extremely interested in you will not
respond no matter how good your first message is.Look at it this way, your profile is you own
persona commercial. In the online world of dating you only have one quick shot to make a
good impression. Just like a commercial, you have to hit as many points as possible to make
her interested in the productyou!
Your profile is going to be your best friend. It is as if you have a personal promoter working
for you 24/7. It is almost like going into a club/bar where your best friend has gone in before
you and build you up to every attractive girl in the place so that the second you walk in they
are all over you brimming with interest. I am not kidding. When it comes to online dating
your profile is THAT important!
It is crazy. You can send out several messages one day and while you are hanging out with
friends, studying, watching a movie, playing video games, reading a book or even on another
date your profile will be working tirelessly attracting women and setting up dates for you. It
is not uncommon for me to wake up to an inbox full of numbers of new, attractive women
who are excited to go on a date with me. I hope you are beginning to see how crucial your
profile is.
I am going to let you in on a little secret that I have learned from meeting up with hundreds of
women from online. Most of them told me that they paid very little attention to my first
message (although this is important as well and I will teach you EVERYTHING you need to
know about sending out a irresistible first message) but went directly to my profile and it was
my profile that convinced them to write back.
Here is what you ultimately want to accomplish with your profile:
You want to separate yourself from all the other guys out there. Lucky for you, most
guys make the same mistakes and this system will put you way ahead of them.
You want to create intrigue. Once a woman opens your initial message you want her
to go from who is this guy messaging me? to I want to know who this guy is who
is messaging me. That subtle shift make all the difference in the world. And I am
going to show you EXACTLY how to do it!
You want your profile to be so easy for a woman to read through that she cant help
but stay on your page until she is has read it all! By then you will be so far ahead of
the other guys trying to message her it will be a walk in the parkand who doesnt
like a walk in the park?

So you want to set up an amazing profile that drives women wild and sets you apart from all
the other guys out there spinning their wheels and getting no replies? I dont blame you! But
first of all lets get into what most guys are doing wrong so you can make sure to avoid
turning the majority of women off before you even have the chance to meet them.
What Most Guys Are Doing Wrong
You want to know the #1 mistake most guys are making when it come to setting up their
profile? Here it is: They are marketing to other guys! How silly is that? They cant get
outside their own head and see it from a womans prospective. The think they need to be bad
asses. It is as if their online profile is simply an extension of how they project themselves at
bars, clubs and other social gatherings. They have to be cool and show every other guy
around that they are cool. It becomes a pissing contest that pushes women away.
I dont know about you but I want my online profile to appeal to woman. I want it to catch
their attention and get them excited to meet me! It took me years to figure this stuff out but
after A LOT of mistakes and hard work I figured out what works. If you want the same thing
then listen up.
First of all let go of trying to look cool. I promise you the cool guy online is the guy who
isnt getting dates and isnt getting laid. Here is what the cool guy is doing wrong:
Like I just said, he is trying to impress other guys which is pushing away women.
He chooses pictures that he thinks make him look cool instead of pictures that
demonstrate different aspects of his personality.
He fails to set up his profile in a way that allows for a variety of women to connect
with him but instead appears very one dimensional.
He doesnt take the time to make his profile organized and easy to read so women
give up because it is too much effort.
He adds either too much information and loses all mystery (bores her) or doesnt put
enough to engage a woman properly.

How To Do It Right
So how do you avoid making these mistakes and in the process set yourself apartand by
apart I mean put yourself in the top 1% of all guys out there meeting women online? Let me
break down the most important principles that go into a ridiculously successful online profile.
Market yourself to women not other guys
How do you market to women? First off you have to let go of the ego driven need to be
cool. Not taking yourself too seriously is a HUGE turn on for women. It sub-communicates
a deep inner confidence that instantly sets you apart. One way to do this is by adding in a
damaging admission. Ill show you how to do that effectively in a minute.
Make it as easy as possible for her
When creating your profile make sure to pick a color scheme that makes the text easy to read.
Too often I see guys profiles that are too busy. They have random pictures all over the place
or flashing images that are very distracting. The worst is bright psychodelic colors that make
the text unreadable. With online dating, a woman has no social pressure to respond to you
and no social niceties that encourage her to stay on your profile. If it is hard for her to read or
is so distracting it takes extra effort to find out about you she will just leave. Luckily most
online dating sites set it up in a format that at least separates your text into sections. However,
it is up to you to make sure you have proper grammar, and write clear, concise sentences. As
you will see shortly less is definitely more.
Chose pictures that show the diversity of your personality and paint you in a
favorable light
If the old adage is true: a picture is worth a thousand words, then you better be damn sure that
each picture you choose is speaking volumes about who you are as a person. Here are some
key points to remember when choosing which pictures to put up on your profile:
Tell a story
Make sure each picture you chose tells a story that demonstrates a specific, attractive aspect
of your personality. For example do you love rock climbing?..then have one of you rock
climbing. The positive part of your personality it shows is that you like to be outdoors, are in
shape and are adventurous. How great is that? Are you an avid world traveler? Have a picture
or two of you in exotic places around the world. Most women say they love to travel but have
never really made it happen. Now they have a reason to be envious of you and it insinuates
that you have great stories to tell, are adventurous, and go after what you want. Well done!
Almost anything that is a hobby or passion of yours will work.
Variety is key!
Just as you want each picture to tell a story about you, you also want to make sure each
picture tells a DIFFERENT story. If you like hokey (hey I am in Montreal right now) great
but if every picture you put up is of you playing or watching hokey it paints you as a one
dimensional person. One of the key things women are looking for in a guy is someone who
can teach them new things. When they imagine themselves in your life (which I will show
you how to do later on) they want to know you can add value to their lives. Will their time
with you be full of fun, adventure, growth, new awesome social connections and new
perspectives on life or will it be sitting around watching or talking about hokey all day. I am
not saying some girl out there wouldnt just love that but most will get bored, lose interest
and go in search of someone else who can provide them the variety they crave. If you dont
have any pictures of you out doing a variety of interesting things then get you ass away from
your computer right now, grab a digital or disposable camera and get out there!
Note:One way to ensure you are always growing as a person, have awesome stories and
pictures, be always increasing the value you have to offer other people (including all the cute
women you are going to be meeting online because of this system) is to chose 1 thing each
month that you have always wanted to do and do it. You have always wanted to go white
water rafting.well look up where you can go, get a group of friends together (hey look you
are starting to become the leader of your social circlehow very attractive you are
becoming) and just do it already! No excuses. Dont let your life slip away always wishing
you had done it. It doesnt have to be anything as big as white water rafting either. It can be
something as small as going to a museum, taking a one day sculpting class or learning how to
play chess. I dont care JUST DO IT! In addition, read one book, article or magazine in a
NEW area of interest each month. Dont kid yourself and say you dont have enough time, it
is all about priorities! Do you want to be the most attractive guy you can be? The start right
now. It will pay off in spades I promise you. End of Sermon.
Only th
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Goofy i
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Brad Jackso
of girls out a
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A funny or
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Any time a
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. If you are
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MUST have
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on Social N
pictures of y
on Social N
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go up to a r
hem. Check
add caption
BIG time. T
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post up links
mind what ty
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of interests
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ase, this is g
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women in y
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if the backg
to show dif
ions to dem
at because i
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with friends
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random gir
k it out.
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They even le
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s to your pr
type of wom
connect with
you choose
going to
? You
t shows
sites it
d by my
l or
et you
s there
man you
h that
e all
have to demonstrate you understand and are part of her world. Even though a lot of what I am
teaching you in this system are using universal principles of attraction, your profile will be
much stronger if you customize it a bit to connect with the specific types of girls you are
attracted to or that would fit in your lifestyle. Remember birds of a feather flock together. We
are more attracted to people who are similar to us because we can relate to them. Just keep
this in mind when you setting your profile up.
On the same note, it is crucial you have pictures with women of the same caliber as the ones
you are going after. If you are going after models but have no pictures with women who are
of model quality beauty then you are, for all practical purposes, shit out of luck. Like it or
not, our society is divided up by perceived social value. We are all trying to increase our
value to score a better mate. Now it is my belief that your main value comes from within but
why make it harder on yourself than you need to. If you want to get a great breakdown of
how value works, the 3 types of value women look for and how to increase yours in all 3
areas check out the programUNBREAKABLE. (insert link here)
If you dont have any pictures with the types of women you are into it isnt that hard to do.
Just grab a camera, go out and when you see the type of woman simply use this highly
effective opener developed by my buddy Brad Jackson(insert Hiroshima video with affiliate

Writing your about me section(s)
No matter which site(s) you are using, you are going to have to write an ABOUT ME section
or something similar. In fact, on most sites there will be a bunch of sections where you are
going to have to write about yourself. Here are some essential points to keep in mind:
Grammar and Clarity
Remember how I told you to make your profile as easy as possible for women to read? Well a
big part of that is to actually make sense. If you use poor grammar and run on sentences not
only does it make your profile arduous to read but also says something about you; namely
you are either lazy or uneducated. With modern spell check you have no excuses. Have a
friend proofread it if need be.
As far as clarity is concerned, just use this simple rule: If you can say what you are trying to
say with less wordsDO IT! You are not writing a novel here, you are trying to create
curiosity so that a woman will keep reading and become engaged enough to write you back.
That brings me to my next point.
Less is more
As I have said before, the point of your profile is to intrigue a woman. Two sure fire ways to
extinguish her curiosity is to either giver her too little information or way too much. The best
course of action is to put up just enough info to pique her curiosity to the point she is willing
to dig deeper and find out more about you. Dont worry I will show you exactly how to do
just that.
Diversity = More opportunities
Just like with your pictures, the more diverse you are with your interests and other aspects of
your personality, the more opportunities you create for her to connect with you. If you have
the opportunity to list your hobbies, books, music, favorite movies or tv shows, make sure to
sprinkle in fun ones. Dont be afraid to put in things that seem silly or things your think your
friends would make fun of you for. They wont be making fun when you have beautiful, fun
girls constantly showing up.
One thing we all do is reminisce about our childhoods. This gives you are great opportunity
to connect with a woman and give her opportunities to engage you! Remember what I said
about doing all the work for her so it is as EASY as possible for her to fall for you? Simply
put in popular movies, tv shows, cartoons, music artists, etc from when you were a kid.
When you have a book like the Tao Te Ching next to Harry Potter or If You Gave a Mouse a
Cookieit shows you have depth, even a bit of contradiction. This is a foundational tenant of
intrigue. Any person who is one dimensional robs us of the joy of surprise and thus we
become bored. And boredom is the stranglehold that chokes out all attraction and kills
relationships before they ever get a chance to get off the ground.
Sense of humor
The top reason women write me on social networking and dating sites is because they
thought my profile was fun to read. A sense of humor is consistently rated (along with
confidence) by women as the most attractive quality in a man.
Apparently the possession of humor implies the possession of a number of typical habit-
systems. The first is an emotional one: the habit of playfulness. Why should one be proud of
being playful? For a double reason. Frist, playfulness connotes childhood and youth. If one
can be playful, one still possesses something of the vigor and the joy of young life.. But there
is a deeper implication. To be playful is, in a sense, to be free. When a person is playful, he
momentarily disregards the binding necessities which compel him, in business and morals, in
domestic and community life What galls us is that the binding necessities do not permit us
to shape our world as we please What we most deeply desire, however, is to create our
world for ourselves. Whenever we can do that, even in the slightest degree, we are happy.
Now in play we create our own world..
-Professor H.A. Overstreet, Influencing Human Behavior
As you have learned in the beliefs section, not taking yourself too seriously is incredibly
attractive. One fun way to do this is to add in a damaging admission. A damaging admission
is something that shows you are human like the rest of us thus making you infinitely more
relatable. Often on dating sites people are trying to seem like they are this perfect person. It
makes sense, they want to come across as best they can. But we all know that no one is that
perfect. So put up an embarrassing fact about yourself or talk about a fault you have in a fun
One I often put up is how I got a perm in the 5th grade because my mom had one and I
thought it would be cool. I got mercilessly made fun of and cut it 3 days later but the point is
it is a funny admission that gives women a chance to poke fun at me. It is a great
juxtaposition against all the cool things I have listed about myself. A woman reading that will
get a lau
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Answer Questions to Display Your Personality
Probably the easies way to do all of this is to just create and answer questions that allow you
the opportunity to display your personality. I do this no matter which site I am. Here are a
few questions that I typically use:
If re-incarnation is real, in my past lives I was most likely:
(shows your creativity and sense of humor)
The fasted ways to my heart are:
(shows her what she can do to win you over)
Important things I have learned from my past relationships:
(shows you are evolving as a human being)
What I am doing with my life:
(shows you have ambition)
6 Things I could never live without:
(shows what you value)
What I am looking for in a Woman:
(shows you know who you are and what you want)
Message me if:
(shows you have standards)
6 things I still want to accomplish:
(shows you have goals)
As you can see all of these questions allow you the perfect opportunity to display your
personality and set yourself apart. Some of these I have picked up from various dating sites
and some I have come up with on my own. Feel free to experiment.
Blogs, Notes, Quizes and Bulletins
On social media sites and some free/pay dating sites there are options to write a separate
blog, note, or bulletin. These are great ways to allow girls to find out more about you. As I
mentioned earlier, keep you About Me section short, easy to read and chalk full of fun
aspects of your personality. This is just to get a girl interested enough to write you back or to
even initiate a conversation with you. Here is whats cool about blogs/notes/bulletins, a
woman whos curiosity button is pushed and is now intrigued will want to know more about
you. She will go back to your profile and snoop around to see if there is anything she missed.
When she finds your blog/note or bulletin she will be sure to read it. Here is a great
opportunity for you to add more information to further boost her attraction and move forward
to the next button. Just look how powerful these can be:
Hi all,
been a long time since i had a chance to write, hope yall doing well
a year ago i put a variation of Races why im still single note on facebook
and its still getting comments!
just the other day i got a friend request from a girl who with another girl at uni read my post
previously, i inquired that she was adding me to see the note and her answer that was the
yeah p
no idea
If i have
Keep R
Here is
has the
25 FAC
1. I was
2. I lear
3. I was
4. Even
not join
5. I am
6. I am
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7. I don
8. I used
9. I effe
wigs, an
10. I tau
11. I ha
as my w
12. I ran
my repl
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13. Mac
14. I ha
15. I us
16. I alm
17. I pla
18. I ma
have kid
19. I am
20. I ha
as a chi
21. I lea
22. I us
23. One
pretty much
men were s
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E WS4W!!!
an example
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ds so they c
m getting a t
ave already b
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arn a lot abo
ed to raise p
e of my 4 m
, its the best
so picky! xx
before ill sa
! and Race!
e of a fun no
with reading
o braid hair w
an alligator
ated a fligh
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y on my 4th
lbs, my lun
wear doll c
love with ch
wine but I a
ny favorites
r religious a
ecuted a heis
sion goggles
f how to ma
e temper wh
would shak
m home in 1
port card mo
d arrow (wh
ains but then
cause I didn
my all time
nd I dated in
up like Spid
s move to n
ng sex at all
ised to myse
can be raise
tattoo on my
begun the f
er had one.
out myself f
piranhas. O
measures for
t thing ive
xx p.s. what
ay it again
!!! and Kelly
ote I put up
g about shar
with my litt
on my side
t attendant f

life. I clinic
ngs collapse
clothes beca
heese and if
m pretty su
s, but my fav
and didnt d
st my senior
ake balloon
hen I was a
ke. Calm do
1st grade wi
oney (which
hich broke w
n I heard the
nt finish my
e hero and t
n high scho
derman and
new cities w
7 wonders
elf I would
d bilingual
y chest in so
floor plans f
from my dre
ne of them
personal su
read in a w
t exactly is
on faceboo
rk attacks w
tle sisters M
while smug
for 1 yr and
cally died 3
ed, and I spe
ause nothing
f she were a
ure I could c
vorite Frien
drink until I
r year of hig
animals wh
kid. I would
own buddy.
ith a grand s
h I spent on
when I tried
e coyotes an
y homework
the passwor
ol for 2 yrs
d go to little
with less than
of the worl
know at lea
(I actually p
outh americ
for the coole
lost an eye
uccess is sta
while! ive n
a proportion
ok and mysp
when I was a
My Little Po
ggling it thr
d went on 10
times when
end the first
g else would
a woman I w
convince the
nds Charact
was 21.
gh school th
hen I was lit
d clench my
scheme of l
Gatorade a
d to shoot a
nd got scare
rd to my firs
and didnt
kids birthd
n 3 weeks n
ast one othe
plan on at le
ca. I drew it
est tree hou
in a fight. I
arting a char
ever seen an
nately shap
pace and an
a kid.
ny doll on a
rough securi
00s of free
n I was born
t month of m
d fit.
would marry
em to have a
er is Ross E
hat included
y fists and tu
iving in the
nd beef jerk
rabbit). I m
ed so I calle
st ever savin
even kiss he
day parties.
er language
east 5)
3 years ago
se ever. I al
I named him
rity. It is alr
nything like
ped nipple? x
ny other site
an airplane
ity at the air
flights I sti
n 2 months
my life in an
y her. I wou
a mnage
Eustace Gel
d security gu
urn red in th
e mountains
ky), a blank
made it as fa
ed my mom
ngs account
her for the fi
fluently bef
lways wante
m One-eyed
ready mapp
e it, had
ll have
he face
s. I
ket and
ar as the
from a
irst 10
fore I
ed one
ped out.
24. I no
25. I wo
There a
Note: w

Status U
shows y
Once ag
guys co
A Few
There a
more w
things t
be cons
o longer hav
ould take a
are a bunch
note in the
when a wom
ion that she
s Updates
Updates are
strate you ar
you are thin
sation starte
on. Here are
ing my kissy
lting unicor
es the hotter
cing my mat
ing the seco
on lifene
gain, there a
ome up with
w Words o
are a few nu
. Since it is
ting with pe
wary about ta
h a womans
arily a bad th
to have in yo
s. All the gu
ok. What is
ok is about
stantly uploa
ve my tonsil
cute dorky
of example
private foru
man brings u
primarily f
re doing fun
nking about
ers. All of th
e a few of m
y face in the
rns on my d
r a girl is th
ting call..qu
ond star to t
evermind th
are a bunch
n Your Fa
uances that g
a Social Ne
eople who y
alking to co
s mind whe
hing since i
our profile
uidelines yo
different ab
constantly u
ading fun pi
ls or my app
girl over a s
s of notes, b
um so if you
up somethin
Y interested
for Social N
n things wit
hese allow a
my favorites
e mirror for
dating situati
he crazier sh
uack quack
the right and
he bottle say
more in the
acebook P
go into usin
etworking s
you know or
omplete stra
n you mess
it will send h
specific to f
ou have lear
bout Facebo
updating yo
ictures of y
super hot m
blogs and bu
u havent ye
ng in a note/
d in youco
th your life,
topics or ju
an opportun
r when I me
he isits sc
wait that
d straight on
ys jack dani
e private for
ng your Face
site that has
r who are fr
angers. The
sage her is
her looking
rned thus fa
ook is that y
our life and
ou out and
model girl in
ulletins (inc
et, check it
/blog/or bul
ongrats on p
sites. You c
found a fun
ust say silly
nity for a wo
eet sleeping
cientific fac
s for a duck
n till mornin
rum. I am lo
ebook profi
a heavy em
riends of clo
major quest
how do I kn
g at your pro
r still apply
you want mo
thoughts w
about with
n a heart bea
cluding the
letin your w
pushing her
can use thes
nny video o
things that
oman to eng
ct people!
k? no wonde
ooking forw
le as a way
mphasis on p
ose friends w
tion that is g
now this gu
ofile. Here a
y to the pictu
ore Social
with your frie
your friend
why im s
wrote it is a
r curiosity b
se as ways t
or a quote th
are fun
gage you an
der Im still
coming wit
ward to wha
to meet and
privacy and
women tend
going to be
uy? This isn
are a few im
ures on you
pictures. S
ends, you n
nd build
th me?!
at you
d date
d only
d to be
need to
Friends. You need to have at least a basic number of friends. Not only because it shows how
social you are (paramount since this is a social networking site) but you need friends for
Comments. One of the reasons you need to constantly be uploading new pictures and
updating your status is to get comments. Comments show that you are social and that other
people accept you. This is essential for a woman on facebook to see when she is judging if
you are a real, attractive and worth her time.
For these reasons, I use facebook much more to befriend and keep in contact with girls I
either meet in person or meet online and have already dated or are currently dating. This in no
ways means you cannot meet new women to date on facebook. On the contrary, I have met
many and still do to this day. However, free and paid online dating sites, along with social
networking sites where you can search, make it so easy to meet an unlimited amount of hight
quality awesome girls that I use them much more often.
A quick note on Myspace
No Myspace is not dead and yes I still meet women on there. With that said, my Myspace
profile is set up a little different. Instead of writing an about me section, I just embed pictures
that show my life and my interests. This is because Myspace allows for html code to embed
elements directly on your page.
You can check out my profile here:
I will do a total breakdown of setting up an awesome myspace page in the Insiders Club so be
looking for that. But here are the two main codes you need for embedding pictures and hiding
you friends list (which is especially helpful if you are just starting off and it comes off as
embed pictures:
First you have to upload your pictures to an image hosting site like or
myspace itself.
Next, paste the following HTML code into any section (i.e. About Me, Interests, Who Id like
to Meet):
<img src= width=400 />
<br /><div><font size=+2>Picture caption</font></div>
Where will be re- placed with the URL pointing
to your image and Picture caption will be replaced with your caption.
By specifying the width property in the<img> tag you ensure that your photos will have a
consistent width (the height of the image will be adjusted automatically to maintain the
original aspect ratio). This technique will ensure that your images are not too large and that
theyre easy to view.
Hiding Friends list:
<style type=text/css> td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table br, td.text td.ztext
table .orangetext15, td.text td.text .redlink, td.text td.text span.btext {display:none;} td.text
td.text table {background-color:transparent;} td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table
{height:0;padding:0;border:0;} td.text td.text table table td {padding:3;} td.text td.text table
table br {display:inline;} </style>
And here is the site I used to make my profile layout:
If you have any questions feel free to ask and be sure to check out the video in the Insiders
Putting It All Together
So you can get a clearer picture of what this all looks like put together I am going to show
you my actual plenty of fish profile and my OkCupid profile. Please do not copy it word for
word but do notice how all the elements come together to make a profile that sticks out and
gets noticed by women.
Wrap Up
So I hope by now you understand all the elements that go into making a truly stand out
profile. The cool thing is you only have to put in the work once and then your profile works
for you indefinitely. However, if you fail to put in the time and effort to set up your profile
right you might as well stop right now. It might just be the single most important piece of the
puzzle. AS one blogger puts it:
Only 10% of people who join Online Dating sites actually get any replies and that is a truly
sad fact.
The reason is that 90% dont bother to write an interesting profile or upload pictures of
Thats a lot like fishing without baiting the hook. I wonder what they expected. The 10% who
do get noticed have posted upbeat profiles and pictures.
I have given you all the tools and principles here to be the 10% so to speak so stop reading
this right now and go set up your profile right. Seriously, dont even bother going to the next
part until you apply these principles to your current profile or create a new one on the social
networking or dating site(s) of your choice. Go ahead Ill wait.

