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The SPM English 1119/2 paper consists of 4 sections:

Section A consists of 15 multiple choice type questions which test reading and
comprehension skills and sub-skills at recognition level. Questions 1 to 8 are
based on short texts of different text types newspaper reports, dialogue, poster,
extracts from articles and reports. Questions 9 to 15, which test grammar and
vocabulary items, are based on a rational cloze passage with 7 blanks.
Section B requires candidates to transfer relevant information accurately from
one text type to another. For SPM 2010, the question required candidates to
transfer relevant information from a poster to the table.
Section C consists of comprehension questions which test candidates ability to
demonstrate reading and comprehension skills and sub-skills at recognition level.
Candidates then have to answer the questions, using language competently to
convey the answers. For this years question, candidates were required to
answer questions based on a passage on doing acts of kindness.
This section also requires candidates to write a summary which tests their ability
to select and retrieve relevant information, and then organise the information
coherently. This question also tests candidates ability to paraphrase effectively
and concisely. For this years question, candidates were required to summarise
the ways in which people can show acts of kindness and the benefits that can be
experienced from acts of kindness.
Section D tests reading and comprehension skills and sub-skills at the
production level. Candidates are required to answer questions set on the literary
texts selected for the literature component. Candidates are also expected to give
a personal response to the literary texts tested. They include the selected poem
(question 32), short story (question 33) and novel (question 34). For SPM 2010,
the poem tested was Theres Been a Death in the Opposite House, the extract
was from the short story The Drovers Wife and the novel question required
candidates to write on an important incident giving reasons why it was important.
On the whole, candidates did quite well in this paper. Candidates with good
language proficiency did exceptionally well while candidates with poor language
ability were unable to perform well. A very small percentage failed to respond to
the tasks.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010


Good candidates
Candidates with good language proficiency were able to comprehend and
respond to all the tasks relevantly and accurately. Most of them did well in
Section A and Section B. They were able to respond well to the reading
comprehension task and showed good ability to write the summary in their own
words. They also managed to produce answers of a high standard with clear
details for Section D (Literature Component).
Average candidates
Generally, students of average language ability fared quite well in Section A. A
few of the items posed problems to them. Section B usually produced betterthan-average performance. There were a few questions left unanswered in
Sections C and D. Some candidates who used their own words to answer the
comprehension and summary questions inadvertently penalised themselves
because their limited competency resulted in grammatical and spelling errors
which sometimes caused distortion of meanings.
Weak candidates
Almost all the weak candidates attempted Sections A and B but most of them
performed badly. Candidates displayed very poor reading skills. Lifting and overlifting in sections B and C were evident and the candidates did not show
understanding of the task or text. Some candidates did not even attempt sections
B, C and D.
On the whole, candidates were able to do quite well in Section A as they
displayed a good understanding of the task. However, performance was better
where questions required only recall and understanding of main ideas.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010


