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In our YFL community, we put much value in the spiritual nourishment of all our members for it is through
this that we all become sustained in our personal relationship with the Lord. The primary group where we receive this
nourishment in our community is the household. Every YFL member should belong to and should be taken cared of by the
household. For the new YFL members, it is important that they immediately be assigned to a household group after their
Youth Camp. With these, household meetings should be highly regarded too. It should always be excellent by making sure
that it is well prepared and highly nourishing. Every household meeting must be an opportunity for all the members to
personally experience the Lord.
In reality, even if the new household heads have already undergone the Household Leaders Training, there is still a need for
a guide in conducting the household meetings. This Household Track Manual will help guide and equip the new household
heads in making their first few household meetings excellent and nourishing.

General Objective
The goals of this manual are:
to guide the new household head in leading his first few household meetings
to serve as a template for the new household head to create his/her own topics when he/she is finished with this manual

Manual Description
This Household Track Manual is composed of 20 household topics based on the Youth Camp Talks. The topics are divided
into five with 4 topics per Youth Camp Talk.
A. The topics under the first talk (Gods Love and His Plans for Us) are as follows:
Gods Love This household topic refreshes us of the message given during the first Youth Camp talk. Also, it allows
us to appreciate more Gods love for us and it would make us ponder on how we can respond to such a beautiful kind
of love.
Family: God's Love Made Real This household topic makes us realize that the gift of our family is one of Gods
manifestations of His love for each of us.
In Gods Perfect Timing This household topic allows us to realize that everything happens perfectly according to Gods
perfect timing and according to His perfect plans.
Worry No More This household topic affirms us of the future full of hope that the Lord has in store for everyone.
B. The topics under the second talk (Who Jesus Christ is to me) are as follows:
Following Jesus Footsteps This household topic talks about the characteristics of Jesus Christ and it also gives us the
challenge of striving to be like Him.
Becoming Like Jesus - This topic is about growing in holiness.
Jesus Our Savior This topic establishes that Jesus is the only way to the Father and that we need to accept Him in our
Getting to Know a New Friend This topic makes the participant realize that Jesus is not a distant God
C. The topics under the third talk (Repentance, Faith, Forgiveness and Healing) are as follows:
Coming Home to Your Father This household topic reminds us that God always gives us second chances. This reminds
us that despite our sinfulness and shortcomings, God is our Father who invites us to come back to Him
Facing Temptations This topic makes us realize that the right posture of the heart when facing temptations is to have
the right focus on the will of God in everything that we do
Forgiveness This topic emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in ones start in Christian life.
Confession: A Sure Win This topic makes the YFL member to understand that confession is the best way to unload
our past guilt and burden.



D. The topics under the fourth talk (Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit) are as follows:
Holy Spirit This topic explains who the Holy Spirit is and what He does in our lives
Spiritual Gifts This topic stresses that God has given us gifts which we can use in our new life as Christians
Believe and be Baptized This topic shows how important baptism is in ones Christian life
Too Good to be True This topic is about Gods gift of eternal life (heaven) to those who believe and trust Him.
E. The topics under the fifth talk (Growing in the Spirit) are as follows:
The Bible: Gods Scrapbook This topic allows us to gain a deeper love for the Bible.
Bloom Where You are Planted This household topic makes us realize the joy of using Gods gifts to us in wherever He
has brought us right now.
No Appointment Necessary This household topic reminds us that we can always pray to our God who is always
available, anytime and anywhere.
Faith in Action This household topic reminds us that faith comes hand in hand with action. This topic makes us
appreciate and understand how to apply Gods word in our lives.

Specific Objectives
At the end of each Household Meeting, the new YFL members will be able:
1. To better absorb the message of the Youth Camp
2. To make them realize how they can apply this message in their everyday lives
After using all of the topics in this Household Track Manual, the new household heads will be able:
1. To better appreciate the value of making household meetings excellent
2. To create his / her own household topics depending on the needs of his / her members based on the format given in
this manual

How to Use this Manual

1. There are 20 household topics in this manual divided into the 5 youth camp talks. That makes 4 topics per youth camp
2. The household leader starts off with the talk 1 topics, then with the talk 2 topics, and so on.
3. If the household leader feels that his/her household has already grasped the particular youth camp talk through the
topics, he/she can move to the next group of topics. It is not required that all topics in a group should be used.
4. After the youth camp talk 5 group topics, the household leaders should be able to create his/her own household topic
depending on the need/s of his/her member.

