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Romeo and Juliet Common Exam

What to know and how to prepare

Your Romeo and Juliet exam will be held on ______________________________________

Format. Your exam will include:

-Fill in the blank
-Short Answer

Content. We have covered a lot in this unit. Here is what you are expected
to know:
-Characters (who they are and thus what quotes they might say)
-The plot of each act
-The themes of fate and motif of light and dark (what they mean and how we see
them in the play)
-Iambic Pentameter (page 4 in packet)
-Literary Terms (page 7 in packet)
-The structure of drama (page 8 in packet- know the different elements, where
we see them in
the play and what happens in each)
-The vocabulary words
-The Shakespearean sonnet (sheet with the prologue on it)

How to prepare. Take the following steps to ensure you are ready:
-Look over your question packets. These direct you to the most important areas
of the play. If there are any questions you are unsure of, ask a friend or me.
-Review the listed sheets in the Shakespearean packet. Make sure that you can
do more than identify them (i.e. make sure you can tell me what “exciting
event” means rather than just identifying that Romeo and Juliet meeting is the
exciting event.)
-Make flashcards or study guides for vocabulary words, literary terms, elements
of drama and the sonnet.
-We have been watching the movie of Romeo and Juliet. While it is an accurate
portrayal in many ways, it is not 100% faithful to the text (as we saw with the
scene when Juliet drinks the poison.) Be sure that when you are studying you
are thinking about Shakespeare’s text and plot, not Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation.

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