Question 1
A significant percentage of the candidates managed to draw the correct
conclusion for the task based on the extract of the newspaper report. Candidates
were able to associate food and clothing with basic items and then link it to the
phrase distributed to the victims. Weak candidates merely matched words from
the extract to one of the distractors while some of them misinterpreted the roles
played by the two bodies: Suntyre Malaysia and The Flood Recovery Drive.
Question 2
Candidates with good language ability were able to draw the correct conclusion
(favoured) from the phrases not many concerts have been staged for classical
music and but contemporary and pop concerts do not face the same situation.
Weak candidates, who should have been more familiar with the words that sound
the same in Bahasa Melayu, chose the wrong options.
Question 3
A majority of the candidates chose the correct option as the process involved in
the preparation for the marathon run is quite straightforward. Candidates were
able to comprehend the sequence easily. Some candidates were probably misled
by the appearance of the word rest at the end of the advice in the extract. They
failed to see the catch in the word after.
Question 4
This item required candidates to read for details and a large majority of the
candidates chose the correct information based on the newspaper report. They
were able to draw the right conclusion based on the phrase it had only one to
show, thanks to..Rufina Tan. Weaker candidates did not understand the
phrase was in the running for five gold medals and eventually chose the wrong
option thinking Malaysia won five gold medals.
Question 5
Only a small percentage of the candidates were able to infer the correct
response from the phrase make it beneficial to a charity of your choice. Some
candidates failed to read the text as a whole and merely focused on key words
like donation and charity.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 6
Candidates were able to relate the first symptom to day 1. Candidates could
have also related to their own personal experience in having a cold where a fever
usually develops when you fall ill.
Question 7
Candidates could infer the answer from the phrase send us a cheque as a form
of donation as well as understand the meaning of contribution and link it to how
it contributes to the conservation problem. Some candidates failed to differentiate
the meaning of to expand and to set up. Weak candidates focused on similar
words used in the options and the text for example homes and anti-poaching
Question 8
The word breed is repeated three times thus providing the clue to the answer.
Some candidates most likely related it to common advice given by adults and
campaigns that Aedes can kill. They were also probably influenced by the fact
that people are dying from dengue.
Questions 9 - 15
The items were based on a cloze text. They were all grammar items which
assessed the students knowledge of verb forms, prepositions, pronoun, gerund
and logical connector. The passage was about a writers opinion of Malaysia.
Question 9
We are _____ with natural beauty pristine beaches, refreshing greenery and
an abundance of flora and fauna.
The item tested candidates knowledge of past participle and the passive form.
Candidates were able to relate to the clue given in the first sentence was
brought up and educated. Weak candidates were misled by the auxiliary verb
are which must be followed by the continuous form of the verb (are blessing).
Question 10
Although they are of diverse races, they live _____ peace and harmony.
Candidates were familiar with the common usage of the phrase living in peace
and harmony. A significantly small percentage of the candidates had no idea on
how to use correctly the prepositions in and on.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 11
In the towns and city, we _____ first-class facilities ranging from five star
Candidates were able to link the description in paragraph 2 to that of paragraph 3
which uses the present tense. Weaker candidates were misled by the past tense
form of the verb used in the first sentence of the text.
Question 12
We lack _____ here and everything is at an affordable price.
Candidates with good language proficiency were able to correlate the idea that
when we have everything we lack nothing. Some candidates were unable to
correlate the idea that when everything exists we actually lack nothing.
Candidates may have been misled by the commonly used phrase lack
Question 13
_____ homesick, I have to return home.
Candidates were able to understand and use the gerund in context. Some
candidates may have chosen the wrong option based on the verb form used in
the preceding sentence.
Question 14
As soon as I arrive at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, I always sigh _____
Good candidates understood the meaning of the word sigh and the correct
preposition that goes with relief. Other candidates failed to identify the correct
preposition as they did not understand the meaning of the word sigh. In addition,
the expression sigh with relief is rarely used.
Question 15
_____, a few have returned as they found that life there was not as easy as they
had thought.
Candidates were able to link the contrary ideas used in the two phrases,
..migrated a few years ago to look for greener pastures and returned as
they found that life there was not easy... Weak candidates were unable to use
linkers correctly.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010


1. Students should read more to improve their command of the language
2. Students should go through past years questions and exercises in workbooks
to familiarize with the examination format.
3. Teachers should give students more grammar exercises.
4. Give more rational cloze passages so that they can understand how to
complete the blanks accurately.
5. Grammar should be taught in isolation
The assessment objective for section B is to assess candidates ability to transfer
relevant information from one text type to another. For the SPM 2010 paper, the
task required candidates to read a poster on Taman Negara and using the
information from the poster, candidates had to complete a table by writing short
Most of the candidates were able to locate the answers directly from the poster.
However, question 17 was a little bit more challenging as quite a significant
number of students misunderstood the meaning of the word inhabitants.
Questions 21 and 25 were also imperfectly understood by some candidates.
Candidates performed much better in this section compared to the other
sections. Only a very small percentage of the students did not make any attempt
to answer the questions in this section.
Most of the candidates attempted this section. A majority of candidates could
understand the instructions and were able to retrieve the relevant information
from the poster. Candidates, who were proficient in the language, gave precise
and concise answers. Even weaker candidates were able to provide correct
answers. They were able to select and lift the portion of the sentences that had
the answers.
Candidates over-lifted the words, phrases or sentences. There was random
selection of words or phrases among weak candidates. Spelling errors were
prevalent. Candidates could not differentiate water-based activities from other
activities. Candidates lacked the skill to transfer the information from the text to
the table. They gave long answers and many of them over-lifted from the text. A
small percentage of the students did not attempt this section.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 16
A majority of the candidates were able to answer this question correctly. Even
some of the weak candidates could answer the question. Those who answered
wrongly were probably candidates who did not quite understand the word Age.
Common mistakes:
Candidates answers were incomplete, for example

Candidates gave more than the required information, for example

Question 17
Quite a high percentage of the candidates were unable to answer this question
Common mistakes:
Candidates gave the wrong answers, for example

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

There was inclusion of other unnecessary information.

