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Charlie Fox

There are 3 different types of somatotypes. The 3 types of somatotypes
are endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Endomorph is having a slow
metabolism and can gain fat and muscle very easily and is also having a
stocky body build an example of an endomorph could be a sumo wrestler
due to their large size. Mesomorph is having the ability to gain muscle
easily and is also having a strong triangular body build shape an example
of a mesomorph could be a gymnast as they would need to have a lot of
muscle to support their weight over long periods of time. Ectomorph is
having a delicate bone structure with small shoulders, having an
ectomorph build makes it hard to gain weight, ectomorph's also have a
fast metabolism an example of an ectomorph could be a high jumper as
high jumpers need to weigh as little as possible in order to make it easier
for them to chuck themselves over the high jump bar.

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