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26 September 2015 of the North Dakota Chapter of the CVMA

Chum started meeting at 2:00pm. He welcomed new members John Williams and
Josh Bullinger and all guests. Chum read through the minutes of the last meeting.
Chad Larson made a motion to approve minutes as read and Jack Kroh seconded.
Minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Treasurers Report: Chum then gave finance report as the Chapter Treasurer was
absent. We have 114.71 in checking and 5475.00 in savings. Chad Larson made a
motion to approve finance report and Darrell Trytten seconded. Finance report was
approved by unanimous vote.
Old Business: We discussed having another gun raffle. Chum explained how the
last one went and how we were going to do the next one before we had a paper
work issue. Everything is correct with the Secretary of States office now so Chum
explained what we had proposed and approved earlier but that he wanted approval
of the current membership. Chad Larson made a motion to conduct a gun raffle,
purchasing 5 guns with a ticket price of 5.00 with a budget of $3,200.00. Mike
Hildebrand seconded motion and it was approved by a unanimous vote. Mike is
going to check with the Freedom Riders for a table at their bike show and Chum will
check with the Ramblers to see if we can get a table at theirs also. There is also the
possibility of the Grand Forks bike show.
New Business: We discussed having a set criteria for donations. Different
parameters were discussed (10% of non-appropriated funds monthly, 10% nonappropriated funds quarterly, etc.) and in the end we decided to table this
discussion until after the upcoming raffle so we can better see our financial status.
Chum brought up that in his opinion we need to do more as a Chapter. He would
like to see some type of activity (ride, a potluck, BBQ) monthly between May and
September. He also mentioned keeping the winter meetings at 2 in December and
Chum informed the membership that we have 2 members transferring into our
Chapter from out of state. One from Alaska and one from Alabama. Neither
member was able to attend this meeting so we will do introductions at our next
We discussed the 2016 National Convention in Milwaukee. Chum advised that all
the convention information is on the convention website which is accessible through
the national website.
Chad Larson asked if anyone had ever done Armory visits in their communities to
talk about the CVMA. No one has so he stated that he would talk to the Williston
Armory and Chum will check with the Minot Armory to see if we can get some time
to do a quick talk about the CVMA.
Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for 5 December at 2:00pm in Jamestown.
Chum will check and see if Stutsman Harley Davidson can provide a meeting space
for us.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:54pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Tracy Ault
State Representative

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