How to use each individual topic

1. Each household topic is divided into 5 parts.
2. The Goal part is just to guide the household leader to what lesson that particular topic is aiming for. You can choose the
topic for a certain youth camp talk group by using this part depending on the need of your household.
3. The Attention part is a warm-up just to loosen up the discussion in the household. It is a question that requires no right
or wrong answers and just asks for the opinion of each member.
4. The Message part is the meat of the household topic. The Bible verse/s is/are read first. You can ask one of your
members to read the verses. For the text, assign persons to read each paragraph aloud.
5. The Discussion part is the sharing part of the household. It allows each member to look to himself/herself and ask how
the lessons in the household apply to him/her. Every member is asked to share his/her reflections.
6. The Action part is a challenge to take the lessons of the household into concrete steps. The household head should
check whether the actions are being done by his/her members during their one-to-ones or before the next household



Becoming Like Jesus
To make the participants know how they can grow in holiness
To make the participants understand what sanctification is
If there is one person you would want to imitate, who would that person be? Why?
If there is one trait you would want others to imitate from you, what would that be?
Read: John 17:17-19; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 Peter 1:2
Sanctification is the ongoing process of growing towards holiness. Once youve accepted Christ as
your Savior, your salvation is secure, but God isnt finished with you yet. As long as you are alive,
He wants you to become more like Him. Sanctification is the Holy Spirits job. Through His leading, you
become more and more like Jesus each day.
Sanctification last a lifetime. While youre on earth, youll never be perfect, but you should become more
perfect with each passing day. God gives you the tools the handbook (the Bible), the guide (the Holy
Spirit), and the companion (the Church).
You dont have to do anything to get salvation. You just embrace it. Its a gift - pure and simple, but
from that moment on, God expects something from you. He expects you to abandon your old lifestyle and
grow into Christs likeness. Its your part in Gods plan.
How you are you growing to be more like Jesus in your lifestyle?
Why would God want you to have a part in sanctification?
Write down in a piece of paper the traits of Jesus you would like to emulate. In every trait, write
concrete actions on how you can attain it in your life.



Believe and be Baptized
To teach what baptism is
To explain how important baptism is in a Christian community
What is your opinion about the initiation rites done by some organizations? Do you agree with
them? Why? Why not?
Read: Matthew 3:11, 13-17; 1 Peter 3:21
John (a man), baptized Jesus (a Savior of humanity). Does that sound a bit ironic to you? It did sound
ironic to John the Baptist and he told Jesus so, but Jesus wanted to stress the importance of baptism,
and he wanted to leave us a model to follow, so He was baptized. Jesus didnt need forgiveness; He was
perfect, but He followed the will of His Father, which included baptism.
A marriage commitment begins with a ring. The couple publicly commits to each other. At the ceremony,
the couple declares, Im no longer my own Im married! Baptism announces you are no longer
your former, independent self. You have chosen to be in a relationship, and you take Jesus name,
Baptism is a blessing, not a burden; an honor, not a chore; a privilege, not a punishment. By obeying
Jesus command to be baptized, you symbolically die to sin and are reborn with Christ.
What do you think is the meaning of baptism to you personally? What sins do you need to leave
What changes can you make in yourself to symbolize that you are baptized?
Review your Commitment to Christ prayer during your youth camp baptism. Pray it again before you
end the household.



Bloom Where You are Planted
To affirm ourselves that where we are now is the perfect place where God planned us to be
To remind us of Gods calling for us to bloom at our best and grow where we are planted where we
are called to serve Him
When a seed is planted, what are the important elements to consider for it to grow as a healthy plant?
Can a strawberry seed grow in a soil bank found in the city? Why or why not?
Imagine yourself to be a seed. What would you want to become in ten years?
Read Matthew 5:13-16, Mark 4:30-32
In the parable of the Mustard Seed, the seed represents us as followers of Christ, that by ourselves, we are
small, but with Christ in our lives, we grow to live in the fullness of His kingdom. We begin as seeds and over time,
with proper care, nurturing, teaching and understanding, we bloom into all that God wants us to be.
God wants us to bloom where we have been planted. He can use us right now, in the situation in which we find
ourselves. Unless it is a sinful situation that we need to forsake and abandon, He can always show us His purpose
for using that situation for our good and for His glory. When we allow Him to work in us, we start to bloom in
beauty. This becomes real because we start to be focused on bringing glory to Him.
God has a calling for each of us, a job for each of us to do, and like the mustard seed, we are called to grow and
to be all He wants us to be. We are called to grow in our families, in our community, in our studies, in our
jobs, and in every aspect of our lives.
God tells us, You have gifts that I have given you. You have interests that I have placed within you, and you have
Me in your hearts, so bloom where I have planted you, bloom and do the very best you can whatever it maybe, grow
as My child and produce good fruit that will bring glory to Me and that will serve as a witness for others.
To bloom fully as Gods children, we must be continually watered with Gods word and love, being nurtured in faith
through prayer and service. We must grow in our loving relationship with our God by being committed to our prayer
We may not always understand why God wants us to be where we are, but we must always trust that God plants us
to where we can be faithful witnesses, so that others might see us bloom into what He wants us to be. Listen for
Gods call and recognize that call; and no matter where you find yourself along lifes journey, bloom where you are
planted, that you may make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do, and that they may praise
Your Father in heaven.

