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27 IX 2015
I am so tired! And happy of course ;)
That day was the day of my first flight, the firts
day with my host family and my first day
in Cyprus! The best thing today was the sight
of the sea and Rock of the Greek... very
beautiful! I'm waiting for tomorrow.
And I really need to go sleep now ;)

28 IX 2015
The second day was at the same time my first day in Cypriot school. It was very difficult
for me to find anybody here, because each student has to wear black and white clothes!
And we were building robots! I can't wait for tomorrow. For the sea and sunbathing! I will
go to sleep now to make tomorrow come faster ;))

29 IX 2015
The third day was my first day on the beach here! I was in a beautifully decorated
church too. I am a little tanned now so I can feel more like people from Cyprus ;) Now I

know more about the village - Mammari. Also I know more and more about my family.
The parents are really nice and funny. Tomorrow will be my birthday! My host family
hasn't known yet. I will tell them in the morning ;) so I hope tomorrow will be
amazing ;))

30 IX 2015
The fourth day was 30th day of September The Boys Day in Poland and at the same
time the day of my birthday! Today (or maybe I should say yesterday, because it's past 1
a.m.) there was a party. I expected that there will be something for me, but I didn't
know it will be really BIG surprise. I got a lot of presents. For example: the necklecke
from my host family (they remembered! :D) and sweet pink piggy-slippers from my
friends and much more ;) One of the best gift was that Dimitris' ( he is my project
partner) mother made my nails ;) I am so happy! But there is moskito in my room and I
can't go sleep... Tomorrow is the 1st of November - The Independence Day of Cyprus.
We'll have some free time ;)

1 X 2015
The fifth day is the half of the exchange! The 1st of October is the Independence Day of
Cyprus and we spent that day with our host families. I was on a trip to the most
interesting places here like Ayia Napa beach or some beautiful rocks. I took a lot of lovely
photos. And I was watching the old photos of my host family. Then they saw my ones. It
was really funny. We were laughing a lot till half past eleven. I should be sleeping now,
'cause it's nearly 1 a.m. and tomorrow we have to be at school on time at 7.30... I don't
know how I'll get up :P

The sixth day was my last day on the beach with my friends. We had a lot of fun! And we
saw a ruined old city in Cyprus. It was really interesting! We went to The Mall with a few
friends and it was funny ;) and tomorrow I will be on a wedding! Let's fall asleep!

3 X 2015
The seventh day was the end of the week of the exchange and the day of the wedding! I
saw how the groom was getting ready for ceremony. Then I had the hair made by the
friend of Katerina Dimitris mother and it was really nice! In the church there was a lot
of singing :) and at the party I realise how good dancer Xenios (Dimitris' father) is! Who
knows what will bring tomorrow? ;) I will see my friends from Cyprus from the previous
exchange that I met in Poland! Now it's half past two so... Goodnight! ;))

4 X 2015
The eighth day was the day of the rest after the party ;) but at the evening we met our
old friends from Cyprus. Oh my God, how they have changed! They are so mature and
taller ;D but they are still very funny and adorable people... and I will miss them so much
even though I wasn't taking part in the last exchange, 'couse we became good friends in
Poland :') on that day fifteen years ago Natalia and our friend from last exchange Alexandros ( we call him Oleg) were born! We were celebrating a little ;) at the end of
the day, when I went back home there were a lot of members of the family, because of
fifty-first Xenios' birthday. Today I ate too much I think :P Xenios was joking that I will
put on weight and everybody at home will be so surprised when they see me on
Wednesday ;D oh Wednesday... it's so
close to the end of the exchange and I
still feel like I've just arrived! ;)
tomorrow I'll have to wake up so
early... too early... yeah... so let's sleep

5 X 2015
The ninth day was the last day of lessons about robots. We got the gifts - cups and small
plates with graphic of the map of Cyprus on them. Tonight we made a little surprising
party for Natalia in the 'Dark Park'. (It's the secret name :P) The cake was awesome! And
we went for a walk then. Its so hard to realise we'll have to go back home at
Wednesday... and I've already missed my friends from the last exchange... I wish them
all the best! ;))

6 X 2015
The tenth day was the last full day in Cyprus :'( we were in Nicosia and we saw the city
from eleventh floor! We bought some souvenirs for our families. When I got back from
the city it was really hard to pack my suitcase. I needed a help of my host family! ;)
because tomorrow I'm going back home I got beautiful backpack from my host family
and I was really happy, 'couse it's a little bigger than mine so I could pack a lot more into
it :)) and they gave me some tradicional Cypriot food inside ;) it was very nice, 'cause I
haven't got any time to buy something for my family that the mambers could try :) then
we went for our last meeting in Mammari and we ate pizza! It was the best pizza Ive
ever eaten! :)) now I'm lying on the bed and I'm waiting for for the moment I fall
asleep :P but I have only fourty minutes to 2, so I don't know if there's any point in
that ;P

7 X 2015
I'm home now! I really need some sleep, but firstly I have to admit that those 10 days
were totally amazing! See you in Poland my friends! ;D

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