Questions 18-20
Most candidates answered these questions correctly. Weaker candidates could
not differentiate water-based activities from the other activities mentioned in the
Common mistakes:
Incomplete information/ candidates own word

Inclusion of other information / over-lifting

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Wrong answer

Question 21
For this question, candidates were required to identify the place for any one of
the activities mentioned in questions 18-20. However, some candidates
misunderstood the task and mentioned the activity that could be carried out at
the place mentioned in the table.
Common mistake:
Wrong answer given by candidates

Questions 22-24
Candidates were required to identify three other activities besides the three
water-based activities mentioned in questions 18-20. Most of the candidates
were able to identify the activities but weaker candidates could not differentiate
water-based activities from other activities.
Common mistakes:
Inclusion of other information / over-lifting

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Wrong answer

Question 25
Like question 21, candidates were required to identify the place for any one of
the activities mentioned in questions 22-24. Some of the candidates
misunderstood the task and mentioned the activity that can be carried out at the
Common mistake:
Wrong answer


1. Have more practice on information transfer of different types.
2. Teachers should discourage students from attempting mindless lifting as they
could lose marks.
3. Students must be taught to provide short and precise answers when they
attempt questions of this nature.
4. Teachers should teach students to use only information found in the text and
not their own words. Sometimes, the use of own words may lead to distortion in
5. Students should go through past years questions and exercises in workbooks
to familiarize themselves with all kinds of text types in this section.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

This section has two sub-sections: reading comprehension and summary writing.
Students produced an above average performance in this section. Meanwhile, a
small number of the candidates did not attempt both the comprehension and
summary questions in this section.
This section tested the candidates ability to read and understand information
contained in an extended text. The candidates were required to answer 5
comprehension questions based on a passage.
Question 26
From paragraph 1, what is the name of the movie?
Candidates were able to answer the question what is the name, by giving
answers such as

Candidates understood that the book and the movie shared the same title based
on the phrase which was later made into the movie of the same name.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Many candidates wrote grammatically incorrect answers but the idea was
comprehensible, for example

Spelling errors were quite prominent

Candidates who could only recognise the word name gave the name of the
book, the author or the character.

Over-lifting that included irrelevant information

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 26 (b)
How did Trevor try to change the world?
The majority of the candidates were able to give the right answer, for example

Even though lifting of whole sentences was allowed, most candidates were able
to provide the exact answer showing that they understood the question.
Candidates managed to lift relevant sentences, for example

Weak candidates lifted the wrong line since the words change the world
appears in line 3 of the text

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Some candidates did not understand the question. Instead of stating how Trevor
changed the world, they focused on the reason or motivation behind his action.

Question 27 (a)
From paragraph 2, what is the aim of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation?
A majority of the candidates were able to lift the answer from the text
Partial lifting that did not complete the idea required

Candidates lifted whole sentence that contained irrelevant information

Question 27 (b)
Which word from the paragraph means do the same to others?
A significant number of candidates were able to give the exact one-word answer
reciprocate, showing that, apart from understanding the meaning of the word,
they were also aware of the difference between word, phrase and sentence.
A few wrote out the sentence, the word is reciprocate, and placed the word
within inverted commas or had the word underlined

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Giving more than one word as the answer

Candidates chose the wrong word

Question 28 (a)
From paragraph 4, what effect can a comic strip have on a person reading it?
A majority of the candidates were able to respond accurately
A significant number of candidates were able to lift the permissible sentence for
one of the answers, e.g.

Some candidates just gave a one-word answer which was acceptable

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Candidates failed to change the point of reference

Poor lift or over-lift the line concerned

Question 28 (b)
Who does the word them in line 26 refer to?
Candidates were able to pick the correct answer that is patients. The word who
in the question gives a clue that the answer must refer to a group of people.

A significant number of candidates were able to lift the correct phrase from an
earlier sentence in the text.