Sending Out the Opening Message
The second part to pushing a womans curiosity button and creating engagement is the
opening message you send her. Although not NEARLY as important as how you set up your
profile, if you do it wrong you will be shooting yourself in the foot. Image the opening
messages as the tasty bait and your profile as the hook. Before I get into how to make your
bait irresistible I need to explain what most guys are sending out so you can see why a
majority of them are having little to no results with online dating.
What Most Guys Are Doing Wrong
When I was first starting out learning how to meet women online, I would have the girls I
was meeting send me over typical messages that guys were sending them. I discovered
something startling; almost every single guy was sending 1 of 2 types of messages.
Message type #1
A short message that tells her how attractive she is and then suggests they hang out (usually
with a tremendous amount of grammatical error).
wat up momma u look hot. we shud hang sum time. holla at me.
I am seriously not joking.
Message type #2
A guys writes a LOOOOONG message explaining all the reasons why they are perfect for
each other. In other words, he tries to sell himself to her usually while pining on about how
gorgeous she is, how well he would treat her and how successful he is.
Is it any wonder these guys are not getting responses? Dont worry if you have done a
variation of either of these. I am going to show you how to do it right. But first lets go over a
few things to keep in mind when searching for girls to message.
Spotting a Fake Profile
There are many fake profile on Social Networking sites and free dating sites. There are less
so on payed dating sites but still you will want to know what to look for to keep you from
wasting your time.
Sure signs that the hot girls profile you are looking at is fake are:
only one picture (probably the biggest indicator)
hasnt filled out her information or the grammar is way off
has a link to naughty pictures she couldnt put on MySpace/Facebook/Etc
has no friends or way too many friends (social networking sites)
the only comments she has are from lame ass guys saying, Hey sexy, Happy
Humpday or Hey babe thanks 4 the add (social networking sites)
her location is set to China or USA instead of a specific city
If you see any of these signs, just move on as it is a fake profile and you are wasting your
The Art of Browsing
Every free and paid online dating site lets you search for woman based on a variety of
criterion (eg. location, age, height, ethnicity, religion, body type, hair colore, eye colore, etc).
You can literally search for exactly what you want in a woman. Many social networking sites
allow you to do this as well. My personal advice on browsing on Social Networking sites is to
always select single or divorced from the options. Why waste your time messaging woman
who are not looking?
Once you have figured out what you are looking for do the search. There will be a list of
women with pictures and a brief intro to their profiles or basic information. If you want to
maximise your time simply hold down the CONTROL key (APPLE OR COMMAND on a
Mac) and click on all the women that you might want to message. This will open them all up
in new tabs. Now you can go through and message all the ones you want without having to
go back and forth searching every time.
Facebook and Browsing for New Women
You can no longer search from woman on facebook. If anyone figures out a way please let
me know. The best work arounds I have found to meet new women on facebook are as
-Find friends of friends
-Search for a random name (such as typing in Jessicafacebook will give you all the
Jessicas in your area first)
-Go to groups and find one in your area (eg. local university or museum)
None of these are perfect since you cant always tell if she is single. There is a definite
delicacy to contacting friends of friends but I will show you how to do it in a bit. Facebook is
FAR better as relationship management tool with girls you meet on other sites.
The Purpose of an Opening Message
Ok now that you have a bevy of beautiful woman to message lets go over how to send out a
successful opening message that sets you apart from the pack and piques her curiosity. Let
me start with the main purpose of the opening message.
The primary goal of an opening message is to be read and to receive a response. Nothing
more. You just need to make it through all her shields and generate enough curiosity to go
check out your profile and then, thanks to having the coolest profile ever, receive a response.
Once you receive a response, you can transition into a conversation that demonstrates what a
great, fun and exciting guy you are, but without the initial response, you have no
conversation. Remember the only purpose of the opening message is to get the conversation
going. Soon, she wont even remember how the conversation started because shes having
too much fun talking to you.
In addit
the mes
to you,
like hi
back fro
is that h
The 3 b
Hooks (
to respo
It needs
and wri
you don
A good
To show
up with
too fast
so my f
me? oop
never m
tion, there i
ssage when
so she will
helming desi
ng an Ope
g up with an
g points. Mo
ing clever to
or What
om you soo
hundreds of
y as them a

biggest thing
ness becaus
to look at y
(which I wi
s to be short
ely want her
ite you back
r and it subt
nt even kno
d rule of thum
er Breakd
w you what
h and break
ple #1
friends say I
ps I meant t
down: Well
her on a pe
met her, I us
s a powerfu
you write b
continue to
ire to be con
ening Mes
n effective o
ost guys, lik
o say to get
s up, saw y
on. The pro
f guys are do
and as you h
gs you need
se, as you h
your profile
ill explain in
t for two rea
r to read it a
k. And secon
tly gives of
ow her yet
mb to have
I mean, I a
down why t
I move too f
to say hi
l it goes with
edestal, assu
se her situati
ul psycholog
back. In her
o do so as lo
nsistent wit
opening me
ke myself w
t a response
your profile
oblem with s
oing the sam
have already
d to have are
ave already
e and then w
n more deta
asons. First
and still hav
ndly, a long
ff the impres
a major tu
in mind is:
am going to
they work s
fast but I am

hout saying
uming she is
ion to my ad
gical effect
mind, she r
ong as every
th the decisi
ssage has b
when I first s
e but eventu
and though
sending a m
me thing. Y
y learned yo
e: uniquene
y learned, yo
write back.
ail later) so t
, she doesn
ve enough at
g message in
ssion that y
urn off.
will it mak
give you 3
so you can g
m going to g
g that this op
s the perfect
dvantage by
that occurs
responded a
ything is goi
ions they m
een, in my
started out, w
ally just end
ht you looke
message like
ou will inst
ou have to s
ss, hooks fo
ou need to s
that it make
t have all d
ttention spa
ndicates you
ou think she
ke her smile
incredibly e
get an idea o
go out on a
pener is uni
t woman fo
y making it
when she s
and has alre
ing well. Hu
will spend h
d up with so
ed interestin
e this as the
antly get lum
tand out pu
or her to gra
stand out an
es it as easy
day to read i
an to check o
u spent a lo
e is very va
effective op
of what I am
limb here
que. While
r him even
sees RE: in
eady decided
umans have
, most guys
hours thinki
omething br
ng. Hope to
opening m
umped in the
ush her curio
ab onto, and
nd get her cu
as possible
it and you
out your pr
ot of time to
aluable even
peners I hav
m talking ab
will you m
every other
though he h
I assume a
front of
d to talk
e an
ing of
e same
d short.
e for her
put it
n though
ve come
r guy is
jump in the courting process and this shows I am not talking the situation or myself too
seriously. This is a major reprieve for her from the usual barrage of boring emails she
normally gets. She cant help but smile and then go check out my profile. Bingo!
The major hook in here is the question will you marry me?. This makes it super easy for
her to respond. She doesnt have to think too hard because you have handed her the
conversation topic on a silver platter.
In addition, this opener allows the possibility of role-play (something I will go into much
more detail later).
Example #2
after a rigorously brief overview of your profile I wanted to let you know I have already
married and divorced you in my mind.
Thanks for all the wonderful imaginary memories you will always have a special place in
my heart.
your ex-hubby,
ps. I am going to need half your money according to our prenup
pps. You can keep the dog and I will keep the house in Hawaii
Breakdown: Although longer than most of my openers, this one has an incredible response
rate. The reason being it has a ridiculous amount of hooks for her to grab onto to and is unlike
anything she has ever received before. This opener virtually guarantees a role-play scenario
from the start making it very easy to begin Pushing Her Playfulness Button.
Example #3
subject: To the point
body: You seem really fun and super cute And since it is freezing out side could you make
me some hot chocolate and knit me a scarf? You can bring them on our date next week!
(note: this is a high risk high reward opener)
Breakdown: This opener is so fun because it already assumes two things: 1. she is going to
do something for you and 2. you are going on a date. The audacity alone sparks a womans
You can
out side
Note: A
The M
You hav
an effec
girls to
Dont fo
use the
To Per
If you h
go throu
too fast
so my f
me? oop
too fast
so my f
on a lim
Does t
ty. Who is th
n adjust this
e could you
A great site
Most Impo
ve to test ou
ctive opener
me opener o
get a good
forget you c
huge list of
rsonalize o
have the tim
e as human
ugh her pro
friends say I
ps I meant t
friends say I
mb herew
the Subje
his guy who
s opener bas
make me so
to go get in
rtant Par
ut you new
r or not. Giv
f your own
idea of its
an always p
f tested open
or Not to
me, personal
beings we
ofile and pic
I move too f
to say hi
I move too f
will you marr
ect Matte
o is so confi
sed on almo
ome lemona
nspiration fo
t of Any N
opener. Un
ve it a try, te
that works
post your op
ners as temp
izing an op
are infinitel
ck a few thin
fast but I am

fast but sinc
ry me? oops
fident to ass
ost anything
ade and fan
or new open
New Open
ntil you give
est it out, re
like a charm
pener ideas
plates for y
ener is alwa
ly interested
ngs out that
m going to g
ce we both l
s I meant to
ume all the
g. For exam
n me with a
ners is www
e it trial and
efine it and
m. Make su
up in the pr
our own cre
ay going to
d in ourselv
t can be inco
go out on a
like ____ an
o say hi
se things? E
mple: And sin
giant leaf b
error you w
eventually y
re to send it
rivate forum
get you bet
ves. This is e
orporated in
limb here
nd ____ I am
Expect a fei
nce it is sup
by the pool?
wont know
you will ha
t out to at le
m for feedba
tter results.
easy to do.
nto the open
will you m
m going to
per hot

w if it is
ve an
east 20
ack and
go out
header c
her curi
if you m
in mid-s
Body: s
marry m
Is there
that unl
and date
they are
and how
As far a
some h
have to
In Acti

From: R
Date: Ja
are you

From: H
Date: Ja
A little
lly, it doesn
could help p
iosity. Basic
make it relat
sentence to
t: too fast?
so my friend
me? oops I m
e Dating S
a differenc
ok or Mysp
like Dating
e someone.
e expecting
n on Social N
w you found
as the how d
how I stumb
address it i
t: Im confu
an 12, 2008
u shy, or som

an 13, 2008
nt matter wh
put her in a
cally, it is th
te to the me
finish the t
ds say I mov
meant to say
Sites vs So
ce in which
pace vs on O
Sites, wom
This means
and wantin
d them. So j
did you find
bled across
if the conve
ginal Messa
8 12:59 PM

8 11:16 PM
hat your sub
better fram
he initial po
essage you a
hought that
ve too fast b
y hi
ocial Netw
openers sho
Online Datin
en on Socia
s you can g
ng to receive
g sites will h
just keep in
d/know me q
your profile
rsation is go

bject is. Ho
me before sh
oint off of w
are sending
t was started
but I am goi
working Si
ould be used
ng Sites? Ye
al Networki
et away wit
e messages
have a tend
n mind this m
questions is
e usually d
oing well an

wever, a go
he opens you
which you ca
her. Follow
d with the su
ing to go ou
d on Social
es and No. I
ng sites are
th A LOT m
from guys w
ency to won
might occur
s concerned
does the tric
nd of course
ood, off-the-
ur message
an set yours
w up by start
ut on a limb
It is importa
not there n
more on a da
who are inte
nder why yo
r and you w
d, using a sim
ck. Sometim
e your profi
-wall subjec
and help ki
self apart. It
rting your m
b herewill
g sites like
ant to remem
necessarily t
ating site be
erested in d
ou are mess
will have to h
mple phrase
mes you don
file is set up
ick start
t is best
l you
to meet
e like
nt even

From: R
Date: Ja
well Iv
dont yo

From: H
Date: Ja
I would

From: R
Date: Ja
my pag

From: H
Date: Ja
I have s
the way
Hope yo

From: R
Date: Ja
my nam
agree in
longer h
What ar

From: H
Date: Ja
Its nice
trying to
gotta be
Do you

an 14, 2008
ve been on M
ou think?

an 14, 2008
d never be ru

an 14, 2008
e is interest
e you seen th

an 14, 2008
seen the Sec
y? What ma
oure havin

an 14, 2008
me is Race. I
n the princip
have a foot
re you view

an 15, 2008
e to meet yo
o think posi
nce that a p
e in modera
u live in Veg

8 12:01 AM
MySpace fo

8 10:53 AM
ude. Did yo

8 12:13 PM
ting like how
he Secret?

8 7:31 PM
cret and Ive
ade you writ
ng a great ni

8 9:37 PM
I have watc
ples but am
in the real
w on it?

8 5:14 PM
ou Race (ev
itive and fin
positive attit
ation. Some
gas now?

or a while no

ou say hi to


e read it. Ho
te me? Im

ched, read an
wary of pe
world so t

ven though i
nding the sil
tude can ma
people take

ow and you
me? Your p
?are you b
ow do you f
m glad you
nd worked w
ople who ta
to speak.
its not in pe
lver lining i
ake a world
e it way too
u still haven
page is very
being rude
feel about it
did.. Im in
with some o
ake it to the
erson)! I co
in everythin
of a differe
far! So you
t said hi. T
y interesting
t? And what
ntrigued for
of the peopl
far extreme
mpletely ag
ng that you d
ence! But yo
ure from N
Thats a littl
haha j/k We
ats your nam
some reaso
le in the sec
es so they n
gree with al
do. I know
oure right,
New Mexico
e rude
ell hi
me by
cret. I
o, right?
about th
In Acti
April 29
haha yo
other co

April 30
i think w

May 1 a
haha oh

May 2 a
well yo
gave me

May 2 a
Lucky y
me I thi
As you
fun and
There is
will exp
Are you
r way to de
his later).
9 at 11:13pm
oure funny

0 at 4:34pm
we met at su

at 8:47pm
h really? Wa

at 10:01am
u did use a
e cooties th

at 7:11pm
you! I dont
ies that you
ink I might
can see she
d move the c
al Class of
s a special c
rking sites. I
plain why th
t: Its you
u that crazy
al with it is
! So what m

ummer cam

as it any go

little too m

t just go aro
u have of us?
be regrettin
e in most ca
f Openers
class of ope
I call them,
hey work so

fun girl I m
to turn it in
made you me

mp when you

od?! It soun

uch tongue

ound given c
? Somehow
ng the divor
ases she is ju
n along usin
Just for S
ners I devel
My Mista
o well.
met on a cru
nto a role pl
essage me R
u pushed m
nds very rom
but overall
cooties to an
w I mustve f
ust curios an
ng the princ
Social Net
loped that a
ake Opener
uise last sum
lay scenario
Race?! I ass
me into the b
mantic of m
l all it was q
nyone.. :] A
forgotten bu
nd not testin
ciples in the
tworking S
are especiall
rs. Let me g
mmer? If so,
o (you will l
sume we do
ushes and g
quite delight
Are there any
ut now that
ng you. So j
next modu
ly successfu
give you an
wow, how
learn much
ont know ea
game me my
tfuli think
ny other fond
youre rem
just keep ha
ul on Social
example an
w have you b
y first
k you
nd then I
Do I rea
what it
if she re
slowly g
They ke
she will
she wou
Now let
In Acti
Are you

From: H
Date: D
I was on

From: R
Date: D
you hav

From: H
Date: D
Im sorr
you wo

From: R
Date: D
ally think sh
does is allo
d to tell you
ecognizes y
guide the co
ey is to mak
l feel deceiv
uld have lov
ts see how
t: Its you
u that crazy

Dec 3, 2007
n a cruise la

Dec 3, 2007
thats swe
Ouzo and w
ve a cruise t

Dec 3, 2007
ry but I defi
and that yo
g my face!).
uld have rem
onot even

Dec 3, 2007
he is the cra
ow me to sta
u no but gue
you. And thi
ke the event
ved if it is b
ved to be a p
a few of th

fun girl I m

5:01 PM
ast summer,

6:14 PM
eet:) R u sur
watching th
twin or som

6:51 PM
finitely wou
ou had what
However i
membered h
n close to as

7:03 PM
azy fun girl
art up a conv
ss what she
is is precisel
n where you
t you know
brought up w
part of.
hese My M
met on a cru

, but I dont

re? So your
he sun rise o

ld remembe
seems to b
f she truely
her name an

I met on a c
versation un
e will do firs
ly what you
u want it to g
her from be
when you m
Mistake Ope
uise last sum
t think we h
re not the g
over the spa
er that! I am
e a great tim
y is my twin
nd kept in c
as Greece.
cruise last s
nder the rad
st? Yepgo
u want her t
e something
meet) and ma
eners turned
have met. I t
girl who stay
rkling green
m jealous no
me with my
n, then she w
contact with
summer? Of
dar. She will
o check out
o do. Once
g you actual
ake it sound
d out in real
think I wou
yed up all ni
n ocean in G
ow that you
cruise twin
would be so
h her My
f course not
l be compel
t your profil
she respond
lly did (othe
d like somet
l world exam
uld remembe
night with m
Greece?! W
have been t
n (tell her to
super cool
cruise was
t! But
lled to
le to see
ds can
er you.
What do
o stop
She was
could ex
Some o
Cabo Sa
If you c

From: H
Date: D
Oh I wo
to see Ir
really w
think I w
What ab

In Acti
From: R
Date: O
hey you

From: H
Date: O
oh reall

From: R
Date: O
dang it!
so what
s super coo
xchange inf
of my best fr
an Lucas an
could go on

Dec 4, 2007
ould go on a
reland beca
want to see I
would just m
bout you? O

ion #2:
Oct 24, 2007
u are that on

Oct 24, 2007
lyhmm so

Oct 24, 2007
! I knew I sh
ts your stor
l and I wou
friends are o
ny day.
a cruise an

1:52 PM
a European
ause my gran
Italy. I hear
melt haha.
Or have you

ect: Caught
7 11:46 AM
ne girl who

7 12:59 PM
orry bout th

7 4:34 PM
hould have
ry mrs. mol
uld have kep
can be craz
on a cruise to
ywhere in t

cruise for s
ndmother w
it is very ro
u already be

t you
tried to mol

hatits you

put on thos
lester lady?
pt in contact
zy when you
o mexico ri
the world w
sure. Particu
was full bloo
omantic, an
een to all yo
lest me at th
ur fault for b
e glasses an
? you get ex
t with her bu
u are island
where would
uarly one th
od and I wa
nd I am such
ur dream pl
he club the
being cute
nd a fake mu
xtra points fo
ut we got se
d hopping al
hey should b
you go cru
hat went to I
nt to go see
h a hopeless
other night
or creativity
eparated bef
ll the time:)
be pulling in
uise princess
Ireland. I am
e my roots
s romantic th
naughty n
fore we
m dying
I also
hat I
From: Her
Date: Oct 24, 2007 11:16 PM
creativity?! i am not creative that sucks! About favorite subjectnot!! I work a lot
(like 7 days a week) and party almost as muchwhat about you Mr. Victim of my
As you can see, in both examples the conversation has got to the point where I can take it on
many different conversational threads. Soon she will be having so much fun talking to you
she wont even care what started the conversation.
Facebook, Openers and Friend Requests
Facebook is unique because, as far as I can tell (and believe me I have tried) there is no way
to easily search for women based on criterion you choose. This makes it tougher since you
cant always tell if she is single and if she is a friend of a friend you run the risk of spoiling
your social network by gossip if you mess up too badly. For most cases using a My
Mistake opener keeps you in the clear. But what do you do if she is already a friend?
It is quite simple actually. If she has been a friend a friend for a while you can simply start
out by saying something like, how do we know each other again? This puts you in a great
position. First off, she will go check out your profile to see how she knows you. If you have it
set up correctly (awesome pictures, plenty of friends, fun updates, comments, etc) then you
already started shifting in her mind from how do I know this guy to I am curious to know
who this guy is. Secondly, since you are the one asking the question it is as if you are the
suspicious one who doesnt just let anyone be their friend. You will learn more about
displaying standards later.
In Action:
Race June 12 at 12:10pm
hey how do we know each other btw?
Alexis June 16 at 6:21pm
hm I dont think we do lol, probably from AYI

Race June 17 at 7:56pm
ooooh h
any cas

Alexis J
hi back
so you

Race Ju
well i am
time bu

Alexis J
nice esc

Race Ju
I have s
Vegas i

Alexis J
haha wh

Race Ju
I haven
shoot m

Alexis J
haha well w

June 21 at 1
nope no
re in NY rig

une 22 at 2:2
m back and
ut I dont thi

June 23 at 2
g unfortuna
co this wee
caping the V
here else
une 27 at 9:4
set up my li
in the next w
June 30 at 1
hy not? wha

une 30 at 1:5
nt quite figu
me over your

July 1 at 12
what a shame
loft parties
ght? how do
d forth betw
ink I could d
ately.. I do h
kend and
Vegas heat i
how do yo
fe so I can t
week of two
at kind of ad

ured it out y
r # and ill t

that is a s
o you like it
een here an
do another w
have a coupl
d maybe Yo
in the summ
u manage to
travel just a
o. Lets han
yet but it wil
text you wh
I might hav
shame haha
nd vegas. Ne
winter here
le weekend
osemite next
mer, and com
o do that?
about whene
ng out when

ll be fun! M
hen I get bac
ve met you
ew york is A
..yikes! Wh
s planned h
t month for
ming back i
ever I want.
I get back a
Maybe a wat
ck. Mine is
at one of m
hat are you u
here and ther
a few days.
n winter wh
It is great!
and go on a
ter balloon f
my loft partie
G in the sum
up to this su
re, going to
. Hm it mus
hen its cold
I will be ba
an adventure
fight on the
es. In
o San
st be
ack in
No matter what she says I will guess where I thought I knew her from. Make sure to make
it something fun that she would want to do so that you could invite her to do later on in the
If You Get Caught Using The Same Opener
It is bound to happen. Youve messaged a girl and she replies that either you or some other
guy sent her the same message. There are several ways to handle this. The easiest is to just
click next and move on. However, the fact that she responded means she is still interacting
with you. As long as she is doing that, it is possible to bring her around. Remember, the
opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.
Here are some examples of things you could say if you sent her the same message twice on
-I must have really wanted to talk to youhaha {change subject}
-My mistake. I hit my head while {something silly i.e. mud wrestling, cliff diving, etc.} Let
me make it up to you. Here is a joke my nephew told me today
-I just wanted to give myself a second chance to make a better first impressionhahaj/k
{change subject}
If she received the same message from someone else you could use any of these:
-I cant help it that so many people want to be like mehaha {change subject}
-Really? Which one of us is cuter?haha {change subject}
-That was my evil twin. I swear Im the good onehaha {change subject}
Wrap Up
And there you have it. With a kick ass profile and an engaging opening message to set you
apart you are ready to start messaging women. So get out there and start doing it right now!
When you get an inbox full of beautiful women excited to talk to you move on to the next
section, Pushing Her Playfulness Button.

