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Subject / Class :
Learning Objectives
Language Focus
Educational Emphases


Behavioral Objectives :


English Language 2.3
Unit 4 Earth in Our Hands ( Language in Use)




by the end of the lesson, students should be able to :


1. To share and talk about environmental issues and ways to resolve the issues
2. To practise the vocabulary learned
3. To practise the pronunciation of the vocabulary
4. To practise sentence patterns learned
Activity 1 Look and Share
1. Draw students' attention to the pictures on environmental issues and ways to resolve the
2. Use one of the situations on the page and get students to discuss ways to resolve the issues.
Situation 1:
Environmental issue: Water Pollution
Resolution: Gotong royong to clean the river, ban illegal dumping of wastes into the river, fine
anyone who is caught throwing
rubbish into the river ...
3. Get students to work in pairs. Students look at the pictures and share what they see in the
three situations.
4. Invite all students to share with the class on the three situations.
Activity 2 Gather and Report (B4DL1E1)
1. Teacher prepares 5 strips of paper with these environmental issues - global warming, noise
pollution, air pollution, light pollution,
land pollution and water pollution. Teacher puts these strips of paper into a jar.
2. Teacher starts the lesson by getting students to talk to their friends and gather information
on environmental issues around them.
3. Get students to work in groups of 3 or 4. Each group picks a strip of paper from the jar.
Discuss the issue on the strip of paper with
their group members for 15 - 20 minutes.
4. Invite students to present their findings orally.
5. During presentations, other group members are encouraged to ask questions and respond
by agreeing / disagreeing politely.

R. Materials


Cooperation/ Togetherness
Students' Handbook
Creative Notes for Teachers

Page 22 : Language in use (Earth in Our Hands)

Pages 58 - 59 : Creative Notes for Teachers


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