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What Ive learned from writing the paper:

I didnt know what a literacy memoir is until taking this class. Considering that I
have never written a literacy memoir in my entire life, I was quite confused at first about
what should be written in my paper. Thankfully, I had my professor explain it to me in
class. I learned that in a literacy memoir paper I have to write about a memory at one
point in my life where I needed to be literate to help me achieve a certain goal.
What Ive learned from the revising process:
After handing in my paper, I had received feedback from my peers and professor
on it. Yes, that meant that I had to go back, fix and revise my paper again, but that was
helpful. Through the revising process, I acknowledged my mistakes and realized what I
should focus and work on for future papers. For example, I should always try to start off
my paper with a strong and interesting introduction. Also, I should break up larger
paragraphs into smaller ones.

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