Some candidates misunderstood them as a reference to more than one person,
so they gave two groups of people.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Candidates mistakenly thought it referred to the items mentioned in the text.

Question 29
From paragraph 5, give two reasons why some people are not prepared to do
acts of kindness?
Most candidates were able to give the correct answers.
Candidates lifted the relevant sentences
Some candidates misinterpreted takes up too much time and rephrased their
answers wrongly

Some candidates gave the wrong answers, e.g.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 30
Without using examples from the passage, suggest two ways in which you can
be kind to others.
Good candidates were able to give quality answers.

Average students were able to give simple acts of kindness

Candidates lifted the examples from the text

Vague answers

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Mindless lift of phrases or sentences from text


Read the text and questions at least twice.

Learn to look for clues and use contextual clues
Understand the fundamental needs of the Wh-questions.
Look for answers in the given paragraphs. Select intelligently phrases or
5. Students should be adept at using a wide range of vocabulary
6. Make it a habit to look up meanings of difficult words encountered when
reading. A good dictionary is a must.
7. Do more comprehension exercises.
8. Understand key words in the questions
9. Attempt all the questions.
10. Give logical opinions.
11. Read extensively.

1. Expose students to the use of figurative language

2. Expose students to the key words such as word, phrase and sentence
which are vital in answering some comprehension questions.
3. Expose students to various types of comprehension passages/reading
materials other than those in text/revision books.
5. Encourage students to read extensively, including newspaper articles and
6. Remind students to change the pronouns accordingly when lifting answers.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

The summary question tests the candidates ability to select and retrieve relevant
information, use the information given to display an understanding of the task
and to organise the information coherently. The question also tests candidates
ability to paraphrase effectively and concisely and to present the information in
Standard English, in an accurate and fluent form.
For this years question, the candidates are required to write a summary of the
ways in which people can show acts of kindness and the benefits that can be
experienced from acts of kindness.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

On the whole, candidates did not perform as well as last year. They were able to
select and retrieve the required information from the text. Their response was
also organised coherently. However, as expected, a substantial number of the
candidates adopted the safe strategy to be text dependent in shaping their
response. So, they did not take up the challenge of using own words in the
response. In short, the language was largely text-based. When they attempted to
use their own words, it was restricted to mostly single word substitution.
Candidates in the High Achievement Group
The confidence and competency of the candidates were the main features of the
response. These candidates are proficient in the language and therefore were
able to respond relevantly to the task. They managed to retrieve most of the
information required and were also able to paraphrase effectively and concisely.
They also presented their responses accurately, showing an ability to use original
compound and complex structures.
Candidates in the Average Achievement Group
Generally, candidates in this group displayed a good understanding of the task,
even though there was heavy reliance on the text. They demonstrated this by
retrieving the required information. There was some form of selective lifting and
at times, wholesale copying, but they were still able to get good marks for content
and language. There were attempts to reorganise and reshape the text. At times,
attempts to rephrase distorted the original meaning of the information required.
Candidates in the Low Achievement Group
Candidates did not show understanding of the task. There were cases of
candidates producing more or less a complete transcript of the text. There was
also mindless lifting which led to fractured syntax. A small percentage of the
candidates did not even attempt the question.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Good candidates understood the requirements of the task and were able to
select the relevant information to write a summary of the ways in which people
can show acts of kindness and the benefits that can be experienced from them.
Competent candidates were able to identify all or almost all the content points.
There were sustained and noticeable attempts at paraphrasing. Expressions
were generally sound, e.g. take time out to listen to someone who has a problem
and needs a friend = one can lend their ears to a friend in need.
A large percentage of the candidates were able to do intelligent and selective
lifting of the relevant sections of the text. They were able to lift phrases and parts
of a sentence and join them together to form a new sentence that makes sense.
Candidates showed good use of connectors.
The writing was clear, well-organised and coherent. Spelling and punctuation
were accurate.
Many candidates were unable to paraphrase due to their low proficiency. At
times, when candidates tried to paraphrase, meaning was distorted. The
expressions were not secure. Some of the candidates attempts to paraphrase
were limited to single word substitution. The summary was also poorly organised
and lacked coherence.
Weak candidates failed to lift intelligently - dropping words indiscriminately
leading to mindless lifting where sense did not come through. Some candidates
showed total reliance on text language and resorted to lifting whole sentences.
Weak candidates resorted to copying several sentences in sequence, dropping a
sentence or two and then copying a few more wholesale copying.
Very weak candidates resorted to copying sentence after sentence without a
clear break, thus producing a more or less complete transcript of the text.
Summary exceeded the word limit of 130 words. There was intrusion of irrelevant
sentences or sections which were not from lines 13 43. Candidates included
their own ideas and opinions.
Candidates were unable to grammatically complete the first sentence using the
ten introductory words One of the many ways to show kindness is
money by donating to a needy cause.
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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

