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Board Meeting

October 17th, 2014

Meeting Called to Order at 5:02 p.m.

Chapters in Attendance
El Monte
San Gabriel

I. Student Panel pushed to November
i. Rosemead will try to find a date
ii. Please Email Elaine who your speakers are for this event

II. Simulation Election
i. Email Christian if ballots are needed (by next Tuesday)
ii. Ballots can also be downloaded on the Secretary of States website
II. December event
i. There will be a board meeting on Nov. 1
to discuss about the fundraising for
ice skating. Time will be at 4:30, place TBA

III. January Mini Conference
i. Channel Islands will be the location. Date is TBA.
ii. Aiden will call this week to contact them

Meeting Adjourned: 5:30

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