Module 2: Push her playfulness button

So you have sent out some awesome opening messages that have caught a womans attention
and got her curious enough to check out your profile. After looking over your profile she was
so intrigued she couldnt help but write you back. Congratulations, you have just successfully
pushed her curiosity button enough to bring you to the next phase of the interaction. Here is
where you are going to transition into a fun and playful conversation, allowing the spark of
curiosity to turn into full on flirting. This is where it starts to get fun!
Note: No matter what, in the initial stages of your interaction you want to direct the
conversation in a playful manner. It is much easier to knock down peoples barriers with
humor than to be serious. Being serious has a tendency to cause people to be defensive or
bore them. This is the opposite of pushing her Playful Button.
Messaging Fundamentals
Before we jump in on how to transition from the opening message into a full blown
conversation full of flirting and fun there are some fundamental guidelines that you will want
to keep in mind as the interaction progresses. These are guiding principles not law.
Its Not a Big Deal
Remember at all times ITS NOT A BIG DEAL. If you ever open your inbox and see a
message from a girl youve been talking to and start to get nervous (Ive done it too), take a
deep breath, and remember ITS NOT A BIG DEAL. Her response says nothing about you.
She cannot hurt you, upset you, reject you, or even make you happy. That is up to you. You
are in control. She is a picture and a few lines of text. Nothing she says has anything to do
with you. It is her response to the fun, playful, and charming messages you are sending. If she
doesnt want to be fun and playful back she is not the type of girl you would want to meet up
with anyway. There are millions of girls on Match, OkCupid, PlentyofFish, MySpace,
Facebook and other social networking sites. Just click next.
Part of having the attitude of a powerful, attractive male is not to be affected by other
peoples opinions or responses. You know who you are and what you want. If you do get an
apparently negative response, just use phrases like, Wow you sure are a feisty one, Calm
down there cowgirl, Im just having some fun. Youre kinda cute when youre all riled up..
haha etc., and then just push on towards your desired outcome. Every now and then, you
will receive a blatantly angry response with something like, Why are you writing me?, I
have a boyfriend, I hate guys like you, etc. This has nothing to do with you. It is her
personal problem. Delete the message and move on. However, if you get a significant number
of messages like this, then you may need to re-evaluate what you are doing and fine tune it.
Use Emoticons and Short hand in Place of Non-Verbal Communication
Since most in-person communication is done through non-verbal cues such as body language,
vocal tonality, facial expressions, etc. it is critical to use emoticons, acronyms and initialisms
(words that describe bodily reactions ie lol, haha) to create the mood youre intending to
communicate. As you will see in many of the examples, we will end a statement with:

Note: A
to spell
You can
good m
Here is
been us
I could
That co
your me
Heres h
I could
be fun a
Get use
with ou
Note: G
them. T
Have yo
reply? D
you. By
the prop
Here is
A little
Another fun
them out in
n use any va
mood, sympa
ise overly co
an example
d never han
omes across
essages are
how it wou
d never han
n will read y
nt. You don
and playful
ed to using t
ut them.
Girls typical
This is a per
ou ever writ
Does it feel
ing. Chance
y paying atte
per amount
tion that is g
g with one-w
tion is inves
es what is g
a cross sect
ball of spun
nny way to s
n parenthesi
ariation of t
athizing, are
ocky statem
e of a statem
d out with y
cold and w
read as you
ld read with
g out with a
your messag
t want to gi
as rude or m
these mood
lly use emot
fect resourc
tten a girl a
like you ar
es are you a
ention to ho
of informat
giving all ki
word answe
sting the mo
going on. Th
tion of an in
set yourself
is instead i.e
these. They
e intending
ment that co
you. You ar
would not ma
u intend them
h emoticons
a girl like yo
ges through
ive her the c
mean just be
indicators A
ticons and s
ce to pull fro
a long involv
e pulling te
are giving to
ow much a w
tion for you
inds of infor
ers. Ultimat
ost in the int
he one who
nteraction I
m i like hehe
apart now t
e. becom
y let a girl kn
to be funny
ould be take
re just troub
ake sense in
m to come a
s added:
ou haha.
h the filter o
chance to m
ecause she
shorthand te
om to expan
ved messag
eth to keep
oo much too
woman is w
u to share. Y
rmation abo
tely, the per
teraction. T
is investing
had with S
that emotico
mes (smiley f
now when y
y. They can
n the wrong
n a conversa
you are just
f whatever m
is in a sour
u simply ca
exts so pay
nd your voc
ge only to re
the convers
o soon and i
writing in he
You dont w
out yourself
rson writing
This has a hu
g the most i
ons have be
you are bein
even lessen
g way had th
ation. You w
t trouble are
mood they a
a message t
annot flirt on
attention to
cabulary of
eceive back
sation going
it is killing h
er messages
want to be th
f if she is sh
g the most in
uge effect on
s seen as th
ecome so po
ng playful, i
n the sting o
he emoticon
want to ensu
ent you!!?
are in at tha
that was me
nline effect
o how they u
shorthand a
a short one
g? This can
her attractio
s you can ca
he one perso
haring none
n the online
n how each
he one chasi
opular is
in a
of an
ns not
ure that

eant to
be very
on to
on in an
or just
h of you
Wow, a
show M
jokes go
you lau
So do y

so you s
instant b
Well I c
and catc

shut up-
I went t
to go to
Enjoy y

so did y
your tri
My wee
her birth
after a f
late last
a dork you a
I suppose it
Monster Que
o- well I thi
ugh (it will c
you have any

inal Messag
share my se
best friends
came up to M
ch up on so
? because th

inal Messag
- do u really
idswho to
al- thats a p
to the beach
with people
o the park as
your day- ho

inal Messag
you get ever
p home? Ho
ekend was s
hday. Her f
few weeks (
t night from
I somehow
are- but as I
t would be m
est, particula
ink Im pret
cost you tho
ything plan
ecret obsess
s lol.
Montreal fo
me stuff. W
hat would be
y have a lov
old you? Di
popular plac
h yesterday-
e in Montre
ope you catc
rything you
ow was the
solid. I wen
family is lik
m her house
w got all this
said, thats
my addiction
arly the epis
tty funny; I
ough haha).
ned for this
sion with cry
or the weeke
What about y
e awesome!
ve for crypto
d Ariel put
ce this week
- it was a lot
eal or hotelli
ch up on wh
wanted don
weather the
nt to my best
ke my 2nd fa
g the last tim
and though
s energy..err
s a plus in m
n to sudoku
sode about
mean I don
s long and m
end and am
you? Did yo

ozoology? P
her human
t of fun and
ing it up? T
hat you nee
ne and relax
t friends ho
amily so it w
me i was the
ht i would be
rr (not fun w
my books
u or perhaps
Nessie the L
nt think I can
much needed
y? I am pret
m staying her
ou go search
Pretty cool h
feet on and
at kinda stuf
d def missed
Today is gor
d to do.
x? Sooo exc
ouse which i
was really n
ere was for
e able to pas
when you ar
Well what
s my obsess
Lockness M
n do stand u
d weekend?
tty sure that
re for a wee
hing for mer
hehe. I did l
d tell you he
ff do you ne
d going to th
rgeous so I a
citing your b
is up near C
nice being a
a funeral). G
ss out right
re trying to
makes me a
sion with the
Monster. As
up but I can
t means we
ek or so to g
rmaids in th
look for
eed to catch
he beach. A
am going to
back- how w
CT and celeb
around them
Got home k
away, but s
get sleep fo
e tv
far as
n make
get away
up on?
Are you
o have
m again
or the
this wee
My num

well i d
text so l
As you
was con
asking m
isnt ab
back lon
You do
back eq
mirror t
and get
Note: th
In addit
using su
a sense
who are
more co
back to
she is c
You sho
matter h
track to
ek is sorta b
mber is xxx

inal Messag
did relax u
lets figure
can see fro
nsistently w
me question
out getting
ng response
nt want to
qually. She w
the amount
involved in
his is much
g to each oth
ng Uncon
tion to mirro
style as we
uch as, Hah
of comfort
e) causes he
flock togeth
e similar to
onnected wi
her will sub
oming from
ng the Con
ould always
how she res
oward the en
s, role-playin
busy, but I a
xxx xxxx;
out a time t
m this exam
writing much
ns. Just by r
her to chase
es. You wan
be investin
will sense it
she is writi
n the interac
more impo
her stage.
nscious Ra
oring the le
ell. Pay atten
haha vs hehe
with you. T
er to form u
her, people
them. She m
ith you whe
s start a con
sponds, it is
nds on whic
ng and gam
am around t
feel free to
ly so much
to kick it
mple Shari i
h more than
reading it yo
e me, I was
nt to pay att
g everythin
t and be turn
ng and use
rtant in beg
apport thr
ngth of the
ntion to wha
ehe. As silly
The fact tha
e like to han
might not kn
en you mirro
ly help her f
nversation w
always you
ch you have
this weeken
that i got v

is investing
n I was, volu
ou can alrea
just busy a
tention to th
ng into an in
ned off. So
the techniqu
ginning of an
rough Mir
message, it
at kind of e
y as this ma
at you are sim
s rapport wi
ng out with
now why bu
or her word
feel like you
with a desire
ur responsib
e decided. T
nd if you wa
ery little wo
much more
unteering in
ady tell she
and didnt h
his so you ca
nteraction w
if she is wr
ues in this s
n interaction
t is also VER
moticons an
ay seem, it i
milarly exp
ith you. Just
and feel mo
ut she will b
d choice and
u understan
ed outcome
bility to lead
his is easy t
ant to meet u
ork done lol
e into the co
nformation a
is the one c
ave a bunch
an balance t
with someon
riting very li
system to ge
n when you
RY effectiv
nd expressiv
s another w
ressive (eve
t like the say
ore comfort
become mor
d writing sty
nd her world
in mind. Th
d the conver
to do using
up at some p
l. I just sent
about her lif
chasing me.
h of time to
the interacti
ne who isnt
ittle, back o
et her to ope
u are still in
ve to mirror
ve language
way for her t
en over a sh
ying, birds
table with p
ore relaxed a
yle. Mirrorin
d and know
his means th
rsation back
t you a
. She
fe and
off and
en up
e she is
to build
s of a
and feel
ng them
hat no
k on
At the same time, have fun with the conversation. Enjoy the uniqueness and spontaneity that
each new girl brings. With practice, youll quickly learn to guide the flow of the interaction
like a pro.
Conversation Hooks and Multiple Threads
The goal is to engage her in a conversation within the first three messages totally independent
of the opening message. A typical mistake guys make is sticking to only one conversational
thread. This quickly gets played out and shows lack of conversational skills. You want to use
conversation hooks to open multiple threads of conversation. The more conversational
threads you have going the more you have to talk about and connect on. This is going to be
crucial for pushing the other buttons.
Conversation hooks are statements or questions that create an opportunity for her to engage in
conversation. Make sure to use hooks that she can relate to. The easiest way to introduce a
new conversational hook and open up a new conversational thread is by using Transitional
Transitioning Phrases
Transitional phrases are the single most important tool used in keeping control of the
conversation. Phrases such as Guess what.., Check this out, I have to say.., Youll
never believe what happened today, or simply so, allow you to redirect the
conversation onto any topic you want. Usually, these will be used to tell stories that make her
laugh, ask her questions that create more thread topics or to play fun games that encourage
her to stay engaged in the conversation and even subsequently provide you with an
opportunity to compliment her based on how well she performed.
In Action:
10:11am Feb 27th
you took a white belt? tisk tisk you should have explained the rice rule! haha
so we agree on sushi but do we agree on surprise adventure? If you were to take me on a
surprise adventure where would we go and what would we do?
good luck
2:39pm Feb 27th
white belt? (im guessing thats a no rice leftover/sushi rule?)
hmmmm suprise adventure?? well if i told you it wouldnt be a suprise!
but it would be sup diff
2:54pm Feb 27th
ok not a surprise but a random adventure . go!
3:24pm Feb 27th
ice blocking in the park
6:07pm Feb 27th
i was thinking more of cliff jumping in chile or snorkeling the great barrier reef in australia
but hey thats just my style
8:43pm Feb 27th
haha ok if you wanna go that route then
parasailing in Hawaii,white river rafting in Colorado, and bannana boats in the carribiian!
By simply saying so we agree on sushi but do we agree on surprise adventure? I was
able to open a new thread independent of the opening message that had to do with sushi. It
cant get much easier than that.
Answering Questions
It is generally a good rule to answer any questions she has early on in your interaction;
avoiding them looks shady. However, you dont have to answer the full question, or spend
more than one sentence on it, depending on the question. A lot of times girls dont know what
to ask so they ask questions like what do you do? or why are you on this site?. Dont get
sucked into a typical boring conversation but it is better to take control of the conversation
and move it towards more engaging conversation for both of you.
Making Up Memories with Roleplaying
Remember when you used to play house with a girl you like in elementary school? You
were the husband and girl you had a crush on was the wife. Or perhaps it was doctor and
patient or Kind and Queen of the castle (a.k.a. the slide). Although it may have just seemed
like a fun game at the time, there was some very powerful psychological principles of
attraction going on there. The best part is those principles are far more effective now that you
are older. In fact, the affects of successfully role-playing with a woman you are interested in
are so astounding you will wonder why you havent been doing it all along.
The human brain has trouble distinguishing between imagined events and real memories.
This is significant because every time you create an imagined event with a woman using role-
playing, she is in essence creating a memory with you. The more memories you have with
someone the more comfortable you feel around them. After all, are not all the relationships
you have in your life formed from the feelings and bonds created through shared memories
When role-playing with a woman the devil is in the details. The more vivid she can imagine
herself experiencing the events you describe the more powerful and real the memory will
become. You want to pick roles where you do things together or where she is the one who is
looking up to or chasing you.
Here are a few examples of role-playing ideas:
-Husband and Wife (or exs)
-Travel Buddies (talk about all the adventures you are going on together)
-Stalker and Victim (she is the one stalking you)
-Teacher and Student
-Rockstar and Groupie
In Action:
April 29
haha yo
other co

April 30
i think w

May 1 a
haha oh

May 2 a
well yo
gave me

May 2 a
Lucky y
me I thi

May 2 a
I know

May 2 a
hmm.. W
love let
case I m

May 3 a
wow we

May 3 a
Yea we
keep sp
Sent via
As you
short lit
9 at 11:13pm
oure funny

0 at 4:34pm
we met at su

at 8:47pm
h really? Wa

at 10:01am
u did use a
e cooties th

at 7:11pm
you! I dont
ies that you
ink I might

at 9:04pm
right?! Me

at 9:29pm
Well I reme
tters and bur
made copies

at 7:11pm
e always di

at 8:56pm
e did!..I thin
peaking to e
a Facebook
engage her
urous, exciti
ttle interacti
n you two. T
! So what m

ummer cam

as it any go

little too m

t just go aro
u have of us?
be regrettin


ember when
ried it unde
s. haha.. I st

d do the coo

nk we should
ach other!
r with differ
ing, or even
ions or, to g
This way w
made you me

mp when you

od?! It soun

uch tongue

ound given c
? Somehow
ng the divor

you have so

n we went o
r the ground
ill have the

olest things

d try to do s
rent role-pla
n possibly a
get the most
when you me
essage me R
u pushed m
nds very rom
but overall
cooties to an
w I mustve f
ome fond m
out to the mo
d for someo
copies. :]
something j
aying scenar
slightly rom
t out of them
eet up again
Race?! I ass
me into the b
mantic of m
l all it was q
nyone.. :] A
forgotten bu
memories as
ountain and
one else to d
ust as hip a
rios you are
mantic side
m, they can
n you alread
sume we do
ushes and g
quite delight
Are there any
ut now that
s well my lo
d took a box
discover and
again.. Haha
e also displa
of your self
become a lo
dy have a sto
ont know ea
game me my
tfuli think
ny other fond
youre rem
x filled with
d share.. bu
a and defint
aying an
f. These can
ong running
ory line bet
y first
k you
t just in
n be
g theme
you two
up more
about (f
is a role
Fun littl
to learn
Guess w
Finish t
Roses a
good lu
So I jus
some ve
be invis
have on
or woul
Good lu
Notice t
say yes
the end
just read
from yo
o that you c
y as signific
e than usual
le deniabilit
for the most
e and not h
er she is pla
le games ar
n about her,
sational thre
sation. Simp
es of some
ple 1
what? Ive d
h to develop
h to comple
this poem:
are red Viol
ple 2
st read these
ery interesti
you rather
voice, and t
sible, or be
ne year of am
ld you rathe
that youre
or no to tha
of the state
e it is alread
d these wo
an draw fro
ant, role pla
l. Because s
ty. After all
t part) are a
her, she isn
aying into.
re a great wa
find opport
eads to conn
ply use a tra
fun games t
devised a te
p it. Im wa
te it.
ets are blue
e would yo
ing answers
have an am
thats what
able to fly?
mazing, toe
er have two
not asking
at. You are
ement which
dy assuming
ould you rat
om at any tim
aying allow
she is playi
l it really is
actually an o
nt worried a
ay to engag
tunities to c
nect on. Rem
ansitional ph
to use:
st to tell how
rning you
ou rather qu
s lol
mazing sing
you were fa
e-curling, ne
years of so
her to play
simply pres
h is another
g she is goin
ther questio
me. I canno
ws her to let
ing a role o
snt her. W
outlet for ho
about being
ge a woman
member, if
hrase to lea
w creative s
its very d
uestions the
ging voice b
amous for?
-so sex?
a game (i.e
senting the
r indirect wa
ng to. Also n
ons the othe
ot stress eno
go of some
of somebody
When in all a
ow she reall
g judged. Sh
in the conv
her and star
she is havin
d into a gam
someone is.
ifficult!!! V
e other day
but never be
ling-911 sex
. a direct qu
questions an
ay of compe
notice the u
er day) wh
ough how m
of her insec
y else she c
actuality, the
y feels. And
he can pass t
versation. It
rt a whole r
ng fun, she w
me at any tim
. It took me
Very few hav
and I bet yo
e famous, or
x and the ne
uestion) bec
nd adding
elling her to
use of a third
hich remove
much comfor
curities and
can use that
e things she
d again, bec
that off to th
is also a gr
range of new
will stay in
me. Here ar
e years of stu
ve ever had
ou would ha
r be famous
ext year of n
cause she ca
Good Luck
o play along
d party (i.e.
es responsib
rt this
d open
e jokes
cause it
eat way
re a few
udy and
d the
s with a
no sex,
an either
k at
So I
The thir
you wil
A great
up copi
There a
In Acti

From: R
Date: O
me? litt
I cant b
Live in
Have to
Have a
Good lu

From: H
Date: O
oh good
fact the
mind (i

Use m
play and
For exa
if you n
rd question
ll learn abou
t place to fin
nes like Cos
es of these
t and you ca
are is a whol

Oct 25, 2007
ing busines
believe you
a mansion
o always say
year of ama

Oct 25, 2007
d i love filli
re is one in
do that any

erpretation i
d even play
rpret what s
ts, had an un
ing unflatte
I have a me
Jeeze how
in the list a
ut in Modul
nd fun game
an exercise
le section in

7 11:24 AM
well lets se
s, get moles
u are not cre
by the lake
y whats on
azing, toe c

7 1:22 PM
ng out surv
Hawaii tha
yway), and 2

is a great wa
yfully tease
she is sayin
ntended sex
ering about h
eeting I SO
often do yo

actually is a
le 5: Pushin
es, quizzes,
, Seventeen
right now. I
that knowle
n the Private

ee. I ride do
sted by cute
or a shack
your mind
urling sex a

veys! lol wel

at i already s
2 years of s

ay to chang
a woman. I
g to make it
xual meanin
her self.
dont want t
ou have to v
form of Ga
ng Her Desir
or stories to
n, Vogue, et
It is a great
edge in you
e forum tha
olphins, am
e girls at clu
s try someth
on the beac
or only spe
and then a y
ll.i would
said i want t
o so sex (I w

e the directi
f she is brin
t seem as th
ng, or even j
to go toag
visit your pr
auging A W
re Button.
o tell is by a
c. In fact, if
way to gain
ur interaction
at is full of g
ubs and can
hing to be su
eak pig latin
year of no se
d rather live
to live in), h
wont explai
ion of a con
ngs up any n
hough she w
jokingly ass
robation offi
Womans Sex
actually rea
f you dont h
n insight int
game ideas.
a social psy
bake 30 mi
ure. Would
ex or two ye
e in a shack
have to say
in that one)
nversation, s
number of th
was includin
suming that
ficerI can
xual Radar,
ading girlie
have any, g
to a woman

in brownies
you rather:
ears of so so
on the beac
whats on m
You are so
start a new
ng you in he
t she sugges
pee in a cu
go pick
s in 29

o sex
ch (in
up for ya
that I br
from th
I hope y
In Acti
she said
RE: too
wow, li
my jobs
And Im
is it that
and Mo

Race sa
both job
your pic
well bu
our pas

She Sai
damn! h
Tell me
My sch
trial ( cr
well if you
ring over a h
well arent y
he moment y
It was so ho
Thinking a
Your messa

Damn girly
you didnt se
s hahaha
o fast?
ickedy split
s Thursday
m also jealou
t you do for
ontreal is pre

bs?! you are
ummerI w
sionate love

how did you
e more abou
hedule this w
razy right, I
which is a d
nt coach of t
do decide t
house warm
you so swee
you made m
ot out side t
about me do
age was so c
y, youre alr
ee me in my
eh?? Haven
night . T
us about Ma
r a living an
etty amazin
e the leprech
was going to
e affair mus
u know? lol
ut this stopli
weekend suc
Im living m
dance camp
the UFL La
to invite me
ming presen
et to offer u
me msg you
oes tend to m
cute I had to
ready hiding
y sponge bo
nt heard th
ell me the id
aui, was sup
nyway? b
haun in fron
o invite you
st wait. Wha
l I dont tell
ight party, I
cks. I work
my own law
p type thing
as Vegas Lo
e to that hou
nt pic
us some pois
on myspace
make people
o take a pee
g in the bus
hat in awhile
dea so I can
pposed to go
being able to
nt of Oshea
to our Stop
at is your sc
l many peop
I had a simil
w and order e
for profess
ocos Dance
use warming
ck your pois
son! i knew
e your so
e hot and bo
ek You se
shes peeking
e, I like it. B
n be super b
o in June bu
o take 3 mon
as arent yo
plight party
chedule like
ple about th
lar idea onc
y nights and
episode!). S
sional sports
team). So I
g party it be
w you were t
o tricky! dam
othered lo
eem like you
g through m
But of cours
bummed I ca
ut didnt get t
nths to wan look
on thurs nig
e this weeke
at job
ce and just n
d Friday day
Saturday I am
s teams dan
really only
etter not be j
trying to sed
mn you!
oud be a pre
my windows
se, I work bo
ant go.
the chance!
nder around
k so much ta
ght. What a
never made
y am a witn
am going to
ncers (Im al
y have Sund
just so
duce me
etty fun
s? lol
oth of
! What
aller in
ness in a
lso the
afternoon free, dont work until 5pm. Monday and Tuesadays are my full days off.