There was heavy frequency of serious errors or fractured syntax which impeded
reading and understanding. Words were wrongly spelt although lifted from the
Candidates were not able to differentiate between givers and receivers of acts of
kindness. They did not understand the meaning of benefits. Though the
question was clear with the preposition "from" which meant the doer and not the
giver, the candidates had obviously not paid attention to this preposition and
straight away interpreted the question as benefits for the giver and the receiver.
This was a mistake that was found in average and below average candidates.
The overall performance clearly shows that candidates did not digest the
question and think before they answered, they read once, got a superficial
understanding and then summarised by merely shortening the sentences by
dropping words and phrases.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Sample 1

This candidate was able to select and retrieve the relevant information as
required in the task that is the ways in which people can show acts of kindness
and the benefits that can be experienced from acts of kindness.
The candidate was able to rephrase effectively by condensing the material to
make it concise and also forming original complex and compound sentence
structures. The finished product was rather different from the original text, even
though there were phrases from the text which were difficult to substitute. In
rephrasing, the candidate was able to convey the meaning intended across using
his or her own words. Together with the usage of sound expressions and almost
faultless grammatically correct sentences, this candidate was able to perform well
in this question.
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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Sample 2

This candidate was able to select and retrieve the relevant information.
There was an attempt at rephrasing but at the same time, there was considerable
reliance on the comprehension text language. In terms of accuracy, the candidate
made a few errors, mainly because he attempted to use his own words. But, the
candidate showed a marked ability to use original compound and original complex

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Sample 3

This candidate had successfully done selective lifting which made sense - intelligent
lifting. The candidate had relied completely on the text language and had not attempted
rephrasing. Furthermore, the candidate did not show some ability to form original
compound sentences.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Sample 4

Candidate had lifted whole sentences from the text - wholesale copying. In doing
so, the candidate had kept the response largely accurate.
The candidate relied totally on the text language. There were not many errors
because the candidate lifted entire sentences from the text.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Sample 5

The candidate had tried to carry out selective lifting but unfortunately most of the
sentences formed did not answer the summary question. Furthermore, many of
the sentences did not make sense a sign of mindless lifting.
Even though the candidate relied completely on the text, there were frequent
serious errors in the response. This was due to some fractured syntax as a result
of the mindless lifting. However, some parts were accurately copied.

1. Always check to make sure each sentence written answers the task given.
2. Use only text within the stipulated area as stated in the rubric. Draw lines to
indicate the beginning and the ending of the summary area.
3. Do not exceed the word limit given.
4. Use the 10 introductory words given.
5. Complete the opening sentence using the 10 introductory words without any
grammatical errors so that the first content point is not lost.
6. Build a wider vocabulary, so that paraphrasing is more effective and concise.
7. Learn to write using a variety of sentence structures complex and
8. Learn to use sequence and logical connectors.
9. Practise rephrasing.
10. Write a draft first and edit it before writing out the summary.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

1. Train the students to understand the task given.
2. Teach and train students to locate the points. Teach them how to differentiate
between main and supporting ideas/details, and how to recognise the main
clause so that they can select the main idea while leaving out the
unnecessary details.
3. Teach them to select intelligently
4. Remind students to use the given 10 introductory words and to use material
within the stipulated text area, and write in one paragraph.
5. Teach students to use suitable cohesive devices such as connectors.
6. Teach and train the students, especially those with good linguistic skills, to
paraphrase effectively and concisely.
7. Teach and train students to write using a variety of sentence structures,
focusing on ability to form original compound and complex structures.
8. Focus on one skill at a time locating content points, paraphrasing or writing
original syntax.
9. Help the weaker students by using key words for locating points answering
summary questions on how, benefits, reasons, steps etc.
10. Improve their vocabulary by introducing relevant comprehension texts based
on the curriculum specifications.
Candidates showed an average performance in this section. They managed to
answer a few of the questions in the poem and short story sections. They
performed reasonably better in the novel question. A significantly high
percentage of the candidates did not attempt the questions in this section.
The poem chosen for SPM 2010 was Theres Been a Death in the Opposite
House. Out of the three questions given, only one allowed candidates to lift the
relevant line or phrases from the given stanza. Quite a high percentage of the
candidates were able to answer this question. They needed knowledge of the
poem to answer the second question and not many managed to get the correct
answers. They were able to provide their personal response to question 33(c).