Where am I planted right now? Where am I called to bloom right now?
How can I respond to this call? What steps can I take to bloom where I am planted?
Ask each member to write down the points of each brothers / sisters where each of them are called
to bloom so that they can pray for each other everyday during their personal prayer time.
End the household by allowing each member to say a personal prayer regarding his / her calling.nt.



Coming Home to Your Father
To remind us that despite our sinfulness and shortcomings, God is our Father who invites us to come
back to Him
What can you remember the most in the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
How do you feel when you think youve been a BIG FAILURE?
How do you react or go on with your life after failing the closest people to your heart?
Read: Romans 8:15-16, Luke 5:11-32, 2 Corinthians 6:18
When you hold up your arms to your heavenly Father, He reaches down to scoop you up. These passages
remind us that accepting Gods gift of salvation is not a formal business deal. Its a picture of a father
welcoming home his rebellious child. Its just like the story of the prodigal son in Luke 5: 11-32.
Just like the ungrateful son, we have run far from God. At some point in our lives, we tried to live on our
own, apart from Him. We packed a knapsack, bought a bus ticket, and took off for the lights of the city.
Somehow, the plan didnt work out as we expected, but God, your Father, was waiting up for you when
you come home.
With joy in His eyes, God has accepted you once again as soon as you hold up your arms to Him. Hes your
Abba Father. It doesnt matter how far youve run or how long youve been gone. His love doesnt change.
You are His child.
What does it personally mean to you to be a child of God?
How can you approach Him as His child?
Have a good confession.



Confession: A Sure Win
To make the participants realize the reason why we need to confess

Have you ever joined a competition where you are confident that you are the sure winner? How does
it feel when you were competing?
Are you a risk taker or do you tend to choose the safer path in making your decision?
Read: Psalm 32:5; James 5:16
Thirty thousand runners. Twenty six miles. Thirteen water stations. Two tired feet. The Olympic marathon
colossal challenge that dares runners to attempt its course.
Christian life is like a marathon. Its a lifelong, often gruelling race for which we train, sweat and
persevere. We condition ourselves to prepare for the race. We find ourselves running among countless
other runners with the same goal in mind: complete the race.
However, not everyone makes it to the finish line. Some runners allow sin to begin piling up on their backs,
slowing their strides until they eventually collapse on the curb. The course is difficult enough without
having to carry around the heavy burden of unconfessed sin.
Confession is the only way to unload it from your back. God is watching and waiting for you at the
finish line. He wants to see you to run across it free of injury. There is no sin that He wont forgive. Can you
hear Him calling your name?
What is holding you back from confessing the sins in your life?
How will confession relieve your burdens?
Recall the sins that are burdening you right now. Go to a priest and confess for these sins.



Facing Temptations
To have the right posture of the heart when facing temptations
To have the right focus on the will of God in everything that we do
Have you ever been tempted?
How do you define temptations?
What do you think are the temptations to the senses of a teenager like you?
Read: James 1: 12-18, Proverbs 21:2, Matthew 7:21
In James 1: 12-18, we will see that the ones who are blessed and happy are those who remain faithful because
when they succeed in passing the tests of temptation, they will receive the life which God has promised. It is
also made clear in these verses that temptation does not come from God. We people are tempted when we are
drawn away and trapped by our own evil desires. These evil desires will then give birth to sin which further gives
birth to death when full-grown.
Temptations come from ones evil desires. That is why it is so important to keep our heart in check all the time. Our
hearts should always be in the right posture so that it would be easier for us to resist temptation. After all, God
knows everything. We will never be able to deceive God. We may think that what we do is right, but it is the Lord
who judges us. He looks into our hearts more than anything.
We may be in denial that what we actually long for is already evil but God knows the real desires of our hearts and
in whatever state our hearts are in. What then should be the posture of our hearts? In Matthew 7:21, it is said
that only the one who does the will of God will enter the kingdom of heaven. This means that only those who do
what God wants them to do will be with Him in heaven, and that is not to give in to our worldly desires which can
lead us to sin and even to death. We should always be mindful of the will of the Father and assess our hearts every
time if what we long for is what He wants us to long for or desire.
We should not forget to align our hearts desires to what our dear Father wants us to desire. He only wants what
is beautiful and what is for our own good, and so entertaining temptations that can destruct us should never be an
option. At the end of the day, may we realize that we really can face temptations the right way if we first put on
the right posture that our hearts should have and always think of what the Father wants us to do for us to be
with Him in heaven when His time comes.

