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Newbery Medal Award Time Capsules

Title of Lesson Newbery Medal Award Time Capsules

Grade Level 4

Subject Area(s) Language Arts


Daily lesson
Multiple-day lesson

Planning for Instruction

Student Learning Goals/Outcomes: Students will be able to determine a theme and authors message of
a story, summarize the major events that took place, describe the main characters depicted in the book,
and present the book and time capsule to the class.
Standard(s) Addressed:
Alaska Content or Performance Standard:
1. Students will be able to determine a theme or authors message or purpose of a story, drama,
or poem using details and evidence from the text as support; summarize main ideas or events,
in correct sequence, including how conflicts are resolved (RL.4.2)
2. Students will be able to describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama,
drawing on specific details in text (e.g., a characters thoughts, words, or actions.) (RL.4.3)
3. Students will be able to make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or
oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and
direction in the text. (RL.4.7)
Technology Inclusion, if appropriate. Students will research Newbery Medal Award books on the
internet (I will bookmark the Newbery Medal Home Page for their use) to select a book to read for their
time capsule.
Materials/Resources: Materials: shoebox (time capsule), artifacts related to the book, and paper &
pencils to write report. Resources: internet, school library and librarian, and the teacher (me)
Differentiation Strategies/Individual Modifications/Special Arrangements:
Reluctant starters: break work load up into smaller, manageable chunks, give immediate positive
feedback, insure that the appropriate book and materials are open to the correct pages and utilized
properly, provide time suggestions for each task assigned, check on their progress often in the first few
minutes of starting the activity.
Inappropriate behavior: remind student of classroom expectations and consequences, enforce rules, have
alternative materials available to offer, watch for signs of frustration, take brain breaks/movement breaks
Early finishers: provide more materials for the time capsule, have other books on hand for them to read,
have them assist other students in completing their task (eg: have another student read to them, assist in
decorating time capsule), readily have worksheets in other subject areas for them to complete.
Students with low reading abilities: assist in choosing a book that is at their reading level to avoid
frustration when completing the assignment, or assign TAs and adult volunteers to listen to the child read
out loud in another part of the classroom

Assessment of Student Learning

See below for sample rubric.
Instructional Sequence:
Prior Knowledge/Experience: Students should have computer and internet abilities, as well as
experience writing book reports and giving oral presentations.
Opening Activity: Introduce the history of Newbery Awards using images from the internet via smart
board, have a collection of Newbery Award books in the classroom for students to review. Talk about
what the awards history, why it is important (create a meaningful connection), and the variety of books
that achieve this honor.
Learning Activity: Students will research Newbery Award books on the computer and talk to the school
librarian to obtain the book. (If not available, another will be suggested to them.). After reading the
book, students will decorate a time capsule (shoe box) with the title, author, and 3-4 descriptive words
about the story. They will put at least 3 artifacts (objects relating to the book student made or items that
are gathered) into the time capsule and write a book report depicting the main characters, major sequence
of events, and what meaning their artifacts have.
Closure: Students will give a 2-3 minute oral presentation about the book they have chosen and effective
communicate to the class what is in their time capsule.

Newbery Medal Award Time Capsule Rubric

Student Learning Goals/Outcomes: Students will be able to determine a theme and/or
author's message of a story, summarize the major events that took place, describe the main
characters depicted in the book, and present the book and time capsule to the class.

Time capsule
or report is

Time capsule
or outline
whole; less
than 3
artifacts are
Expresses key
ideas; not
fully at ease
with concepts

Time capsule
and report is
complete; 3
artifacts are
represented and
appropriate for
the book

Time capsule
and report are
complete and
well organized; 3
or more artifacts
are represented,
are interesting,
and accurately
reflect the
nature of the
Key words and
ideas correctly
used; defined for
the audience;
choice of words
and artifacts

Ideas not
audience has

Some order of
ideas, but
jumps around

sequence of
audience can

sequence, easy
to follow; good
overview and

Graphics and

Time capsule
and artifacts
are missing
or do not add

Time capsule
artifacts are
not relevant
to the book;
hold minor

Time capsule
and artifacts
relate to the
book; add value
or information


"fillers"; poor
eye contact

some "fillers"
but move
along; some
eye contact,
but reads

Clear, good
pace and
good eye
contact; checks

Time capsule
and artifacts
relate to the
book, add
information, help
explain, and
keep audience
Clear, wellpaced, wellmodulated; good
eye contact;
little need for


Content of

of Presentation

Mentions key
ideas; little
evidence of

Expresses key
ideas and shows


Completed assignment turned in and presented on time. 1 point will be deducted

per day it is late.
Total Points: ____________

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