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Behavior Folder

1. It will be sent home Daily.

2. It needs to be returned Daily.
3. Make sure to Sign/Initial the folder every day.


We strongly recommend that you help your child with his/her

homework. However, homework must be in their own handwriting.

Homework is Due on Thursdays.

Spelling Test will be on Thursdays.

Classroom Rules

1. Follow Directions
3. Small Voices inside
2. Feet and Hands to yourself
4. Work Together/Dont Fight
5. Have Fun!
***Total number of marks (sad faces) for the week determines conduct grades.
***Students with e-conduct may be rewarded for their hard work by choosing prizes
from the Treasure Box, Extra Time at Recess, and/or other rewards.
***If a student gets moved from his/her table during lunch, he/she will miss recess time.
***If a student continually breaks the rules or commits a serious infraction such as
fighting, stealing, blatant disrespect, damaging school property, etc., he or she will
receive an office referral and parents will be notified at that time.
0 Marks= E

E= Excellent

Conduct Letters are assigned as follows:

1 Marks = S

S= Satisfactory

2-3 Marks = N

N= Needs Improvement

4 or more Marks = U

U= Unsatisfactory

Special Friday Snack/Recess/Field Trips

***Special Friday Snack, Recess and Field Trips are Optional Activities for our class
and are a Reward for Excellent Behavior and Work Habits . Therefore, there may be
days where individual students may miss his or her Friday Snack/Recess and/or
Field Trip,

***INSTRUCTION STARTS at 7:45am and DISMISSAL TIME is 3:00pm.***

Parent Signature

Child Signature

Mr. Cruz



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