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CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

GS 100*01: Introduct|on to Gender Stud|es
Ia|| 2014 - 2:30-3:S0 - SL 123

rofessor: ur. klm Lacey (please, call me klm!) Cff|ce: 8 338
In-person off|ce hours: M/W 12-2 pm Cff|ce phone: 989-964-2016
and by appolnLmenL L-ma||: krlacey[
Gma|| chat: krlacey Skype: klm.lacey3
1w|tter: [klmlacey Course hashtag: #CSl14

Course quest|ons: ls gender a performance? WhaL ls gender? ls Lhere harm ln deflnlng gender?
uoes a deflnlLlon llmlL personal undersLandlng? WhaL does lL mean Lo ldenLlfy wlLh one or more
genders? Pow can we Lalk abouL gender? WhaL vocabulary can we use?

Course Sty|e: 1hls course wlll be conducLed as a semlnar, meanlng you are expecLed Lo come Lo
class ready Lo parLlclpaLe. 1here wlll be very few lecLures-your lnqulry, confuslon, and
lnLeresLs wlll drlve our ln-class conversaLlons. 8e ready Lo Lalk each day we meeL.
Course Descr|pt|on: Core course for gender sLudles mlnor. An analysls of Lhe slgnlflcance of
gender ln our culLure, from Lhe perspecLlves of communlcaLlon, Lngllsh, hlsLory, phllosophy,
pollLlcal sclence, psychology, soclology. CS 100 ls a CaLegory 10 course, meanlng parL of our
goals wlll be Lo wrlLe effecLlve, researched academlc LexLs ln Lngllsh.

rerequ|s|te: LnCL 111

Cred|ts: 3 cr

Genera| Lducat|on: CaLegory 10
A note about the content of our course: We wlll be deallng wlLh very complex and maLure
sub[ecL maLLers Lhls semesLer. A loL of Lhe conLenL we read and waLch wlll be ptofooe, qtopblc,
vloleot, ooJ sexoolly expllclt. lf such Loplcs boLher or deeply offend you, Lhls ls probably noL a
course LhaL besL flLs your needs. lease know LhaL l do noL expecL you Lo agree wlLh everyLhlng
we dlscuss, buL l do ask LhaL you have an open mlnd and engage wlLh Lhe LexLs ln an
approprlaLely professlonal and academlc manner.

kequ|red 1exts to urchase (||sted |n order of use): 1hese LexLs have been ordered aL Lhe
booksLore, buL feel free Lo shop around onllne for Lhe cheapesL prlce.)
klllerman, 1be 5oclol Iostlce AJvocote's nooJbook. A ColJe to CeoJet (lS8n: 978-0989760201)
loss, uomlnlco, and loss, CeoJet 5totles (lS8n: 978-1377667919)
ColaplnLo, As Notote MoJe nlm (lS8n: 978-0061120363)
CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

Ames, 5exool Metomotpbosls. Ao Aotboloqy of 1toossexool Memolts (lS8n: 978-1400030149)

AddlLlonal handouLs, readlngs, and oLher maLerlals dlsLrlbuLed ln-class or on Canvas

I||ms, ep|sodes, etc. watched |n c|ass:
lotls ls 8otoloq
Mllk (excerpLs)
1be lotomle ltoject
1be kocky nottot llctote 5bow
Cne of the fo||ow|ng texts for the Sexua| Metamorphos|s paper (a|| on ho|d at 2ahnow
8lchard von kraffL-Lblng, lsycbopotblo 5exoolls
Llll Llbe, 1be uoolsb Cltl, Moo loto womoo (ed. nlels Poyer)
ChrlsLlne !orgensen, A letsoool Aotobloqtopby
!an Morrls, cooooJtom
Marlo MarLlno, metqeoce
8enee 8lchards, 5ecooJ 5etve, No woy keoee
Carollne Cossey, My SLory
Loren Cameron, 8oJy Alcbemy
Mark 8ees, ueot 5lt ot MoJom
uelrdre McCloskey, ctossloq
Aleshla 8revard, 1be womoo l wos Not 8oto to 8e, 1be womoo l wos 8oto to 8e
Calpernla Sarah Addams, Motk 947
uonna 8ose, wtoppeJ lo 8loe
!ennlfer llnney 8oylan, 5bes Not 1bete
Course kequ|rements:
3 ArLlfacL Analyses: 12 each (36 LoLal)
1 8-10 MlnuLe ArLlfacL Analysls resenLaLlon: 10
Sexual MeLamorphosls aper: 12
Culzzes (lncludlng pop qulzzes): 13
ulscusslon CuesLlons (see below): 16
rofesslonal ln-class work eLhlc (see below): 11

ulscossloo Ooestloos. lor 10 of our class meeLlngs (a llLLle less Lhan once per week), prepare aL
leasL Lwo quesLlons (20 LoLal for Lhe semesLer) you have abouL Lhe maLerlal. CuesLlons wlll be
used as Lhe basls for our dlscusslon of Lhe readlngs. 1hese quesLlons musL be submlLLed Lo Lhe
approprlaLe dlscusslon board on Canvas by Lhe beglnnlng of class. l wlll accepL no more Lhan
Lwo quesLlons per week (one of each klnd), Lhus you musL be proacLlve and noL walL unLll Lhe
end of Lhe semesLer Lo submlL all 20 quesLlons.

CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

Cne quesLlon should focus on facL or undersLandlng. l refer Lo Lhese as conLenL quesLlons."
osL your quesLlons Lo Lhe "ConLenL CuesLlons" dlscusslon board.
CuesLlons of Lhls Lype mlghL be:
l don'L undersLand _____"
WhaL ls meanL by ______"?
Can someone explaln Lhe background of ______ Lo me"?

1he second quesLlon should focus on Lhe appllcaLlon or exLenslon of a concepL or Lheory. l refer
Lo Lhese as phllosophlcal or deeper meanlng quesLlons." osL your quesLlons Lo Lhe
"hllosophlcal/ueeper Meanlng" dlscusslon board.
CuesLlons of Lhls Lype mlghL be:
Who ls lncluded or excluded from Lhls perspecLlve on ___ and whaL dlfference does LhaL
Pow does Lhe concepL of _____ alLer our undersLandlng of soclal consLrucLlon"?
WhaL examples of Lhls concepL do we see ln Lhe world around us"?

ltofessloool lo-closs wotk tblc. As a member of Lhls course, you are responslble for
parLlclpaLlng responslbly. 1hls means comlng Lo each class wlLh Lhe readlng compleLed and wlLh
lnLeresLlng ldeas Lo conLrlbuLe Lo our conversaLlon. Confuslon ls welcomed! uon'L feel LhaL you
have Lo undersLand everyLhlng-belng a professlonal member of a group lncludes
undersLandlng LhaL learnlng ls a process. ln addlLlon, you should show up on Llme and respecL
oLhers' oplnlons whlle ln class. Cplnlons of all klnds are welcome, buL dlsrespecL wlll noL be

Grad|ng Sca|e
^93: A
^90: A-
^87: 8+
^83: 8
^80: 8-
^77: C+
^73: C
^60: u
0: l

Course o||c|es: 1he declslon Lo Lake Lhls course lL yours, buL once you make LhaL declslon, you
have responslblllLles Lo everyone else ln Lhls communlLy of learners. lL ls your responslblllLy Lo
ablde by Lhe followlng course pollcles ln order Lo conLrlbuLe Lo our classroom's producLlvlLy.

CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

Attendance: lL ls ln your besL lnLeresL Lo aLLend class regularly. ALLendance means much more
Lhan slmply showlng up Lo class. ALLendance ln CS 100 means belng presenL ln class Lhrough
acLlve parLlclpaLlon, sharlng lnslghLful ldeas, compleLlng homework, and wllllngness Lo ask
quesLlons. ALLendance wlll be Laken durlng each class meeLlng. ou are a||owed two free
absences. Cn your th|rd absence, 2 w||| be deducted from your f|na| grade. Cn your fourth
absence, and add|t|ona| 4 w||| be deducted from your f|na| grade. If you m|ss more than four
c|asses, you w||| be asked to drop and]or fa|| th|s course. lease flnd a classmaLe and exchange
e-mall addresses. ln case you mlss class, lL ls your responslblllLy Lo conLacL a classmaLe Lo flnd
ouL whaL you mlssed. My offlce hours wlll noL be used as a make-up" class perlod.

SlLuaLlons LhaL CounL as Absences:
! Arrlvlng more Lhan 10 mlnuLes laLe or leavlng more Lhan 10 mlnuLes early
! Comlng Lo class unprepared Lo parLlclpaLe

L-ma||: Check your SvSu e-mall dally. lL's Lhe unlverslLy's offlclal mode of communlcaLlon, and
Lhere ls no excuse why you shouldn'L check lL ofLen. ?ou need Lo have lnLerneL access for Lhls
course. Cur campus ls wlreless and many oLher locaLlons off campus also have free Wl-ll, so be
sure Lo Lake advanLage. lf you are havlng dlfflculLy connecLlng, make sure you call my offlce
(989-964-2016). noL havlng access ls noL an excuse.

Grade post|ngs: All grades wlll be posLed on Canvas.