What is the state of your heart now? What are the current desires of your heart? Are those desires
pleasing God?
How do you usually deal with temptations? How will you react to the test of temptations now?
Assign an accountability partner for each member of your household.
The role of the partner is to act as someone they can communicate with and ask for support in times
of temptations.



Faith in Action
To be reminded that faith does come hand in hand with action
To put into practice whatever He is telling us to do now
As a student, are/were you attentive to your teacher?
What do/did you do with the lessons you learn in school?
Share an experience when you applied in your everyday life what you have learned in school.
Read: Matthew 7:24, James 1: 22-25
In the community where we are in, we may have heard a lot of great teachings from different talks and sharings
from our different brothers and sisters. God may have personally talked to us too through our daily prayer
time when we read the Scriptures. All those teachings, stories and Scripture readings have well contributed to
the kind of faith you now have. You may think that the faith you have is already too strong that it cannot be torn,
but we must not lose grip on the truth that faith is nothing if not put into practice.
In Matthew 7:24, Jesus reminded us that everyone who listens to His words and acts on them will be like a wise
man who built his house on rock. This is what is expected of us. Given all the wonderful truths that God has
allowed us to acquire, He wants us to put those truths into practice, to walk the talk and to put into action whatever
we preach.
This challenge can be found in James 1: 22-25. It was said here that we should not deceive ourselves by just
listening to His word. We are called to put what we have heard into practice. What God wants us to do is to
look closely into His truth that sets people free, to keep paying attention to it and to not simply listen and then
forget about it. If we just keep in our minds and our hearts this reminder of God, we will surely be blessed.
It is indeed a great privilege to hear and listen to the Word of God. It really feels good to listen to inspiring stories
from our brothers and sisters that highlight Gods greatness and promises in their lives. We ourselves feel a different
high when we personally feel that God is talking to us, but may all these wonderful things do not remain in ourselves.
May we all realize that all those great truths are nothing if we do not put it into action. May we also realize that
when we put such truths into practice, we are actually allowing other people to see Gods greatness in our lives
and those very actions can inspire them to get to know more the same God who has allowed such great things to

What is your faith in God like?
What is the Gods personal word to you now? What are you planning to do with it? What are the
concrete action steps that you are to take?
Pray for one another in the household. Pray for the growth of each persons faith in God.
Write down Gods personal word to you and the concrete action steps that you are to take to put that
word into practice.



Family: Gods Love Made Real
To give a reminder of how significant our families are to us (each member of our family is Gods gift
to our lives)
To be able to pray for each member of our families
To allow us to express our love for them through prayer
How do you feel when you receive a gift from someone?
How do you usually take care of your gifts?
Who are the people you can consider as your greatest gifts in life?
Read: Leviticus 19:2-4
We have always heard that our families are Gods gifts to all of us. We have different situations
in our families, but no matter what these are, God loves us through them. We can never deny our
families for they are a big part of us. We are who we are right now mainly because of them.
It is always a good thing to just think about each member of our family. When we love them, we just
dont love those whom we are closest with. Each member is significant. When we share about them,
we have the opportunity to be proud of them.
At the same time, the greatest thing we can do to love them is to pray for them. Sometimes, we
may find ourselves in a certain conflict with them. Let us not allow it to be that way. Gods plan is for
families to be united. It is Satan who wills otherwise. Conflicts are normal, but we should strive to
resolve them. At other times, our prayers for them concern some things in their lives that are not
okay, without us in the picture. Even in these cases, we are invited to pray for them.
Divide your paper into three columns.
1st column: Write down the name of all your family members.
2nd column: Write down one thing you love about that family member.
3rd column: Write down your prayer concern for that family member.
Decide to do something concretely aside from prayer to express your love to each
member of your family.



