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Manuel N. Teodoro Jr.


October 7, 2015
Prof. Jaime Matibag

SOCSC 005 Life and Works of Rizal

Life and Works of Rizal course helps me to attain T.I.P. Graduate Attributes because it
teaches me the lesson from the experiences of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. I attain
Professional Competence because our professor demonstrate
and taught us the
understanding with mastery of the fundamental characteristics, attitudes, and behavior
manifested by Dr. Rizal that lead him to effective professional practice in several fields he was
inclined of; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills through historic scenes and
events significant in life of Dr. Rizal wherein he was able to cope to the emerging
conflict/problem like the priting of his two novel as an example; Communication Skills
through oral and written reports we submitted everytime we finished or move on to our
lesson/topic; Social and Ethical Responsibility since our professor taught us to look upon
the life and works of Dr. Rizal and set it as an example that we must follow; Productivity due
to the learnings we reminised from Dr. Rizal's life that we, the youth is the success of our
nation; Interpersonal Skills by sharing to my fellow classmates as well as to my professor
the information we retrieved from various research and activities; and lasty, Lifelong
Learning because of the short but meaningful life of Dr. Rizal that we Filipinos must be proud
The moment the Rizal subject be excluded to college curriculum as some legislatures
proposed, it will be a great shame for our nation since that move signifies lack of nationalism
and love for our country. Rizal subject tell us the cure for the cancer of our society, the cure
we already have, but the same cure that make our country a sick man of Asia. The youth.

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