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010


Candidates were able to give short and accurate answers, e.g.
Q 32(a) Numb look
Q32(b) (i) To pay respect
(ii) To confirm the death
Candidates were able to lift the relevant line or phrases for Q32(a)

Candidates showed a good understanding of the required task, e.g. Q32(b) Why
do you think the neighbours and doctor were in the house?

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Students were able to express their opinion for the personal response question
based on their personal experiences or observations.

Weak students managed to give acceptable responses in poor language.

Mindless lifting directly from the poem

Candidates showed no understanding or misunderstanding of task

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Lack the language ability, e.g. use of BM words

Question 32(a) From stanza 1, how did the persona I know that there was a
death in the opposite house?
Common mistakes:
Two answers given but one answer was inaccurate

Candidates did not understand the question.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 32b: Why do you think the following people were in the house?
(i) The neighbours (ii) The doctor
Common Mistakes:
Candidates lifted lines from the poem,e.g.
(i) The neighbours rustle in and out
(ii) The doctor drives away
Candidates showed no understanding of task

Question 32c: Without using examples from the poem, suggest two things you
would do to show concern if death occurred in your neighbours house?
Common Mistakes:
Candidates response that expressed the same idea

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Candidates were unable to express ideas due to poor command of the language,
use of BM words

1. Students must ensure a good understanding of the poem, both literal and
figurative meanings
2. Do more exercise on all the poem
3. Give appropriate responses based on the stanzas tested except for questions
that ask for personal opinion (open-ended questions)
4. Improve linguistic ability to enable accurate expression of ideas especially for
questions that require personal opinions and responses.

1. Teachers must teach and emphasize the main elements of the poems
2. Expose students to the different type of questions usually tested
3. Train students to read and understand the questions carefully. Then,
respond to them by making sure that the answer is relevant to what is being
asked by the question.
4. Remind students to provide responses to the questions based on the
prescribed stanza
5. Train students to provide personal responses, especially for questions which
ask for personal opinions. Teachers must emphasize to the students that
they are expected to use their own words and expressions
6. Lessons should be conducted in a more meaningful manner and related to
students personal lives.


The short story chosen for this year is The Drovers Wife. Out of the three
questions given, most candidates partially lifted the relevant answer for the first
question and lifted the entire relevant sentence for the next question. Quite a
high percentage of the candidates were able to provide personal responses to
question 33(d).
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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010


They were able to provide answers that gave the main idea of dealing with the
snake for Q33(a)

Candidates were able to lift the relevant words or phrase

Showed a good understanding of the required task, e.g. Q33(c) Would you live
like the Drovers wife? Give a reason why you would like to and one reason why
you would not.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Weak candidates managed to give acceptable responses in poor language

Mindless lifting directly from the extract

Candidates showed no understanding or misunderstanding of task

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Candidates gave more than one answer

Question 33(a) Why is the Drovers wife sitting alone by the fire?
Common Mistakes:
Candidate gave two answers but one answer was inaccurate

Candidates did not understand the question.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Question 33(b): State any two activities she does on Sunday afternoon.
Common Mistakes:
Candidates wrote more than one activity in the space given and showed no
understanding of task, wrong answer

Question 33(c): Would you like to live like the Drovers wife? Give a reason why
you would like and one reason why you would not.
Common Mistakes:
Candidates gave a reason why not for a positive reason and vice versa

