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C 7

greet& hare at the beginning. Thus, (even! per-

mired no noife dillinfa from that, which was onto
boned by the crackling of their honks, end the dif-
turbance of the moveables in them ; while others,
who were waked by the noik, and ran from one W)0171
to another, have told me, that they felt nothing at
all of the Shake. For this melon, the conjettures,
which grooms in theft circumftanc. made, 23 to the
duration of the lhock, ought not to be put into
the balance with the acqual obfervations made by
The courfe of this earthquake keens to have been
nearly from N.W. to S.E. My neighbour Wore-
mentioned, who was then abroad, and informed me,
that the polio began about the N. W. told me at the
farne time, that it paired off towards the S. E. and
gat he heard the node in that quarter gradually
abating, as it became more diflant, for about the
fame (paw of time after the (hock W2S over here, as
he heard it in the N. W. before the (hock began
here. Other accounts, which I have lince met with,
agree with thir. Thok, who were in loch clear
open places, could make the bell judgment in this
matter ; for fools, as were within doors, or furround-
ed with buildings, might cafily be mifled by the
various reiketions of the found. I am induced to
gift the greater credit to this inforrnation by what
I olaferved myklf for key, which was thrown
from off a &elf in my houfe, was found at a place
on the floor, which bore very near N. W. of the
place, from which it fell ; though the flotation of it
before Us fall was fuch, that it might have been
thrown in any dirottion, except toward. the S.E.

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