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Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas IV, V, dan VI

Elementary School

SD Negeri 2 Cibogogirang
Plered Purwakarta

Oleh: Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Lesson : Introduction, Greeting, Simple Instruction
1. Introduction (Perkenalan)
To introduce your self, you can say:
(Untuk memperkenalkan dirimu, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. My name is .
Nama saya .
b. I am .
Saya .
c. May I introduce my self? My name is .
Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya! Nama saya .
2. Greeting (Salam)
To meet someone, you can say:
(Untuk menyapa seseorang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Hi
b. Hello
c. Good morning
Selmat pagi
d. Good afternoon
Selamat siang
e. Good evening
Selamat malam
3. Simple Instruction (Aba-Aba Sederhana)
Some examples of simple instruction:
(Beberapa contoh instruksi sederhana:)
a. Stand up!
b. Sit down!
c. Clap your hands!
Tepuk tangan!

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hello, good morning, my name is X. What is your name?
Y : I am Y. How do you do X?
X : How do you do too. Nice to meet you Y.
Y : Oh X, sit down, please.
X : Thank you, but I have to go. Good bye, Y.
Y : Bye... see you next time...
Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 1 2
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Self
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 3 4
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Home
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Asking for Help, Asking and Giving for Something
1. Asking for Help (Meminta Pertolongan)
To asking for help, you can say:
(Untuk meminta pertolongan, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Could you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
b. Would you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
2. Asking for Something (Meminta Sesuatu/Barang)
To asking for something, you can say:
(Untuk meminta sesuatu/barang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. May I ask you something?
Bisa kuminta sesuatu darimu?
b. Could you give me the ?
Bisa kauberikan itu?
c. Get me the , please!
Tolong ambilkan itu!
3. Giving for Something (Memberi Sesuatu/Barang)
To giving for something, you can say:
(Untuk memberi sesuatu/barang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. This is for you.
Ini untukmu?
b. Here is your .
Ini mu.

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hello, Y. How are you today?
Y : I am fine, thanks...
Hei, could you help me, please?
X : Of course. What is it?
Y : Give me that vase, plese! I need it.
X : Of course, here is your vase.
Y : Thank you, X.
X : Youre welcome...
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 5
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Self
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : Alphabet, Demonstrate for Something, and Body
1. Alphabet (Huruf Abjad)
A ey B bi C si D di E i F ef G ji H eyc I ai J jey
K key L el M em N en O ou P pi Q qyu R ar S es T ti
U yu V vi W dabelyu X eks Y way Z zi
2. Demonstrate (Menunjukkan)
a. This is .
Ini .
b. That is .
Itu ... .
3. Part of Body (Anggota Tubuh)
Head Face Eye Ear Nose Mouth
Body Chest Stomach Waist Back
Hand Palm Finger Elbow
Foot Thigh Knee Toe Sole

Evaluation : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Listen to your teacher and demonstrate the word !
H-E-A-D, what is it?
This is head.

1. E-A-R, what is it?
2. B-O-D-Y, what is it?
3. P-A-L-M,what is it?
4. K-N-E-E, what is it?
5. N-O-S-E, what is it?

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 6 7
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Home
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Thanks, Sorry, Interdicting, Praising, and Asking
1. Thanks (Berterimakasih)
To say thank you, you can say:
(Untuk mengucapkan terima kasih, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Thanks
Terima kasih
b. Thank you
Terima kasih
2. Sorry (Meminta Maaf)
To ask for somebodys pardon, you can say:
(Untuk meminta maaf, kamu bisa mengatakan:)
a. Im sorry!
Saya minta maaf!
b. Forgive me!
Maafkan saya!
c. I beg your pardon!
Saya mohon maaf!
3. Interdicting (Melarang)
Some examples of interdicting:
(Beberapa contoh melarang:)
a. Dont noise!
Jangan berisik!
b. Dont stand!
Jangan berdiri!
c. Dont sit!
Jangan duduk
4. Praising (Memuji)
To express your praise, you can say:
(Untuk mengekspresikan kekagumanmu, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Wow!
b. Great!
c. Wonderful!
5. Asking (Mengajak)
To asking someone for something, you can say:
(Untuk mengajak seseorang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Lets
b. Come in!
Mari masuk!
c. Come on!

