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August 17-21

Kelly Thornton

Mr--s. Thorntons News

Mt. Carmel

A Peek at our Week

Story- Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
Phonics- Hh, Nn, Mm, Rr, Ll, Ii
Phonemic Awareness- Rhyming, Words in a
sentence, First Sounds

Comprehension Strategies- Visualize,

Retelling, Inferring, Making Connections

Vocabulary Words- foolish, stacked

Sight Words:



Mark Your Calendar!

Kindergarten will be focusing on Colors
from August 10-21. Please allow your child to
wear the color of the day listed below.
Aug. 17- Orange
Aug. 17- PTA/Open House 6:00
Aug. 18- Pink
Aug. 19- Brown
Aug. 20- Black & White
Aug. 20- Progress Reports
Aug. 21- Color Festival
Aug. 26- DIBELs Next testing for our class
Aug. 26- El Monte Night
Aug. 28- Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kickoff
Aug. 31- Chill Factory Night
Sept. 4- day for students
Sept. 7- Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 10- Progress Reports

counting, matching, and writing

numbers 1-4

Science/Social Studies:
Habit 1: Be Proactive

Notes from Mrs. Thornton

Lunch Number: Please have your child practice their lunch number on the paper I sent home. They need to
practice until they have it memorized!
Transportation change: If your childs transportation changes please send me a note or an email.
Library: We go to the library every other Monday. August 24 will be our next visit. Please make sure your
child knows their lunch number. They have to enter it to check out a book!
Birthday Policy: Remember, Mt. Carmel policy says that parents are not allowed to bring in food items for
other children. If you would like to bring a treat to each student in celebration of your childs birthday, you
may bring each student in the class a treat bag with non-edible items. No candy or food is allowed.

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