1echno|ogy o||cy: l encourage you Lo use whaLever noLe Laklng sysLem you prefer. lf, however,
you choose Lo use a personal compuLlng devlce, you are asked LhaL lL be used for class work
only. hones musL be Lurned Lo sllenL durlng class Llme. lf you are expecLlng an lmporLanL
phone call durlng class, please slL near Lhe door so you can leave Lhe room wlLhouL dlsrupLlng
oLhers. l undersLand Lhe need Lo feel connecLed, so cell phones are noL banned ln our class.
Powever, you are requlred Lo be an acLlve member of our learnlng communlLy. lf you feel LhaL
you can mulLl-Lask effecLlvely and parLlclpaLe ln class dlscusslons, Lhen feel free Lo do so. ?ou
are hlghly encouraged Lo 1weeL durlng class wlLh our course hashLag: #CSl14. !usL be aware
LhaL l wlll call on people aL random lf Lhe dlscusslon ls dead. lf you are noL prepared Lo
parLlclpaLe because you are dlsLracLed, Lhls may affecL your flnal professlonallsm grade.

Late Work: Late work |s unacceptab|e. lease ensure LhaL your work ls submlLLed on Llme. 1he
deadllnes are clearly marked on all asslgnmenLs and on Lhe syllabus. lf you know a due daLe
confllcLs wlLh someLhlng ouLslde of class, plan ahead and submlL your asslgnmenL early. l wlll
send a conflrmaLlon e-mall by 8 am Lhe nexL mornlng. lf you do noL recelve a conflrmaLlon e-
mall, l dld noL recelve your paper.

CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

D|sab|||ty and Non-D|scr|m|nat|on C|ause: SLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles whlch may resLrlcL Lhelr full
parLlclpaLlon ln course acLlvlLles are encouraged Lo meeL wlLh Lhe lnsLrucLor or conLacL Lhe
SvSu Cfflce of ulsablllLy Servlces, CurLls Pall, 8oom C-112, hone: 989-964-4168. SvSu does
noL dlscrlmlnaLe based on race, rellglon, color, gender, sexual orlenLaLlon, naLlonal orlgln, age,
physlcal lmpalrmenL, dlsablllLy, or veLeran sLaLus ln Lhe provlslon of educaLlon, employmenL,
and oLher servlces.

Academ|c Integr|ty o||cy: Accordlng Lo Lhe 5v5u 5toJeot nooJbook, Academlc lnLegrlLy ls
undermlned whenever one ls dlshonesL ln Lhe pursulL of knowledge. ulshonesLy Lakes many
forms, lncludlng cheaLlng, plaglarlsm, and oLher acLlvlLles for undermlnlng Lhe educaLlonal

Cheat|ng occurs whenever one aLLempLs Lo galn an advanLage Lhrough a vlolaLlon of rules
regardlng Lhe relevanL behavlor. lL should be assumed LhaL collaboraLlon ls cheaLlng unless
expllclLly auLhorlzed" (16).

|ag|ar|sm lnvolves lnLenLlonally or unlnLenLlonally presenLlng anoLher person's expresslons -
ldeas, oplnlons, lllusLraLlons, daLa, sLyle - as one's own expresslon" (16).

lorms of plaglarlsm lnclude dlrecLly Lranscrlblng (copylng) wlLhouL quoLaLlon and aLLrlbuLlon,
summarlzlng wlLhouL aLLrlbuLlon, paraphraslng or paLchwork paraphraslng wlLhouL aLLrlbuLlon,
paLchlng elecLronlc maLerlals (lncludlng plcLures, graphs, and/or charLs) wlLhouL aLLrlbuLlon.

In GS 100 de||berate p|ag|ar|sm or cheat|ng |n any form w||| resu|t |n the grade of zero (0) for
the ent|re ass|gnment and w||| be reported to the Academ|c Conduct 8oard for further

ln CS 100, any sLudenL who engages ln any of Lhese behavlors LhaL undermlne Lhe educaLlonal
process wlll be asked Lo leave Lhe class lmmedlaLely, and lose any posslble credlL for LhaL class
perlod. 1o reLurn Lo Lhe class, Lhe sLudenL wlll be requlred Lo schedule a meeLlng wlLh Lhe
lnsLrucLor Lo dlscuss hls or her plans for modlfylng Lhelr behavlor ln quesLlon.

Wr|t|ng Center Informat|on: Cne of Lhe many advanLages of Lhls unlverslLy ls Lhe WrlLlng
CenLer. ?ou are sLrongly encouraged Lo meeL wlLh a LuLor Lo dlscuss your wrlLlng. Sesslons aL
Lhe WrlLlng CenLer are avallable on a flrsL come, flrsL serve basls. lease sLop by Lhe WrlLlng
CenLer anyLlme you need addlLlonal help.