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hi, Y. This is for you...
Y : Wow, thank you. The flower is beautiful.
X : Dont mention it! But, Im sorry, Im late.
Y : Nevermind. Lets talk inside. Come in, please!
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.
X : OK...
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 8 9
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : Uniforms
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Thanks, Sorry, Asking fo Help, and Interdicting
1. Thanks (Berterimakasih)
To say thank you, you can say:
(Untuk mengucapkan terima kasih, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Thanks
Terima kasih
b. Thank you
Terima kasih
2. Asking for Pardon (Meminta Maaf)
To ask for somebodys pardon, you can say:
(Untuk meminta maaf, kamu bisa mengatakan:)
a. Im sorry!
Saya minta maaf!
b. Forgive me!
Maafkan saya!
c. I beg your pardon!
Saya mohon maaf!
3. Giving for Pardon (Memberi Maaf)
To giving for pardon, you can say:
(Untuk memberi maaf, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Nevermind
Tidak apa-apa
b. Its OK
Tidak apa-apa
4. Asking for Help (Meminta Pertolongan)
To asking for help, you can say:
(Untuk meminta pertolongan, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Could you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
b. Would you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
5. Interdicting (Melarang)
Some examples of interdicting:
(Beberapa contoh melarang:)
a. Dont noise!
Jangan berisik!
b. Dont stand!
Jangan berdiri!
c. Dont sit!
Jangan duduk

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Y, help me, please!
Y : What is it?
X : Dont noise, please. I am busy.
Y : Oh, Im sorry.
X : Nevermind. Thank you...
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.
Y : Youre welcome
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 10
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Uniforms
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : Alphabet, Demonstrate/Asking for something, and
1. Alphabet (Huruf Abjad)
A ey B bi C si D di E i F ef G ji H eyc I ai J jey
K key L el M em N en O ou P pi Q qyu R ar S es T ti
U yu V vi W dabelyu X eks Y way Z zi
2. Demonstrate (Menunjukkan)
a. It is .
Ini adalah .
b. They is .
Mereka adalah ... .
3. Asking for Something (Menanyakan Benda)
a. Is this a ?
Are these ?
Apakah ini sebuah ?
b. Is that a ?
Are those ?
Apakah itu sebuah ?
c. Is it a ?
Are they ?
Apakah ini/itu ?
d. What is this?
What are these?
Apa ini!
e. What is that?
What are those?
Apa itu?
f. What is it?
What are they?
Apa ini/itu?
4. Uniforms (Seragam/Pakaian)
Hat Tie Shirt Short Trouser Skirt Belt Shoes Socks
Jacket Sweater T Shirt Sportwear Syal Spectacles Coat

Evaluation : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Look at the picture and answer your friends questions!
1. What is this?
Spell it!
Is this a hat?
2. Is that a shirt?
What is it?
Spell it!
3. What is it?
Spell it!
Is it a skirt?
4. Are they socks?
What are they?
Spell it!
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 11
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Food and Drinks
Aspect/Skill : Reading (Membaca)

Lesson : Alphabet, Food and Drinks
1. Alphabet (Huruf Abjad)
A ey B bi C si D di E i F ef G ji H eyc I ai J jey
K key L el M em N en O ou P pi Q qyu R ar S es T ti
U yu V vi W dabelyu X eks Y way Z zi
2. Food and Drinks (Makanan dan Minuman)
Food snack rice corn cassava bread cake cheese doughnut
vegetable cucumber potato cabbage tomato peanut
meat egg chilli onion noodle meatball sugar salt
water milk coffee tea ice ice cream juice

Evaluation : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Spell and read loudly the words in front of the class!
1. F-O-O-D : FOOD
2. C-A-K-E : CAKE
3. E-G-G : EGG
4. M-I-L-K : MILK
5. I-C-E : ICE