This takes a little practice but one of the many beautiful advantages of online dating is you
have as much time as you want to think about your response. Start thinking of fun ways you
can misinterpret (albeit always in a fun way never in an offensive way) something she said.
How to Ask Questions the Right Way
Be curious. Asking questions allow you to move the conversation forward to where you want
it to go while gathering information you can use for flirting. The types of you questions you
want to ask are OPEN ENDED questions that are preferably unusual. That is to say dont ask
questions that can be answered with either a yes or a no such as do you like music?. A
simple way to turn that into an open ended question is by asking what types of music do you
like?. This cannot be answered with a yes or no. To make it more unusual you could ask If
you could date any rockstar who would it be and why?.
Here are a few of my favorites:
-If a genie grants you one wish what would it be?
-What is your favorite thing to do to have fun?
-In your opinion what is the one thing the opposite gender needs to learn?
-Have you gone on any adventures this summer?
-What is the silliest thing you own?
-What is the one place you havent visited by would love to see?
-If you could have any music group alive today play at your birthday party, who would you
For now keep them light and playful but in the next 2 Modules you will learn how to ask
questions that will build a deeper connection and gauge her sexual radar.
Note: You dont have to necessarily have to answer a question she asks you immediately, but
can answer it with a question of your own. Simply say, Wow, nobodys ever asked me that
before. What made you ask me? or Great question, but before I answer can I ask you.
Passing a Womans Tests
Using all the techniques in this system you will begin to build attraction really quickly with
women. They are not used to this happening. Because of this, they will often test you to see if
you really are the fun, cool, high value guy that you are portraying yourself to be. Based on
how you react, she will either become far more attracted to you or realize that it was just too
good to be true and move on and stop responding to you. This does not mean she is being
bitchy or mean or doesnt like you. In fact, it is the exact opposite.
Cherish the moments a woman suddenly gives you resistance or gives you hell about
something you said. She has to do this to filter out low value men to get to the quality men.
So how
she wan
sassy co
shows t
good ab
others w
Do not
is tellin
more at
Here ar
- Ignore
doing w
unlike m
and the
- Say:
she is tr
- Play a
Her: y
You: H
- Find o
what th
Be willi
with an
mean yo
not com
In Acti
Race sa
too fast
so my f
me? oop

she said
RE: too
Love a
w do you pas
nts to be attr
omment. Sh
yourself, st
that you trul
bout yoursel
will form op
I repeat
ng you that s
ttracted to y
re some of th
e it. Sometim
what you are
most guys, a
d to you.
u r cute T
rying to test
along. Go ov
ly at all.
you are a pla
How rude!
out the REA
he real issue
ing to walk
ting with wo
nd what you
ou werent
mpatible. No
friends say I
ps I meant t
o fast?
catchy subj
ss a woman
racted to? Y
he is trying t
tart apologi
ly are an aw
lf. You do w
pinions of y
she likes yo
he main wa
mes the bes
e doing ha
are not goin
on will mov
This is a gre
t you becau
ver the top s
ayer arent y
We prefer
AL issue. If
is and hand
away. This
omen. Know
are not. If i
good enoug
o worries. T
I move too f
to say hi
ject line.
s test and s
You must be
to get a rise
zing, or get
wesome guy
what you w
you. This is
take it perso
u and givin
ays to succe
st way to ha
aving fun te
ng to play he
ve forward a
at way to sh
se you now
so she know
r to be calle
it is a more
dle that inst
s is the most
w what you
it just doesn
gh or she wa
There are a m
fast but I am

solidify in h
e out of you
t upset her a
y who doesn
ant to becau
insanely att
onal! Instea
ng you an am
ssfully hand
andle a wom
exting back
er little gam
as if it neve
how her tha
w know it jus
ws you are j
d gigolos
e serious tes
tead. Dont
t important
u want and d
nt work out
asnt good e
million fish
m going to g
her mind tha
u and when y
attraction to
nt need her
use you wan
d look at it
mazing oppo
dle a woma
mans test is
and forth. T
mes. If done
r happened.
at you are un
st means sh
oking aroun
t stemming
get caught u
concept yo
dont want. W
t you have t
enough for
in the sea a
go out on a
at you are th
Dont buy in
you dont st
you goes th
nt to not bec
as a fun gam
ortunity to m
ns tests:
to simply ig
This lets he
correctly, i
. Only she w
naffected. Y
e likes you.
nd and you
from her in
up in a fake
u may ever
What you a
to be ok wit
you, it just m
and you are
limb here
he high qua
nto the argum
tammer to t
hrough the
e or approva
cause of ho
me. It is cut
make her ev
gnore it and
er know tha
it will be fo
will be way
You find it c
dont take t
e argument.
r learn about
are willing t
th that. It do
means you
quite the ca
will you m
lity guy
ment or
try to
roof. It
al to feel
te. She
d keep
t you,
cute that
find out
to put up
two are
Does th

Race sa
RE: too
not sure

she said
RE: too
Good an
You sho
only the
its sa

Race sa
RE: too
I beta

she said
RE: too
.I jus
I am ex
smile ev
am a tot
I have s
So, Wh
little ha

Race sa
RE: too
I didnt
If you c
So wha
and got
hat line work

o fast?
eI just sig
g girl to be

o fast?
ould see the
ey knew wh
afe to say yo
o fast?
and what do
o fast?
st wrote you
xtremely sar
ven when I
taly ladym
No.our f
d because th
I thiiink
hy are you o
o fast?
t tell you I a
could out so
at if you stay
t a hammock
k for all the
gned up but
interested. I
e crazy ema
hat a handfu
ou are going
o you assum
u this long e
am mad. W
meaning I e
first date wi
hey are supe
and morals
on match? Y
actually don
ocially butte
yed the nigh
k set up and
e girls on ma
hopefully i
I guess I co
ails I get.e
ul I am.
g to love thi
me makes yo
email and it
When someo
expect to be
ll not be at
r important
s I would
You have no
nt have any
erfly me, let
ht on the firs
d they only p
atch?? I kno
it will get al
ould have go
extremely e
is site and fi
ou such a ha
didnt send
y a social
one hurts my
e treated like
a night club
t to me.
d say that ab
o pictures of
y teeth? I am
ts just say I
st date at a
played the m
ow you hav
ll the boring
one with hi
fit right in ((j
andful? You
l butterfly li
y feelings I
e one. No
b. You bette
bout covers
f you showi
m an old man
I would be v
night club..
music we li
e used it be
g ones to ign

. Old men lo
(jk)).old m
ur sassitude
ike you hav
tell them. I
I will not b
er love my m
why I am a
ng your teet
n remember
very impres
like we talk
ked (ice ice
nore me and
ove me!!!! h
e not withsta
ve never see
can be sens
be spending
monster dog
a handful.
ked to the m
e baby)..oh
d an
en. I
sitive. I
g the
gs or
es me a
yeah it
will be
of wate
I am on

she said
19 hour
RE: too
spend th
could se
Ice ice b
I like ho
who can
So there
set you
next me
must Pu

everyone in
r it would b
n match.w
rs ago
o fast?
sly the more
he night at t
ee you expa
ow the impo
n keep up w
e you have
ic and flirty
so far apart
essage and h
ush Her Ima
n their fancy
be different
well to find s
e you write t
the club I
anding furth
how did yo
ortant stuff
with you n
it. All the to
t from the a
hoping that
agination Bu
y smansy cl
color glow
someone wh
the more I l
I am not goi
ou know tha
you dont ex
ools necessa
on with a be
average guy
this is goin
utton and ta
lub clothes h
in the dark
ho can keep
like. No tee
ing to expan
at is my favo
xpand on a b
ary to transi
eautiful wom
it is ridicul
ng to work o
ake her from

having a wa
paint. Ok w
p up with m
th?? fixable
nd on the w
orite song?? a
ition from t
man online.
lous. She wi
out. But in o
m merely att
ater balloon
wow this is
e As long
whole club th
re on match
he opening
. Using thes
ill be excite
order for it t
tracted to fa
n fightbut
getting elab
g as you take
hing becaus
h to find som
message in
se technique
edly awaitin
to work out
t instead
e me to
se I
nto a
es will
ng your
there w
thats w
else eve
guy she
do this y
you as p
cause h
So how
what sh
self, of
do not c
is sham
life. Th
and con
met eac
So how
about? L
How to
In the la
you to d
you: W
her: I do
you: wh
her: I ha
Just by
that wil
ask a fo
when yo
it. And
dule 3
fun yet? Sh
will be a mes
e her and mo
who. But you
entually she
e wants to g
you must re
part of her w
her to becom
ng a conne
w do you go
Well just a
he values. W
y. If you con
who she be
we go any f
out what sh
what you a
tion with a w
condone lea
meful and go
is isnt abou
nnecting wit
ch other. Ok
w do you go
Lets start b
o Dig Dee
ast module
d around lig
dig deeper.
What is the on
ont know m
hat attracts y
ave always
probing a li
ll eventually
ollow up que
ou hit on so
the more th
3: Pus
he is! Believ
ssage from y
ost of alls
u are not do
e will lose in
enuinely co
elate to her
world. To a
me fascinate
ection on s
about maki
as in person
Why? Becau
nnect with h
elieves she i
further you
he is passion
are passiona
woman, she
ading a wom
oes against t
ut you gettin
th the outco
k Ill get off
about findin
by asking qu
eper -The
I showed yo
ht, fun and
Let me sho
ne place you
maybe Italy
you to Italy
loved art
ittle deeper
y lead you t
estion abou
omeones pa
hey say abou
sh her
ve it or not,
you. And w
she is havin
one yet. You
nterest. You
onnect with
on what is i
ccomplish t
d with you.
ing a connec
, you have t
use this is th
her on that l
is. This is ho
MUST und
nate about a
ate about an
e WILL find
man on or ly
the very bel
ng yours, th
ome that no
f my soapbo
ng out what
Magic of
ou how to a
playful ans
w you how
u havent vi
you can fin
o something
ut art at this
assion becau
ut it, the mo
r imag
when she o
why not? Yo
ng fun! Who
u see you ca
u see she wa
someone, s
important to
this you mu
. Heres how
g she valu
ction with a
to dig deep
he core of w
level you ar
ow love eve
derstand tha
and what sh
nd what you
d out and yo
ying to fulfi
liefs that hav
his is about
matter wha
ox now
t this woma
Genuine C
ask unique,
wers. Howe
isited by wo
nd out her u
g she is pas
point and g
use they wi
ore opportun
opens her in
ou are differ
os better th
ant just sta
ant to not on
she wants to
o her as wel
ust Push Her
a woman yo
and find ou
who she is. T
e connectin
entually form
at this never
he values, yo
u value. If yo
ll your own
ve made me
two people
at happens y
an you are ta
open ended
ever, any of
ould love to
underlying m
ssionate abo
get her really
ll get excite
nities you h
on bu
nbox she is a
ent, you are
han you righ
y the fun fli
nly be able
o feel unders
ll as get her
r Imaginatio
ou just began
ut what she i
This is how
ng with her i
a one way
ou too will b
ou lie and tr
D be asham
n satisfaction
e so success
coming tog
you are both
alking to on
d questions.
f those answ
o see?
out. It would
y opening u
ed and have
have to conn
actually hop
e funny, you
ht now? No
irty guy for
to have fun
stood. In or
r to start ima
on Button a
an messagin
is passionat
she forms h
idea of her t
street. As y
be opening
ry to make a
med of yours
n. In my ey
sful in my d
gether, havi
h better off h
nline is pass
Most of tho
wers actually
. Its this pr
d be really e
up. You will
e a lot to say
nect with he
rever or
n with a
rder to
te about,
you are
up and
a false
self. I
yes this
ing fun
y allows
easy to
l know
y about
Here are some simple ways to dig deeper:
What do you enjoy about____ so much?
What attracts you to____?
No way? What got you into_____
The cool thing is you dont have to be into the same things exactly that she is into. All you
have to be is be genuinely curious. Think about the last time someone was talking to you and
was genuinely curious about something that you were really passionate about. Chances are
you lit up like a 1000 watt light bulb and talked excitedly for as long as they would listen.
You can provide the same thing for a woman online by being genuinely curious about what
makes her tick.
You might wonder why I didnt just bring this up sooner. Quite simply because she wasnt
ready for you to dig deeper. You MUST first Push Her Curiosity Button and build attraction
by Pushing Her Playfulness Button before you can start making a deeper connection. If you
had just jumped in and tried to make a deep connection with a woman you didnt know and
who didnt know you she would have lost all attraction. After all, why would you want to
know the inner most workings of a woman you dont even know is fun? More importantly,
since this is a two way street, why would you want to share YOUR inner most thoughts and
feelings with a a complete stranger?
Look at it this way. The first two buttons are a way of feeling out if you guys would be a
good match. It is a way of determining if there is sufficient attraction between the two of you
to invest more time and energy into the relationship to see where it goes. The good news is,
that if you are at this point you are ready to dig deeper and make a genuine connection with
Sample Rapport Questions
Rapport is a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people.
You form rapport by connecting with people on their passions and values. Think about all the
reasons why your best friend is your best friend and you will begin to understand what I
mean. At some point you two connected over something you had in common and it grew
from there. Here are a few rapport questions to get you both opening up and connecting on a
deeper level.
-Whats the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
-The three things you cant live without are ?
-What are your secret talents only those closest to you know?
-Who is the person who has most influenced your life?
-Appearance aside, what do people notice about you after meeting you for an hour?
-How important is family to you? Why?
-Whats your favorite outdoor activity?
-What was your favorite vacation and why?
-Whats the best piece of advice youve ever received?
-What are your all-time favorite movies?
-Wheres the place you long to go but havent been to yet? Why there?
-Whats your favorite quote or saying?
You can present these when it is time by using a transitional phrase. After she answers be
sure to dig deeper using the technique above until you get down to what really makes her
Accept and Relate
After she opens up and you dig deeper (sometimes you wont have to, she will just spill the
beans) it is your turn to reciprocate. She just shared with you something that is very important
to her. It is crucial that you accept her for this. After all what if you were very passionate
about your college football team and as soon as you shared a story about it with a new
woman you were talking to, she said: football is stupid. That would hurt right? You just
opened up and she shut you down. It will be a long time until you would trust this woman
enough to open up again. The same thing will happen if you do not accept what she is saying
or try to tease her about what she just said.
Instead start of with a compliment and then proceed to share something of equal importance
from your life. The compliment could be something as simple as, how cool! that reminds me
of. What you share doesnt even have to be on the same subject. Think, instead, about
what the feeling is underneath it.
Another cool thing about her being into/passionate about something you know nothing about
is that you can ask her to teach you. So say if she is into art, you can ask her to be your guide
at the museum. She will love being able to share her passion with someone else who is
A Fun Game I Learned in Psych 101
Here is a fun little game I learned way back in Psych 101. You are going to have to use some
of your cold reading skills and intuition but it is well worth the effort for what you learn
about each other. The easiest way for me to show it to you is to just show you an interaction
where I played it with the prom queen of my high school who I hadnt talked to in years.

From: Race
Date: Apr 26, 2007 10:48 AM
so u and I really need to play soonwhats with all this separation?
Lets play a psychology game right now!:
what is your favorite color? Now give me three reasons/descriptive words why you picked
that one
what is your favorite animal? dido
if you could live by one body of water what would it be: an ocean, a lake or a river? once
againthree reasons why you picked what you picked
oh ya you happy?
From: Girl
Date: Apr 26, 2007 4:04 PM
Okay heres the answers
1) White is my favorite color.
a) When I think of white & when I see white, I think clean, simple, fresh, and beautiful.
b) Most people think its the absence of color, but really, in the visible light spectrum it is all
colors combined. So really this is like saying my favorite color is the rainbow, and who
hasnt looked at a rainbow and sighed in awe of its beauty?
c) It reflects light the best, so theres a sense of luminosity to it. Basically, it makes the world
2) My favorite animal is a manatee.
a) They like a cross between a fish, a bear, an elephant, a sting ray, and a sea lionhow
amazing is that?!
b) They are non aggressive herbivores. Basically sweet and friendly, and they look it. Ive
always thought of them as the teddy bears of the sea.
c) They may use taste and smell, in addition to sight, sound, and touch to communicate.
Manatees are capable of understanding discrimination tasks, and show signs of complex
associated learning and advanced long term memory.
Thats just incredible, plus they get to swim all day.
3) Im happiest when Im next to any body of water, in any form, but if I had to choose it
would be a river.
a) Its a combination of the ocean and a lake. It makes the same glorious sound as the ocean
hitting the sand, and has the beautiful white wash like the ocean, but its not salt water so you
can drink it (if its fresh).
b) You can play in it! You can play in all three, but with a lake you normally need an engine,
but with rivers you canoe, raft, & innertube (oceans do have surfing and sailing though) and
your scenery is constantly changing. The scenery on the ocean is normally the same.
c) Lastly & most importantly, rivers normally arent crowded like lakes and beaches. When
youre in a river (or by) your surrounded by amazing trees and rocks, and normally not a lot
of people, with the exception of friends.
So Dr. Race just exactly how crazy am I?
O..and the happy question. Yes, I am happy. I really reallly am enjoying school, and Im glad
Im mature enough now, to really appreciate and treasure learning, knowledge, and the
enviornment Im in. Im slowly and surely meeting peoplesometimes its a little lonely
though, but nothing unbearable. I really love the fact that Im poor, haha. Its true. It makes
me appreciate what I have, and get creative when it comes to having fun, and I love my little
ghetto 1 bedroom. Its in downtown so I can walk to school, the art museum, the library, 16th
st mall, clubs, lots of bakerys, restaurants, and other food joints. However, I do like walking
with someone more then by myself, but none the less, I still enjoy it!
Now its your turn. First of all, are you happy? Hows Vegas and what happened that made
you decide to move there? Lastly, what are/were your answers to these questions?
From: Race
Date: Apr 27, 2007 2:49 PM
i moved to Vegas to help my buddy become a rockstarand I am totally having a blast that is
not to say I am completely fulfilledstill looking the right girl who will compliment me
nicelynone match up completely so far
About the Psychology Test: u r definately crazyj/k i actually just made it upit doesnt
mean anything haha
o u like being poori like being poor when i travel but not as much when i am in one place
for a long time..but i hear ya about forced creativity u should see the things i have done to
stay entertained!
ok so your favorite color is how others percieve u:
so others see u as gay (the white=rainbow) haha
no they see u as bright, fresh, make the world glow from what i remember
about you..i would agree
ur favorite animal is how you see yourself: so you are sweet and friendly, express yourself
through many different modes/senses, are a complex combination of many different amazing
partsoh ya and you are fat..haha j/k..just fluffy in an adorable teddy bear of the sea kinda
way you know i love u
now as for ur choice of the river, this is a reflextion of your sexualitylets take a closer look
shall we?!
once again we see a combination of what you see as the best aspects of several optionsin
fact, this lets me know you have a both mentality instead of an either oryou find ways
to get all of what you want instead of just settleing for one or the other
the fresh water analogy tells me you find your sexuality as a source of
refreshment/nourishmentand if you go too long without expressing it you can get parched
also you chose a place that is secluded (not many people/only your friends) tells me you are
highly selective who you share your sexuality withalso it is a place of refuge for you.
you like how you can play in it and how the scenery always is changingso you like
diversity and sense of playfulness to be incorporated in your sexuality
wow this is by far the longest one i have ever doneu must slightly facinate me
now as far as my answers goit was a long time ago and all i can remember is this:
red passionate, life giving, contrasting
tiger -independent, powerful,
ocean teaming with life, deep/endless/mysterious, awe inspiring
whatchu think about that?
From: Girl
Date: Apr 28, 2007 12:30 AM
whoaits basically scary how accurate that is. Im glad youre having fun liven the rock
star dream with your buddy! It sounds like a blast. I wouldnt worry about you finding a
complimenting woman, Race. Im actually surprised youre single. Let me boost your ego a
second. First of all, the one thing I always liked best about you was the way you challenged
me, which sometimes was annoying cause it was just thatchallenging. In you, I always saw
a guy that was willing to challenge the normal way of thinking & living. Basically you
had/have a brain of your own and youre werent afraid to use it, and you would call people
out if they were doing something wrong, but you were never a jerk about it, which brings up
the second thing. The second thing that I always thought was amazing about you was that
within all of your leadership qualities, you were always so gentle and kind with people. Not
only are those 2 very rare qualities to find in any man, but to find both of those characteristics
in one man is just basically unheard of. So, dont worry I have no doubt that shes out
thereand come on youre in Vegas, theres tons of fun loven woman out there!
So theres your ego boost, and its all true.
As you can see this spikes her curiosity through the roof, allows you to playfully tease her
and at the same time get insight into what type of person she is thus forming a strong sense of
we get each other.
Future Projections
Future Projections are a great way to get her to start imagining herself spending time with
you. As you already learned in the roleplaying section, an imagined memory is almost as
powerful as a real memory. But what is more important with future projection is it
ACTUALLY starts her fantasizing about spending time with you. The best types of future
projections have to do with exotic, out of the ordinary adventures. Most women (and people
in general) feel stuck and in a rut. They yearn for adventure, for something to escape out of
the mundaneness of their lives. Be her escape by having her imagine herself doing something
she has always wanted to do, something out of the ordinary. Tap into her secret wishes. You
can get ideas by going through her profile and seeing what she said she liked or love.
The key to a good future projection is to add in as much detail as possible. Make it feel real.
Spend time writing it out in vivid detail so she cant but help but imagine what it would be
like to go on this adventure with you. Unlike a role play, you want her to imagine herself
there as herself, not some made up role.
In Action:

