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Stonewall Democrats of Western New York: February Meeting Agenda

I. Meeting Called to Order at 7PM

II. Recap of City of Buffalo Domestic Partner Benefits and registry legislation
III. Candidate Interviews: NYS Senate District 58:
 Questionnaires were sent to all declared candidates. Sen. William
Stachowski, Sean Cooney, Michael Kuzma and Timothy Kennedy.
 7:15: Michael Kuzma will interview.
 7:30: Timothy Kennedy will interview.
 7:45: Sean Cooney will interview.
 Sen. Stachowski did not return a questionnaire.
IV. Dignity and School Issues
V. Endorsement Schedule for the Year
VI. City of Buffalo Common Council Ellicott District
VII. Other announcements
VIII. New business
IX. Adjourn
Stonewall Democrats of Western New York:

January 2010 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Bruce Kogan at 7:30PM.

Madeline Davis asks that the Treasurer’s Report for future meetings, when present and
discussed, be included in future meeting minutes. The group agrees to this.

The minutes from the November meeting are read. Tom Gleed motions, Kitty Lambert seconds,
the minutes be accepted.

The Marriage Equality New York lobbying day on February 23 is discussed. Because the
lobbying day, which will include many group members, falls on our usual meeting night, the
group decides to move up our meeting to one week, to Tuesday, February 16 2010 at 7PM.

Cory Promowicz reads the Nominating Committee’s Report. One candidate for each office has
come forward, consisting of a slate of Bryan Ball for President, Kitty Lambert for Vice-President
of Community Affairs and Outreach, Bruce Kogan for Vice-President of Party and Political
Affairs, Thomas Peglowski for Secretary and Ron Groth for treasurer.

Wendy Smiley asks that each candidate address the group stating intent before a vote is taken.
Each candidate addresses the group. The slate is then elected by the membership.

Carol Speser, Bryan Ball officially thank Bruce Kogan for his year of service as SDWNY
President, and ask that be included in the minutes.

Bryan Ball discusses the group’s intent to have the NYS Senate’s 58th District Endorsement at
the following meeting, in light of the Marriage Equality vote late last year. He asks whether there
are any objections from the membership on this, and there are none.

Tim Moran discusses Gay and Lesbian Youth Services and the New York City Anti-Violence

Madeline Davis motions, Douglas Charles seconds, the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting adjourned.

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