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 12
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Food and Drinks
Aspect/Skill : Reading (Membaca)

Lesson : Alphabet, Food and Drinks
1. Alphabet (Huruf Abjad)
A ey B bi C si D di E i F ef G ji H eyc I ai J jey
K key L el M em N en O ou P pi Q qyu R ar S es T ti
U yu V vi W dabelyu X eks Y way Z zi
2. Food and Drinks (Makanan dan Minuman)
Food Snack Rice Corn Cassava Bread Cake Cheese Doughnut
Vegetable Cucumber Potato Cabbage Tomatto Peanut
Meat Egg Chilli Onion Noodle Meatball Sugar Salt
Water Milk Coffee Tea Ice Ice Cream Juice

Evaluation 1 : Multiple Choise (Pilihan Ganda)
Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, and D!
1. This is an egg.
a. b. c. d.

2. It is corn.
a. b. c. d.

3. They are peanuts.
a. b. c. d.

4. It is milk.
a. b. c. d.

5. This is juice.
a. b. c. d.

Evaluation 2 : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Read the text for a while, close your book and repeat the words that you
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 13
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Fruits
Aspect/Skill : Writing (Menulis)

Lesson : Demonstrate Something and Fruits
1. Demonstrate Something
a. This is an orange

b. That is a pineapple

c. These are grapes

d. Those are mangoes

2. Fruits
Fruit Orange Apple Pineapple Grape Mango Banana Melon
Watermelon Starfruit Jamboo Strawberry Pumpkin Mangosteen
Salak Durian Papaya Rambutan Duku

Evaluation : Words Game (Permainan Huruf/Kata)
Write the names of the fruits according to the pictures below!
1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Arrange the words into good sentences!
1. an this apple is
2. grapes those are
3. these mangoes are
4. a is pineapple that
5. this starfruit not a is
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : IV / 1
Day : 14 15
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : Fruits
Aspect/Skill : Writing (Menulis)

Lesson : Demonstrate Something, Fruits, and Simple Short Massage
Simple Short Massage
Some example of simple short massage:
(Beberapa contoh pesan singkat sederhana:)
Hello my friends, I have an apple. This is my apple.

Hai, this is an orange. It is 6,000 rupiahs a kilo.

Evaluation 1 : Words Game (Permainan Huruf/Kata)
Arrange the words into good sentences!
1. a this mangosteen is
2. melons those are
3. these watermelons are
4. a is pumpkin that
5. this strawberry not a is

Evaluation 2 : Essay (Uraian)
Make a simple short massage according to the picture!


English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Lesson : Adjectives, Sampling and Guiding, and Instruction
1. Adjectives (Kata Sifat)
Some examples of adjectives:
(Beberapa contoh kata sifat:)
Big Small Tall Short Good Bad Wide Narrow Old New
Near Far Clean Dirty Dry Wet Easy Difficult Hot Cold Fast
Slow High Low Thick Thin Bright Dark Deep Shallow
Sharp Dull Expensive Cheap
2. Sampling and Guiding
Some examples of giving examples and guidances with adjectives:
(Beberapa contoh cara memberi contoh dan petunjuk dengan kata sifat:)
a. My book is expensive.
Buku saya mahal.
b. The bags are very old.
Tas ini sangat tua.
c. Our teacher is the tall one.
Guru kita yang tinggi.
d. Your classroom is that one.
Ruang kelasmu yang itu.
3. Simple Instruction
Some examples of giving simple instruction:
(Beberapa contoh memberi aba-aba/instruksi sederhana:)
a. Open the door!
Buka pintunya!
b. Get the long pencil!
Ambil pensil yang panjang!
c. Open your big book!
Buka buku besarmu!

