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There was once a magical world filled with fairies

Goblins and other creatures then introduce them to my friends in this

beautiful world
Juan: Hi I'm John, luc you doing around here?
Luci: I came to the world because I wanted to tell them something super
John: What? , What is it about?
Luci: already you know my friend
(When I luc and John was walking through the forest, suddenly it presented
Ana: Hi friends as they have been?
John and Luci: (You answer the same time) or
John Luci has something important to tell us
Ana: that important thing you have to tell us luc?
Luci: quiet I will tell you in due time
Anna: Let's get the others?
(John, Ana and luc walk through the woods looking haunted house)
Luci: already arrived at the haunted house
John: (John hits the tocto door) are there?
Sergio and Francesca: (reply) if
Juan: how good you are luc has to tell us something important
I Serigo: that thing?
Francisca: that thing?
Luci: I will tell you now because they are all
Sergio, Juan and Ana Francisca: (all answer at once) and tell us
Luci: I found out that going to destroy this world
Sergio: because they are going to do that?
Francisca: either because they will do
Ana: because Francisca?
Francisca: because you are no longer effective in our work
Ana: but if you are making good money with our magic dust

Luci: but if they want more profit

Sergio: We should be the ones we manage production
John: I think the same as Sergio, we should do something
I luc: but who else could we do?
Francisca: I know you do
Juan, Luci, Ana and Sergio: (resondren at the same time) we do?
Francisca (with angry voice) we will take business and administer us
because this is our planet and we decide how to handle them not
Ana: I very much like what you said, you support
Sergio: we must warn the workers to support us
Francisca: if we
(They walk towards industries)
Ana: it seems that here we are
Sergio: (pointing industries) and if we look
John, tell the workers what we are thinking of doing
Luci: (shouting) workers
Workers: tell us?
Ana: We were a proposal
Workers: that is it?
Sergio: we want to take the industry to make us handle
Workers: parase us excellent proposal
Francisca: they agree with the statements?
Workers: if
Sergio: now we just have to decide strategies to overcome
Francisca: yes, we have to organize ourselves well and we distribute tasks
Workers: who appointed tasks?
Sergio: I the divide and tell everyone that things plow
Francisca: and then begin to fight for that it belongs to us
Workers: we will succeed with hard work and perseverance

Fairies fought to get what belonged to them, never surrendering

And following its objectives being persevering anything is possible


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