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SAGES Meeting Notes

10/9/15 3pm-4pm
Announcement from Ms. Danika LeDuc

Hands on style teaching HOST Lab conducted by professors or students.

opportunity to sit down and have lunch with kids who are interested in life college life.
Kids will come to visit the campus on Tuesdays, all year long.
In the lab room from 9:20am-11:50am
Have lunch in Dining Commons or Panda Express or bring a bagged lunch.
Q&A sessions held by student group 12pm-2:30pm
Purpose: Introduce the kids to the college life.
IMPORTANT: In order to do K-12 Outreach we have to get background checks or Live
Scan through the school. Unfortunately, the Live Scans are not free!
Announcement from Hadia about Pi Day

On March 14th, in Oakland, there will be an all day event where volunteers can help students do
Pi day is an all day event and volunteers would volunteer in one to two hour slots.
Danika suggested that we can ask a math professor, named Julia Olkin, to demonstrate a math
problem to us and we would have to show it to the students and help them work out the problem
on Pi day.
Hadia has/will get in touch of Communication Department to have workshops
Make a Difference Day
During Make a Difference week, at the Agora Stage, we can get connected to the Service Fair.
SAGES can be there on Thurs. 10:30-1:30pm, its a job fair
Jasmine will find events through PFC- example Make a Difference Day
Janienes Announcement
Have a meeting with the CSUEB Alumni, building alumni relations
Get alumni to support our mixers and events
November 5, 2015 in Emeryville at 4:30pm-6:30pm Stem Career Awareness

On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 in San Fran, at 5:30pm-9pm.(TBD) will be the Pantheon
Awards at the Marriott Marquis. Circle Labs lunch. There will be over 400 people attending.
They will award someone with the Stephanie Couch award. The event needs four to six students
willing to collect cards at the very end of the event.
There will be pizza at this event!
The SAGES Logo Has Been Picked
We choose the SAGES with the five pentagons in a circle formation
October 23, 2015 SAGES Info Session
Location: TBD. Time: 3pm.
15 min. Slideshow presentation
Officers should bring food and drink
Announcement from Jasmine
Volunteer opportunity led by Council Lambden for the homeless in Hayward
Council Lambden is counting the number of homeless people in Hayward
Council Lambden is conducting an assistance plan for people who are homeless
Early to mid November Council Lambden is conducting surveys about their situations (what
services do they need to assist them).

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