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hello, Y. How are you today?
Y : I am fine, thanks...
Hey, what is it in you hand?
X : Oh, this is a dictionary. The dictionary is thick.
By the way where is our classroom, Y?
Y : That is our classroom, the large one.
X : How can I get in? The door is closed.
Y : Open the door yourself! It is not locked.
X : OK, thank you Y.
Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 1 2
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My School
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 3 4
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My School
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Asking and Giving for Help and/or Something
1. Asking for Help (Meminta Pertolongan)
To asking for help, you can say:
(Untuk meminta pertolongan, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Could you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
b. Would you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
2. Giving for Help (Memberi Pertolongan)
To giving some help, you can say:
(Untuk memberikan pertolongan, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Can I help you?
Bisa saya bantu?
b. May I help you?
Boleh saya bantu?
c. Let me help you!
Biar saya bantu!
3. Asking for Something (Meminta Sesuatu/Barang)
To asking for something, you can say:
(Untuk meminta sesuatu/barang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. May I ask you something?
Bisa kuminta sesuatu darimu?
b. Could you give me the ?
Bisa kauberikan itu?
c. Get me the , please!
Tolong ambilkan itu!
4. Giving for Something (Memberi Sesuatu/Barang)
To giving for something, you can say:
(Untuk memberi sesuatu/barang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. This is for you.
Ini untukmu?
b. Here is your .
Ini mu.

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hello, Y. What are you doing?
Y : I am drawing.
Hei, could you help me, X?
X : Sure, let me help you, what is it?
Y : Give me the blue pencil, I need it.
X : Of course, here is the pencil.
Y : Thank you, X.
X : Youre welcome...
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 5
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : My School
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : Colors
1. Colors (Warna)
Black brown red orange yellow green blue purple grey white
2. Which
This word used to ask for something between other things.
(Kata ini digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu yang berada di antara
benda-benda lain)
a. Which is you bag?
Yang mana tasmu?
b. Which are you pens?
Yang mana pulpenmu?

Evaluation : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Listen and point the right stuff/picture!
1. Which is red?
2. Which is blue?
3. Which is white?
4. Which is yellow?
5. Which is green?

Listen and repeat!
1. Purple
2. Grey
3. Black
4. Brown
5. Orange

Listen and re-write the colors!
1. The pen is red.
2. My bag is blue.
3. Our rulers are grey.
4. His pencil is black.
5. The chalk is white.
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 6 7
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My School
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Introduction, Asking, Permision, Agreeing, and
1. Introduce Someone (Mengenalkan Orang Lain)
To introduce someone, you can say:
(Untuk mengenalkan seseorang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Hello, this is Andi.
Halo, ini Andi.
b. Hi, I am Dian and he is Andi.
Hai, saya Dian dan dia Andi.
c. His name is Andi.
Namanya Andi.
2. Asking (Mengajak)
To asking someone for something, you can say:
(Untuk mengajak seseorang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Lets
b. Come in!
Mari masuk!
c. Come on!
3. Permission (Ijin)
To ask or give for permission, you can say:
(Untuk meminta atau memberi ijin, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. May I ?
Bolehkah saya ?
b. Do you mind if ?
Apakan kamu keberatan jika ?
c. Yes, of course
Tentu saja
d. Sure
Tentu saja
4. Agreeing (Persetujuan)
To agree or disagree for something, you can say:
(Untuk menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui sesuatu, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Yes, I agree.
Ya, saya setuju.
b. Of course, I am with you.
Tentu saja, saya setuju.
c. No, I disagree.
Tidak, saya tidak setuju.
5. Interdicting (Melarang)
Some examples of interdicting:
(Beberapa contoh melarang:)
a. Dont noise!
Jangan berisik!
b. Dont stand!
Jangan berdiri!
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.
c. Dont sit!
Jangan duduk

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hi, Y. who is that?
Y : Oh, this my brother, Andi.
X : Hai, nice to meet you, Andi. Im X.
Andi, do you like bakso? Lets eat some bakso togather!
Y : Im sorry, X. We like it, but we have to go.
X : Nevermind.
Y, may I borrow your English book?
Y : Of course. It is on my desk. Take it yourself, but dont touch my bag.
X : OK, thanks
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 8 9
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Friends
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Asking for willingness
Asking for Willingness (Meminta Kesediaan)
Some examples for asking willingness:
(Beberapa contoh meminta kesediaan:)
Would you mind learning togather with me?
Bersediakah kamu belajar bersamaku?
Shall we learning togather?
Bersediakah kamu belajar bersamaku?