May 5 at 11:47am
good idea! where we would go if you took me on an impromptu adventure anywhere in the
world and what would we do? money is no object.
May 6 at 8:09pm
Well we would go sit in the seats in this picture!
Its in Palau, aka Jellyfish Island because you can go scuba diving with 100s of tentacleless
jellyfish..its by Guam, my manager is from there and he talks about it all the time, now Im
dying to go there..
So it would all look just like about you?!
May 7 at 9:29pm
Not bad at all..thats sounds most delightful..
I would probably take you to my second favorite place. First we would hop on a plane from
vegas to New York. We would go to museums, watch a broadway show, eat some pizza at
Rays,go shopping, and play tag in central park. From there we would fly off to Jukkasj?rvi
Sweden where we would spend the night in the Ice Hotel having drinks in ice cups at the
Absolute bar, then relax in the ice jaccuzzi, and then retire to our suite carved entirely out of
ice. We would snuggle up in our reindeer fleece and watch the light play on the ice walls (no
funny business missy) Well rested we would be ready to shake off the cold and grab a flight
to Athens. Here we would jump on a boat and cruise out to Mykinos, Milo, etc where we
would go on hikes, snorkle in the sparkling blue ocean, eat at a little open air cafe and
eventually end up at Santorini just as the sun is setting. We would sneak down a little path
and have delicious wine on one of the rooftops of the little white washed houses overlooking
the ocean and for a second remember in absolute certainty why the heart of life is good. Then
we would head back into town and dance all night at a sand bar to Greek fold music while
sipping ouzo.
Dont even get me started on the trip back, Paris, Italy, Spain, Morocco, etc
Speaking of Morocco do you like hookah?
May 9 at 4:57pm
Wow! I
do! I wa
that.. Th
and this
do you

Notice h
with me
Note: N
Wow th
throw in
case stu
with my

how do
as much
So I ass
Id love

I really wan
ant to go se
heres this o
s amazing te
have a job o

how much d
e. Imagine y
g you along
g this would
se I got, that
Notice also t
g the invite,
hings are rea
tion with a b
tion with he
n a case stu
e in a real li
udies section
y profile do
ally sharing

inal Messag
es it feel to
h grace as A
sume youre
e to get to kn

inal Messag
nt to go on th
ee everythin
one hookah
ea to go wit
or anything

detail I put
you are read
with her to
d be. Now r
t this is exac
the last line
ally coming
beautiful gir
er. How gre
udy so you c
fe example
n but for no
oing all the w
intimate de

be probably
e name is R
now more a
his trip you
ng. And yes
lounge on C
th sh

in. She cou

ding my futu
do all these
ealize that i
ctly what ha
e Speaking
you will lea
g along here
rl you met o
at is that?! B
can see a bit
. I will actu
ow all I wan
work, then l
etails about

y the single
RaceIm L
about you, i
u just planne
I love hook
hould really

uld actually
ure projecti
e things. No
is what she
of Morocc
arn in Modu
e arent they
online but n
But before w
t more in de
ually be brea
nt you to not
light and pla
each others

e most intere
Lauren, nice
if youre int
ed out. Its e
kah. I dont
and Jones I
check it ou

visualize he
ion but it wa
otice how ex
is going to
o do you lik
ule 4: Push
y? Not only
now you are
we move on
epth many o
aking this on
tice is how
ayful banter
s lives. Enjo

esting guy o
e to meet yo
terested. Ho
exactly wha
smoke anyt
I think.. they
t! How abo

erself doing
as a beautifu
xcited you g
feel. You ca
ke hookah?
Her Safety
are you hav
actually fo
n to the nex
of these prin
ne down in
the convers
r back and f
oy and Ill se

on jdate, all
ope youre h
at I would w
thing else e
y give you h
out yourself?

g all these th
ful woman w
get and how
an see in th
. I am actu
ving a fun,
orming a dee
xt Module I
nciples put i
great detail
sation starts
forth and th
ee you in th

l while main
having an am
want to
?! And

who was
want to
l in the
he next

ok as
How co
ps I wou
from yo

haha yo
out of o
So I jus
just hav
Does ta
Your jo
Any exc

well if y
I am so
I kick a
nights o
when sh
ps my j
me lol
y my name
s you can te
ould I not be
uld kick yo
inal Messag
ou just totall
y trying to g
on saturday,
st realized y
ve good tast
aboo count a
ob sounds re
citing week

inal Messag
you are any
close to ge
I am weird l
ass at balder
of fierce com
hould we ge
ob is waaaa
is Hetepsek
ll I am also
e interested?
ur butt in m
ly blew my
get the right
, while simu
you arent ev
as a board g
eally interes
m not thaaaaa
kend plans?

y indication
etting my fir
like that.
rdash and sh
et started?
aay too long
khemwy. I w
a dork so y
? We are lik
most board g
cover of pr
font and siz
ven jewish
game, b/c I a
at much pre

of a jewish
rst tattoo as
hoot and lad

g to explain
was named
yes my nam
ke the same
games im
retending to
ze for my v
replying to
any partic
to elaborate
ettier than y
girl, then y
well! I wok
ddersso lo
over email
after a phar
me is Race
e personw
m just sayin
o do work an
very first tat
a very funn
cular interes
e? Oh and t
yes my taste
ke up a few
ooks like we
.it is quit
raoh from th

well except y
ng. I cant w
nd mask the
too that I w
ny jdate em
st in jewish
that and ca
hank you fo
e is impecab
weeks ago
e are going
e out of the
he second d
you are waa
wait to hear
e fact that I
will probably
girls, or do
or the
and decide
to have som
e ordinary ev
y b*tch
d it was
me late
ven for

haha is
youre g
I fit, exc
that Im
I guess
who alw
i can he
going to
p.s. my

ok ok I
I assum
you are
very fun
there bu
Your m
would y
live in a
have 1 y
good lu
oh and p
has to d

ou dont ha
shoots and
gonna be so
cept for 2 th
m incapable
youll have
ways tells m
elp motivate
o bangbang
mom once
fso hit it!

inal Messag
see how it i
sion meanin
med I was co
y shoots an
actually ch
n game..oh
ut it is.
mom sounds
you rather:
a mansion b
have to say
year of ama
p.s. here is
do with the n

ave to use p.
ladders like
o picky with
hings1 th
of) then I fi
e to tell me a
me that she n
h I think I h
e you to get
, the guy wh
told me to

is.i was u
ng written a
orrect in usa
nd ladders is
hasing peopl
and you ha
like a brilli
by the lake o
y what is on
azing, toe cu
my best gue
nipple breas
s. if you ha
e chutes and
h what ur lo
hat Im not n
igure you ca
about your j
needs a life
have a better
ur first tatto
ho does all
never trust
under the im
after. And
age. I sincer
s much diffe
le with a pa
ve to wear a
iant woman
or a shack o
your mind
urling sex a
esses to you
st thing?
avent signe
d ladders
ooking for in
an take a lit
job in perso
coach, so p
r idea of wh
ooomy fr
of rihanna
a guy who d
mpression p.
since it was
rely apologi
erent than ch
aintball gun
a giant chic
n so here ya
on the beach
or not talk
and then 1 y
ur statement
d ur name
ok im done
n a girl (all
opposed to,
ttle dig
on, then. I h
perhaps I can
hat she need
riend did fo
s tattoos.
doesnt ask
.s. comes fr
s written aft
hutes and la
while climb
cken suit. Im
for a year?
year of no se
t: 1) is send

e picking on
of which cr
, but have n
have a very d
n get you so
r me and Im
Im sooooo
you questio
om the Lati
ter the main
adders. In sh
bing up and
m not sure w

ex or 2 year
ding of naug
n you! i figu
riteria I like
never done a
dramatic fri
m so excite
o nervous th
ons about
in post scrip
n body of m
hoots and la
d down ladd
why that ru
rs of so-so s
ghty picture
ure if
to think
and 1
ptum, an
my letter
le is in
s and 2)

Wait, so
ok answ
would y
live in a
I alway
have 1 y
Id hone
sex yea
What ar
You are
not dev
So whe
by takin

you can
well dev
with som

inal Messag
o you arent
? That expla
wers to your
you rather:
a mansion b
on by the lak
ing hypothe
have to say
ys do say wh
n I could sp
year of ama
estly rather
ar to come b
re your answ
e right with
void of comp
ous whiny w
re do you li
ng care of y

inal Messag
nt ask me th
void of com
mething, it

t supposed t
ains a lot.
r questions
by the lake o
ke in the win
etical questi
y what is on
hats on my
peak my min
azing, toe cu
have no sex
before the am
wers to ur q
the picture
plaintI sp
way though,
ive/work in
your family?

he same que
mplaint defin
is all about
to wear a ch

or a shack o
nter, shack
your mind
mind, unle
nd in a posi
urling sex a
x than so-so
mazing sex
thing, but w
peak up whe
, more in an
the city, an
estions punk
nitely doesn
how you do
hicken suit
on the beach
on the beac
or not talk
ess its hurtf
itive way, so
and then 1 y
o sex, so thi
yearis th
wrong with
en Im not h
n assertive w
nd where did
nt mean no
o it.
when playin
ch in summe
for a year?
ful to others
o definitely
year of no se
is ones easy
hat possible?
your secon
happy with s
way. It must
d you grow
ot speaking u
ng the origi
er. Yes, I ch

but I trus
ex or 2 year
d guess. Its
t be b/c I ha
up? Also, w
up when yo
inal chutes a
heat when
st that in any
rs of so-so s
h Id like th
s actually th
.not in an
ave great br
what do you
ou are not ha
he no
hat Im
u mean
Right n
I mostly
As far a
first eve
I actual
Also my
ride ove
Im not
this wee
check [

haha I a
95 wall
want to
should g
I would
Im taki
An adul

now I am wo
or marketin
my life is p
y grew up
s of) has occ
as taking ca
er family tra
ly mean I a
ws, brother in
ws to college
y father onc
er the Seren
t sure I have
ys if I haven
] yes or [ ]

inal Messag
asked you o
is a very ni
y to take a lo
g I manage
be on-site l
go buy a ch
d love to be
ing him on
nscan you
lt beverage

nal Message
orking from
ng online I c
pretty sweet
in albuque
curred as I m
are of my fam
aveling circ
am working
n law, etc) o
e. Of course
ce told me t
ngeti. I was
e ever told a
nt scared y
heck yes

other questio
ice building
ook at the te
and was a
long term. I
hair for my f
able to give
a food tour
u adopt me?
sounds per

m the rooftop
can do it fro
t like that.
erque, NM.
moved all ar
mily, I didn
hard so I ca
on surprise
e they dont
that the thin
like 7 when
anyone that
you off, wan
ons as well,
gdo you li
echnogym e
actually sup
Im actually
fire escape a
e back to my
for fathers
fect, and pr

p of 95 wall
om just abo
But my rea
round the w
nt mention
an take my
vacations, r
t know this y
ng he wanted
n he said it s
nt to meet up
so yes I can
ive there, o
equipment b
pposed to ta
y working fr
and set up s
my parents fi
s dayI gu
robably just
l. Since mos
ut anywher
al growing u
world, mostl
I have 17 k
family (mo
retire my da
yet but it W
d to do mos
so he prob h
p for a tasty
r are you ju
before redes
ake over an
rom home t
shop out the
nancially, o
uess thats a
what Ill ne
st of my wo
e with an in
up (which I
ly by myself
kids? I am go
m, dad, sist
ad, and send
WILL happen
st was go in
has no idea
y beverage o
ust loitering?
signing the
account at 7
oday but sa
one day, esp
start? I love
eed after ge
ork has to do
nternet conn
am still in t
oing to star
ters, nieces
d my niece
n a hot air ba
i remember
of the adult
? I was ther
gym in the
75 wall, but
adly indoors
pecially my
e surprise
etting my tat
o with
rt the
re there
t didnt
s. I
a food t
go on a
with it.
shoot m

the Gre
than any
haha i c

tour? I used
walk aroun
It was awes
me over your

s a ton of fo
enwich Vill
ything, so I
cant wait to

d to do this t
nd point lom
r # and we w

od tours in
lage tour
am unbelie
o hear what

thing called
ma and eat a
will plan ou
evably excit
this epic m

d chamber ch
at different r
ur epic meet
, most of the
meet-up enta

homp down
restaurants t
t up
em on my b
/F oodTour

n in san dieg
that had a s
block actual
s/GVTour I

go where w
set menu inv
lly. Were d
I love food

e would

Three b
said, M
date and
her. The
you vie
again. Y
you bef
you are
A Quic
As I hav
This me
party of
they can
first me
It is hel
will be
she is li
ton of s
She resp
How a
pants! J
dule 4
buttons dow
d to you, sh
t on a more
Make sweet
d get her to

ng Her To
gh there are
AYS to meet
tion you hav
ness to mee
e way you i
w the world
mber, it is alw
Your best st
ms she migh
fore she eve
es you can u
the type of
ck Differe
ve already m
eans they ar
f some sorts
n go on date
eet up. This
ues below a
ing Hangi
lpful for her
y does. Thro
hanging ou
g out with y
ikely to be m
scenarios in
ponds to so
am I suppos
4: Pus
wn and 2 mo
he has imagi
personal co
sweet love
meet up wi
Meet Up
e a lot of fun
t up with the
ve built with
et up with yo
invite her de
ways up to
trategy for a
ht have with
er has the op
use to help
f man worth
ence Betw
re way more
s. Women o
es with. Thi
is especiall
ing Out
r to have tho
oughout you
ut in the futu
you and you
much more
her head. H
omething yo
ed to bring
sh He
re to go. W
ined you tw
to her you
ith you in p
n to be had t
e woman yo
h her by pu
ou again. Eq
you to mak
avoiding any
h it. You nee
pportunity to
alleviate he
hy of her tim
ween Socia
women on
e down to h
on Online D
is mean the
ly true the o
ought about
ur interactio
ure. This rea
ur friends. T
Here are som
ou say kinda
you around
r safe
Well done sir
wo spending
y level. Can
u are jumpin
erson. In or
talking with
ou are intere
ushing the la
qually as im
s how comf
ke her feel c
y hiccups in
ed to remov
o think abou
er hesitation
al Network
social netw
have your fir
Dating sites,
majority of
older they ar
t hanging ou
ons, playfull
alization wi
This way, wh
le with the i
me example
a sassy, or p
d my friends
ety bu
r! So here is
g time togeth
n you guess
ng the gun j
rder to do th
h a woman o
ested in. Th
ast 3 buttons
mportant is t
fortable you
n setting up
ve her hesita
ut them. Th
ns while sim
king sites
working sites
rst meeting
on the othe
f them will
re. Keep thi
ut with you
ly say thing
ll force her
hen you ulti
dea because
es of how to
playfully and
s with that k
s where we a
her and she
what it is tim
ust a bit. It
his you mus
online, the u
he amount o
s greatly det
the way in w
are with yo
with the tho
your date i
ations from
here are man
and Datin
s are there t
be at a soci
er hand, are
want to mee
is in mind an
again a few
gs that imply
to start ima
imately invi
e she has alr
do this.
d you say:
kinda attitud
are at: she i
feels like y
me to do? I
is time to s
st Push Her
ultimate go
of attraction
etermine her
which you i
ourself and
ought of me
is to anticip
meeting up
ny different
y demonstra
ng sites
to be wel
ial gatherin
there to me
et up 1 on 1
and adjust th
w times befo
y that you a
agining hers
ite her to m
ready playe
de miss sass
is totally
you two
If you
et the
al is
the way
ate any
p with
ll social.
g or
eet guys
1 for the
ore she
and her
meet up,
ed out a
this wee
As you
have a p
These ty
going to
How D
It will h
- Is she
- Have t
- Have y
- Are yo
If you a
Plant t
In order
that you
make th
Do you
Ps. do
dont ac

When y
agreed t
The bes
or respo
to invite
her to fe
woah!, wat
eks {some f
can see, a l
playful nick
ypes of mes
o settle for w
Do You Kn
happen at di
grabbing o
the length o
you both op
ou having fu
answered ye
the Seed f
r to better e
Seeding Th
e is to ask h
u are invitin
he things as
for her not
le 1: Taco T
u like tacos
le 2: Comed
you have a
ctually pee y
you actually
to liking the
st time to do
onded to on
e her. So sim
feel that she
le 1: Taco T
tch your ton
fun event/pa
lot of the oth
kname and e
ssages also
what comes
now When
ifferent time
nto your co
of your mes
pened up an
fun and do y
es to all 4 of
for Meetin
nsure a wom
he Invite. Y
her a questio
ng her to tha
sociated wi
to say yes.
s, margaritas
dy Club
a good sense
your pants
y extend an
e things ass
o this is afte
ne of your qu
mply add in
earned the
ne there sug
her fundam
emoticons t
display onc
s your way.
n Is It Tim
es for differ
sages back
nd connectio
you really w
f the questio
ng Up
man will ac
You plant th
on regarding
at she will m
th the event
s, good mus
e of humor a
thats gro
invitation to
ociated with
er she has ju
uestions. Th
n a phrase li
invite (and
gar pants! I m
mentals are b
to soften the
ce again tha
me to Sug
rent women
al hooks
and forth g
on on at lea
want to meet
ons, chance
ccept your in
he seed of
g things that
mostly likely
t sound incr
sic and grea
and like lau
o her shes
h the event.
ust done som
he point is y
ike you see
she has) m
might just h
being used in
e tone as we
at you have s
gest Meet
n. But here a
rown on bo
st 2 rapport
t up with he
es are it is tim
nvites to han
f the invite b
t are involv
y agree with
redibly fun.
at company?
ughing so ha
more likely
mething cut
you want to
em fun or
aking her fe
have to forge
n these mes
ell as some p
standards an
ting Up?
are some ma
oth sides
me to seed t
ng out, you
before it is
ed with the
h enjoying.
So much so
ard you pee
y to say yes
e, shared so
have a reas
I like your
eel that muc
et to invite
ssages as we
playful teas
nd are not j
ajor things t
the invite.
u can do som
even offere
The secret
o that it wo
your pants
s having al
omething pe
son why you
r style. Thi
ch safer.
you to
ell. You
to look
ed. The
is to
uld be
? (ok
u want
s allows
I like your style.Do you happen like tacos, margaritas, good music and great company?
Example 2: Comedy Club seem really fun do you have a good sense of humor and like laughing so hard you
pee your pants? (ok dont actually pee your pantsthats grosslol)
Implying the InviteImplying the Invite
A woman cant say no to hanging out if you never actually ask her. By implying or
suggesting the possibility of inviting her to hang out you not only show you are still uncertain
about hanging out with her, but can also find out if she is able to make it before you actually
invite her.
I was gonna invite you to
I was considering inviting you
There is a possibility I might invite you
This is the perfect way to lead into using a false disqualifier or hang out requirements.
Using Absurd Disqualifiers
It is helpful to use an absurd disqualifier while dangling the possibility of an invitation before
her. It insinuates that she can only meet up with you if she meets certain criteria and will
enhance her safety level even more because it communicates that you do not invite just any
girl. Behind the scenes you should hold the belief that only girls who are fun, exciting and
have something to add are worthy of an invitation to hang out with you. Remember, a girl
likes a guy with standards. Here are a few examples:
Example 1
Ill invite you as long as you promise not to be some crazy MySpace/ Facebook stalker chick
whos gonna make fun of my G.I. Joe collection (hey he is a REAL American hero)haha
Example 2
You can come to our party as long as you promise not to steal our furni- ture (we just re-
conditioned our couches) and eat all the marshmallows out of our Lucky Charmshaha
Example 3
Ok you are invited as long as you promise not to embarrass me in public/in front of
friends/etc by showing up in hot pink leg warmers

All Together Now
Here is
better id
In Acti

From: R
Date: O
so-so se
you see
pong, g

From: H
Date: O

From: R
Date: O
well the
one of t
shoot m

From: H
Date: O
no i don

I still re
way. Ju
me to ch
A funny
This is
and had
In Acti

a quick exa
dea of how

Oct 25, 2007
ex??? I wou
em like you
good music f

Oct 25, 2007
ll of that stu

Oct 25, 2007
en I might ju
those crazy
me over you
s and you ge

Oct 25, 2007
nt steali j

k Yes or N
emember wh
ust like the n
heck yes or
d you like to
y way of alt
d you like to
a great way
d a great tim

ample of wh
they work.

7 2:43 PM
uld rock it fo
are a fun pe
fun costume

7 2:47 PM

7 2:53 PM
ust invite yo
girls who s
number an
et a new jok

7 2:56 PM
just cop a f

hen a girlfri
notes I woul
r no.
o come over
tering it is to
o come over
y to invite a
me as well.

hat it looks

or a year an
erson with p
es and great

ou to our ha
teals our fu
d Ill txt yo
ke i just lear

feel lolj/k

iend of min
ld get in gra
r tomorrow
o take away
r tomorrow
girls who y

like to use a

nd then just
positive live
t people?
alloween pa
urniture (I ju
ou the detail
k ok my #is

ne invited m
adeschool fr
& watch m
y the no so h
& watch m
you have alr

all three tec

cheat the se
ely energy.
arty but you
ust re-condit
s. As a bonu
lucky are y
(xxx) xxx-x

me to watch m
from a girl w
movies with
her only opt
movies with
ready gone

chniques tog

econd year..
do you like
have to pro
tioned my c
us we get to

movies at h
who was into
me? Check
tions are to
me? Check
out with on

gether to giv

.shhhh don
e hookah, be
omise you a
couches) ha
o become tx

her house in
to me, she a
k [ ]yes or [
hang out w
k [ ]yes or [
n several occ

ve you a

t tell

with you.

