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University of Colima
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Power System Learning Log
Jos Armando Torres Llamas
August 20th, 2014.

In the first classes of the power system course I have learned the generation,
transmission and distribution of energy system. Also, professor Tiberio Venegas told us the
evaluation form and the topics that we are going to learned during the course.
Therefore, I have learned the process of generation, transmissions and distribution
of electric energy which mainly the electricity is generating in power plants then it passes
to a transformer that increases the voltage which it is transmitted through transmission lines
and it arrives to a substation, in that substation the voltage decrease then the electricity
passes to a transformer, finally the electricity arrives to the costumers. Hence, I have
learned that I have to know how to program, numerical tactics and I have to have good
knowledge about mathematics.
In conclusion, I think that the class will be interesting because we will learn power
system hand by hand with English. Also, I have learned that I have to work more than the
other semesters.

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