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hi, Y! Are you busy this afternoon?
Y : No, I am not. Whats up?
X : I want to learn about the english lesson.
Would you mind learning it with me?
Y : Sure, why not? When?
X : Shall we start after prey Ashr?
Y : OK, I will come at the time.
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 10
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Friends
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : Adjectives and How
1. Adjectives (Kata Sifat)
Some examples of adjectives:
(Beberapa contoh kata sifat:)
Handsome Beautiful Ugly Sad Happy Dilligent Lazy Rich Poor
Kind Cruel Fat Slim Sick Health Proud Angry Strong Weak
Funny Cute Arrogant Angry Hungry Brave Afraid Fair Shy
Tired Honest Patient Smart Clever Stupid Polite Noughty
2. How (Bagaimana)
This word is used to ask about the character of something/one.
(Kata ini digunakan untuk menanyakan sifat sesuatu/seseorang)
a. How is your class?
Bagaimana kelasmu?
b. How is you cousin?
Bagaimana sepupumu?
c. How is Dina?
Bagaimana Dina?

Evaluation : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Answer the questions orally!
1. How is Andi?
2. How is Dians hair?
3. How is your pen?
4. How is Your father?
5. How is your best friend?

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 11
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Friends
Aspect/Skill : Reading (Membaca)

Lesson : Alphabet, Adjectives
1. Alphabet (Huruf Abjad)
A ey B bi C si D di E i F ef G ji H eyc I ai J jey
K key L el M em N en O ou P pi Q qyu R ar S es T ti
U yu V vi W dabelyu X eks Y way Z zi
2. Adjectives (Kata Sifat)
Some examples of adjectives:
(Beberapa contoh kata sifat:)
Handsome Beautiful Ugly Sad Happy Dilligent Lazy Rich Poor
Kind Cruel Fat Slim Sick Health Proud Angry Strong Weak
Funny Cute Arrogant Angry Hungry Brave Afraid Fair Shy
Tired Honest Patient Smart Clever Stupid Polite Noughty
Serious Big Small Tall Short Good Bad Wide Narrow Old
New Near Far Clean Dirty Dry Wet Easy Difficult Hot Cold
Fast Slow High Low Thick Thin Bright Dark Deep Shallow
Sharp Dull Expensive Cheap

Evaluation : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Spell and read loudly the words in front of the class!
1. C-U-T-E : CUTE
2. S-L-I-M : SLIM
4. S-I-C-K : SICK

Read the sentences loudly!
Dian is beautiful.
Doni is polite.
My friends are clever.
Our teacher is patient.
The students are dilligent.

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 12
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Friends
Aspect/Skill : Reading (Membaca)

Lesson : Alphabet, Food and Drinks
1. Adjectives (Kata Sifat)
Some examples of adjectives:
(Beberapa contoh kata sifat:)
Handsome Beautiful Ugly Sad Happy Dilligent Lazy Rich Poor
Kind Cruel Fat Slim Sick Health Proud Angry Strong Weak
Funny Cute Arrogant Angry Hungry Brave Afraid Fair Shy
Tired Honest Patient Smart Clever Stupid Polite Noughty
Serious Big Small Tall Short Good Bad Wide Narrow Old
New Near Far Clean Dirty Dry Wet Easy Difficult Hot Cold
Fast Slow High Low Thick Thin Bright Dark Deep Shallow
Sharp Dull Expensive Cheap
2. How (Bagaimana)
This word is used to ask about the character of something/one.
(Kata ini digunakan untuk menanyakan sifat sesuatu/seseorang)
a. How is your class?
Bagaimana kelasmu?
b. How is you cousin?
Bagaimana sepupumu?
c. How is Dina?
Bagaimana Dina?