Following Jesus Footsteps
To allow each member to draw his or her priorities in life right now
To encourage each one to work on ones priorities
To inspire them to have a passion and to have the heart for their priorities as a way to achieve them
What are the things that greatly matter to you now?
How do you show importance to such things?
What is your current passion?
What do you give when youre passionate about something?
Jesus is a role model when it comes to priorities and reaching them.
Jesus set specific goals. - Jesus had a sense of destiny. He knew where He wanted to go. He knew where people
needed Him. John 4:3
Jesus had developed a passion for these goals. - Jesus had a passion for His mission and goal in life. He went as far as
dying on the cross. And whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men. Colossians 3:23
Jesus finished what He had started. - He started when He was 30 years old. He ended it 3 years when He was
crucified. The bridge that linked God to man was complete. Man could approach God without fear. The desire
accomplished is sweet to the soul. Proverbs 13:19
Jesus gives an example of how to live life to the fullest, fulfilling Gods plans. He models us on how important
it is to have specific goals. Setting up goals will guide us in a rightful journey of finishing something good that
contributes to the totality of a beautiful life.
However, He further models the secret to reaching them. We need to have a heart - a passion for these goals. We
need to love what we are doing, knowing that this is what could make God happy and what could give us peace. We
need to do it for God more than doing it for other people. Furthermore, God is a living testimony of how to put
an end to reaching ones goals. That is through finishing everything that you have started. With Gods grace and
love, we can accomplish everything that He wills.

Write down in total detail everything you would like to become, do or have during your lifetime.
Write down your dreams in detail in a paper.
Write down your 12-month goal.
Write down your 30-day goal.
Write down the 6 most important things you will do in the next 24 hours.
The secret of your future is written in your daily routines.
Coming from the activity you have done today in this household...
Continue the 24-hour (daily) list of goals everyday.
Continue the 30-day list of goals for the next months to come.
Continue the 12-month list of goals in the next years to come.
See how God becomes faithful to you daily, monthly and yearly as you make Him the very reason
for finishing your goals.



To make the participants recognize the importance of forgiveness
To let the participants know that healing comes through forgiveness
When was the last time someone did an unforgivable thing to you? What
happened? How did you react to that situation?
Read: Genesis 45:4-15; Matthew 18:21-35
It goes beyond our human nature to forgive the unforgivable. We hold grudges and harbor
resentment. We battle and bicker among ourselves. It is Gods nature, however, to forgive anything
and everything. The worst crime ever committed? God can forgive that. Your worst mistakes and
harshest moments? God can forgive those, too. Even if you felt that God would not accept you as who
you are, He invites you to come just as you are, and He forgives you completely.
Josephs brothers did the unforgivable they sold their brother into slavery. What an awful thing to do!
They did not deserve to be forgiven. As readers, we long for a moment of vengeance, when Joseph can get
back at them for the years of pain and rejection they caused him, but Joseph held off. He could have
gloated, mocked, yelled and punished, but instead, he embraced them. Tears spilled down his cheeks as
he forgave them. As Jesus taught in Matthew 18:35, Joseph managed to forgive his brothers from his
Perhaps you empathize with Josephs situation. Maybe youre face-to-face with someone who doesnt
deserve to be forgiven. Through Jesus grace, you can forgive. Only when you are bathed in Gods
forgiveness can you extend that same, rich, ungrudging forgiveness to others.
Are you holding back from forgiving someone in your life?
From whom do you need to ask forgiveness?
Approach someone you need to ask forgiveness from this week. Extend also your forgiveness to
someone whom you think needs your forgiveness.



Getting to Know a New Friend
To make the participants get to know God more

Who is your best friend? Why did he/she become your best friend?
What are the things you like to do with your best friend? How much time do you and your best
friend spend doing the things that you like?
Read: 1 Samuel 3:2-10, 19; Proverbs 3:1-4
Making time to get alone with God may seem tough at times even impossible. Stress, deadlines,
relationships, and responsibilities compete for your time to pause, open the Bible, study, and listen to
God. Those are the meetings that God longs for. He wants to meet you for your sake, so that you can get
to know Him and His Word better.
When the prophet Samuel was young, He had never heard Gods voice before. Actually hearing God speak
was a rare occurrence in those days. The boy had not yet met God in a personal way (1 Samuel 3:7).
However, God was eager for Samuel to meet Him, so He called his name. Once Samuels ear was open,
he listened for Gods voice. From that moment on, he formed a special friendship with God.
Once you hear God, dont hesitate to invite Him in. Just as you would spend time getting to know a new
friend, spend that kind of time with your Lord. Ask Him to sit and chat with you. Ask Him more about
Himself, and learn about His past, His family, and His plans. Tell him all about your situation, your
goals, and your struggles. Once youve shared those heart-to-heart conversations, never grow apart.
Let Him be more than just a mere acquaintance. Allow Him to be your best friend.
What times can you set aside to spend alone with God this week?
How can you pause and listen to God today?
Set a time everyday when you can pray for at least 15 minutes. Also, make sure you have you daily
Bible reading guide that can lead you to Gods message