Well he
a fackin
I am a m
over the
so wher

oh wow
i came h
too ! i v
not to b

oh yes s
you are
do you
check [

i suppo
please b
an ax m
xxx xxx

For exa
-Gotta r
-Gotta g
later ga
-Gotta r
Make su
know y
nuary 23 at
ello Tory a d
ng waitress
e world and
re are you ta

ary 23 at 2:5
w i love you
here to be a
volunteer at
be old fashio

nuary 23 at
sorry how i
cordially in
] yes or [ ]
eer at the ch
me I was a v

ary 23 at 3:2
se i have to
be fairly nor
murderer or t
x xxxx. she

g With G
r technique
tion with g
run! My frie
go! My frien
runI am m

ure it is som
you do cool
dancer eh?
al speaker/w
d help peopl
aking me on
ur job.
a dancer.. bu
the children
oned.. but i

s this?:
nvited on an
heck yes!
ildrens hos
volunteer yo
say yes
rmal consid
be waitress

Gotta Run
for display
gotta go or
ends are tak
nd just got
meeting som
mething you
things, you
anything co
le achieve th
n our date th
ut ive been m
ns hospital
thought boy
n exquisite e
outh group l
dering men i
basically, i
sing tonight

ying you are
gotta run
king me on a
into town an
me friends o
ure actually
have cool f
oming up? y
h kinda thin
heir goals
hat you hav
more succe
l every week
ys do the da
evening of
y the cooles
leader in ha
in ny tend t
ill be happy
t but future

e a real pe
, then add a
a surprise tr
and is comin
out for sushi
y going to d
friends, and
you must ha
ngyIt is a
vent invited
ssful doing
k and its my
ate invites.
fun and adv
st thing ever
awaii for a s
o .. not be?
y with even
date shall h

erson with a
a short reaso
rip to the lak
ng over to co
iyum yum
do. This is an
d you have a
ave nice legs
sweet gig. I
d me on yet?
film. im in
y favorite th
venture with
r! I want to
and by norm

an active soc
on why.
ke to go wa
ook me dinn
m. Ill take a
n indirect w
a fun life ful
s lol
I get to trav
a comedy g
hing ever.
h Mr. Race
come and p
mal i just m

cial life is to
aterskiing. tt
ner. Talk to
a saki bomb
way of lettin
ll of interes
vel all
mean not

o end an
o ya
b i your
ng her
Note: o
as a log
her num
is only
order to
that you
If you h
You can
with he
If She
Every n
phone i
you hav
and trus
about h
me and
parole o
solely o
then ask
If you a
was so
she just
fun and
In Actio

May 10
shoot m

only do this
ng her #
s a reason I
r. You never
her numbe
gistical tool
mber is a key
a secondary
o give her th
u are meetin
have done e
me over yo
n leave off t
r number, g
Isnt Qui
now and the
s broken, or
ve brought u
st. Dont wo
how you are
expect me
officer won
on conjugal
k again later
ask for her n
intent on an
t needs mor
d bring it up

0 at 1:16pm
me over your

ONCE in y
showed you
r want the t
r. This won
to set up th
y componen
y considerat
he details, y
ng up.
verything c
our # and Il
the Text bu
give her you
ite Ready
en you will c
r she doesn
up the issue
orry. Remem
relieved (i.
to call you
t let you ta
number and
nswering an
e attraction
again later

r # and we

your interact
u how to su
thought to c
nt happen w
e details of
nt in the nex
tion. So far
you need her
correct up to
ll text you th
uddies par
urs in return
to Give Y
come across
t give out h
e of her num
mber, ITS N
e. phewww
to check in
alk on a cell
ha) and go
d she comple
nother part o
, connection

ll smoke so

tion or else
uccessfully s
cross her mi
with this sys
f the event y
xt section fo
youve prop
r number. T
o this point y
he details. P
rt if it seems
n so that wh
You Her #
s a girl who
her number
mber too soo
all timeh
phoneI w
back to bui
etely ignore
of the messa
n and trust b

ome hookah
it seems we
set up the in
nd that the
stem becaus
youve decid
or setting up
posed an in
The number
you can sim
Plus we get
s too silly to
en you do t
o says she d
to stranger
on; you have
I was afraid
haha), or te
would hate
ilding more
es the issue,
age that she
built up. On

h sometime s
nvite before
point of you
se you only
ded to invite
p a solid me
nvite that she
is not the fo
mply say som
to become t
o you. When
ext her she
oesnt have
s. If this occ
e not built e
ust throw ou
d you were
ease her (i.e
for our frien
attraction a
it could be
totally mis
nce again, ju

getting her
ur intention
need the nu
e her to. Alt
eeting, right
e has earned
focus; it is th
mething like
text buddie
n she writes
will know w
e a cell phon
curs, chanc
enough com
ut a comme
going to giv
e. its cool
ndship to be
and connect
e because sh
ssed it, forgo
ust continue

n was to
t now it
d. In
he fact
s back
who it
ne, her
es are
ve it to
if your
e based
he either
ot, or
e having

May 13 at 1:14pm
haha now how can I trust you just yet with my number?! I think you should give me three
reasons to do so, and maybe then I will! haha :]
May 14 at 10:24am
hahafair enough
1.I floss often
2.I can make balloon animals
3.I know and have used the word superfluous on many occasions
how about that pussy cat?
May 15 at 10:39pm
haha hmm.. idk still! Do you ever shop at Urban Outiftters?!
May 16 at 12:36pm
u r funnyhope you have a great weekend
May 20 at 6:27pm
Sooooo how was your weekend?! And Im glad to know that you find me so amusing! :]
Maybe we should get to know each other before you judge so quickly eh?! haha P.S. I like
your profile picture.. I was her (ariel from the little mermaid) one year for Halloween.. Text
me! xxx-xxx-xxxx

In this situation I gladly went along with her qualification but when she still refused I simply
responded u r funnyhope you have a great weekend . If you recall this is one of the ways
I taught you to respond when a woman tests you. As you can see it worked like a charm.
Congratulations You Set the Date and Have Her #Now What?
You meet up, fall in love and live happily ever after duh! j/k There are some definite things
you need to do in order to keep the momentum going.
Keep the Momentum Going
Succeeding in getting a girls number online is a major indication that she is interested in
you. It means she is comfortable and attracted enough to accept you as a normal part of her
everyday life. Now it is up to you to maintain that interest and meet her as soon as possible! It
is best to meet her within a week of getting her number. The target is to meet her within two
to three days, but sometimes people are legitimately too busy and you need to continue
interacting with her to maintain the excitement about meeting up. When she sent you her
number, she wanted to meet you. If you let too much time pass, she will no longer be excited
about meeting you, and you might as well forget about her. Always keep the momentum and
excitement you have built up going, or another man will. You are not the only man pursing
her. This is why you must continue to differentiate yourself through the beliefs you hold, the
attitudes you portray and the words you use. Lets see briefly how to do that through texting
and phone calls.
How to Keep Her Excited Until the Meetup Texts and Phone Calls
So how do you transition from online communication to the first meeting? Your new best
friend is your phone. Most modern phones provide a text messaging feature which I
recommend using first for several reasons:
Its a more natural transition from messaging online;
Its not as intrusive as a phone call;
Youre not as likely to freeze up or come off as needy or too strong because you have more
time to formulate your responses without the pressure of realtime conversation.
I recommend you add unlimited texting to your phone plan, as you will quickly be sending
and receiving hundreds of texts. If your phone doesnt have texting capabilities, dont panic. I
included an entire section on how to handle phone conversations.
How to Know if You are Texting/Calling Her Too Much
One of the biggest mistakes guys make when texting a new woman they are interested in is
texting or calling her way too much. Just because she doesnt respond immediately to your
text messages or answer every call doesnt mean you should just text or call her again.
Persistent text messages when there is little or no response communicates neediness and a
scarcity mentality. This is a guaranteed way to kill attraction. So how do you know when you
are texting her the right amount? Here are some key indicators that will help you calibrate.
Youre havent build enough attraction and are texting/calling her too much if:
her response time is consistently slow
she doesnt engage you in conversation or latch onto your conversational hooks
she consistently gives you one word/super short replies (ok, sure, yep, etc)
she doesnt initiate text/phone call interactions
Youre texting/calling her the right amount if:
she initiates text/phone call interactions
she responds to text/phone calls quickly
she readily engages you in conversation, latches onto your hooks
She answers your questions
she propels the interaction forward by asking questions of her own
Keep these in mind so youre in tune with whether you are texting or calling her too much.
This will give you a good idea of her interest level. If she stops showing interest in you, do
not just continue to text and call her day after day without a response. Take a few days off
from co
get a re
she gav
list that
Since I
the basi
So wha
text you
in order
1. It nee
You do
Eg: if y
2. It nee
This is
do you
3. It nee
This is
Eg: I ju
If you c
Hey new
will mo
In Acti
Me: hey
ontacting he
g The Re-en
sponse whe
r option (es
sation back
being, whe
ve you her #
t you only sp
ng the Fir
go into suc
ER and bec
ics here.
at goes into a
u back? The
r to make it
eds to engag
this by reca
you talked ab
eds to set a
all in how y
feel about e
eds to comp
done by ask
ust remembe
can accompl
d positively
le of a succe
w travel bud
is always a
ost of the tim
y bouquet d
match lv: H
er then try u
ngaging Tex
en you thoug
specially if y
online to re
en she gets y
# in the first
st Text
h ridiculous
cause it is no
a creating a
ere are three
most effect
ge her emot
alling a rapp
bout being m
fun, playful
you word it.
enjoying a t
pel her to re
king a quest
ered which c
lish all of th
but be muc
essful first m
ddyget ex
a good idea
me avoid the
Haha! Hey
using the pri
xt section fro
ght all hope
you met her
e-affirm attr
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Not everyone is like me but I HATE talking on the phoneunless it is to a long term
girlfriend and we have been apart for a while. Otherwise I would much rather text or even
better hang out in person. But even so, there are times when calling a girl on the phone is not
only a good idea but if you dont you run the risk of losing her. Here are the main reasons for
calling instead of texting:
- She Needs To Hear Your Voice To Feel Safe
You have done everything in the GETTING HER TO MEET UP section and yet she is still
hesitant. Sometimes a woman just need to hear your voice to triple check you are not really
some weirdo and that she is making the right decision to come meet up with you. She wants
to make sure you are really the guy she is having so much fun with over online
messages/texts and it isnt just a show. Often times she will call you when you are making
plans or she is on her way to meeting you. This is usually an indication she just needs to
reconfirm in her mind that she is making the right choice to meet up with you. Dont worry I
will be going over the principles to keep in mind so she will leave the conversation excited to
see you.
-Plans Keep Changing or She Needs Directions
Sometimes when you are coordinating a meet up plans can keep changing. Maybe either her
or you are running late or your friends decide to change venues last minute or perhaps it is
just a hard place to find. In this instance you dont want her to get frustrated trying to figure
out or wait on texts. The last thing you want is her to show up flustered and in a negative
mood. If she is lost or you are running late or changing venues simple call her and guide her
through it. Often times she will call you. Make sure to answer. Remember we want to make
this as easy as possible for her to meet up with you.
-There Is Too Much To Explain Over Text
Hey lets face it, sometimes there is just too much information to relay across the limited
platform of text messaging. In this case, simply shoot her a text saying, hey too much to around to chat real quick?. It is important to throw in real quick so she wont feel
obligated to be stuck on a long boring phone call. Remember, she doesnt know yet if you are
going to be like most other guys who call her: awkward and dragging out a conversation.
Follow the principles in this section and you will rock it!
Vocal Tonality and Tempo
There is a lot more that she can read into through your vocal tone, tempo and inflection you
use. You need to make sure that you have energy in your voice. DO NOT BORE HER! Your
goal is to lift her up not drag her down!
Your vocal tone can insinuate a lot of things. Through your vocal tone alone, you can make
sexual implications, turn an otherwise serious statement into something playful, and even
imply questions through statements. It is important that you vary your tonality when speaking
to express your points and keep her interest. No one wants to talk for very long to someone
who sounds like Ben Stein (the economics teacher in Ferris Buellers Day Off ).
In addition to your tone, be conscious of the speed at which you are speaking. When people
are nervous they have a tendency to speak very fast. Take a deep breath. Speak slowly and
pause often. Pauses are very powerful conversational tools. Pauses give the other person cues
as to when to chime in to the conversation and can cause her to anticipate what you are going
to say next.
Note: Try looking in the mirror when you talk to her and smile. You will be surprised at how
your smile comes across in your tonality.
Speak up! You dont want her to become annoyed with trying to figure out what you are
saying as you mumble. Speak clearly and audibly she she can easily understand what you are
saying. Dont give her a reason to want to get off the phone or dread talking to you.
If you are making plans together, be the one who is actively making the decisions Tell her
what you want. Dont be constantly asking her what she wants to do. Show leadership skills
and dont put the pressure on her to decide what you two are doing.
In the same vein of thought, often times people dont know how to get off the phone
gracefully. As the leader simply say something like, well I gotta run but I will see you soon
of hey I gotta run but I will chat with you soon.
One last note, make sure to keep up your playful tone, teasing her and having fun.
Leaving a Voicemail
If she doesnt answer, only leave a one-line voice message such as, Hey {pause} its {your
name}. Will chat with you later girly! DO NOT go into detail about what you were going to
chat about.
Keep it short with no information and imply that you will talk with her later. You can also
use a tactic of creating urgency for her to call back by adding I have the craziest story to tell
you.. omg.. ok chat soon, later gator!
Now you are giving her an exciting reason to want to call you back and hear this story. It
doesnt matter if you have a story or not. You can make something outrageous yet SILLY
when she calls back, and then let her know you are joking. The only goal here is to make her
want to call back on her own when she hears this. And remember your vocal tone, inflection,
and tempo are all equally important when leaving voice mails as well!
The Meet Up Location and Environment
The environment that she is exposed to, the one you invited her to, must be exciting,
comfortable, and fun. If you have a bunch of boring people there and nothing going on when
she arrives, it will translate to you being boring. Even if you need to start out by doing group
activities at events that are already taking place (i.e. concerts, festivals, other peoples
parties), that is fine.
If you are meeting her out 1 on 1 (much more likely for paid online dating site women), then
make sure to pick a place that has fun activities (pool, ping pong, shuffleboard, etc) or an
engaging ambiance (a live band, flair bartenders, etc). Another important thing to keep in
mind is location. You want her to feel safe arriving and walking in so avoid a dive bar in the
middle of no where.
If the initial meeting is taking place at your house there are additional things to consider.
Everything that she experiences and encounters in your home will reflect positively or
negatively on you. Take care to invite the right kind of people there (if it is a group event you
invited her to), set the appropriate mood with activities, and ensure that the house is clean and
has a decent smell throughout. The following is a list of some activities and mood enhancers I
use at my house:
Hookah and tobacco
A Beer Pong table or some collection of material that can be
used for a makeshift Beer Pong table;
A party playlist on that helps to set mood (something unique I do is include funny movie
quotes at random times throughout the playlist);
Dimmers on the lights to set the appropriate mood;
Fun games like Catch Phrase, cards for fun drinking games, and other games that can
engage her/everyone in a fun group activity;
Fun reading material on coffee tables and in the bathroom such as Guide To Getting It On,
If, The Cosmo Kama Sutra (which is great to use to play sex charades), and other fun
reading material.
The First 5 Seconds of Meeting Up
The first five seconds when meeting a woman from online are critical. During this period of
time she is consciously and subconsciously scanning you and the environment for all sorts of
things. In analyzing this minutia she will validate or invalidate any feelings you and her had
built up in the previous stages.
You must not introduce yourself to her. Again, YOU MUST NOT INTRODUCE
YOURSELF TO HER! Doing so will destroy the veil of comfort you worked so hard to
create when building shared memories through role-playing. Even though these memories are
fake, the fact that she has an imaginary history with you will make her much more
comfortable when meeting you.
The way you present yourself in the first five seconds will dictate her comfort level. She will
wait to see how you act in order to gauge how she should act in this situation. If you act
weird, she will feel awkward and therefore act weird as well. Instead, act as if you are old
friends. Give her a big smile and a hug. Start joking with her from the get go. She will feel
more comfortable because youre communicating that you arent taking the interaction too
seriously and without that pressure she can open up and have fun too.
Be Busy When She Arrives Group
When she arrives, greet her by saying, Hey whats up {stupid nickname}, give me one
second but then go back to being busy with something you were doing for a moment. Busy
yourself with anything, even if its finishing up in the kitchen, telling a funny story to a group
of people, acting like you are fixing the stereo/campfire/hookah, talking to the bar tender,etc.
The point is to make her wait between thirty seconds to a minute to get your attention when
she arrives. After that, give her your undivided attention for a small period of time. The idea
is that you dont want to be immediately available to her. This starts your physical interaction
with her wanting your attention, which is a great frame to begin with.
Introducing Her to Other People Group
Its a good idea to have friends at the event so you can introduce her to people who already
know you and think you are cool. This enhances your social proof. You do not want to
introduce her as the girl I met on MySpace/Facebook/Dating Site. You need to introduce
her to people as someone who is and has been a part of your life. A good way to do this is to
come up with a funny backstory with her before she arrives (just let her know you dont
want to introduce her as the girl that totally picked you up online) or you can just make up a
story on the spot. Here are some examples:
Shes your ex-girlfriend, but you had to break up with her. She just wasnt providing for
you sexually. Dont get me wrong. Shes wild. She was just into different things, and I mean
different things
You two were in a River Dancing class in the 6th grade together and she would always try
to hit on you, but you thought she had cooties, so she finally got tested. Thank God no
more cooties.
The point is to make it kind of funny (obviously not true) and tell the story in a very
lighthearted, fun manner. In addition to having a funny story to how you know each other,
add a fun little tag to the end of the introduction. Heres an example of how an introduction
may go:
Hey Mike, this is {her name}. {Her name}, this is Mike.
Nice to meet you {blah blah}
Its so funny how we meet. We were in River Dancing class together in 6th grade. She
always tried to be all over me, but obviously, shit, I thought she had cooties! Well, she finally
got tested, and thank God no more cooties. Haha.
Anyway, we have to show her a good time. She just got out of the slammer! lol!
When you introduce her to other people it demonstrates you have social savvy and are a
social leader. Not only that, you become the social hub through which people know each
other. All very attractive qualities.
If She Brings a Friend Group
From time to time, especially if you met her on a Social Networking site, she will want to
bring a friend to the group event you invited her to. This makes her feel safer and should be
encouraged. That is one more person you can add to your social group. In addition, her friend
can help you out dramatically by giving you her stamp of approval.
It is important to give her friend attention in order to win her over. Do not attempt to separate
her from her friend until 1) you have won her friend over to liking you and 2) another person
or group at the meeting location is engaging her friend. These dynamics are important
because the length of time she stays is not only dependent on her own fun but on whether or
not her friend is enjoying herself. Her first priority is to her friend and if her friend is bored,
they will both leave.
Know that if she came with a friend, she will leave with a friend, so her staying the night is
probably not in the cards. This is ok. Just make progress and plan to meet up again.
A Few Social Fundamentals
Now that you have a girl youve met online at the meeting location, it would be negligent of
me to leave you without some further guidance. Here are a few fundamental principles that
will help you in any social situation. These are guiding principles that physically build
attraction between women and men, as well as help you secure a second meeting with her.
This list is in no way exhaustive. There have been many books written on these subjects that
go into far more detail. I highly recommend you read them. I have put up a list of the ones
that have helped me the most in the private members forum.
Body Language and Vocal Tonality
Now that you are with her in person she will subconsciously take note of visual and tonal
clues to piece together your personality. Here are some things to keep in mind so that you
come across as a cool and confident guy:
When you speak, be sure to look people directly in the eyes;
Be a little over-dramatic when telling stories, use your facial expressions;
Use big hand and body gestures when speaking;
Stand up straight with your shoulders back;
Do not put your hands in your pockets or cross your arms. These are visual signs of
weakness and you close yourself off to the people around you;
Loosen up. Anxiety makes your muscles tighten and give you a stiff uncomfortable
demeanor. Take a deep breath and shake it out
Speak loud and clear, but dont yell. What you have to say is important;
Speak with a deep, firm voice, and do not get over excited and speak a million miles an
If it is a group event, move around from group to group. Be social.
Notice and stop any fidgety movements.
Be Social Group
Now that she is there with you in person, she can take note of how other people respond to
you. This tells her a great deal about you as a person. Do people respond to what you say? Do
they laugh at your jokes? Do they seem closed off after you enter their group? Make sure that
she sees you talking to most of the people there and that people respond positively to the
things that you say. Another good reason to have your friends there. This also transfers over
to everyday social situations.
Spread Out Your Attention Group
Like I said before, do not smother her with all of your attention now that you are around her.
Spend a few minutes with her and then give some other people your attention. Even if you are
in a situation where she is the only person you know there, branch out and meet new people.
This demonstrates confidence, social savvy, and strong leadership skills. Women find this
very attractive. In addition, this leaves her actively seeking your attention and builds your
social proof.
Maintain Your Own Identity
Do not agree with everything she says. She might be testing you. Many girls do this to see if
a guy will stand up to them. Guys often disregard their own beliefs and preferences by
agreeing with the girl they are pursuing in an attempt to create a fake commonality. They
believe this will make her like them more. This is not the case. She will find you weak and
assume she can walk all over you. It is better to disagree with her sometimes, and there is no
need to apologize for it. However, do not disagree with her just for the sake of arguing
because then you become annoying.
Do you like U2?
Not really
Really I LOVE them!
You [incorrect response]: Yah I guess they are pretty good
You [correct response]: Oh you are a U2 girl huh? Whats wrong? You still havent found
what you are looking for? Im right here sweethearthaha
As you can see in the example above, maintaining your own identity also creates
opportunities for you to tease her.
Playfully Tease Her Sporadically
Be sure to tease of her periodically in a very playful manner.
For example:
You are a rich girl, right?
Haha no, but I sure am nice.
Thats too bad. Ive been looking for a sugar mama. Haha.
This keeps her laughing, lets her know youre not being too serious, and is a fast way to
continue building attraction.
Another way to use playful teasing is to intentionally misunderstand her in a playful way.
What this means is to outwardly assume that when she says something good, she is directing
it towards you. For instance, if she is looking at another object or person and pays it/them a
compliment you should just respond as if she was talking to you. Here are some examples:
Example 1
Oh! How cute! {looking at a little puppy, or anything really}
ahThank you, but this is actually my better side
{turn your head and make a silly face, or do a playful pose}
Example 2
Im going shopping later
You are so sweet! what are you getting me!?
Example 3
How was your day?
Ive had such a good day today
You must have really thought about me a lot today then huh?
When using these misinterpretations always smile big and laugh at the end of them. As you
can see a lot of the same principles that you used online to build attraction work just the same
in person.
Changing Locations
By changing locations you can make a short period of time seem like a significantly longer
period of time. You want to make the woman feel as comfortable as possible with you, as
soon as possible. Your goal is to have the girl tell you that she feels like she has known you
for so long or forever.
When you move around to several different locations quickly with someone youve just met,
it blurs the timeline in their head. Simply think of a weekend when you did a bunch of
different things. On Monday, Friday seemed like ages ago. On top of making short periods of
time seem significantly longer, it forces them to build trust in you almost immediately,
because they are trusting you to take them to other locations safely. This even works when
moving between different rooms in the same house or different parts of the venue. The fact
that they have been in several different rooms/bars/areas with you makes the timeline in their
head seem much longer.
A quick way to time distort someone is to have them go to the store with you to get more
food and drinks an hour or so after they show up to the event.
Getting Her Alone and the Connection Cycle
If you have been paying attention, when you meet up for the first time with a woman you met
online you follow almost the exact same progression as you did meeting her online. You start
off light and playful, build up the attraction and then move towards fascination and making
the deep connection. Now the fascination can occur while in a group by how you interact
with others, stories you tell etc. However, when it comes to making a deep connection you
must do it one-on-one.
Simply go to a place where she can easily hear your voice, or where you two can carry on a
one-on-one conversation. If you are in a group, at first it is better to keep her within eyesight
of her friends or other people to help her ease into the idea of being alone with you. You can
isolate her by simply telling her you have something cool to show her, teach her or just you
think she is interesting and want to and you want to learn more about her. Another easy one is
to go outside to get fresh air or simply turning your body language so that you two are facing
each other. This is when the true magic happens.
When you are to the point where you two are in an exclusive conversation it is time to go
through the Connection Cycle. The Connection Cycle is where you go from light topics to
deep meaningful topics, connect then release and move back to light topics. Each time you go
into a Connection Cycle you build a deeper and deeper connection. The reason your best
friend is your best friend or you last girlfriend was your last girlfriends is because you have
been through many of these cycles over time.
Note: this will only work if you are GENUINELY CURIOUS about her and if you actually
listen to what she is saying instead of just waiting for your turn to talk.
Step 1
excitment you feel
Wrap Up
coming soon