Candidates were unable to express ideas due to poor command of the language

Bahasa Inggeris 2


Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

1. Students must ensure a good understanding of the story in terms of
characters, characterization, plot, themes, setting and moral values
2. Work on the reading and comprehension skills and the ability to ascertain the
task given by the question pertaining to the who, what, when and why.
3. Give appropriate response based on the extract as required by the rubric
except for questions that ask for personal opinion (open-ended questions)
4. Improve linguistic ability to enable accurate expression of ideas especially for
questions that require personal opinions and responses.
1. Teachers must teach and emphasize the main elements of a story i.e.
characters, characterization, plot, themes, setting and moral values.
2. Expose students to the various comprehension questions.
3. Train students to read and understand the questions carefully. Then, respond
to them by making sure that the answer is relevant to what is being asked by
the question
4. Remind students to provide responses to the questions based on the
prescribed extract
5. Train students to provide personal responses, especially for questions which
ask for personal opinions. Teachers must emphasize to the students that they
are expected to use their own words and expressions.
Candidates were asked to choose one of the novels they had studied and
respond to the question. On the whole, they did not do well in this question.
Candidates with good language proficiency were able to respond relevantly,
giving details from the text besides expressing their viewpoints consistently.
Some candidates wrote on more than one incident. Some responses were too
shallow, lacking textual evidence and development. Weaker candidates just
wrote something about the novel, usually narrating events in the novel without
addressing the task.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

Candidates responses were consistently relevant and very convincing with a
marked ability to provide well-developed textual evidence. There was evidence of
critical thinking.
The language used was accurate with sophisticated structures and a wide range
of vocabulary. Responses were well-organised and the pieces of writing were
Responses were either not relevant or task were partially addressed e.g.
discussing incident without giving reasons. Candidates wrote on more than one
Some of the candidates did not address the task at all. There were instances of
mere narration of the novel read, characterization or values in novel
The responses lacked textual evidence to support the viewpoint. Some
responses lacked development. There were textual errors showing inaccurate
and poor understanding of the novel read indicating there were candidates who
had not read the novel at all.
Weak candidates showed poor language ability high frequency of serious
errors of various kinds with fractured syntax. There were serious tense errors.
Responses were poorly organized and lacked logical connectors. Sometimes
written in just one paragraph
Some candidates reproduced learned or memorized responses
Question 34
Based on the novel that you have read, write about an important incident that you
remember. Give reasons why you remember the incidents.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

An Example of a Good Answer

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

1. Response was relevant as candidate focused on an important incident and
gave reasons why he or she remembered the incident
2. Convincing response to the task.
3. Always provided precise textual evidence to support viewpoint with close
reference to text
4. Provided personal response to task
5. Good organization of thoughts and ideas. First paragraph set up the
response well.
1. Language was not very accurate. Tense errors and some inappropriate words
used (imprecise vocabulary).

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

An Example of a Fairly Good Answer

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

1. Could comprehend the task. An incident was identified and opinion given.
2. Able to provide some textual evidence with little development
3. Tried very best to give an opinion even though lacked language competency
1. Poor organization and planning
2. Language errors were quite frequent but meaning was never in doubt

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

An Example of a Weak Answer

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

1. Able to discuss about an important incident
1. Little textual evidence, lacked development
2. Language errors with some blurring in meaning
3. Poorly organized
An Example of a Very Weak Answer

1. Able to give some details on a character of the novel
1. Response had no relevance to the task. Narrating some of the events in the
novel without any understanding of the requirement of the task
2. Language errors with some blurring in meaning

Bahasa Inggeris 2


Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010


Read the novel and understand it well. Textual evidence is always important
when responding to a task.
Read the rubric carefully and address the task relevantly.
Know the details of the main or significant events in the story so as to
produce accurate and sufficient textual support.
Be familiar with the plot and characters in the story.
Do not memorise themes, plot, characters etc without any understanding
Learn to relate what has been learnt to the requirements of the task and give
an appropriate response.


Ensure students read and comprehend the contents of the novel.

Teach students all the elements of the novel: theme, plot, character etc.
Do not encourage mere memorization.
Teach and train students to respond relevantly to a task, or to give their
opinions on the elements in the story. This can be done through debates.
Teach students to respond with textual support.
Remind and advise students to answer all the questions.
Allow students to view the CD provided by the Curriculum Development
Centre to help them visualize and understand the story
Teachers should encourage students to read the text and not the synopsis
Guide and teach the students on how to analyze the characters, events,

Bahasa Inggeris 2


Kupasan Mutu Jawapan SPM 2010

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