WrlLlng CenLer Pours: M-8 9am-7pm, l 10am-2pm
LocaLlon: Zahnow 308 (3
floor of Lhe llbrary)
hone: 989-964-6061
CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey


Course Schedu|e

All readlngs musL be done before class
1hls schedule mlghL change. lf lL does, l wlll noLlfy you ln class and ln wrlLlng.

Date kead|ng In-c|ass d|scuss|on top|c
arL l: undersLandlng Cender
M, 8/23 lnLro Lo course
ln-class: undersLandlng Lhe ComplexlLles
of Cender"
Cender: much more Lhan male and
W, 8/27 lnLroducLlons
5oclol Iostlce AJvocotes nooJbook (S!AP):
Soclal [usLlce

M, 9/1 (no

W, 9/3 S!AP: 12-44 Cycle of oppresslon
M, 9/8 Cender SLorles (CS): 1-30 SLory
W, 9/10 CS: 33-80
Slgn up for ArLlfacL Analysls resenLaLlon
8reaklng Lhrough Lhe blnary
M, 9/13 CS: 106-136
lrom nes o 5toJ, 5bes o 5lot (dlsLrlbuLed
Cender sLorles ln pop culLure
W, 9/17 Men and MascullnlLy" (arLlcle on Canvas) Men and mascullnlLy
M, 9/22 S!AP: 49-39, 72-79

Cenderbread person
CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

Art|fact Ana|ys|s #1: Due on Canvas by
11:S9 pm
W, 9/24 S!AP: 81-103
8egln ArLlfacL resenLaLlons
Cender expresslon
Cender ldenLlLy
8lologlcal sex
M, 9/29 S!AP: 107-140

Cender ldenLlLles
W, 10/1 S!AP: 200-211 lncluslve language
arL ll: PlsLorles of LC81 CommunlLles, MovemenLs, and lnfluence
M, 10/6 ln-class: 8egln waLchlng 1be lotomle
Cender and vlolence
W, 10/8 ln-class: llnlsh waLchlng 1be lotomle
WhaL ?ou need Lo know abouL PCA"
(arLlcle on Canvas)
PaLe Crlmes 8lll Lo be Slgned" (llnk on
!ason Colllns Lo Wear 98" (llnk on Canvas)
PaLe Crlmes
M, 10/13 ln-Class: 8egln waLchlng lotls ls 8otoloq n? 8alls
W, 10/13 ln-Class: llnlsh WaLchlng lotls ls 8otoloq
8eallLy 8ealness" (llnk on Canvas)
1he Muslc and Meanlng of lotls ls
8otoloq" (llnk on Canvas)
8evlslLlng lotls ls 8otoloq" (llnk on

Art|fact Ana|ys|s #2: Due on Canvas by
11:S9 pm
1he lnfluence of Lhe balls
M, 10/20 ln-Class: WaLch selecLlons from Mllk
1he Pope Speech" (arLlcle on Canvas)
1haL's WhaL Amerlca ls" (arLlcle on
Parvey Mllk
LC81 ollLlclans
W, 10/22 lrom 5tooewoll (excerpL on Canvas) SLonewall uprlslng
CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

M, 10/27 ln-class: SLarL waLchlng kocky nottot
llctote 5bow

W, 10/29 osLmodern Cay ulonysus: ur. lrank n.
lurLer" (arLlcle on Canvas)

ln-class: llnlsh waLchlng kocky nottot

arL lll: PealLh, Sexual AssaulL, revenLlon
M, 11/3 CuesL Speaker: !enna 8rlggs
8ape: 1he Crlsls ln Plgher LducaLlon"
(arLlcle on Canvas)
1lLle lx
W, 11/3 CuesL Speaker: Sara MarLlnez eer PealLh
M, 11/10 Sexual ParassmenL Comlc" (llnk on
ulscrlmlnaLlon and ParassmenL
W, 11/12 lrom AoJ tbe 8ooJ lloyeJ Oo (excerpL on

Art|fact Ana|ys|s #3: Due on Canvas by
11:S9 pm
arL lv: Case SLudles
M, 11/17 ulscuss Sexual MeLamorphosls paper
As Notote MoJe nlm (AnMP): arL l (3-
A Came of Sclence llcLlon"
W, 11/19 AnMP: 111-141 1o know My 8lrLh"
M, 11/24 ln-class dlscusslon of LexLs for Sexual
MeLamorphosls paper
**lf yoo bove ooe of tbe books cbeckeJ oot
ftom tbe llbtoty, pleose btloq lt wltb yoo
ersonal sLorles
W, 11/26
(no class)

M, 12/1 AnMP: 142-231 1o know My 8lrLh" (con'L)
CS 100 - Syllabus - l '14 - Lacey

W, 12/3
(lasL day
of class)
AnMP: 231-289 (end) As naLure Made Plm"
M, 12/8 Sexual MeLamorphosls aper: uue on
Canvas by 11:39 pm

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