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Activity 1: Working with visual aids

Teacher: Sepulveda, Claudia Cecilia.


Topic: Environment: contamination and sustainable planet

Group level: last year of secondary school (5 year)


Language objective: Students will be able to express their opinion using: I believe, I
think, in my opinion, etc.
General cognitive objective: Students will be able to express their opinion about
contamination and sustainable planet, and talk about the ways to protect our
Educational objective: Students will know how to protect our planet and how not to
damage it and its possible consequences.

Language material

Grammar: practice of first conditional (if+ present simple, will+ infinitive).

Vocabulary: vocabulary related to the environment greenhouse effect- deforestation-
reuse-pollution-protect-recycling-organic-global warming- eco-friendly- acid rain-
green- renewable energy- fossil fuels- waste
Functions: asking for and giving information, discussing, sharing opinions, disagreeing,

Materials and teaching aids: board, pictures, chalk, etc.

Lead-in stage of the lesson

Aims: To develop speaking skills.

Timing: 10 minutes.

Possible problems: lack of time.


1. Pre-speaking activity

The teacher introduces some vocabulary related to contamination and sustainable planet and
makes sure students know the words to express their opinion. She/He will write them on the
board. (2m)

2. Speaking activity

Students work in pairs; they are given handouts with some pictures related to the topic, they
will choose if they are good or bad things for our environment. Then they will share their
opinion with other pair and they also will have to justify their decision Examples: (5m)

Activity 1: Working with visual aids

3. Post-speaking activity

The teacher will ask some pairs to share their decisions with the rest of the class and to justify
their election. Or they may form groups of four and they will discuss their decisions.(3m)

Main stage of the lesson

Aim: To develop speaking skills and apply the acquire vocabulary.

Timing: 50 minutes

Possible problems: unknown vocabulary


1. Pre-speaking activity

The teacher gives students some piece of paper which contains some unknown words,
students will infer its meaning and then they will say its possible meaning aloud. The teacher
will correct meaning if they are not right. This activity will be in pairs. (5m)

greenhouse effect- deforestation-reuse-pollution-protect-recycling-organic-global

warming- eco-friendly- acid rain- green- renewable energy- fossil fuels- waste

Then students will have to complete a crossword with the words of the previous activity. After
that students will have to write five simple sentences using the first conditional. Example: If we
dont stop our pollution, our planet will die. (10m)

Activity 1: Working with visual aids

Activity 1: Working with visual aids

2. Speaking activity

After doing the previous activity, students in groups of four will write a short role play making
reference to the handout the teacher will give to them. The teacher walks around and serves
as a teacher aid or prompter. (30m)

Group 1:

You are an important activist in front of the government and you want to stop the global
warming because you want a clean and pure planet. What do you do? What do you say to the
president or other important people? Would you talk about the term eco-friendly?

Group 2:

You are a scientific and you are explaining the global warming. What would you say to people?
Would you talk about the greenhouse effect? What advices will you give them for their future?

Group 3:

You are a member of Oil Company and you obviously dont want to stop selling your product.
What would you say about fossil fuels? And contamination? What would happen in a future
without fossil fuels?

3. Post-speaking activity

Students will have to pay attention to the different words in italics and they will have to look
for synonyms and anonymise in their books. The teacher will have previously worked with
other vocabulary related to environment. (5m)

Follow-up stage of the lesson

Aim: To develop speaking skills.

Timing: 10 minutes.

Possible problems: lack of time or unknown vocabulary

1. Pre-speaking activity

The teacher will hand in some images and students will have to express their opinion about
them. (3m)

Activity 1: Working with visual aids

2. Speaking activity

Students in pairs will have to describe each picture and then they will have to discuss in which
column it will be or if it can be at two or three columns. (5m)


3. Post- speaking activity

The teacher asks students to share their conclusions with the rest of the class. (2m)

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