Gods Love
To realize Gods great love for us
To be able to thank God as a household for His personal love for each one
Have you ever been in love?
How does it feel to be loved?
To what extent are you willing to give for your loved ones?
Read John 13:1, Ephesians 3:14-19, Romans 8:35-39
Gods Word is the most beautiful expression of love ever written. Shakespeares sonnets pale in
comparison to the Bibles description of love. His love transcends every kind of earthly love. His love is
stronger than any bond between parent and child or husband and wife. No earthly image can accurately
portray Gods love for us.
Galatians 2:20 explains that Jesus loved you enough to die in your place. He chose to accept your
punishment so you could spend eternity with the Father. In His death, Christ committed the greatest act
of love ever seen by human eyes.
With love so devoted, so sacrificial and extreme, nothing can ever interfere. Nothing can squelch
or diminish that love. You cannot fall beyond the reach of that love. You cant lose it. You cant change
it, win it or control it. His love extends before and beyond time, and He loved you before you knew Him.
When you begin to accept His love, you begin the most amazing relationship in your life.
In what events in your life did you realize the immense love that God has for you?
Can you trust a loving God with the direction of your life?
How much do you love God in return?
End the household by allowing each member to say ones personal prayer in thanksgiving for
Gods love.



In Gods Perfect Timing
To realize that everything in this world happens in Gods perfect timing
To realize that we just have to trust in His timing, wait and be hopeful that great things are yet to
How do you define perfect?
What does perfect timing mean to you?
When were those times when you experienced perfect timing?
Read: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, Psalm 27:14
Maybe things in your life seem to pass just so quickly and you often find yourself doing different routines or
habits everyday. You may also have experienced those times when you feel like things just did not happen at the
right timing which could have made you feel bad and made you regret what had just happened. Everyone has
experienced such moments in their lives in one way or another and so it can be labelled as normal, but given
such inevitable circumstances, what is expected of you to do?
In Ecclesiastes 3: 1-15, we are reminded by God that everything that He allows to happen in this world we are
living in happens at the time that He chooses. God has set the right time for everything may it be the time
when a close friend called you to ask for help or the time when you learned that you got a high score for your
quiz. However, there are other times that might be difficult and you might have that experience where you felt
that everything was not just in the right timing, BUT believe it or not, that is exactly the perfect timing that God
has set for your life. We may not understand why things do happen in this way or in that way but that is simply
because God has given us the desire to know the future, but He never gives us the satisfaction of fully
understanding what He does.
This is where faith and hope will come in. Because we will not fully understand what He is doing, all we can do is to
accept that everything does happen in Gods perfect timing, that we just have to wait, believe that He is in control,
and be hopeful that great things are indeed bound to happen. One sure thing that God does is to make us stand in
awe of Him and given that fact, we are to be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive.
Whatever happens or can happen has already happened before, and God can make the same thing happen
again and again because everything that God does shall last forever. Things may not happen exactly the way that we
want them to be or they may not happen at the time we think is the best time, but it all boils down to still trusting
that it is Gods timing thats what is most important and looking at the brighter side of life.

What were those times when you felt that everything was not just happening at the right time?
How do you usually react to such times or circumstances?
How would you want to deal with such times or circumstances now?
Decide to do something concretely to deal positively with such trying times and circumstances.
Write down your Top 5 Steps to help remind you to really trust in Gods perfect timing and hope
for great things to happen despite the inevitable trying times that you will still have to face today or
tomorrow. (e.g. calm down, pray, take a deep breath, think of Gods great plan for me, smile.)



Jesus Our Savior
To make the participants realize the reason why Jesus came to earth
To make the participants realize that Jesus is the only way to heaven
Do you tend to ask for directions when you are lost or you just try to figure things out all by
When was the last time someone saved you from a difficult or helpless situation? Describe what
Read: John 10:10, John 14:6, Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 1:15
Many people search for faith like the way they search for clothes. They browse the racks of religion, pick
an item, and try it on for size. If it doesnt fit, they throw it right back on the rack. If its comfortable
and it makes them look good, then theyll buy it. Besides, it can always be returned.
Some people claim that Christianity is too narrow, but Jesus clearly said that theres only one way to
heaven and one narrow path that leads to God and He is the way. Even if there are other ways, sincere
as they might be, still they are unacceptable.
Why is that so hard to accept? In every other area of life, we accept absolutes. When we bake, we put
in the exact ingredients. When we drive somewhere, we follow the directions. When we seek God, He
requires only one thing Christ and thats the only way to God.
Were not saved by a system of religion. Salvation is beautifully, incredibly simple. Jesus is the one and only
Savior, and Hes free for the taking.
Do you believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father?
What steps can you take to know Jesus more?
Read the Bible everyday of the week and write your reflections in a journal.