Evaluation 1 : Multiple Choise (Pilihan Ganda)
Choose the right answer by crossing A or B!
1. The egg is big.
a. b.

2. Andis Pencil is short.
a. b.

3. Your teachers bag is expensive.
a. b.

4. How is your best friend?
a. Smart b. Stupid
5. How is your English teacher?
a. Tall b. Short

Evaluation 2 : Demonstration (Demonstrasi)
Read the text for a while, close your book and repeat the words that
you read!



English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 13
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : My School
Aspect/Skill : Writing (Menulis)

Lesson : Comparison Degrees
Comparison Degrees (Tingkat Perbandingan)
1. Possitive Degree (Biasa)
a. My school is large.
Sekolahku luas.
b. My teacher is handsome.
Guruku tampan.
2. Comparative Degree (Lebih)
a. My school is larger than your school.
Sekolahku lebih luas daripada sekolahmu.
b. My teacher is more handsome than your teacher.
Guruku lebih tampan daripada gurumu.
3. Superlative Degree (Paling)
a. My school is the largest.
Sekolahku paling luas.
b. My teacher is the most handsome teacher.
Guruku adalah guru yang paling tampan.
4. Equal Comparison (Setara)
a. My school is as large as your school.
Sekolahku seluas sekolahmu.
b. My teacher is as handsome as your teacher.
Guruku setampan gurumu.

Evaluation 1 : Words Game (Permainan Huruf/Kata)
Arrange the letters into right words!
1. R-D-Y
2. W-T-E
3. Y-E-S-A
4. D-I-C-F-U-L-F-I-T
5. O-H-T
Evaluation 2 : Words Game (Permainan Huruf/Kata)
Arrange the words into right sentences according to the pictures!
1. 4.

2. 5.


shorter-the pencil-than-is-the
the longest-them-is-among-the
smaller-the pencilbox -the book-than-
is-the biggest-the
as-the pencil-long-the pencilbox-as-
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : V / 1
Day : 14 15
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : My Friends
Aspect/Skill : Writing (Menulis)

Lesson : Birthday Card
Example of a birthday card:

Evaluation 1 : Words Game (Permainan Huruf/Kata)
Arrange these words into good sentences!
1. Budi-strong-is
2. is-clever-Dian-not
3. very-Mr. ahmad-is-dilligent
4. is-the beautiful one-Mrs. Nina
5. so-are-Ani and Ina-brave

Evaluation 2 : Individual Task
Re-write this birthday words on a birthday card!
Happy Birthday The 11
My Friend
Youll be always my best friend
Happy Birthday
The 10

My friend
Be long age and get
your happiness
10 Desember 2006
Your Lovely Friend
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 1 - 2
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : Public Places
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : There is/are, Quantitative Adjective, and Direction
1. There is/are
There : Di sana
There is/are: Ada
a. There is a hospital.
Ada sebuah rumah sakit.
b. The hospital is there.
Rumah sakitnya di sana.
2. Quantitative Adjective
Banyak Many (untuk countable nouns)
Much (untuk uncountable nouns)
A lot of
Sedikit Few (untuk countable nouns)
Little (untuk uncountable nouns)
Beberapa Some
a. There are many planes at the airport.
Ada banyak pesawat terbang di bandara itu.
b. There are some ships at the harbour.
Ada beberapa kapal di pelabuhan itu.
3. Direction (Arah)
Atas : Up
Bawah : Bottom
Kanan : Right
Kiri : Left
Depan : Front
Belakang : Behind
Utara : North
Timur Laur : North East
Timur : East
Tenggara : South East
Selatan : South
Barat Daya : South West
Barat : West
Barat Laut : North West

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hi, Y. Do you know where is the masque?
Y : Yes, of course.
X : Where is it?
Y : It is in the east of my house.
X : How can I go there?
Y : You can walk straight from here, then at the junction, you go left.
There are many people preying there.
X : All right. Thank you, Y.
Y : OK

