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Facing Interviews & Group Discussions

Facing Interviews effectively and quality of participation in Group Discussions

increases the students chances to be the Top Candidate. Before this process
writing effective resumes is the first step to succeed in getting the job. Besides
academic excellence overall personality development, polished communication
skills, right attitude and values do make a difference. Specific skills to face
interviews and group discussions can be enhanced through such workshops.

Specific Objectives:
1. To sensitize about the importance of writing effective resume
2. To develop skills to face interviews: before, during & after the interview
3. To strengthen confidence when facing interviews and participating in group
4. To learn the Dos & Donts of facing interviews and group discussion
5. To develop a mindset to sharpen reading & communication skills to become
the top candidate

Course Content:

Facing Interviews

1. Writing Resumes Dos & Donts

2. Kinds of Interviews Directed, Behaviour-based, Conversational & Stress
Interviews, On-campus Interviews

3. Facing Interview
a) Making yourself the Top Candidate - Learn to identify your professional
skills, Assess your personal qualities, Identify your assets which can meet
the employers needs
b) Before Interview Research about organization, Personality Projection,
Education & Experience, Personal Qualities and such others
c) During interview Make a first good impression, Interview Attire, Waiting
for the interview call, How to Enter the Room, Interview Tips, Ending the
d) After interview Thank you note
4. Mock Interview session facing different types of interviews, listening skills,
appropriate body language, impact of personal attire

II) Group Discussion:

1. The how of participating in Group Discussions:
a) Take Initiative to start
b) Read any prompts carefully
c) Include examples and supportive arguments, not just opinions
d) Cite your sources
e) Contribute something that shows thought
2. Responding to Discussions:
a) Express your response early in the assignment period
b) Don't agree with everything
c) Don't disagree with everything
d) Reframe Disagreements in Constructive Ways
e) Search for balanced replies
f) Replies should be useful
g) Pitfalls of Ego-think (tendency to monopolize) and Clone-think (tendency to
be passive)
3. On Being an Effective Participant in Group Discussion:
a) Incorporate prior knowledge into group discussion
b) Ask questions to group members in an open-minded way
c) Build on comments of other group members to enhance discussion
d) Volunteer ideas in a constructive manner
e) Help the group to summarize its progress
f) Identify missing information in the group answer
g) Build on the ideas of others

Training Methodology:
Active and lively training methods like Role Play, Case Study, Discussion, Games
will be used.

Similar Programme Conducted:

In leading colleges like Somaiya College, Kelkars College, SNDT College,
Dynamic & Elan Finishing School

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