No Appointment Necessary
To remind each one that God is available anytime and anywhere to talk with us

Have you ever had appointments or meetings with someone very important? In what kind of place
did you meet?
What time of the day do people usually have appointments or meetings?
If youre given the power to choose, what time of the day will you meet a V.I.P.? Where will
you meet him or her?
Read: Mark 11:20-24, James 5:15
Maybe it seems too good to be true that you have immediate access to the Creator of the universe.
You dont need to ask His secretary if He is busy. You can bypass the lobby, phones, and security guards
and walk right into His office. His focus is completely on you, and His time is unlimited.
You would expect nothing less from your Father, right? God doesnt treat you like a stranger or business
partner. You are His child, dearly loved and cherished. If you believe that God loves you, then you can
trust that He will listen to your prayers.
In Mark 11, Jesus told us not to waste our words in prayer if we do not believe that God will answer us,
but if we are confident that He will meet our requests, then be ready! Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God
wants to bless us beyond our wildest dreams.
Do you pray in confidence or in doubt?
What are the things that you are currently praying for?
Pray-over each members personal concerns.



Spiritual Gifts
To determine what gifts God has given you
To teach the participants how to use Gods gifts
What do you think are your talents? What things are you good at?
What new things do you want to learn? Why do you want to learn it/them?
Read: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Hebrews 2:4
Since God is the giver, He chooses what gifts to give each person. He selects from His infinite pool
of talents and blessings and chooses something appropriate for you. Every gift is good. You will not walk
away upset. Its up to you to discover what gifts hes placed in your heart and how you will use them.
Perhaps you wonder why God gives special gifts. In a fair economy, every person would receive the
same gifts, in the same measure, at the same time, but Gods economy operates differently. To some, He
gives the gift of teaching. To others, He gives the gift of hospitality. These are very different gifts, right?
Gods family needs all of the gifts in order to function smoothly. We are dependent upon one another.
Study Romans 12:3-8 and ask God which gifts He has given you. Ask your family, friends, pastor and
yourself. Consider your talents and your passions, and pray that God will show you how He wants you
to serve the family. Then snatch up your prize and use it for God.
How can you discover your spiritual gifts?
What do you think your spiritual gifts might be?
How can you use your gifts?
Write down the gifts that you think God has given you.
Pass the paper clockwise and make the person who has your paper write the gifts that he/she thinks
you have.
Keep passing the paper until your paper returns to you.
For the gifts you already know you have, share it by serving.
For the gifts you just discovered that you have, cultivate it.



The Bible: Gods Scrapbook
To gain a deeper love for the Bible.

What is a scrapbook like to you?
What are the elements of a scrapbook that you can think of?
If youll be given a chance to have your own scrapbook, what will it be composed of? What are
the experiences that will be highlighted?
Read: Romans 15:4, Psalm 119:9-18
The Bible even more comes alive when we realize that it is Gods scrapbook. Paging through it, youll
learn more about Him with each turn. It overflows with collages of pictures, stories, poems and letters.
Youll discover a piece of music that David wrote for him and a prayer God received from Job. Youll get a
glimpse of Gods face as He watched His Son die.
What makes the Bible a unique scrapbook is that it doesnt just commemorate the past it provides
guidance for today and hope for tomorrow. You can find your name and face in its pages. Next to
each Bible promise is a picture of you. The same hope, the same gifts, and the same salvation recorded
in the Bible apply to you. This scrapbook isnt a nostalgic keepsake. Its a living, dynamic, hopeful
expectation of Gods plan for the future.
What Bible promise is very real in your life today?
What steps can you take so that you will be consistent in your everyday Bible study / reading?
Have a deeper commitment to your prayer time and the use of the Bible everyday.