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 3 - 4
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : Public Places
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Asking and Giving for Help and/or Something, and
1. Asking and Giving for Help (Meminta dan Memberi Pertolongan)
To asking for help, you can say:
(Untuk meminta pertolongan, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. Could you help me, please?
Bisakah kamu menolongku?
b. What can I do for you?
Apa yang bisa saya bantu?
2. Asking and Giving for Something (Meminta dan Memberi
To asking for something, you can say:
(Untuk meminta sesuatu/barang, kamu bisa berkata:)
a. May I ask you something?
Bisa kuminta sesuatu darimu?
b. Here you are!
3. Preposition for Places (Kata Depan yang Menyatakan Tempat)
Some example of preposition for places:
In : Di-
On : Di-
At : Di-
In front of : Di depan
Behind : Di belakang
Between : Di antara
Beside : Di samping

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hello, Y. What are you looking for?
Y : I am looking for a store.
Hei, could you help me, X?
X : Sure, what can I do for you?
Y : Give me the way to get the store, please!
X : Of course, you can go straight to north, after few minutes, you will
find the store at the right of this street.
Y : Thank you, X.
X : Youre welcome...
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 5
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Public Places
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : There is/are, Direction, and Preposition
1. There is/are
There : Di sana
There is/are: Ada
a. There is a hospital.
Ada sebuah rumah sakit.
b. The hospital is there.
Rumah sakitnya di sana.
2. Direction (Arah)
Atas : Up
Bawah : Bottom
Kanan : Right
Kiri : Left
Depan : Front
Belakang : Behind
Utara : North
Timur Laur : North East
Timur : East
Tenggara : South East
Selatan : South
Barat Daya : South West
Barat : West
Barat Laut : North West
3. Preposition for Places (Kata Depan yang Menyatakan Tempat)
Some example of preposition for places:
In : Di-
On : Di-
At : Di-
In front of : Di depan
Behind : Di belakang
Between : Di antara
Beside : Di samping

Evaluation : Demonstration
Listen to the story and re-describe it by your own language!

Plered Market

There is a market in Andis Village. The name is Plered Market.
There are many sellers there. There is a large masque in the south of the
market. There is also a station in the east of the market. There are always
many people walking around the market.
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 6 - 7
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Asking for Quantity, Giving Comment and Idea.
1. How Many/Much (Berapa)
a. How many, digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah benda yang bisa
How many cars are in the garage?
Ada berapa mobil di garasi itu?
b. How Much, digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah benda yang tidak
bisa dihitung.
How much water is in the bottle?
Ada berapa banyak air di botol itu?
2. Giving Comment and Idea (Menyampaikan Komentar dan Usul)
Some example about how to give some comment or /and idea:
(Beberapa contoh cara menyampaikan komentar/usul:)
a. Hei, your bike is so good.
Hei, sepedamu bagus sekali.
b. I think, we have to walk to go to school.
Saya pikir, kita harus berjalan kaki ke sekolah.
c. How if we wash our bikes?
Bagaimana jika kita mencuci sepeda kita?
d. I have an idea, we can go to Bali by plane. How is it?
Saya punya ide, kita bisa pergi ke Bali dengan pesawat. Bagaimana?

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Y, do you know? There are many bikes at Zs home.
Y : Really? How many bikes does Z have?
X : He has five bikes there. They are all good.
Y : Wow, Z is so lucky. Hei, how if we go there. I want to see the bikes.
X : Ok, lets go.

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 8 - 9
Time Alocation : 4 x 40 minutes

Theme : Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Lesson : Asking for Willingness
Asking for Willingness (Meminta Kesediaan)
Some examples for asking willingness:
(Beberapa contoh meminta kesediaan:)
a. Would you please repair my motorcicle?
Bersediakah kamu memperbaiki sepeda motor saya?
b. May I repair your motorcicle?
Bolehkah saya memperbaiki sepeda motormu?

