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Rockschool Music Practitioner

Formative Assessment Sheet

Unit Number: 218

Unit Title: Music Marketing and Promotion

Candidate Name: Nathan Brown

Date: 8th November 2014

Evidence of work


Review of existing
marketing materials
available for a local
Suggestions for


Evidence of work



Grade awarded

Prep work


Physical resources

Digital resources



Justification for grade awarded:

Your written work is very good, but overlooking essential elements such as identifying the target
audience is currently preventing you from achieving anything higher than a pass. The materials
would also benefit from some attention to make them all look professional and of equal
Targets for improvement:
1.1 The review of Stars and Flights promotional materials is well written and offers some
interesting perspectives on the art work and designs, but the suggestions for improvement is
not as thorough and would benefit from being organised into sections and possibly subsections. For example: Physical, including album covers, fan merchandise, digital, including
downloads, imagery and online such as websites and social media. Remember to include
as much information and ideas in this section as you possibly can.
1.2 The biographies of the band members would benefit from some refining to ensure that the
terms used make sense (what do you mean by high harmonies?). Think about the
biographies for Stars and Flights and have a look at other bands to help you with this.
The mood board is lovely and accurately captures the essence of EEK! The sketches you
have made reflect this, but would benefit from being digitalized properly to look professional.
I like the wristbands and the font used on these, but there is no discussion on the different
types of merchandise you could create to maximize profits and no mention is made of the
target audience, which is essential if you are to achieve anything higher than a pass.
Date to be completed by: 21st November 2014
Marked by: Ellen Evans

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