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Game 1: POP-py Love

Set-Up: 15 players (5 representatives per team)
Materials: 15 balloons and strings
Time Frame: 10-15 minutes
Objective: Be the first team to survive the game with at least 1
remaining balloon.

1. Each player has a balloon tied to his/ her right/left foot.
2. The game master will give the signal ATTACK.
3. After the signal, the team shall attack the opposing teams with
the objective of popping their balloons tied on their feet. (The use of
hands in popping the opponents balloons is not allowed.
4. The team is entitled of their own strategy which does not violate
any of the rules mentioned above.
5. The game is only given 10 minutes at the most. When the game
master signals STOP, this indicates the players and the game
assistants shall count the remaining balloons to identify the winner.
6. The team with the most number of balloons remained tied to their
feet shall be declared the winner!

Game 2: Catch your match

Set-Up: Individual ( 10 Male Players; 11 Female Players )

Materials: Music; 11 strips of cloth as blindfolds
Time Frame: 10-20 minutes
Objective: Survive the love hunt with a partner; the last female to
grab the male partner.

1. The 10 males will gather in particular formation. The females are
2. As the music plays, the females should dance on their respective
3. As the dancing goes on, the game master will instruct the females
to follow a specific command. For example, Grab a partner and place
your hands to his chest.
4. Before the music stops, the female should perform the command
with a partner or she will be eliminated.
5. The game continues with varying commands until the last female
remains with her partner.

Game 3: You blew me away!

Set-Up: 8 members per team ( 4 members per small group )

Materials: 6 feathers
Time Frame: 10-15 minutes
Objective: Be the team to maintain the feather on air for a period of

1. Each small group shall have one (1) feather to blow up on air.
2. The game master shall decide the period of time that the feather
should be on air. For example: Blow me away for 1 minute.
3. The players should make sure the feather does not land on the
ground for 1 minute. This requires them to only blow the feather.
The use of other materials such as fan or other materials that may
produce air is prohibited.
4. The last team to complete the task shall be the winner!

Game 4:Relax ! Its Just Pag-ibig

Set-Up: All members divided in at least 5 pairs (Team Game)

Materials: Heart-Shaped Cut-outs; Love knots

Time Frame: 10-15 minutes
Objectives: Gather all the paper hearts with clues. Decode the

1. All pairs shall find the paper hearts corresponding to their team
colors in designated floors of the building.
2. The paper hearts contain the next clue for the second heart and
so on.
3. When the pairs gathered all 5 hearts, the team shall decode the
message and recite it altogether.
4. The first team to finish the tasks shall be declared winner!

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