Module 5: Push Her Arousal button
If you have made it this far you know how powerful this system is and have several if not
many dates set up. You have successfully piqued a womans curiosity, had fun and flirty
banter, got her fascinated in you and made her feel safe enough to meet up. You have even
made a deep connection with her. There is only one last thing to do if you want to take this
from a pleasant friendship and turn it into a sexual relationship. You have to push her Arousal
Button and spark her desire for you.
Creating a Sexual State Before You Ever Meet Up
Wouldnt you love to be able to turn a woman on to the point of orgasm using only your
fingertips? Not only is creating an intense sexual state possible but it is one of the most
powerful applications of digital messaging. Here are just a few of the benefits of using digital
media to create and amplify a womans sexual desire for you.
Lack of Social Pressure
A woman is much more likely to open up about her sexuality with you for the first time over
online messaging, IM and text messages due to the lack of social pressure. A persons
sexuality is often a very personal subject and held even more so by the unspoken taboo
underlying our society. Fortunately, over online messaging/IM/text she does not have you (or
anyone else) right there in front of her to judge her. You cant look at her weird and
embarrass her. She is hidden behind the veil of her computer or phone. It is the same reason
why people are able to write out a letter saying what they were unable to say in person or
why people do crazy things on Halloween behind a mask that they would never regularly do.
This is the foundation for why creating a sexual state over online messaging/IM/text is
possible and so effective.
The Power of Words
The most potent sexual organ in the female body is her mind. The most effective way to
stimulate a womans mind is through the power of your words. The school-yard saying,
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me couldnt be further
from the truth. The truth is, words can cheer up someones day, break someones heart,
encourage a friend and even evoke powerful feelings of desire and arousal. Just as men have
an affinity towards visual stimulus (a.k.a are easily aroused by a womans physical
appearance) women have a natural indulgence to the power and charm of intricately woven
words. Descriptive words engage a womans imagination allowing her to envision, and most
importantly feel, what you wish to express. Painting a vivid picture with words is the ultimate
form of foreplay.
A Longer Build Up
The bigger the build up the more powerful and pleasurable the release. Because you can
begin to build a womans sexual state hours or even days before you meet up with her when
she shows up you are already that much closer to having amazing sex with her. The best part
is the sex will be far more rewarding and intense than if you have to start from scratch when
she shows up. It gives her time for her imagination to run wild. After all anticipation is half
the fun!
It Sets Up a Marker
Once you successfully build a sexual state with a woman it sets a marker in place so you can
easily return to that point. It is impossible to go backwards in a relationship. It is just like
building a bridge. You may stop using that bridge to cross over to the other side but now that
that bridge is there you know how and where to get across. This means you just made
progressing sexually with the woman you are interested in much easier for both of you.
Intensifies Her Arousal
Creating a sexual state with a woman over online messaging/IM/text is something you can do
at any time. Often she will be in a social setting where experiencing those feelings is
inappropriate. Maybe she is at bored at work, school, the airport, a meeting, or the library.
These are places she is not used to feeling aroused. This significantly intensifies those
feelings. Just like the desire to do something exponentially increases when we are told we
cant do it, leading a woman to become aroused and indulge in sexual thoughts in these types
of settings becomes a secret thrill. This is a key to unlocking her secret fantasies.
You Feel Like a Man
Last but not least it is incredibly fun and makes you feel like a man. Leading woman to
explore and express her sexual desires is one of the most rewarding and affirming things you
can do as a man.
As you can see this is some powerful stuff. Some of the concepts in this section are on the
advanced side. It takes a certain amount of calibration to pull them off. Dont worry practice
makes the master. Be sure to read over this section several times, take tons of notes, refer
back often and most importantly when you see something you want to try stop and do it right
Note: One thing to remember is you must make sure to carry on the sexual vibe and
undertones you created through online messaging/IM/text when she shows up. Otherwise you
lose all your progress and she will be disappointed. If you are unsure how to do this be sure to
check out Unbreakable and Irresistible over at or take one of our
many individual coaching options.
The Importance of Telegraphing Your Sexual Interest
Chances are you have missed many opportunities to become sexual with women because you
were not sure if you would offend her and ruin your chances. Guess what? The exact opposite
is true. By not telegraphing the fact you are a sexual being you actually have ruined your
chances with her. She will forgive you for being a man but not for being a pussy. In other
words, when you fail to express your sexual interest in a woman she loses interest in you as a
sexual option. Women are not stupid. They know that as men we have sexual desires. When
we try to hide it one of two things happens:
1. She knows she cant trust you (because you are hiding your true feelings) and that you are
not comfortable with yourself very unattractive
2. She concludes you are not interested in her as a sexual partner and starts looking elsewhere
for the fulfillment of her sexual urges.
But dont worry you are not going to do this anymore. This section will give you many tools
you can use to display your sexual interest with a woman. You will be astonished at how
receptive women are to your sexual advances when done correctly. You must be willing to
push the envelope and try new things. I too were nervous the first time trying some of this
stuff out. Often you dont know what is possible until you just jump in and try. This is how
you learn.
Be Bold Not Brash Own Your Sexuality
Be bold not brash. You must not be pushy, rude or overbearing. You cannot be the mindless
horndog desperate to have sex with anything that walks. When considering how to express
your sexuality to a woman try adopting the perspective of appreciation and awe combined
with overwhelming raw animalistic desire for her. Check out the examples throughout this
book to see what this looks like.
When you create and are in a sexual state with a woman, especially over text, you will be
amazed at what you can and will say. Say what you really like. Tell her what you really want
to do with her and to her. The secret is to OWN what you say. No matter what her response
these are your desires and you do not need to apologize for them. They are completely natural
and are a part of who you are.
Wednesday, Nov 19 2008 at 3:12:48 PM
Race: Hmm I sure could use one of your wonderful blow jobs about now
Wednesday, Nov 19 2008 at 3:36:04 PM
Amber: no massage to go with it? *A
Wednesday, Nov 19 2008 at 3:36:10 PM
Race: Well if you are offeringheck yes!
Wednesday, Nov 19 2008 at 4:10:55 PM
Amber: ill be sure to keep in mind how fond you are of those *A
Wednesday, Nov 19 2008 at 4:12:51 PM
Race: Why thank you my dearI definitely want to fuck you In the ass again soon too . That
is if you dont mind getting ridden a little rough
Wednesday, Nov 19 2008 at 4:14:45 PM
Amber: i cant remember last time some1 texted me so upfront haha i kind of like it! *A
You cannot always be filtering what you say because of how you THINK other people are
going to respond to it. This is not only selfish but also very draining. Selfish because you are
cheating people out of he opportunity to get to know the real you and draining because you
have to always be on guard and in your head worrying. On top of that it is impossible to be in
the moment, which is the most meaningful gift you can give to anyone. When you are not in
the moment you cannot notice all the subtleties that go on in a conversation. You will miss
out on the clues she is giving off and all subtext of what she is saying. This is the foundation
to being successful with women.
Owning what you say without apology demonstrates you are solid in your own identity and
do not rely on others to define who you are.
7/8/08 5:17 PM
Tayla: Hey my darling gutter floater lol.
7/8/08 5:23 PM
Race: Yes my little cock weasel?
7/8/08 5:24 PM
Tayla: Ew dont call me that.
7/8/08 5:25 PM
Race: Ill call u whatever I want my love
7/8/08 5:27 PM
Tayla: Oh no you wont. Ill hurt you
7/8/08 5:29 PM
Race: I will pin u down on my bed and make u moan
7/8/08 5:30 PM
Tayla: Promise.
7/8/08 5:32 PM
Race: All u have 2 do is show upill take care of the rest
7/8/08 5:34 PM
Tayla: I believe it sweetheart. Sorry Ive disappeared lately just going through alot.
7/8/08 5:35 PM
Race: Thursday work 4 u
7/8/08 5:40 PM
Tayla: Yeah
7/8/08 5:40 PM
Race: Well make up then:-)
7/8/08 5:45 PM
Tayla: Sounds amazing
If you happen to truly offend a woman do not make a big deal of it. Simply apologize and
move on with the conversation.
Now that you are ready to man up and communicate your sexual desires to the women in
your life that you are interested in lets learn the tips and tricks to smoothly transitioning into
a sexual conversation.
How To Use Descriptive Language Get Good at Being Oral
Mastering the art of using descriptive language is one of the most valuable assets you can
ever learn. Not only does it allow you to tell more engaging stories, more effectively
communicate your ideas and enrich your day to day experiences but it is the key to leading a
womans imaginations and ultimately driving her wild with desire.
The easiest way to begin training yourself to use more descriptive language is to start
describing things according to how they feel. This can be both emotionally and sensationally
what you are experiencing with all five senses. Read the following two statements:
This coke is good
Oh my this coke is delicious. The bubbles are like little baby angels dancing on my tongue!
As funny as that seems, which statement engaged your imagination? Which one did you
visualize? Which one made you smile? Which one are you likely to remember?
Women take notice to how you describe experiences, events, people, etc. Remember that a
womans imagination is the key to powerful arousal and amazing sex. The mind cannot
differentiate between an imagined experience and a real experience. This is why sometimes
you wake up from dreams confused and unsure if it really happened. When you can lead her
to imagine kissing, touching and even having mind blowing, awesome, passionate sex with
you guess what? She has actually done those things with you and has the memories to prove
it. Now when it comes time for the real thing it will be a much easier and comfortable for her
to do it since she has already rehearsed it in her headand it was amazing!
The more vivid you can make her imagine something the stronger her experience and the
more permanent her feeling associated with it become. These are feelings you can now have
her recall at any time causing her to go into a sexual state much quicker. This is awesome for
her! Are you starting to see how powerful descriptive language can be?
Take a look back through the examples I have been giving you and notice how the way we
word things make what we are describing much more vivid, memorable and engaging.
Introducing Sexuality with Sexual Innuendos
Sexual Innuendos are the foundation to creating and building sexual states easily and
comfortably with a woman. Because of their effectiveness and ease of use I recommend you
begin to incorporate them into your texting/IM/messages and real-time interactions with
women immediately. Lets begin by defining a sexual innuendo.
Sexual Innuendos statements that talk about or describe something non-sexual in a way that
alludes to something sexual.
Sexual Innuendos are amazing because they introduce sexuality into a conversation in a fun
way. Talking about sex is in many ways taboo in our culture so when you bring it out in a fun
way women love to hook onto them. Remember, women think about sex just as much as we
do. It also shows you are confidant and can talk about potentially embarrassing topics without
fear. It subconsciously puts her at ease because you are giving off the signals that sex isnt a
big deal. This does not mean it cant be special, meaningful or important but that you are
comfortable when it comes to sex and arent going to be nervous or freak out when you get
into a sexual situation with her.
Example #1
2/4/08 8:46 PM
Sara: I have some super exciting news! But u dont get 2 know until thursday cause it is more
fun 2 tell in person
2/4/08 8:51 PM
Race: Aww mannow u got me all excited and anticipitory!!! (seems like a word to me)
2/4/08 8:58 PM
Sara: It is a word! Only spelled anticipatory. Nice work but now u have something 2 look
forward 2 besides the noodles and mindblowing sex
2/4/08 9:02 PM
Race: Noodles would have been enough to get me excitedbut now I am just brimming with
2/4/08 9:05 PM
Sara: Glad i can make u brim
2/4/08 9:11 PM
Race: I doubt that is a sexual inuendo coming from u but I am going to take it as one and get
a nice big smirk on my face
2/4/08 9:14 PM
Sara: U dont think i am capable of sexual innuendos? I am hurt!
2/4/08 9:20 PM
Race: In that case I look 4ward to hearing many many more who knows, maybe someday u
will be able to keep up w/ me
2/4/08 9:25 PM
Sara: U r the the S.I. master. I can be ur pupil
2/4/08 9:29 PM
Race: Studying under me can be a lot to swallow sometimes (lesson one)
2/4/08 9:31 PM
Sara: I bow down before u Oh! Two in one night!
Example #2
Wednesday, Dec 17 2008 at 11:12:33 PM
Nikki: 7 inches of snow today crazy huh
Thursday, Dec 18 2008 at 12:05:15 AM
Race: 7 inches is quite fulfilling I hear
Thursday, Dec 18 2008 at 12:06:41 AM
Nikki: Haha nice
As you practice using Sexual Innuendos, you will notice that you begin to see the world in a
more sexual way. Certain words will jump out you, making it easier and easier to come up
with new ones on the fly. If you often have trouble moving an interaction with girls in a
sexual direction, this is going to do wonders for you.
Turning the Conversation Sexual Through Directive Misinterpretation
It is your job as the man to lead and escalate the conversation. The problem guys often have
is how to turn a seemingly innocent conversation into something sexual. Through every
message a woman sends you or any bit of conversation you have with her, there are ways to
grab onto something she says and purposefully misinterpret what she is saying and turn it
sexual. I call this directive misinterpretation.
Tuesday, Jan 6 2009 at 2:00:10 PM
Torri: guess what?
Tuesday, Jan 6 2009 at 2:01:59 PM
Race: You want to come have drinks with me and get me drunk so you can take advantage
of me?! Girl you are naughty!
Tuesday, Jan 6 2009 at 2:03:16 PM
Torri: Oh man! You totally read my mind haha. Im back in new york
Simply find ways to take what she is saying and change it so that it seems like she was
insinuating something sexual. Your mindset should be that everything she says and does is
trying to seduce you. Thinking this way will help you begin to see what she says in a
different light and allow you to easily misinterpret what she is saying and direct the
conversation in a sexual direction.
Using Directive Misinterpretation to Start Roleplays
You can use almost any situation to start off the creation of a sexual state. Just use directive
misinterpretation to transition the conversation into something sexual. A simple and fun way
to do this is roleplay that she is secretly stalking you. This automatically puts you in the
position where she is chasing after you. This is a fantastic position to be in. Girls find it
incredibly fun and it is almost effortless to transition into it.
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:17:14 PM
Race: Did I just catch you spying on me as I was changing into my gym clothes my little
Helpful tip: Instead of just saying that I was changing in general, I was more specific and
said gym clothes. This subtly shows off an attractive element of who I am as a person. I
take care of my body. Try adding in small things like this that allude to some positive aspect
of who you are as a person.
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:17:59 PM
Selma: Yes im watchin u
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:19:46 PM
Selma: Nice ass.
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:20:45 PM
Race: Hey thanks Ill let you grab it next time we are making out
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:23:24 PM
Selma: K im soo goin to grab it now
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:29:27 PM
Race: In that case I might have to slowly slide my hands down your cute little back and return
the favor
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:32:40 PM
Selma: Go right ahead
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 9:22:50 PM
Race: Im not sure if thats a good idea cause then I might be tempted to slide my hands back
up your ribs, firmly grab your hair and pull your head back as I gently kiss your neck
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 9:26:56 PM
Selma: Sooo. What time r u comin over
You can use this to start all kinds of different roleplays.
Sexual Roleplays
Sexual Roleplays are a great way to get a woman thinking about you sexually while also
allowing her a safe way to let her sexuality out of the bag.
yes mam i amuntil wed then back to good ol vegas where you are going to be waiting for
me right?
ill be waiting for you in texas
i was gonna say
dont you have a job to tend too ?
hahagross. who wants a job? i do consulting work so i can do it from anywhere on my own
hmm thats nice
i might be moving into these lofts that use to be a old hospital
are they super cool?
well i could come and you could dress up like a nurse
its the artist lofts
its mainly for artist but im getting in
so the hallways and front yard and back yard are littered with art and sculptures
you could
that sounds like fun
i have the outfit for it
and the straps
under bed restraints
way to one up me lolok i will try anything twice
thanks to
thats my online sex store
you should go to it some time
i really want to get the rubber sheets
i just checked it outdid you participate in their easter sale?
you would look quite cute as a bunny rabbit
lol i have only met 2 people that were willing to put up with what i like sexually
wow you need to find people that are more adventurous lol
I KNOW!!!!!!!!
i just get off to my self
all i need is my vibrator and a few other things and im good to go
You never know what is going to come out when you start a sexual roleplay so be ready to
get some surprises. You never know until you try so simply throw it out there and get ready
to have some fun.
Gauging a Womans Sexual Radar
Often times guys are unsure of where a girl is in regard to her sexuality. Is she reserved?
Does she have hang ups with sex? Is she a straight up nympho waiting for you to bring it
out? Knowing where she is at and how she views sex allows you to tailor your approach to
make it the best possible experience for her. In addition it allows you to figure out if this girl
is compatible with you sexually. This is HUGE.
You can gauge a womans present sexual radar by sporadically throwing out little sexual
innuendo hooks to see if she bites on or if they go over her head.
Race: I just saw the cutest little squirrel in the park gathering nuts and it made me think of
you (Wednesday, Dec 3 2008 at 2:17:31 PM)
Janiece: lol! ur the best! saving that message! too cute! (Wednesday, Dec 3 2008 at 2:19:04
Danielle: Why cause We both like nuts? (Wednesday, Dec 3 2008 at 2:20:12 PM)
As you can see the same text was sent out to both girls but the way they responded was
completely different. While Janiece thought it was cute, Danielle definitely picked up on the
sexual overtones of the text. It is apparent that Danielle is much more in tune with her
sexuality and comfortable expressing it.
Constantly be dropping these little hooks to see where a girl is at. You will often notice as the
interaction progresses and you continue to use the techniques in this book to make a girl feel
more comfortable with you her sexual radar will amplify and tune in to you.
Note: Just because a girl catches on to your sexual overtones does not mean she is easy. It
often just means she is more in tune with her sexuality and comfortable expressing it. This
can be a sign of maturity.
Providing a Safe Space for Her to Explore Her Sexuality
When you begin creating a sexual frame with a woman it is important to make sure you
provide a space where she knows there is no judgment. Because a womans sexuality can be
such a personal thing it is much easier for her to hide it and be safe than share it and get hurt.
You must rid yourself of moral judgment, indignation or immaturity. This also includes her
knowing that you will not go behind her back and brag to all your friends or make fun of her.
If you still do this it is time to grow up.
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:16:52 AM
Brenda: Hey i heard a jokei wish you were homework cuz you would be hard and i would
be doing you on my desk right now lol
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:18:53 AM
Race: Hahalets study tomorrow then;)
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:19:50 AM
Brenda: Maybe after i beat you at chugging contest
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:22:16 AM
Brenda: Hey lets play carpenter First we get hammered then ill nail you lol
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:28:36 AM
Race: That sounds like a fun game But Ill win
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:29:12 AM
Brenda: I hope you would i have to tell you something though
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:30:17 AM
Race: So tell me
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:32:10 AM
Brenda: I have only been with one guy i dont know how you feel about that i was with him
for 3 years but now i feel like i dont have enough experience :/ You know for you
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:36:57 AM
Race: Experience has no standing in my bookan open curious mind with a sense of
adventure and willing to explore who you are is what I value
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:38:22 AM
Brenda: Thats good to hear Im always willing to try new things:-) i hope you are as
amazing as you sound
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:39:35 AM
Race: Me too lol
Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:40:47 AM
Brenda: Im sure you will be:-) ill talk to you tomorrow
When providing a safe space for a woman to open up sexually you will be surprised at some
of the sexual fantasies women have. This does not mean you have to be the one who fulfills
her fantasies (it is fun when you do though) but it does mean you have to accept her. By
providing a safe, judgment free space for women to explore their own sexuality you will not
only make it infinitely easier for her to open up to you sexually but also set yourself apart as a
world class lover.
The Le Skratch
If any physical attribute is crucial to seduction it is the eyes. They revel excitement, passion,
tension, or detachment without ever saying a word. Let me tell you a story to illustrate just
how powerful the way you look at a woman can be.
Last summer I was up in Montreal with my roommate visiting some of his family. After a
nigh on the town we arrived back at the house his great great grandfather had build with his
own hands to find his uncle in the kitchen still awake. After talking with him for a bit he
convinced us to go play pool with him at a local pool hall know for its attractive servers. It is
pretty much the hooters of pool halls. We arrive at around 2:30am and grab a table. We order
a bucket of beers and get set to start our first game. When I look up I am instantly
mesmerized by the most stunning woman I have ever laid my eyes on.
I lock eyes with her, she drops off our beers and walks away. Less than a minute later the
other waitress who took our order comes up to me with a piece of paper and tells me that the
girl who dropped off our beers wanted me to have it. Much to my surprise, I open it up to see
her name and number written on the piece of paper.
My roommate couldnt believe it. Being a Master Practitioner of NLP, he spend the next 3
days helping me break down what I had done.
After lengthy discussions and watching me out with many more girls he helped me begin to
understand what I had done. From this has come the most powerful technique I know yet to
date when it comes to spiking a womans attraction.
Here is the secret: it is all about what is going through your head when you are looking
at her!
Sounds simple right? But you will be so surprised how many guys are unaware of what they
are thinking at the time when they are looking at a beautiful women. Often times negative
beliefs creep in and start running through your head. You could be thinking, wow why cant
I ever get a woman like that or I hope I dont look stupid right now or even simply man I
want to have sex with her . Do you know what all of those statements have in common?
They are all about YOU and not about HER. Your whole focus is inward towards you and not
outwards to connect with her. And when you are stuck in your head, not only can she read
that all over your body language but all of your energy and focus is tied up so you have none
left to use to attract and connect with her.
Does that makes sense?
So what do you do instead?
Next time you find yourself coming in contact with a beautiful woman try this. Stand up tall
(walk as if your chest is leading your whole body), pick one eye (left or right hopefully she
doesnt have a middle eye) and give it all your focus while running through the following
thought(s) in your head:
-who are you?
-you have no idea what is in store for you
-are you ready to have some fun?
Notice h
or I am
Often ti
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ays I have to
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Ways to M
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X All my lo
She knew ve
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Make Her M
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Check out th
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send you a m
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ery little eng
we hung out
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More Com
OT Sleep W
s on HER. B
you will noti
might find yo
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, I am just e
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by her. Let
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With a W
Believe me
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Taking H
Woman on
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n what you a
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your face. T
ome one of
waitress at L
y things in m
n though tha
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utely no Fre
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when I look
Her Clothe
The First
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art learning
you keep yo
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over your b
u what. Th
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with you.
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Le Skratch s
my life, but
at the memo
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or if
elf to fall
I swear,
ory is a
et we
l verbal
r eyes.

