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Kristyn Syroid

Reflection for Mod#8 Vodcast/Prodcast project

1. What? During this model we used a tool called we video, to create a how to video.
With this tool we were able to add special affects music, transitioning into the next
section flawlessly. Our group decided to do a how to video showing a preschool
class how and why we wash our hands. We asked the students to sing the ABCs
while washing their hands with soap and water. We showed the students in the
video how germs are spread by having them rub lotion on their hands and then
adding glitter. The children would then go to the sink use soap and water under
warm water while singing the ABCs the time period significant enough to kill germs.
2. So what? (What is the significance of the artifact for you as a learner and as a
teacher?) The significance of this artifact for me as a learner was that I was not
familiar with this cloud program called WEVIDEO I was capable of doing it if I
applied myself. It was significant for me as a future educator because now I am able
to do activities with my students and show them how to create their own videos.

3. What next? (How will you use this knowledge, skill in the future as a learner and
teacher) As an educator as said above I will allow my students to create their own
videos as well as possibly utilizing this program within my own class, possibly
making students each year a small video of special events, such as field trips etc.

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