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Toms Prez

persuade verb [T]

1. sb (to do sth); -sb (into sth/doing sth) to make sb do sth by giving them good
reasons: It was difficult to persuade Louise to change her mind. We eventually
persuaded Sanjay into coming with us. OPP: dissuade.
2. (formal) sb that; -sb (of sth) to make sb believe sth: She had persuaded
herself that she was going to fail. The jury was not persuaded of her

remind verb [T]

1. sb (about/of sth); - sb (to do sth/that) to help sb to remember sth, especially
sth important that they have to do: Can you remind me of your address? He
reminded the children to wash their hands. Remind me what were supposed to
be doing tomorrow.
2. sb of sb/sth to cause sb to remember sb/sth: That smell reminds me of school.
You remind me of your father.

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