The Holy Spirit
To make the participants realize the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives
To make the participants understand what the Holy Spirit is
If you were given the chance to choose a super power, what would it be? Why?
If you have the power within you, what things would you change in yourself?
Read: Acts 2:1-4, Romans 8:26-27, John 14:17, 1 John 4:13
Before He left earth, Jesus promised to send someone to be with us continually. He promised to send
the comforter, one who would bear our burdens, warm our hearts, and urge us to pray. He knows our
worries, desires, feelings, and thoughts. At those times when you feel like you cant express your
thoughts to God, the Holy Spirit acts as your liaison.
The Holy Spirit is not a ghost that haunts churches. He is God. He is equal to and synonymous to the
Father and Son, but He plays a different role. He knows you better than anyone else on earth does. He
lives in you so you are never alone. When you struggle with your feelings of pain and depression,
the Holy Spirit comforts you. When youre listening hard for Gods voice, the Holy Spirit speaks to you.
When youre down to your last ounce of strength, the Spirit lifts and carries you.
Jesus didnt leave us to fend for ourselves when He returned to heaven. He left us with the Holy Spirit. He
lives in you, understanding every thought, emotion, and desire that you ever felt. You cant earn His
services. As soon you embrace Christ, the Holy Spirit lives within you.
Have you ever sensed the Holy Spirits presence in your life?
How can you rely on Him and His strength today?
Pray for one another in your household for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the Holy Spirit
will give you strength in your new life as a Christian.



Too Good to be True
To make the participants appreciate Gods gift of salvation

What was the latest unexpected thing that you received from someone? Why was it unexpected?
What was your reaction?
What are the thing/s happening in your life right now that can be classified as too good to be
Read: John 10:27-29; Romans 8:38-39
Some things just seem too good to be true. For you, heaven might just be one of those things unattainable
and out of reach. Maybe you feel like you could never be good enough to deserve going there. The Bible,
however, tries to erase that insecurity from your mind. These two verses shout, Dont worry everybody,
God has got you! Once we yield our lives to Him, God holds us with His strong arm. He never lets go of
us, no matter what. Its not our job to keep our souls from slipping outside of heavens bounds its
Gods! He is the ultimate protector who grips our souls for eternity.
Having surrendered yourself to God, your salvation is a done deal. Your prayer is signed, sealed, and
delivered straight to God. 1 John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, He will forgive our sins, because we
can trust God to do what is right. He will cleanse us from all the wrongs we have done. The Bible assures
you that at the moment of your repentance, you became Gods child. Theres nothing you can do that will
change Gods mind.
How does it feel to know that God has already saved you?
How can you show your gratitude to God for saving your soul?
In a piece of paper, write down the things you need to change in order for you to live a victorious life
in God. Keep this paper as a reminder on how you would live your life.



Worry No More
To remind and affirm ourselves that the Lord is in control of everything we are and we have
To remind ourselves to put our faith in Him and worry no more as God promises us the certainty of
His beautiful love
Are you a warrior or a worrier (worry-er)?
What do you think are the effects of worrying in your life?
Read: Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:4-7
We worry about our lives too much. We worry about our relationships. We worry about the responsibilities we are
to fulfil. We worry about the many decisions we made and we are yet to make. We worry about the consequences
of our pasts, about the circumstances of our present and about the uncertainties of our future.
As we become too preoccupied of the many things we worry about, we get to disregard the beauty of the blessings
we receive. We get to not notice the little miracles that the Lord is providing us with every moment we have. We
tend to rub off ourselves of the joy that the Lord is allowing us to experience. We focus too much on our anxieties
that we lose sight of the happiness that the Lord wants us to have.
The Lord reminds us to let loose of the worries that we are holding tight in our hearts and to be still and restful in His
love. The Lord says, Do not worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.
I know everything you need and I will give them all to you. He wants us to have faith in this promise of His.
Everything that matters to us matters to our Lord and we need not be troubled about anything in our lives. He
is in control of everything and He promises us of a future full of hope, of a faithful love that will certainly make
everything wonderful. Lay down all your worries to the Lord. Worry no more for His love will always keep you.

What are your worries right now? What among these worry you most? Why do you worry about
these things?
How have you been dealing to these worries lately?
What is Gods making you realize about how to deal with these?
Have a reflection song related to being restful in Gods love. (ex. Still by Hillsong)
End the household by allowing each member to say ones personal prayer, lifting up his / her worries
to the Lord.
At the start of each week (on a Sunday night), write down all your worries on a piece of paper.
Afterwards, come into prayer and surrender to the Lord all that you have written down. Hand
over your problems to God.
Throughout the week, in every circumstance you are to face, always remember and affirm yourself
of the promise of Gods peace and love for you. Dont let doubt take over the faith which you
welcome each new day.


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