From: R
Date: M
after a r
my hear
your ex

This typ
knows r
feels co

From: .

Date: M
As you
and find
better th

From: R
Date: M
Thats b
se Stu
- Orig
May 6, 2009
rigorously b
d and divorc
for all the w
pe of openin
ingly differe
right from t
ly. Why sho
omfortable t
May 6, 2009
. nice. well
can see she
d either a re
hat way. In
ant fact is sh
May 6, 2009
because you
e he was get
jr III
inal Messag
9 2:53 PM
brief overvie
ced you in m
wonderful i
ou get the do
ng message
ent from the
the start that
ould you? Y
to jump righ
ginal Messa
9 3:28 PM
the dog alw
e jumped rig
eason why, p
this case, it
he not only
ginal Messa
9 4:09 PM
u always fed
tting self co
ew of your p
my mind.
imaginary m
og and I get
sets up a fa
e typical me
t you are ju
You dont ev
ht in and beg
ways liked m
ght in. The f
put the blam
ts ok becau
responded b
d him scrap
onscious aro

profile I wa
t the house i
antastic role
essage she r
ust having fu
ven know h
gin the role

me better an
fact you div
me on you f
use the dog
but is alread

ps under the
ound all the
anted to let y
you will al
in Hawaii
e play. It is
receives. It i
un and are n
er yet. Beca
e play. In fac
vorced her m
for the divor
g always lik
dy assuming
bitches at t
you know I
lways have

fun and play
is a bit on th
not taking th
ause there is
ct, it is almo
makes her w
rce or give a
e her better
g the role of
n I had to ge
the dog park
I have alread
a special pl
ayful and so
he silly side
he interactio
s no pressur
ost irresistib
want to com
a reason wh
r. The mos
f your ex w
et him lipos
kpoor mr
lace in
e so she
on too
re she
ble not
me back
hy it is
All that
ocean s
Here I c
reason w
about o
with me

From: .

Date: M
its true.
This is
what th
know sh

From: R
Date: M
thats w
r u into
this bec
sexual c
she can
it comm
most gu
Next I s

From: .
Date: M
it depen
She is s
you resp

From: R
Date: M
t aside I do m
nuggled tog
continue the
why the dog
ur relations
e. This crea

May 6, 2009
cooking br
one of the m
hey are goin
he is comfo
May 6, 2009
why Ive mo
live indepe
of grabbing
cause it is no
comment th
n use her sex
municates it
uys do. This
seed the inv
May 6, 2009
nds on how
slightly hesi
pond is very
May 7, 2009
miss you m
gether in a b
e role playin
g liked her b
ship and wh
ates as sense
ginal Messa
9 4:35 PM
reakfast nak
most enjoya
g to say nex
ortable expre
ginal Messa
9 8:23 PM
oved to cook
endent musi
g onto her s
ot what she
hat they grab
xuality when
s not a big
s builds her
vite by askin
ginal Messa
9 9:48 PM
itant to com
y important
ginal Messa
9 12:01 PM
making me b
blanket at ou
ng painting
better in a h
at I miss ab
e of comfort
ked for myse
able aspects
xt! She thro
essing her s
king in my s
ic and tasty
sexual threa
expects. M
b right onto
n she wants
deal thus m
attraction t
ng if she lik
nt the music
mmit but still
t at this poin
breakfast in
ur house in
a picture of
humorous w
bout it. Now
t with me, e

elf just does
s of interacti
ows a curveb

ad and movi
Most guys ge
o it. This usu
s to get a ris
making her w
to you.
kes certain th

c it is i supp
l interested.
nt. Keep it c

bed and wa
f what our l
way. Then I
w she is imag
even if it is i
snt have the
ing with a n
ball and turn
ng it forwar
et so excited
ually lesson
se out of you
wonder why
. She is just
casual and n
atching the s
ife together
move into w
gining doin
imaginary m
e same effec
new girlyo
ns it sexual.
rd, I turn it p
d when a wo
ns attraction
u. Instead b
y you arent
testing the
no big deal.
sun rise ove
r was like. I
what was go
ng all these t
ou never kn
. This lets m
playful aga
oman throw
n and lets he
by playing it
t responding
water a bit
er the
I give a
ood and
ain. I do
ws out a
er know
t down
g like
. How
Lets just say this music signed a declaration a long long time agohaha
I was thinking about hitting up Hotel Cafe sometime soon to catch up on some bands and
enjoy some tasty cocktailsyou ever been?
I respond to her hesitation in a light and playful way. It is as if I dont even see any hesitation
because in truth I dont. Next, I actually lay down some detail but without actually inviting
her. This way she has no way of saying yes or no, only if she has ever been. This also lets
me gage how interested she would be in meeting up.
Original Message
From: ..dani.
Date: May 7, 2009 12:47 PM
i have. once. awhile ago. you should let me know when your going and then maybe ill
accidentally bump into you.
It is VERY clear she is interested in meeting up. Not only because she suggest the possibility
of an accidentally meeting but she is asking me to let her know when I am going.
Original Message
From: Race
Date: May 7, 2009 4:01 PM
well I just might go tomorrow night so to improve your accident rating shoot me over your #
and Ill txt you the details. Plus we get to join txt-aholics
With all these clear signals from her and a date idea already set up, I know it is time to get her
phone #. I let her know I might be going the next night but do so in a fun way. There is the
added connection of becoming text-aholics together because most girls can relate to that. I
understand her world which makes it even more comfortable for her to give me her #.
Original Message
From: ..dani.
Date: May 7, 2009 7:47 PM
oopsy. forgot to give you my number. i heard sometimes that helps when you want someone
to call you. im heading out and about tonight, i have a crackberry addiction so text messages
are my favorite. xxx xxx xxxx
Not only does she give me her # but tells me she WANTS me to call her. This is what will
happen when you do everything right. She even states she is out and about tonight which is
an invitation to meet up right away. She doesnt want to wait until our date the next night lol

From: R
Date: Ja
I just w
I am pre
funny s
From: M
Date: Ja
As you
hooks to
From: R
Date: Ja
I person
you say
places m
I start o
From: M
Date: Ja
t: a friendly
an 5, 2008 1
wanted to let
etty sure a f
o took up th
wise it can co
an 5, 2008 1
can see she
o grab onto
an 5, 2008 1
nally think y
cebut also
y you have l
out by teasin
t on. Since t
an 5, 2008 2
12:02 AM
t you know
friend of mi
he challenge
ome across
1:19 AM
e jumps righ
10:57 AM
you are mor
o a big -ol d
lived all ove
ng her a bit
travel is a b
2:50 PM
that I am ha
ine challeng
e. The smile
as complete
ht in and sta
re cute than
dorky side
er the world
on using all
big one for m
ged me to us
e on the end
ely cocky w
arts playing
n handsome
well at leas
l caps. I go
me I ask her

se this as an
d is vital to
which is not
H?? J/K
along givin
PS??? haha
with a gene
st I hope so
ke where???
through her
r about it.
n opener. I t
displaying p
the point.
ng me plenty
erous helpin

I have lived
r profile and
thought it w
y of conver
ng of
d quite a fe
d see what w
was quite
we can
I struck
she is p
From: R
Date: Ja
Here is
San Die
and of c
Those a
that is
Ohh her
take me
you hea
later ga
A fun w
start tra
From: M
Date: Ja
k a gold min
passionate ab
an 5, 2008 3
my list:
natti Oh
uerque Nm
gham Al
wa Hi
en Nz
stown Nz
ego, La, San
course Las V
are just plac
ly my favor
luckily if y
re is someth
e on a surpri
ar my answe
way of finish
ansitioning i
. This enco
an 5, 2008 3
ne. There is
bout traveli
3:02 PM
.haha I pref
nta Barbara
ces I have liv
rite thing to
you do one
hing fun (be
ise vacation
hing up this
into someth
ourages her
3:37 PM
so much I c
ng so this is
fer the diver
, Oxnard
doafter e
you are bou
ecause I thin
n where wou
s message is
hing deeper.
to answer o
can engage
s a great top
rsity of both
h more if yo
enriching m
und to do th
nk you will
uld you take
s to turn it in
Notice I en
out of curio
her on and
pic to explo
h BIG and sm
ou count the
my life by me
he other
give a good
e me and w
nto a future
nded with w
sity of hear
you can tell
re and conn
mall LeTter
places I tra
eeting new
d answer)
hat would w
e projection.
wait until yo
ing what I a
l by her resp
nect on with
aveled. It is
if you were
we dowai
. Here is wh
you hear my
am going to
h her.
e to
it until
here I
o say.
Within a few messages I have gone from complete stranger to her planning out a vacation for
us while opening up and sharing things that she is passionate about. Incredible wouldnt you
From: Race
Date: Jan 5, 2008 3:49 PM
wowkinda funny that I have never been to alaska but have always wanted to go and you
want to go to Greece and I have already been.
so I would take you to Greecewe would need to stop by
New York. We would go to museums, watch a broadway show, eat some pizza at Rays,go
shopping, and play tag in central park. From there we would fly off to Jukkasjrvi Sweden
where we would spend the night in the Ice Hotel having drinks in ice cups at the Absolute
bar, then relax in the ice jaccuzzi, and then retire to our suite carved entirely out of ice (but
you would have to stay on your side of the reindeer fleece bedno funny business). Well
rested we would be ready to shake off the cold and grab a flight to Athens. Here we would
jump on a boat and cruise out to Mykinos, Milo, etc where we would go on hikes, snorkle in
the sparkling blue ocean, eat at a little open air cafe and eventually end up at Santorini just as
the sun is setting. We would sneak down a little path and have delicious wine on one of the
rooftops of the little white washed houses overlooking the ocean and for a second remember
in absolute certainty why the heart of life is good. Then we would head back into town and
dance all night at a sand bar to Greek fold music while sipping ouzo.
Dont even get me started on the trip back, Paris, Italy, Spain, Morocco, etc
Speaking of Morocco Morgan, do you like hookah?
Not only have I made this future projection of our adventure together rich with detail so that
she can actually imagine herself there with me, I have also began to seed the invite by asking
her if she like hookah.
From: Morgan
Date: Jan 5, 2008 4:30 PM
You can tell by her reaction that I was successful in painting a vivid picture. Also she said
yes to liking hookah wich will make the invite that much easier in the next message.
From: R
Date: Ja
I have n
a full sc
Well it
trip out
shoot m
txt you
Along w
page an
From: M
Date: Ja
do you
my num
(xxx) xx
youre n
I love m
you stil
how lon
you me
how do
You do
Ok even
even br
same ty
From: R
Date: Ja
holy mo
it is col
yes I do
toast cru
I moved
I hope t
when I
an 5, 2008 5
no idea how
cale hotel ca
sounds like
in more de
me over your
the invite
with getting
table. I am b
nd that I don
an 5, 2008 5
it looks qu
mber is
no a serial k
mint chocola
ll havent ans
ng have you
ssage every
i know you
have an int
n though sh
rought up th
ype of quest
ant that I an
an 5, 2008 5
oley bambo
g to??? haha
d in there -5
o snowboard
unch..aka c
d here abou
ny. Not sure
that about a
dont recog
5:12 PM
w the ice jac
arved entire
e we need to
r number (i

g her numbe
bringing up
nt just hang
5:19 PM
uite cold in
killer are yo
atebut a m
swered my
u lived here?
yone on here
ur not a kille
tresting ima
he gave me h
he killer th
tion before h
swer her qu
5:40 PM
oly.that is
5 I believe
d and no I a
ut 9 months
e how I foun
answers ever
gnize a num
uzzis work
ely out of ic
o get togethe
f you promi
er I throw in
p her potenti
g out with a
ou?? oh wait
mint chocol
?? what do
e to tell them
her # she sti
hing but it h
her with my
uestions in t
a lot of que
but they g
am not a ser
ago to assis
nd your pag
rything and
k but I sure
er over som
ise you are
n a qualifyin
ial worries b
t I guess
late hookah?
you do here
m how hand
ill wants so
has already
y qualifying
the next mes
give you spe
rial killer (b
st my buddy
ge but I mes
d here is my
do wanna f
me chocolate
not really a
ng statemen
before she i
you wouldn
?? humm so
e?? how did
dsome you
ome more as
been neutra
g statement
nd not in all
ecial jackets
ut I am a ce
y with his m
ssaged you b
number be
find out! It i
e mint hook
a 41 yr old m
nt just to ma
is showing w
nt tell me if
ounds intres
d you find m
are? I have
ssurance. Yo
alized becau
in the last m
s to wear so
ereal killer
music and lau
because you
cause I nev
is not an igl
kah and plan
molester) an
ake her feel
we are on th
f you were a
me on mysp
lots of ques
ou can see h
use I brough
message. It i
at is this wo
o we are safe
I love cinn
aunch a new
u caught my
ver answer a
oo it is
n the
nd ill
he same
ace? do
how she
ht up the
is very
fe and
a call
just put
wait to
have if
im thin
then I n
I set up
up) but
like she
in the sa
From: M
Date: Ja
special j
You hav
for 5 yr
I dunno
and peo
with me
board g
Im a qu
Im so f
are we t
social n
back sto
From: R
Date: Ja
silly mo
I lived i
come be
and my
From: M
Date: Ja
guys an
and wed
t me in as t
go smoke h
f that will fi
nking mond
need a partn
a meeting f
also extend
e she has a r
ame day can
an 5, 2008 5
y goodness!
jackets then
ve an 858 n
rs. (so i say
okinda we
ople ask us h
e!! we need
games?? uttt
uick learner
full of quest
there yet??
? is santa rea
Im in a s
gh it is quic
an 5, 2008 5
oods are we
me in the b
ce and so we
in pb, point
e my team m
y charming w
an 5, 2008 6
sooo tempt
nd leave my
dnesdays of
do you eat su
the amazing
hookah with
it in your ph
day night wo
ner 2night as
for two day
d an invite f
reason to co
n feel too fa
5:48 PM
!! special ja
n too??? Im
number!! im
im from the
eird meeting
how we me
d to come up
t ohhh.. im n
rwhere r
how many
silly mood
ckly become
site can still
5:58 PM
bushes and g
e met upt
loma, miss
mate it will
wit we can d
6:09 PM
y cold behin
ff.. I might g
g Race wh
h him and ta
hone that is
ould work ju
sap!!! (ps w
ys later (give
for the same
ome. Messag
ast for some
ackets?? wh
m nervous!
m from La C
ere!) what p
g someone o
t?? do we s
p with a real
not the best
u playing th
more min??
e the social
l seam weir
ets say we m
gave me my
ta da!
sion valley,
be against
definitely w
er..i do hav
d Thats n
go grab som
ho is so sex
alk all about

ust fine.u
we smoke ho
es her more
e night but I
ging a wom
e. That is wh
hat about wh
Costa.. thats
part of s.d. a
off of myso
ay myspace
lly intrestin
t but wha
hese board g
? im hungry
norm, for so
rd. It is easy
met at summ
y first kiss
and utc.
my room m
e a bit of a
not cool! bu
me sushi by
y and aweso
t the great a
unless you a
ookah while
e time to fee
I add in a qu
man, getting
hy you MU
hen you sho
where i mo
are you from
oace.. what i
e?? my mom
ng story o
at kinda boa
games?? I q
y i dont fe
ome women
y to overcom
mer camp w
fast forwar
mate and his
cold left.. i
ut monday s
my house l
ome and ha
adventures w
are any good
e playing)
el comfortab
her # and in
UST qualify
ower?? do th
oved here fro
if we becom
mmy would
or (lie) shoul
rd games ar
quite curiou
eel good
n meeting o
me this by m
when we we
rd years late
wouldnt wa
ounds good
later if ya w
andsome and
we are goin
d at board g
ble about m
so she will
nviting her
them so the
hey give yo
rom! I lived
me good fre
d get very up
uld i say a
re you talkin
how are bab
off a dating
making up a
ere little and
er I found y
with your
ant to meet
d! I have tue
wanna join m
d I cant
g to
over all
ey feel
site or
a fun
d you
you on
me for
I rather meet you not at your house for the first timeduhhhh..haha.. no killing Morgan..
Ohhand summer camp.. hahano one is going to believe that i went to camp.. haha thats
sushihuhhuh?? wanna.. wanna??
The cold bit is just a safety net. It allows her to be polite and suggest she really wants to but
shouldnt. Translation= I am not completely comfortable with the idea yet. You can see she
has agreed to Monday (you dont get over a cold in 2 days). Translation= A few days will
give me time to become ok with the idea of meeting a total stranger off MySpace.
As you will notice though she does invite me out to sushi (you cant catch a cold at sushi?)
Translation = I really do want to meet you tonight but can we do it at a place I know so I feel
more comfortable and safe?
From: Race
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:17 PM
I LOVE sushi! well I probably wouldnt marry sushi but I do enjoy it quite a bit.
Well tell you whatthere is a fabulous sushi place right by my house Sushimon that we
can go to if you really cant tell by now that I am an awesomely safe and totally kick ass
person. Ill try to convince my roommates and their girlfriendsthey all wanted to order
pizzaunless you happen to love pizza too! Dont worry I live in a gated
Here I add in a few elements that help make her more comfortable with the idea: 1. there will
be other girls present 2. make her feel bad for not thinking I am a awesomely safe person
3. We live in a gated community (upper class) w/ no weirdos allowed
I keep it all light hearted and fun. I also show that I am on her side and trying to convince my
roommates to do what she wanted. At the same time I plant the fact that there is a great sushi
place right by my house.
From: Morgan
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:21 PM
Well.not only do i get to meet you for the first timebut i get to meet all your roomies and
girlfriends toowoahhh overload..hahaokay..
where do you live? Im in southern highlands
She is at least now ok with doing something with me that same night
From: Race
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:24 PM
Well I am in around Silverado Ranch area off Silverado ranch and Maryland Prkwydo you
know the area??? There is a 24hr fitness and albertsons etc
From: Morgan
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:27 PM
Thats pretty close to me I dunno..kinda weird showing up and meeting all these people for
the first timei think im nervous.. tell them we should all go to sushi and then board
gamesi just ate a whole pizza to myself(kinda) yesterday tell em they should umm
sake bombs and fun! lots of fun!!! woooo hoooooooooooo..
if not ill grab sushi and maybe meet up with u guys
whatever is easier
We are getting closer.
From: Race
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:32 PM
you live closethats perfect! come over in about an hour and help me convince them if not
we can go grab some sushi.
Just mapquest my address
1111 park place
Now I am turning it into something we will do together. She can come over and help me
convince my room mates.its us against them.
From: Morgan
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:38 PM
how about this is there a bar by your house that we can me at.. for a drink and then go to
your house.. it might be a bit odd just crusin in and not knowing anyone..a bit
uncomfortable. ya know..
We compromise on a bar and of course I pick one within walking distance of my house.
From: Race
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:44 PM
haha ok.lets meet a fireside
wow I sure am doing a lotyou better be as fun as you seemlol
Note: One last qualification to show I dont usually do this much work so she had better be
worth it. I dont do this in a mean way but add the lol to show I am kinda kidding. Note:
when she calls me an hour later she mentions that she is super fun and totally worth the
From: Morgan
Date: Jan 5, 2008 6:49 PM
haha okaydont know where that is but ill find it!
st. rose pkwy>?
lets meet at 8?
i havta shower.. been in bed all day..just text me from here on out
She ends up coming directly to my house

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