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Dn. Kermpfer, in hi s .4eaattirafes. D. 793. (peak-.

irrg of the true varnith-trer, fart, " Cfolkor frequent
" in provinciis Tfi-kocko el Vigo, in quibus Inferti
. 21.7i, kapi radkes %pont et eaudices edOnt poll
" triennium yernicern fuppeditantes. Optima regi-
s mit, quirt moths., nunali, vernix perhibetor circa
" orbern Joffino collti. Veriderm tem Japonica
" init.- oppido nobilean et pretiofiffirrram, fed ad-
" madam parcarn ; nee pro operibus, rpm regio
u tonftruit, linficeftt, nifi prns coos, Nan Ra t, i.e.
" wrnice ignobiliore ex Siamo loved, pro ball nii-
a. nmentur. Siamenfis vernix promitur in provincia
" Corfama, et regno Carnbodiz ex arbore Anacardo,
" incolis 7"tag Rad, i.e. afeber Rak dial, cujos
" fruttus othcinis nothis Anacardiurn dithrs Lai
. RA liquor Nam Rad appellamr. Perforatus
" trancus immiffo tubule', Land copid Pundit liquo-
" tern ut Sinz, Tunquino et Japonsz pro deliniendis
" utenhlibos fufficiat, quin jam Bataviarn et alia In-
" diz bra walls ligneis inclufa appellit."
Whicg, el:Inflated into Englilh, appears to me to
be thus:
This varnith-tree is often cultivated in the pro-
' limes of Tfi-kocko and Figo : there they plant
' the cutting or trtmcheons ill the fields, which take
' root, and fend kith vigorous (hoots, which in
' &se years time yield this vamilh. .

The heft varnifh of the kingdom, nay, of the

' whole wrirld, is laid to be colleeted about the city
1.- of Jatlino. The produce in Japan of this molt
; ' noble and ray Fitecious Amide, is fo vety little,
: ' that there would not be fulficiem for the wares
mask in the kingdom, if they did not firft lay on
T Minim 1 ' 0

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