Evaluation : Two Ways Dialogue (Bermain Peran)
Perform the dialoge in front of the class with your friend!
X : Hi, Y! What happen with your car?
Y : I dont know. It is just fail. X, would you please help me to check my
X : Ok, may I see it? May be I can help you to fix it.
Y : Of course. Thank you, X.
X : Dont mention it!
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 10
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : There is/are and Preposition
1. There is/are
There : Di sana
There is/are: Ada
c. There is a hospital.
Ada sebuah rumah sakit.
d. The hospital is there.
Rumah sakitnya di sana.
2. Preposition for Places (Kata Depan yang Menyatakan Tempat)
Some example of preposition for places:
In : Di-
On : Di-
At : Di-
In front of : Di depan
Behind : Di belakang
Between : Di antara
Beside : Di samping

Evaluation : Oral Test
Listen to the statements and answer the questions orally!
1. There are some cars in front of Andis house.
Where are the cars?
2. There are three trucks beside of the station.
How many truck are there?
3. There are many bikes in the bikes store.
Where are the bikes?
4. There are seven motorcicles behind of our school.
How many motorcicles are behind of our school?
5. There are few buses at the bus station.
Where are the buses?
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 11
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Public Places
Aspect/Skill : Reading (Membaca)

Lesson : Functional Text (Advertisement)
Example of simple advertisement:
(Contoh iklan sederhana:)

Evaluation : Oral Test
Read the advertisement loudly!

For Sale
New Car
Easy To Ride And Confortable
Large And Powerful
Compatible For Family Use

Call : Mr. Jamil / 0812 345
For Sale
Easy To Ride,
Nice Performance
Fast And Powerful
Designed For Who Likes

Call : Mr. Alex / 0856 789 0123
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 12
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Reading (Membaca)

Lesson : Descriptive Text (Advertisement)
Example of simple descriptive text:
(Contoh teks deskriptif sederhana:)

Look at the picture! There are many
vehicles on the street. They are trucks,
cars, vans, etc. The cars are red, black,
and white. The trucks are yellow, red,
and white. They run along the street.

Evaluation : Multiple Choise
Choose the right answer according to the text!
1. There are vehicles on the street.
a. many b. much c. few d. little
2. The vehicles are cars, vans, and
a. ships b. planes c. trucks d. bikes
3. The cars are black, red, and
a. green b. white c. blue d. grey
4. The trucks are yellow, white, and
a. orange b. pink c. green d. yellow
5. The vehicles run along the
a. beach b. street c. mountain d. valley

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 13
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Listening

Lesson : Descriptive Text
Example of simple descriptive text:
(Contoh teks deskriptif sederhana:)

Look at the picture! There are many
vehicles on the street. They are trucks,
cars, vans, etc. The cars are red, black,
and white. The trucks are yellow, red,
and white. They run along the street.

Evaluation : Simple Answer
Listen to your teacher while look at the picture!
Then, fill in the blanks!

1. There is a on the ocean.
2. There are some on the ship.
3. The ship is
4. The ship has sails.
5. The ship is from

English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 14
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Public Places
and Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Writing (Menulis)

Lesson : Functional Text (Announcement)
Example of simple announcement:
(Contoh pengumuman sederhana:)

Evaluation : Essay
Make a simple announcement from your headmaster about Holiday
at Your School!

To all of students of SDN 2 Sukaseuri,
from tomorrow, December the 10

2007, you have to clean your classroom
every day, because we have a K3
Competition Program.
The best class will get a reward.

December 9
English For Elementary School

Rangkuman Materi dan Kumpulan Soal
Eka Lusiandani Koncara, A.Md.

Grade / Semester : VI / 1
Day : 15
Time Alocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Theme : Public Places
and Vehicles
Aspect/Skill : Writing (Menulis)

Lesson : Functional Text (Birthday Car)
Example of a birthday card:
(Contoh kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun:)

Evaluation : Essay
Re-write this birthday words on a birthday card!
Happy Birthday The 12
My Friend
Youll be always my best friend
Now and Forever

Happy Birthday
The 11

My friend
Be long age and get
your happiness
10 Desember 2006
Your Lovely Friend

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